CYPRESS CY7C68001 User Manual

EZ-USB SX2™ High-Speed USB Interface Devic

1.0 EZ-USB SX2™ Features

• Operates at high (480 Mbps) or full (12 Mbps) speed
• Supports Control Endpoint 0: —Used for handling USB device requests
• Supports four configurable endpoints that share a 4-
KB FIFO space
—Endpoints 2, 4, 6, 8 for appl ication-specific control
and data
• Standard 8- or 16-bit external master interface —Glueless interface to most standard microproces-
sors DSPs, ASICs, and FPGAs
—Synchronous or Asynchronous interface
• Integrated phase-locked loop (PLL)
• 3.3V operation, 5V tolerant I/Os
• 56-pin SSOP and QFN package
• Complies with most device class specificati ons

2.1 Block Diagram

2.0 Applications

• DSL modems
• AT A interface
• Memory card readers
• Legacy conversion devices
• Cameras
• Scanners
• Home PNA
• Wireless LAN
• MP3 players
The “Reference Designs” section of the Cypress web site provides additional tools for typical USB applications. Each reference design comes complete with firmware source code and object code, schematic s, and documenta ti on. Please see the Cypress web site at www.cypress. com .
24 MHz
I2C Bus
(Master On l y )
SX2 Internal Logic
CY Smart USB
FS/HS Engine
Figure 2-1. Block Diagram
Read*, Write*, OE*, PKTEND *, CS#
Interrupt#, Ready
Flags (3/4)
Address (3)
8/16-Bit Data
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 3901 North First Street San Jose CA 95134 408-943-2600 Document #: 38-08013 Rev. *E Revised July 13, 2004

2.2 Introduction

The EZ-USB SX2™ USB interf ace device is designed to wo rk with any external master, such as standard microprocessors, DSPs, ASICs, and FPGAs to enable USB 2.0 support for any peripheral design. SX2 has a built-in USB transceiver and Serial Interface Engine (SIE), along with a command dec oder for sending and receiving USB data. The controller has four endpoints that share a 4-KB FIFO space for maximum flexi­bility and throughput, as well as Control Endpoint 0. SX2 has three address pins and a selectable 8- or 16- bit data bus for command and data input or out put.

2.3 System Diagram

Windows/USB Capable Host
USB Cable
USB Connection
Device CPU Application
Figure 2-2. Example USB System Diagram

3.3 Boot Methods

During the power-up sequence, internal logic of the SX2 checks for the presence of an I EEPROM, it will boot off the EEPROM. When the presence of an EEPROM is detected, the SX2 checks the value of first byte. If the first byte is found to be a 0xC4, the SX2 loads the next two bytes into the IFCONFIG and POLAR registers, respectively. If the fourth byte is also 0xC4, the SX2 enumerates using t he descriptor i n the EEPROM, then signal s to the external master when enumeration is complete via an ENUMOK interrupt (Section 3.4). If no EEPROM is detected, the SX2 relies o n the extern al master f or the descr iptors. Once this descriptor infor mation i s recei ve from the exte rnal mast er, the SX2 will connect to the USB bus and enumerate.

3.3.1 EEPROM Organization

The valid sequence of bytes in the EEPROM are displayed below
T able 3-1. Descriptor Lengt h Set to 0x06:
Default Enumeration
Byte Index Description
00xC4 1 IFCONFIG 2POLAR 30xC4 4 Descriptor Length (LSB):0x06 5 Descriptor Length (MSB): 0x00 6 VID (LSB) 7 VID (MSB) 8 PID (LSB)
9 PID (MSB) 10 DID (LSB) 1 1 DID (MSB)
If it finds an

3.0 Functional Overview

T able 3-2. Descriptor Length Not Set to 0x06

3.1 USB Signaling Speed

SX2 operates at two of the three rates def ined in the Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0, dated April 27, 2000:
• Full-speed, with a signaling bit rate of 12 Mbits/s
• High-speed, with a signal ing bit rate of 480 Mbits/s.
SX2 does not support the low-speed signaling rate of 1.5 Mbits/s.

3.2 Buses

SX2 features:
• A selectable 8- or 16-bit bidirectional data bus
• An address bus for selecting the FIFO or Command Inter­face.
1. Because there is no direct way to detect which EEPROM type (single or double address) is connected, SX2 uses the EEPROM address pins A2, A1, and A0 to determine whether to send out one or two bytes of address. Single-byte address EEPROMs (24LC01, etc.) should be strapped to address 000 and double­byte EEPROMs (24LC64, etc.) should be strapped to address 001.
2. The SCL and SDA pins must be pulled up for this detection method to work properly, even if an EEPROM is not connected. Typical pull-up values are 2.2K – 10K Ohms.
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Byte Index Description
00xC4 1IFCONFIG 2POLAR 30xC4 4 Descriptor Length (L SB) 5 Descriptor Length (MSB 6 Descriptor[0] 7 Descriptor[1] 8 Descriptor[2]
0xC4: This initial byte tells the SX2 that this is a valid EE­PROM with configuration information.
IFCONFIG: The IFCONFIG byte contains the settings for the IFCONFIG regi ster . The IFCONFI G register bi ts are de­fined in Section 7. 1. If the external master requires an in­terface configu ration different from the def ault, that interface can be specified by this byte.
POLAR: The Polar byte contains the polarity of the FIFO flag pin signals. The POLAR register bits are defined in Section 7.3. If th e external master requires signal polarity differ ent from the default, the polari ty can be specified by this byte.
Descriptor: The Descriptor byte determines if the SX2 loads the desc riptor from the EEPROM. If this byt e = 0xC4, the SX2 will l oad the descript or starting with the next byte. If this byte does not equal 0xC4, the SX2 will wait for de­scriptor information from the external master.
Descriptor Length: The Descriptor l ength is within the next two bytes and i ndicate the length o f the descriptor con tained within the EEPROM. The l ength is loaded least significant byte (LSB) first, then most significant byte (MSB).
Byte 7 Starts Descri ptor Inform ation: The descript or can be a maximum of 500 bytes.

