CYPRESS CY7C65640A User Manual

Figure 1-1. Blo ck Diagram
TetraHub™ High-Speed USB Hub Controll
• USB 2.0 hub
• Four downstream port s
• Multiple transact ion translators— one per downstream port for maximum performance
• VID, PID, and DID configured from external SPI EEPROM
• 24-MHz external crystal
• Small package—Quad Flat Pack, no leads (QFN)
• Integrated up stream pull-up resist or
• Integrated downstream pull-down resistors for all downstream ports
• Integrated up stream and downstream series termina­tion resistors
D+ D–
24 MHz Crystal
USB Upstream Port
• Configurable with external SPI EEPROM —N umb er of Active Ports —N umb er of Removabl e Ports —Maximum Power —Hub Controller Power —Power-On Timer —Overcurrent Timer —Disable Overcurrent Timer —Enable Full-speed Only —Disable P o rt Indicators —Gang Power switching —Enable Single TT Mode Only —Enable NoEOPatEOF1
USB Control Logic
SPI Communication
Hub Repeater
USB Downstream Port 1
Port Power
OVR#[1] LEDPWR#[1]
USB 2.0
USB Downstream Port 2
Port Power
USB 2.0
OVR#[2] LEDPWR#[2]
Routing Logic
USB 2.0
Transaction Translator (X4)
USB Downstream Port 3
Port Power
OVR#[3] LEDPWR#[3]
USB Downstream Port 4
Port Pow e r
OVR#[4] LEDPWR#[4]
USB 2.0
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 3901 North First Street San Jose, CA 95134 408-943-2600 Document #: 38-08019 Rev. *H Revised August 2, 2005

2.0 Introduction

Cypress’s TetraHub is a high-performance self-powered Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0 hub. The Tetra architecture provides four downstream USB ports, with a Transaction Translator (TT) for each port, making it the highest-perfor­mance hub possi ble. T his si ngle-c hip devi ce inco rporat es on e upstream and four downstream USB transceivers, a Serial Interface Engine (SIE), USB Hub Controller and Repeater , and four TTs. It is suitable for standalone hubs, mot her board hu bs, and monitor hub applications.
Being a fixed-function USB device, there is no risk or added engineering effort required for firmware development. The developer does not need to wri te any firmwar e for their d esign. The CY4602 Tetrahub USB 2.0 4-port Hub Reference Design Kit provides all materials and documents needed to move rapidly into production. The reference design kit includes board schematics, bill of materials, Gerber files, Orcad files, key applicat ion notes, and product description.
CY7C65640A-LFXC is a functional and pin equivalent die revision of Cypress's CY7C65640-LFXC. Changes were made to improve device performance.

2.1 TetraHub Architecture

Figure 1-1 is a block diagram of the TetraHub Architecture.

2.2 USB Serial Interface Engine (SIE)

The SIE allows the CY7C65640A to communicate with the USB host through the USB repeater component of the hub. The SIE handles the fol lowing USB bus activ ity indepen dent ly of the Hub Control Block:
• Bit stuffing/unstuffing
• Checksum generation/checking
• TOKEN type identification
• Address checking.

2.3 Hub Controller

The Hub Control Block do es t he followi ng pr otocol handli ng at a higher level:
• Coordinate enumeration by respondi ng to SETUP packets
• Fill and empty the FIFOs
• Suspend/Resume coordination
• Verify and select DATA toggle values
• Port power contr ol and over-current det ection.
The Hub Controller provides status and control and permits host access to the hub.

2.4 Hub Repeater

The Hub Repeater manages the connectivity between upstream and downstream facing ports that are operating at the same speed. It supports full-/low-speed connectivity and high-speed connectivity. Per the USB 2.0 specification, the Hub Repeater provides the following functions:
• Sets up and tear s d own connect ivi ty on pack et boundari es
• Ensures orderly entry into and out of the Suspend state,
including proper handling of remote wakeups.