3.3.2 Default Enumeration

An optional d efault descr iptor can be used t o si mplif y enumer­ation. Onl y the V endor ID (VID), Product ID (PID), and Device ID (DID) need t o b e loaded b y the SX2 f or i t to en umerate wi th this default set-up. This information is either loaded from an EEPROM in the case when the presence of an EEPROM (Table 3-1) is detected, or the ext ernal master m ay simply l oad a VID, PID, and DID when no EEPROM is present. In this default enumeration, the SX2 uses the in-built default descriptor (refer to Section 12.0).
If the descript or length loaded from the EEPROM is 6, SX2 will load a VID, PID, and DID from the EEPROM and enumerate. The VID, PID, and DID are loaded LSB, then MSB. For example, if the VID, PID, and DID are 0x0547, 0x1002, and 0x0001, respectively, then the bytes should be stored as:
• 0x47, 0x05, 0x02, 0x10, 0x01, 0x00.
If there is no EEPROM, SX2 will wait for the external master to provide the descriptor information. To use the default descriptor, the external master must write to the appropriate register (0x30) with descriptor length equal to 6 followed by the VID, PID, and DID. Refer to Secti on 4.2 for fur ther info rmatio n on how the external mast er may load the values.
The default descriptor enumerates four endpoints as listed in the following page:
• Endpoint 2: Bulk out, 512 bytes in high-speed mode, 64 bytes in full-s peed m ode
• Endpoint 4: Bulk out, 512 bytes in high-speed mode, 64 bytes in full-s peed m ode
• Endpoint 6: Bulk in, 512 byt es in high-speed mode, 64 bytes in full-speed mode
• Endpoint 8: Bulk in, 512 byt es in high-speed mode, 64 bytes in full-speed mode.
The entire default descriptor is listed in Section 12.0 of this data sheet.

3.4 Interrupt System

3.4.1 Architecture

The SX2 provides an output signal that indicates to the external mast er t hat the SX2 has an inter rupt condi tion, or that the data from a register re ad reques t is avail able. The SX2 has six interrupt sources: SETUP, EP0BUF, FLAGS, ENUMOK, BUSACTIVITY, and READY . Eac h interrup t can be enab led or disabled by setting or clearing the corresponding bit in the INTENABLE register.
When an interrupt occurs, the INT# pin will be asserted, and the corresponding bit will be set in the Interrupt Status Byte. The external master reads the Interrupt Status Byte by strobing SLRD/SLOE. This presents the Interrupt Status Byte on the lower portion of the data bus (FD[7:0]). Reading the Interrupt Status Byte automatically clears the interrupt. Only one interrupt request will occur at a time; the SX2 buffers multiple pending interrupts.
If the ext ernal master has initiated a register read request, the SX2 will buffer inte rrupts unt il the external master has read the data. This insures that after a read sequence has begun, the next interrupt that is received from the SX2 will indicate that the corresponding data is available. Followi ng is a description of this INTENABLE register.

3.4.2 INTENABLE Register Bit Definition

Bit 7: SETUP
If this interrupt is enabled, and the SX2 receives a set-up packet from the USB host, the SX2 asserts the INT# pin and sets bit 7 in the Int errupt St atus Byte. Th is inter rupt onl y occurs if the set-up request is not one that the SX2 automatically handles. For complete details on how to handle the SETUP interr up t , re fe r to S ec ti o n 5 .0 of this data sheet .
Bit 6: EP0BUF
If this interrupt is enabl ed, and the Endpoi nt 0 buff er becomes available to the external master for read or write operations, the SX2 asserts the INT# pin and sets bit 6 in the Interrupt Status Byte. This in terrupt i s used for handlin g the data ph ase of a set-up req uest. Fo r comple te de tails on h ow to handle t he EP0BUF interrupt, refer t o Secti on 5.0 of this data sheet.
Bit 5: FLAGS
If this int errupt is e nabled, and any O UT endpoi nt FIF O’ s stat e changes from empty to not-empty, the SX2 asserts the INT# pin and sets bit 5 in the Interrupt Status Byte. This is an alternate way to monitor the status of OUT endpoint FIFOs instead of using the FLAGA-FLAGD pins, and can be used to indicate when an OUT packet has been received from the host.
If this interrupt is enabled and the SX2 receives a SET_CONFIGURATION request from the USB host, the SX2 asserts the I NT# pin and sets bi t 2 i n the Int errup t Stat us Byte . This event signals the completion of the SX2 enumeration process.
If this interrupt is enabled, and the SX2 detects either an absence or resumption of activity on the USB bus, the SX2 asserts the I NT# pin and sets bi t 1 i n the Int errup t Stat us Byte . This usually indicates that the USB host is either suspending
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or resuming or that a self-powered device has been plugged in or unplugged. If the SX2 is bus-powered, the external master must put the SX2 into a low-power mode after detecting a USB suspend condition to be USB-compliant.
Bit 0: READY
If this interrupt is enabled, bit 0 in the Interrupt Status Byte is set when the SX2 has powered up and performed a self-test. The external master should always wait for this interrupt before trying to read or write to the SX2, unless an external EEPROM with a valid descriptor is present. If an external EEPROM with a valid descriptor is present, the ENUMOK interrupt will occur instead of the READY interrupt after power up. A READY interrupt will also occur if the SX2 is awakened from a low-power mode via the WAKEUP pin. This READY interrupt i ndicates that the SX2 is ready for commands or data.
Although it is true that all interrupts will be buffered once a command read request has been initiated, in very rare condi­tions, there might be a situation when there is a pending interrupt already, when a read request is initiated by the external master. In this case it is the interrupt status byte that will be output when the external master asserts the SLRD. So, a condition exists wher e the Int errup t Statu s Data Byt e can be mistaken for t he resul t of a command re gister read requ est . In order to get around this possible race condition, the first thing that the external master must do on getting an interrupt from the SX2 is check the status of the READY pin. If the READY is low at the time the INT# was asserted, the data that will be output when the external master strobes the SLRD is the interrupt status byte (not the actual data requested). If the READY pin is high at the time when the interrupt is asserted, the data output on strobing the SLRD is the actual data byte requested by the external master. So it is important that the state of the READY pin be checked at the time the INT# is asserted to ascertain the cause of the interrupt.

3.5 Resets and Wakeup

3.5.1 Reset

An input pi n (RESET#) reset s the chi p. The i nternal PLL s tabi­lizes af ter V network (R = 100 K Ohms, C = 0.1 uf) is used to provide the
has reached 3.3V. Typically, an external RC
RESET# signal. Th e Clock must be in a st able sta te for at l east 200 us before the RESET is released.

3.5.2 USB Reset When the SX2 detect s a USB Reset condi tion on the USB bus,

SX2 handles it like any other enumeration sequence. This
means that SX2 will enumerate again and assert the ENUMOK interrupt to let the external master know that it has enumerated. The external master will then be responsible for configuring the SX2 for the application. The external master should also check whether SX2 enumerated at High or Full speed in order to adjust the EPxPKTLENH/L register values accordingly. The last initialization task is for the external master to flush all of the SX2 FIFOs .

3.5.3 Wakeup

The SX2 exits its low-power state when one of the following events occur:
• USB bus signals a res um e. The SX2 will assert a BUSAC­TIVITY interrupt.
• The external master asserts the W AKEUP pin. The SX2 wi ll assert a READY interrupt

3.6 Endpoint RAM

3.6.1 Size

• Control endpoint: 64 Bytes: 1 × 64 bytes (Endpoint 0).
• FIFO Endpoints: 409 6 Bytes: 8 × 51 2 by tes (E ndpoi nt 2, 4, 6, 8).

3.6.2 Organization

• EP0–Bidirectional Endpoint 0, 64-byte buff er.
• EP2, 4, 6, 8–Eight 512-byte buffers, bulk, interrupt, or iso­chronous. EP2 and EP6 can be either double-, triple-, or quad-buffer ed. EP4 and EP8 c an only be do ubl e-buf fere d. For high-speed endpoint configuration options, see Figure 3-1.
3. if the descriptor loaded is set for remote wakeup enabled and the host does a set feature remote wakeup enabled, then the SX2 logic will perform RESUME signalling after a WAKEUP interrupt.
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3.6.3 Endpoi nt Configurations (Hig h-speed Mode)

EP0 IN&OUT 64 64 64 64 64 64
Group A
Group B
Figure 3-1. Endpoint Configuration
Endpoint 0 is the same for every configuration as it serves as the CONTROL end point. For Endpoints 2, 4, 6, and 8, refer to Figure 3-1. Endpoints 2, 4, 6, and 8 may be configured by choosing eith er:
• One configuration from Group A and one from Group B
• One configuration from Group C.
Some example endpoi nt configurations are as foll ows.
• EP2: 1024 bytes double-buffered, EP6: 512 bytes quad­buffered.
• EP2: 512 bytes double-buffered, EP4: 512 bytes double­buffered , EP6: 512 bytes doubl e-buf fere d, EP8: 512 bytes double buffered.
• EP2: 1024 bytes quad-buf fered.

3.6.4 Default Endpoint Memory Configuration

At power-on-reset, the endpoint memories are configured as follows:
• EP2: Bulk OUT, 512 bytes/packet, 2x buffered.
• EP4: Bulk OUT, 512 bytes/packet, 2x buffered.
• EP6: Bulk IN, 512 bytes/packet, 2x buffered.
• EP8: Bulk IN, 512 bytes/packet, 2x buffered.

3.7 External Interface

The SX2 presents two interfaces to the external master.
1. A FIFO interface thr ough which EP2, 4, 6, an d 8 data flows.
2. A command interf ace, which is used to set up the SX2, read status, load descriptors, and access Endpoint 0.
Group C

3.7.1 Architecture

The SX2 slave FIFO archit ecture has eight 512-byte blocks in the endpoint RAM that directly serve as FIFO memories and are controlled by FIFO control signals (IFCLK, CS#, SLRD, SL WR, SLOE, PKTEND, and FIFOADR[2 :0]).
The SX2 command interface is used to set up the SX2, read status, load descriptors, and access Endpoint 0. The command interface has its own READY signal for gating writes, and an INT# signa l to ind icate that the SX2 has data to be read, or that an inter rupt event has occurred. The command interface uses the same control signals (IFCLK, CS#, SLRD, SLWR, SLOE, and FIFOADR[2:0]) as the FIFO interface, except for PKTEND.