2.5 Transaction Translator

The TT basically trans lates data fr om one speed to another. A TT takes high-speed split transactions and translates them to full-/low-speed transactions when the hub is op erating at high speed (the upstream port is connected to a high-speed host controller) and has full-/low-speed devices attached. The operating speed of a device attac hed on a downst ream faci ng port determines whether the Routing Logic connects a port to the Transaction Translator or Hub Repeater section. If a low­/full-speed device is connected to the hub operating at high speed, the data transfer route includes the transaction trans­lator. If a high-speed device is connected to this high-speed hub the route only includes the repeater and no transaction translator since the device and the hub are in conformation with respect to their data transfer speed. When the hub is operating at full speed (the upstream port is connected to a full-speed host controller), a high-speed peripheral will not operate at its ful l ca pab ili ty. These devic es wil l o nly wor k at 1. 1 speed. Full- and low-speed devices connected to t his hub will operate at their 1.1 speed.

3.0 Applications

• Standalone Hubs
• Motherboard Hubs
• Monitor Hub applications
• External Per sonal Stor age Dri ves
• Port Replicators
• Portable Drive
• Docking Stations

4.0 Functional Overview

The Cypress TetraHub USB 2.0 Hub is a high-performance, low-system-cost solution fo r USB. Th e TetraHub USB 2.0 Hub integrates 1.5k upstream pull-up resistors for full-speed operation and all downstream 15k pull-down resistors as well as series termination resistors on all upstream and downstream D+ and D– pins. This results in optimization of system costs by providing built-in support for the USB 2.0 specification.

4.1 System Initialization

On power-up, t he TetraHub will read an ex ternal SPI EE PROM for configuration information. At the most basic level, this EEPROM will have the Vendor ID (VID), Product ID (PID), and Device ID (DID) for the customer's application. For more specialized applications, other configuration options can be specified. See section 8.0 for more detai ls.
After reading the EEPROM, if BUSPOWER (connected to up­stream VBus) is HIGH, TetraHub will enable the pull-up resistor on the D+ to indicate that it is connected to the upstream hub, after which a USB Bus Reset is expected. During this reset, TetraHub will initiate a chirp to indicate that it is a high-speed peripheral. In a USB 2.0 system, the upstream hub will respond with a chirp sequence, and TetraHub will be in a high- speed mode, with the upstre am D+
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pull-up resistor turned off. In USB 1.x systems, no such chirp sequence from the upstream hub will be seen, and TetraHub will operate as a normal 1.x hub (operating at full speed).

4.2 Enumeration

After a USB Bus Reset, TetraHub is in an unaddressed, un con­figured stat e (configur ation value set to 0). During the enu mer­ation process, the host will set the hub's address and configu­ration by sending a SetCongfiguration request. Changing the hub address will restore it to an unconfigured state.
For high-speed multi-TT support, the host must also set the alternate interface setti ng to 1 (the def ault mode i s singl e-TT). Once the hub is configured, the full hub functionality is available.

4.3 Multiple Transaction Translator Support

After TetraHub is configured in a high-speed system, it will be in Single TT mode. The host may th en set the hub i nto Multipl e TT mode by sending a SetInterface command. In Multiple TT mode, each full -speed por t is han dled ind epende ntly an d thus has a full 12-Mbp s ban dwidt h av ailab le. In Si ngle T T mode, all traffic f rom the host desti ned for full - or low- spee d port s wil l be forwarded to all of those ports. This means that the 12-Mbps bandwidth is shared by all full- and low-speed ports.

4.4 Downstream Ports

T etraHub supp orts a maximum of four downstream port s, each of which may be marked as usable or removable in the extended configuration (0xD2 EEPROM load, see section
8.2). Downstream D+ and D– pull-down resistors are incorpo­rated in TetraHub for each port. Prior to the hub being configured, the ports are driven SE0 (Single Ended Zero, where both D+ and D– are driven LOW) and are set to the unpowered sta te. Once the hub is c onfigured, t he ports are not driven, and the host may power the ports by sending a SetPortPower command to each port. After a port is powered, any connect or disconnect event is detected by the hub. Any change in the port sta te is report ed by the hub back to the host through the Status Change Endpoint (endpoint 1). Upon receipt of SetPort R eset command from the host, the hub will
• Drive SE0 on the corresponding port
• Put the port in an enabled state
• Enable the green por t indicator for that port (i f not previously overridden by t he host)
• Enable babble detection once the port is enabl ed.
Babble consists of either unterminated traffic from a downstream port (o r loss of activi ty), or a non-idle condi tion on the port after EOF2. If babble is detected on an enabled port, that port will be disabl ed. A Cle arPort Enable comm and from the host will also disable the specifie d port.
Downstream ports can be individually suspended by the host with the SetPortSuspend command. If the hub is not suspended, any res ume will be con fined t o that in divid ual port and reflected to the host through a port change indication in the Hub Status Change Endpoint. If the hub is suspended, a resume on this port will be forwarded to the host, but other resume events will not be seen on that port. The host may resume the port by sendi ng a ClearPortSuspend com m and.

4.5 Upstream Port

The upstream port includes the transmitter and the receiver state machine. The Transmitter and Receiver operate in high­speed and full-speed depending on the current hub configu­ration.
The transmitter state machine monitors the upstream facing port while the Hub Repeater has connectivity in the upstream direction. This monitoring activity prevents propagation of erroneous indications in the upstream direction. In particular, this machine prevents babble and disconnect events on the downstream facing ports of this hub from propagating and causing the hub to be disabled or disconnected by the hub to which it is attached. This allows the Hub t o only disconnect t he offensive port on detecting a babble from it.

4.6 Power Switching

TetraHub includes interface signals for external port power switches. Both ganged and individ ual (per-p ort) configu rations are supported, with individual switching being the default. Initially all ports are unpowered. After enumerating, the host may power each port by sending a SetPortPower command for that port. The power switching and over-current detection of downstream ports is m anaged by control pins connected to an external power switch device. PWR [n]# output pins of the CY7C65640A series ar e connected to t he respective e xternal power switch's port power enable sign als. (Note that each port power output pin of the external power switch must be bypassed with a n electro lytic or t anta lum capaci tor as requ ired by the USB specification. These capacitors supply the inrush currents, which occur during downstream device hot-attach events.)

4.7 Over-current Detection

Over-current detection includes timed detection of 8 ms by default. This parameter is configured from the external EEPROM in a range of 0 ms to 15 m s for both an enabled por t and a disabled port individually. Detection of over-current on downstream ports is managed by control pins conn ected to an external power switch device.
The OVR[n]# pins of the CY7C65640A series are connected to the respective external power switch's port over-current indication (output) signals. Upon detecting an over-current condition, the hub device r eports the over-current condition to the host and disables the PWR# output to the external power device.