3.7.2 Control Signals FIFOADDR Lines
The SX2 has three address pins that are used to select either the FIFOs or the command interface. The addresses corre­spond to the following table.
Table 3-3. FIFO Address Lines Setting
FIFO2 0 0 0 FIFO4 0 0 1 FIFO6 0 1 0 FIFO8 0 1 1
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The SX2 accepts either an internally derived clock (30 or 48 MHz) or externally supplied clock (IFCLK, 5-50 MHz), and SLRD, SLWR, SLOE, PKTEND, CS#, FIFOADR[2:0] signals from an external master. The interface can be selected for 8­or 16- bit operation by an internal configuration bit, and an Output Enable si gnal SLOE enabl es the dat a bus dr iver of th e selected width. The external master must ensure that the output enable signal is inactive when writing data to the SX2. The interface can operate either asynchronously where the SLRD and SLWR signals act directly as strobes, or synchro­nously where the SLRD and SL W R act as clock quali fiers. The optional CS# sig nal wi ll trista te t he d ata bu s a nd ign ore SLRD, SL W R, PKTEND.
The external master reads from OUT endpoints and writes to IN endpoints, and reads from or writes to the command interface. Read: SLOE and SLRD
In synchronous mode, the FIFO pointer is incremented on each rising edge of IFCLK while SLRD is asserted. In asynchronous mo de, the FIFO pointer i s incremented on each asserted-to-deasserted transit ion of SLRD.
SLOE is a d ata bus dr iver enable. When SLOE i s asserte d, the data bus is driven by the SX2. Write: SLWR
In synchronous mode, data on the FD bus is written to the FIFO (and the FIFO pointer is incremented) on each rising edge of IFCLK while SLWR is asserted. In asynchronous mode, data on t he FD bus i s writ ten t o the F IFO (and th e FIFO pointer is incremented) on each asserted-to-deasserted transition of SLWR. PKTEND
PKTEND commits the current buffer to USB. To send a short IN packet (one which has not been filled to max packet size determined by the value of PL[X:0] in EPxPKTLENH/L), the external maste r st robes the PKTEND pin.
All these interface signals have a default polarity of low. In order to change the polarity of PKTEND pin, the master may write to the POLAR register anytime. In order to switch the polarity of the SLWR/SLRD/SLOE, the master must set the appropriate bit s 2, 3 and 4 respectively in th e FIFOPINPOLAR register locat ed at XDATA space 0xE609. Please note that the SX2 powers up with the polarities set to low. Section 7.3 provides further information on how to access this register located at XDATA space.

3.7.3 IFCLK

The IFCLK pin can be c onfigured to be either an i nput (def ault) or an output interface clock. Bits IFCONFIG[7:4] define the behavior of the interface clock. To use the SX2’s intern ally­derived 30- or 48-MHz clock, set IFCONFIG.7 to 1 and set IFCONFIG.6 to 0 (30 MHz) or to 1 (48 MHz). T o use an exter­nally supplied clock, set IFCONFIG.7=0 and drive the IFCLK pin (5 MHz – 50 MHz). The input or output IFCLK signal can be inverted by setting IFCONFIG.4=1.

3.7.4 FIFO Access

An external master can access the slave FIFOs either asynchronously or synchronously :
• Asynchronous–SLRD, SLWR, and PKTEND pins are strobes.
• Synchronous–SLRD, SLWR, and PKTEND pins are en­ables for the IFCLK clock pi n.
An external master accesses the FIFOs throu gh the data bus, FD [15:0]. This bus can be either 8- or 16-bits wide; the width is selected via the WORDWIDE bit in the EPxPKTLENH/L registers. The data bus is bidirectional, with its output drivers controlled by the SLOE pin. The FIFOADR[2:0] pins select which of the four FIFOs is connected to the FD [15:0] bus, or if the command interface is selected.

3.7.5 FIFO Flag Pins Configurat ion

The FIFO flags are FLAGA, FLAGB, FLAGC, and FLAGD. These FLAGx pins report the status of the FIFO selected by the FIFOADR[2:0] pins. At reset , the se pins are configured to report the status of the following:
• FLAGA reports the stat us of the programmable flag.
• FLAGB reports the stat us of the full flag.
• FLAGC reports the status of the empty flag.
• FLAGD defaults to the CS# function.
The FIFO flags can either be indexed or fixed. Fixed flags report the status of a particular FIFO regardless of the value on the FIFOADR [2:0] pins. Indexed flags report the status of the FIFO selected by the FIFOADR [2:0] pins.

3.7.6 Default FIFO Programmab le Fl ag Set- up

By default, FLAGA is the Programmable Flag (PF) for the endpoint being pointed to by the FIFOADR[2:0] pins. For EP2 and EP4, the default endpoint configuration is BULK, OUT, 512, 2x, and the PF pin asserts when the entire FIFO has greater than/equal to 512 b yte s. For EP6 a nd EP8, the defaul t endpoint configuration is BULK, IN, 512, 2x, and the PF pin asserts when t he entir e FIFO has less than /equal t o 512 by tes. In other words, EP6/8 report a half-empty state, and EP2/4 report a half-full state. The polarity of the programmable flag is set to active low and cannot be altered.