4.8 Port I ndicators

The USB 2.0 port indicators are also supported directly by TetraHub. As per the specification, each downstream port of the hub supports an option al st atus indic ator . The pre sence of indicators for downstream facing ports is specified by bit 7 of the wHubCharacter istics field of the hub class d escriptor. The default TeraHub descriptor specifies that port indicators are supported (wHubChar acteri sti cs, bit 7 is set). If po rt indi cator s are not included in the hub, this should be disabled by the EEPROM.
Each port indicator is strategically located directly on the opposite edge of the port which it is associated with. The indicator provides two colors: green an d am ber. This is i m ple­mented as two separate LEDs, one amber and the other green. A combi nation of hardware and soft ware contr ol is u sed
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to infor m the us er of th e cu rrent sta tus of t he port o r the devic e attached to the port and to guide the user through problem resoluti on. Col ors a nd b linking ar e used to pr ovide info rmatio n to the user. The significance of the color of the LED depends on the operational mode of the TetraHub. There are two modes of operat ion f or t he TetraHub port i ndicat ors: automat ic and manual.
On power-up the TeraHub defaults t o Automatic Mode, where the color of the Port Indicato r (Green, Amber , Off) indicates the functional status of the TetraHub port. In Automatic Mode, TetraHub will turn on the green LED whenever the port is enabled and the amber LED when it has had an over-current condition detected. Th e color of the port indicator is set by th e port state machine. Blinking of the LEDs is not supported in
T able 4-1. Automatic Port State to Port Indicat or Color Mapping
Downstream Facing Hub Port State
With Off or Amber if due to an
Overcurrent Condition
Without Off Off or Amber if due to an
Table 4-2. Port Indicator Color Definitions in Manual Mode
Color Definition Port State
Off Not operational Amber Error condition Green Fully Operational Blinking Off/Green Software Attention Blinking Off/Amber Hardware Attention Blinking Green/Amber Reserved
Powered Off
Disconnected, Disabled, Not
Configured, Reset ti ng, Testing
Off Green Off
Overcurrent Conditi on
Automatic Mode. Table 4- 1 below identifies the mapping of color to port state in Automatic Mode.
In manual mode, the indicators are under the control of the host, which can turn on one of the LEDs, or leave them off. This is done by a system software USB Hub class request. Blinking of the LEDs is supported in Manual Mode. The port indicators allow the user to intervene on any error detection. For example, when babble is detected on plugging in a defective de vice, or on occurr ence of an o vercurren t condit ion, the port indicators corresponding to the downstream port will blink green or only light the amber LED, respectively. Table 4- 2 below displays the color definition of the indicators when TetraHub is in Manual Mode.
Enabled, T r ansmit,
or Tr ansm itR
Green Off
Suspended, Resuming, SendEOR, Restart_E /S
Note. Informati on present ed in Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 is from
USB 2.0 specificati on Tables 11- 6 and 11-7, respectively.
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5.0 Pin Configuration

53 52
51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43
Figure 5-1. 56-pin Quad Flat Pack No Leads (8 mm x 8 mm)
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6.0 Pin Description Table

Table 6-1 below displays the pin assignments for the CY7C65640A.
T able 6-1. Pin Assignments
Pin Name Type Default Description
3 VCC Power N/A V
7 VCC Power N/A V 11 VCC Power N/A V 15 VCC Power N/A V 19 VCC Power N/A V 23 VCC Power N/A V 27 VCC Power N/A V 33 VCC Power N/A V 39 VCC Power N/A V 45 VCC Power N/A V 55 VCC Power N/A V
4 GND Power N/A GND. Connect to Ground with as short a path as possible.
8 GND Power N/A GND. Connect to Ground with as short a path as possible. 12 GND Power N/A GND. Connect to Ground with as short a path as possible. 16 GND Power N/A GND. Connect to Ground with as short a path as possible. 20 GND Power N/A GND. Connect to Ground with as short a path as possible. 24 GND Power N/A GND. Connect to Ground with as short a path as possible. 28 GND Power N/A GND. Connect to Ground with as short a path as possible. 34 GND Power N/A GND. Connect to Ground with as short a path as possible. 40 GND Power N/A GND. Connect to Ground with as short a path as possible. 47 GND Power N/A GND. Connect to Ground with as short a path as possible. 50 GND Power N/A GND. Connect to Ground with as short a path as possible. 56 GND Power N/A GND. Connect to Ground with as short a path as possible. 21 XIN Input N/A 24-MHz Crystal IN or External Clock Input. 22 XOUT Output N/A 24-MHz Crystal OUT. 46 RESET# Input N/A Active LOW Reset. This pin resets the entire chip. It is normally tied to V
26 BUSPOWER Input N/A VBUS. Connect t o the VBUS pin of the up stream connecto r. Th is signal indicates
25 SPI_CS O O SPI Chip Select. Connect to CS pin of the EEPROM. 48 SPI_SCK O O SPI Clock. Connect to EEPROM SCK pin. 49 SPI_SD I/O/Z Z SPI Dataline Connect to GND with 15-K
17 D– I/O/Z Z Upstream D– Signal. 18 D+ I/O/Z Z Upstream D+ Signal.
13 DD–[1] I/O/Z Z Downstream D– Signal.
. This signal provid es power to the chip.
. This signal provid es power to the chip.
. This signal provid es power to the chip.
. This signal provid es power to the chip.
. This signal provid es power to the chip.
. This signal provid es power to the chip.
. This signal provid es power to the chip.
. This signal provid es power to the chip.
. This signal provid es power to the chip.
. This signal provid es power to the chip.
. This signal provid es power to the chip.
through a 100K resisto r , and t o GND through a 0.1-µF cap acitor. Other than this, no other special power- up procedure is requir ed.
to the hub that it is in a powered st ate, and may enable the D+ pull-up resistor to indicate a connec tion. (The hub wi ll do so af ter the exter nal EEPROM is read, unless it is put i nto a high-speed mode by the upstream hub). The hub can not be bus powered, and the VBUS signal must not be used as a power source.
resistor and to the Data I/O pins of
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T able 6-1. Pin Assignments (continued)
Pin Name Type Default Description
14 DD+[1] I/O/Z Z Downstream D+ Signal. 36 AMBER#[1] O 1 LED. Driver output for Amber LED. Port Indicator Support. Activ e LOW. 35 GREEN#[1] O 1 LED. Driver output for Green LED. Port Indicator Support. Active LOW. 30 OVR#[1] Input 1 Overcurrent Condition Detection Input. Active LOW. 29 PWR#[1] O/Z Z Power Switch Driver Output . Active LOW.
9 DD–[2] I/O/Z Z Downstream D– Signal. 10 DD+[2] I/O/Z Z Downstream D+ Signal. 38 AMBER#[2] O 1 LED. Driver output for Amber LED. Port Indicator Support. Activ e LOW. 37 GREEN#[2] O 1 LED. Driver output for Green LED. Port Indicator Support. Active LOW. 32 OVR#[2] Input 1 Overcurrent Condition Detection Input. Active LOW. 31 PWR#[2] O/Z Z Power Switch Driver Output . Active LOW.
5 DD–[3] I/O/Z Z Downstream D– Signal.
6 DD+[3] I/O/Z Z Downstream D+ Signal. 42 AMBER#[3] O 1 LED. Driver output for Amber LED. Port Indicator Support. Activ e LOW. 41 GREEN#[3] O 1 LED. Driver output for Green LED. Port Indicator Support. Active LOW. 53 OVR#[3] Input 1 Overcurrent Condition Detection Input. Active LOW. 54 PWR#[3] O/Z Z Power Switch Driver Output . Active LOW.
1 DD–[3] I/O/Z Z Downstream D– Signal.
2 DD+[3] I/O/Z Z Downstream D+ Signal. 44 AMBER#[3] O 1 LED. Driver output for Amber LED. Port Indicator Support. Activ e LOW. 43 GREEN#[3] O 1 LED. Driver output for Green LED. Port Indicator Support. Active LOW. 51 OVR#[3] Input 1 Overcurrent Condition Detection Input. Active LOW. 52 PWR#[3] O/Z Z Power Switch Driver Output . Active LOW.
Unused port DD+/DD– lin es can be lef t floati ng. The po rt power, amber , and gr een LED pins should be l eft unco nnected, and the overcurrent pin should be tied HIGH. The overc urrent pin is an input and it shou ld not be left floati ng.

7.0 Default Descriptors

7.1 Device Descriptor

The standard device descri ptor for TetraHub is based on the VID, PID, and DI D found in the SPI EEPROM. This VID/PID/DID in the EEPROM will overwrite the default VID/PID/DID. If no EEPROM is used, the TetraHub will enumerate with the default descriptor values as shown below.
Byte Full Speed High Speed Field Name Description
0 0x12 0x12 bLength 18 Bytes 1 0x01 0x01 bDescriptorType DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR
2,3 0 x0200 0x0200 bcdUSB USB specification 2.0
4 0x09 0x09 bDeviceClass HUB 5 0x00 0x00 bDeviceSubClass None 6 0x00 0x02 bDeviceProtocol None 7 0x40 0x40 bMaxPacketSize0 64 bytes
8,9 0x04B4 0xx04B4 wIdVendor VID (overwritten by what is defined in EEPROM)
10,11 0x6560 0x6560 wIdProduct PID (overwritten by what is defined in EEPROM)
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