3.7.7 FIFO Programmable Flag (PF) Set-up

Each FIFO’s programmable-level flag (PF) asserts when the FIFO reaches a user-defined fullness threshold. That threshold is configured as follows:
1. For OUT packets: The thres hold i s sto red in PFC12 :0. Th e PF is asserted when the number o f bytes i n the entire FI FO is less than/equal to (DECIS = 0) or greater than/equal to (DECIS = 1) the threshold.
2. For IN packets, with PKTSTAT = 1: The th reshol d is st ored in PFC9:0. The PF is asserted when the number of bytes written into the current packet in the FIFO i s less than/equa l to (DECIS = 0) or greater than/equal to ( D ECIS = 1) the threshold.
3. For IN packets, with PKTSTAT = 0: The th reshol d is st ored in two parts: PKTS2:0 holds the numbe r of committed pack­ets, and PFC9:0 holds the number of bytes in the current packet. The PF is asserted when the FIFO is at or less full than (DECIS = 0), or at or more full than (DE C IS = 1), the threshold.
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3.7.8 Command Protocol

An address of [1 0 0] on FIFOADR [2:0] will select the command interface. The command interface is used to write to and read from the SX2 registers and the Endpoint 0 buffer, as well a s the des criptor RAM. Command read and write t rans­actions occur over FD[7:0] only. Each byte written to the SX2 is either an address or a data byte, as determined by bit7. If bit7 = 1, then the byte i s considered an address byte. If bit7 = 0, then the byte is considered a data byte. If bit7 = 1, then bit6 determines whether the address byte is a read request or a write request. If bit6 = 1, then the byte is considered a read request. If bit 6 = 0 then the byte is co nsider ed a write r equest. Bits [5:0] hold the register address of the request. The format of the command addre ss byte is shown in Table 3-4.
T able 3-4. Command Address Byte
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Write# A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
Each Write request is followed by two or more data bytes. If another address byte is received before both data bytes are received, t he SX2 ignores the first addr ess and any incompl ete data transfers. The format for the data bytes is shown in Table 3-5 and Table 3-6. Some registers take a series of byt es. Each byte is transferred using the same protocol.
T able 3-5. Command Data Byte One
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 X X X D7 D6 D5 D4
T able 3-6. Command Data Byte T wo
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 X X X D3 D2 D1 D0
The first com mand data byt e contain s the upper nibble of data, and the second command byte contains the lower nibble of data. Write Reques t Example
Prior to writing to a register, two conditions must be met: FIFOADR[2:0] must hold [1 0 0], and the Ready line must be HIGH. The external master should not initiate a command if the READY pin is not in a HIgh state.
Example: to write the byte <10110000> into the IFCONFIG register (0x01) , first send a command address byte as fol lows.
T able 3-7. Command Address Write Byte
Write# A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
1 0000001
• The next six bits represent the register address (000001 binary = 0x01 hex).
Once the byte has been received the SX2 pulls the REA DY pin low to inform the external master not to send any more information. When the SX2 is ready to receive the next byte, the SX2 pulls the READY pin high again. This next byte, the upper nibble o f the d ata byt e, is writ ten to the SX2 as follows.
Table 3-8. Command Data Write Byte One
0 XXX1011
Care D7 D6 D5 D4
• The first bit signifies that this is a data trans fer.
• The next three are don’t care bits.
• The next four bits hold th e upper nibble of the transferred byte.
Once the byte has been received the SX2 pulls the REA DY pin low to inform the external master not to send any more information. When the SX2 is ready to receive the next byte, the SX2 pulls the READY pin high again. This next byte, the lower nibble of the data byte is written to the SX2.
Table 3-9. Command Data Write Byte Two
0 XXX0000
Care D3 D2 D1 D0
At this point the entire byte <101 10000> has been transferred to register 0x01 and the write sequence is complete. Read Request Example
The Read cycle is simpler t han the write cycle. Th e Read cycl e consists of a read reques t from the external master to t he SX2. For example, to read the contents of register 0x01, a command address byte is written to the SX2 as follows.
Table 3-10. Command Address Read Byte
Write# A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
1 1000001
When the data is ready to be read, the SX2 asserts the INT# pin to tell the external master that the data it requested is waiting on FD[7:0].
• The first bit signifies an address transfer.
• The second bit signifie s that this is a write command.
4. In indexed mode, the value of the FLAGx pins is indeterminate except when addressing a FIFO (FIFOADR[2:0]={000,001,010,011}).
5. An important note: Once the SX2 receives a Read request, the SX2 allocates the interrupt line solely for the read request. If one of the six interrupt sources described in Section 3.4 is asserted, the SX2 will buffer that interrupt until the read request completes.
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4.0 Enumeration

The SX2 has two modes of enumeration. The first mode is automatic through EEPROM boot load, as described in Section 3.3. The second method is a manual load of the descriptor or VID, PID, and DID as described below.

4.1 Standard Enumeratio n

The SX2 has 500 bytes of descriptor RAM into which the external master may write its descriptor. The descriptor RAM is accessed through register 0x30. To load a descriptor, the external maste r does the following:
• Initiate a Write Request to register 0x30.
• Write two bytes (four command data transf ers) that define the length of the entire descriptor about to be transferred. The LSB is written first , fo llowed by the MSB.
• Write the descriptor, one byte at a time until complete. Note: the register address is only written once .
After the entire descriptor has been transferred, the SX2 will float the pull-up resistor connected to D+, and parse through the descriptor to locate the individual descriptors. After the SX2 has parsed the e ntir e desc ript or , the SX2 wi ll con nect th e pull-up resistor and enumerate automatically. When enumer­ation is complete, the SX2 will notify the external master with an ENUMOK interrupt.
The format and order of the descriptor should be as follows (see Section 12.0 for an example):
• Device.
• Device qualifier.
• High-speed configuration, high-speed interface, high­speed endpoints.
• Full-speed configuration, full-speed interface, full-speed endpoints.
• String.

4.2 Default Enumeration

The external master may si mply l oad a VI D, PID, and DID an d use the defau lt des cript or bui lt i nto t he SX2. To use the default descriptor, the descriptor length described above must equal
6. After the external master has written the length, the VID, PID, and DID must be written LSB, t hen MSB. For example, if the VID, PID, and DID are 0x04B4, 0x1002, and 0x0001 respectively, then the external master does the following:
• Initiates a Writ e Request to register 0x30.
• Writes two byte s (four command d ata transf ers) that define the length of the entire descriptor about to be transferred. In this case, the length is always six.
• Writes the V ID, PID, and DID bytes: 0xB4, 0x04, 0x02, 0x10, 0x01, 0x00 (in nibble format per the command protocol).
The default descriptor is listed in Section 12.0. The default descriptor can be used as a starting point for a custom descriptor.
6. These and all other data bytes must conform to the command protocol.

5.0 Endpoint 0

The SX2 wi ll automatica lly respon d to USB chapter 9 request s without any external master intervention. If the SX2 receives a request to which it cannot respond automatically, the SX2 will notify the external master. The external master then has the choice of respond ing to the request or stalling.
After the SX2 receives a set-up packet to which it cannot respond automatically, the SX2 will assert a SETUP interrupt. After the external master reads the Interrupt Status Byte to determine that the interrupt source was the SETUP interrupt, it can initiate a read request to the SETUP register, 0x32. When the SX2 sees a read request for the SETUP register, it will present the first byte of set- up data to the external mast er. Each additional read request will present the next byte of set­up data, until all eight bytes have been read.
The external master can stall this request at this or any other time. To stall a request, the external master initiates a write request for the SETUP regi ster , 0x32, an d writes any non-zer o value to the register.
If this set-up request has a data phase, the SX2 will then interrupt the external master with an EP0BUF interrupt when the buffer becomes available. The SX2 determines the direction of the set -up request and interrupts when either:
• IN: the Endpoint 0 buff er becomes available to write to, or
• OUT : the Endpoint 0 buf fer r eceives a pac ket from the USB host.
For an IN set-u p transaction, the external master can write up to 64 bytes at a time for the data phase. The steps to write a packet are as follows:
1. Wait for a n EP0BUF inte rrupt , indicat ing t hat the b uff er is available.
2. Initiate a write request for register 0x31.
3. Write one data byte .
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until either all the data or 64 bytes have been written, whichever is less.
5. Write the numbe r of byt es i n thi s packet to the b yt e count register, 0x33.
T o se nd more than 64 byt es, the pr ocess is rep eated. The SX2 internally stores the length of the data phase that was specified in the wLength field (bytes 6,7) of the set-up packet . To send less than the requested amount of data, the external master writes a packet that is less than 64 bytes, or if a multi ple of 64, the external master follows the data with a zero-length packet. When the SX2 sees a short or zero-length packet, it will complete the set-up transfer by automatically completing the handshake phase. The SX2 will not allow more data than the wLength field specified in the set-up packet. Note: the PKTEND pin does not apply to Endpoint 0. The only way to send a short or zero length packet is by writing to the byte count register with the appropriate value.
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For an OUT set-up transaction, the external master can read each packet received from the USB host during the data phase. The steps to re ad a packet are as follows:
1. Wait f or an EP0BUF inte rrupt, indicati ng that a pac ket was received from the US B host i nto the buffer.
2. Initiate a read re quest for the byte count regis ter, 0x33. This indicates the amount of data received from the host.
3. Initiate a read re quest for register 0x31.
4. Read one byte.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the number of b ytes specified in the byte count register has been read.
To receive more than 64 bytes, the process is repeated. The SX2 internally stores the length of the data phase that was specified in the wLength field of the set-up packet (bytes 6,7 ). When the SX2 sees that the specified number of bytes have been received, it will complete the set-up transfer by automat­ically comple ting the handshake phase. If the external master does not wish to receive the entire transfer, it can stall the transfer.
If the SX2 receives another set-up packet before the current transfer has complet ed, it will int errupt the external master wi th another SETUP in te rrupt. If the SX2 receives a set-up packet with no data phase, the externa l master can accept the packet and complete the handshak e pha se b y writ ing z ero t o the b yt e count register.
The SX2 auto maticall y responds to all USB standard requests covered in chapter 9 of the
USB 2.0 specification except the Set/Clear F eature Endpoint r equests. When the host issues a Set Feature or a Clear feature request, the SX2 will trigger a SETUP interrupt to the external master. The USB spec requires that the device respond to the Set endpoint feature request by doing the fol lowing:
• Set the STALL condition on that endpoin t.
The USB spec requires that the device respond to the Clear endpoint feature request by doing the following:
• Reset the Data Toggle for that endpoint
• Clear the STALL condition of that end point.
The register that is used to reset the data toggle TOGCTL (located at XDATA location 0xE683) is not an index register that can be addressed by the command protocol presented in Section 3.7.8. The following section provides further infor­mation on this register bits and how to reset the data toggle accordingly using a different set of command protocol sequence.

5.1 Resetting Data Toggle

Following is the bi t def inition of the TOGCTL regis ter:
TOGCTL Bit # Bit Name Q S R I/O EP3 EP2 EP1 EP0 Read/Write R W W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Default 00110010
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit 7: Q, Data Toggle Value
Q=0 indicates DATA0 and Q=1 indicates DATA1, for the endpoint sele cted by the I/O and EP3:0 bit s. Write the endpoi nt select bits (IO and EP3: 0), before reading this value.
Bit 6: S, Set Data Toggle to DATA1
After selecting the desired endpoint by writing the endpoint select bits (IO and EP3:0), set S=1 to set the data toggle to DATA1. The endpoint selection bits should not be changed while thi s bit is wr itt e n.
Bit 5: R, Set Data Toggle to DATA0
Set R=1 to set the data toggle to DATA0. The endpoint selection bits should not be changed while this bit is written.
Bit 4: IO , Select IN or OUT Endpoint
Set this bit to sel ect an endpoint direction prior to sett ing its R or S bit. IO=0 selects an OUT endpoint, IO = 1 selects an IN endpoint.
Bit 3-0: EP3:0, Select Endpoint
Set these bits to select an endpoint prior to setting its R or S bit. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, , 6, and 8.
A two-step process is employed to clear an endpoint data toggle bit to 0. First, write to the TOGCTL register with an endpoint address (EP3 :EP0) plus a dire ction bit (IO ). Keeping the endpoint and direction bits the same, write a “1” to the R (reset) bit. For example, to clear the data toggle for EP6 configured as an “IN” endpoint, write the following values sequentially to TOGCTL:
00010110b 00110110b
Following is the sequence of events that the master should perform to set this register to 0x16:
(1) Send Low Byte of the Register (0x83)
• Command address write of address 0x3A
• Command data writ e of upper nibble of the Low Byte of Register Address (0x08)
• Command data writ e of l ower nibble of the Low Byte of Register Address (0x03)
(2) Send High Byte of the Register (0xE6)
• Command address write of address 0x3B
• Command data writ e of upper nibble of the High Byte of Register Address (0x0E)
• Command data write of l ower nibble of the High Byte of Register Address (0x06)
(3) Send the actual value to write to the register Register (in this case 0x16)
• Command address write of address0x3C
• Command data writ e of upper nibble of the High Byte of Register Address (0x01)
• Command data writ e of l ower nibble of the High Byte of Register Address (0x06)
The same command sequence needs to be followed to set TOGCTL register to 0x36. The same command protocol sequence can be used to reset the data toggle for the other endpoints. In order to read the status of this register, the external master must do the following sequence of event s:
(1) Send Low Byte of the Register (0x83)
• Command address write of 0x3A
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• Command data write of upper nibble of the Low Byte of Register Address (0x08)
• Command data write of lower nibble of the Low Byte of Register Address (0x03)
(2) Send High Byte of the Register (0xE6)
• Command address writ e of address 0x3B
• Command data write of upper nibble of the High Byte of Register Address (0x0E)
• Command data write of lowe r ni bble of the High Byte of Register Address (0x06)
(3) Get the actual value from the TOGCTL regist er (0x16)
• Command address READ of 0x3C

6.0 Pin Assignments

6.1 56-pin SSOP

CY7C68001 56-pin SSOP
FD12 FD11 FD10
56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29
Figure 6-1. CY7C68001 56-pin SSOP Pin Assignment
7. A * denotes programmable polarity.
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6.2 56-pin QFN

56-pin Q FN
Figure 6-2. CY7C68001 56-pi n QF N Assignment
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6.3 CY7C68001 Pin Definitions

T able 6-1. SX2 Pin Definitions
Pin Name Type Default Description
3 10 AVCC Power N/A Analog V 6 13 AGND Power N/A Analog Ground. Connect to ground with as short a path as possible. 9 16 DMINUS I/O/Z Z USB D– Signal. Connect to the USB D– signal. 815DPLUSI/O/Z ZUSB D+ Signal. Connect to the USB D+ signal.
42 49 RESET# Input N/A Active LOW Reset. Rese ts the entire chip. This pin is normally tied to V
through a 100K resi stor, and to GND through a 0.1-µF capacitor.
5 12 XTALIN Input N/A Crystal Input. Connect this signal to a 24-MHz parallel-resonant, fundamental
mode crys tal and 20-pF capacitor to GND. It is also correct to drive XTALIN with an external 24- MHz square wave derived from anothe r cl ock source.
4 11 XTALOUT Output N/A Crystal Output. Conn ect this signa l to a 24 -MHz parall el-reso nant , fun dament al
mode crystal and 20- pF capacitor to GND. If an external clock is used to drive XTALIN, leave this pin open.
54 5 NC Output O No Connect. This pin must be left unconnected.
. This signal provi des power to the analog section of the chip.
33 40 READY Output L READY is an output-only ready that gates external command reads and writes.
Active High. 34 41 INT# Output H INT# is an output-only external interrupt signal. Active Low. 35 42 SLOE Input I SLOE is an input-onl y output enable with programmable polarity (POLAR.4) for
the slave FIFOs connected to FD[7:0] or FD[15:0]. 36 43 FIFOADR2 Input I FIFOADR2 is an input-only address select for the slav e FIFOs connected to
FD[7:0] o r FD [ 1 5: 0 ]. 37 44 FIFOADR0 Input I FIFOADR0 is an input-only address select for the slav e FIFOs connected to
FD[7:0] o r FD [ 1 5: 0 ]. 38 45 FIFOADR1 Input I FIFOADR1 is an input-only address select for the slav e FIFOs connected to
FD[7:0] o r FD [ 1 5: 0 ]. 39 46 PKTEND Input I PKTEND is an input-only packet end with programmable polari ty (POLAR.5) for
the slave FIFOs connected to FD[7:0] or FD[15:0]. 40 47 FLAGD/CS#CS#:I
I FLAGD is a programmable slave- FIFO output status f lag signal. CS# is a mast er
chip select (default). 18 25 FD[0] I/O/Z I FD[0] is the bidirectional FIFO/Command data bus. 19 26 FD[1] I/O/Z I FD[1] is the bidirectional FIFO/Command data bus. 20 27 FD[2] I/O/Z I FD[2] is the bidirectional FIFO/Command data bus. 21 28 FD[3] I/O/Z I FD[3] is the bidirectional FIFO/Command data bus. 22 29 FD[4] I/O/Z I FD[4] is the bidirectional FIFO/Command data bus. 23 30 FD[5] I/O/Z I FD[5] is the bidirectional FIFO/Command data bus. 24 31 FD[6] I/O/Z I FD[6] is the bidirectional FIFO/Command data bus. 25 32 FD[7] I/O/Z I FD[7] is the bidirectional FIFO/Command data bus. 45 52 FD[8] I/O/Z I FD[8] is the bidirectional FIFO data bus. 46 53 FD[9] I/O/Z I FD[9] is the bidirectional FIFO data bus. 47 54 FD[10] I/O/Z I FD[10] is the bidir ectional FIFO data bus. 48 55 FD[11] I/O/Z I FD[11] is the bidirectional FIFO data bus. 49 56 FD[12] I/O/Z I FD[12] is the bidir ectional FIFO data bus. 50 1 FD[13] I/O/Z I FD[13] is the bidirectional FIFO data bus. 51 2 FD[14] I/O/Z I FD[14] is the bidirectional FIFO data bus. 52 3 FD[15] I/O/Z I FD[15] is the bidirectional FIFO data bus.
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T able 6-1. SX2 Pin Definitions (continued)
Pin Name Type Default Description
1 8 SLRD Input N/A SLRD is the input-only re ad strobe with programmable polari ty (POLAR.3) for the
slave FIFOs connected to FD[7:0] or FD[15:0].
2 9 SLWR Input N/A SLWR is the input-only write strobe with programmable polarity (POLAR.2) for
the slave FIFOs connected to FD[7:0] or FD[15:0]. 29 36 FLAGA Output H FLAGA is a programmable slave-FIFO output status flag signal.
Defaults to PF for the FIFO se lected by th e FIFOADR [2:0] pins. 30 37 FLAGB Output H FLAGB is a programmable slave-FIFO output status flag signal.
Defaults to FULL for the FIFO selected by the FIFOADR[2:0] pins. 31 38 FLAGC Output H FLAGC is a programmable slave-FIFO output status flag signal.
Defaults to EMPTY for the FIFO selected by the FIFOADR[2:0] pins. 13 20 IFCLK I/O/Z Z Interface Clock, used for synchronously clocking data into or out of the slave
FIFOs. IFCLK al so serves as a tim ing referenc e for all slave FI FO control signals.
When using the internal clock reference (IFCONFIG.7=1) the IFCLK pin can be
configured to outp ut 30/48 MHz by setting bits IFCONFIG.5 and IFCONFIG.6.
IFCLK may be inver ted by se ttin g the bit IFCONFIG. 4=1. Pro grammable po lari ty. 14 21 Reserved Input N/A Reserved. Must be connected to ground. 44 51 WAKEUP Input N/A USB Wakeup. If th e SX2 is in suspend, asserting thi s pin starts up the oscill ator
15 22 SCL OD Z I
16 23 SDA OD Z I
and interrup ts t he SX2 to al low i t to exit the suspend mode. During normal
operation, ho lding W AKEUP asserted inhi bits the SX2 chip fro m suspending. This
pin has programmable polarity (POLAR.7).
C Clock. Connec t to V
EEPROM is attached.
C Data. Connect to V
is attached.
with a 2.2K-10 K Ohms resistor, even if no I2C
with a 2. 2K-10 K Ohms res istor , even if no I2C EEPROM
55 6 V
714 V 11 18 V 17 24 V 27 34 V 32 39 V 43 50 V
Power N/A VCC. Connect to 3.3V power source. Power N/A VCC. Connect to 3.3V power source. Power N/A VCC. Connect to 3.3V power source. Power N/A VCC. Connect to 3.3V power source. Power N/A VCC. Connect to 3.3V power source. Power N/A VCC. Connect to 3.3V power source.
Power N/A VCC. Connect to 3.3V power source. 53 4 GND Ground N/A Connect to ground. 56 7 GND Ground N/A Connect to ground. 10 17 GND Ground N/A Connect to ground. 12 19 GND Ground N/A Connect to ground. 26 33 GND Ground N/A Connect to ground. 28 35 GND Ground N/A Connect to ground. 41 48 GND Ground N/A Connect to ground.
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