CYPRESS CY7C63722, CY7C63723, CY7C63743 User Manual

CY7C63722 CY7C63723 CY7C63743
enCoRe™ USB Combination Low-Speed
USB and PS/2 Peripheral Controller

1.0 Features

• enCoRe™ USB - enhanced Component Reduction —Internal oscillator e liminates the need for an external
—Interface can auto-configure to operate as PS/2 or
USB without the need for external components to switch between modes (no General Purpose I/O
[GPIO] pins needed to manage dual mode cap ability) —Internal 3.3V regulator for USB pull-up resistor —Configurable GPIO for real-world interface without
external components
• Flexible, cost-effective solution for applications that combine PS/2 and low-speed USB, such as mice, game­pads, joysticks, and many others.
• USB Specification Compliance
—Conforms to USB Specification, Version 2.0 —Conforms to USB HID Specification, Version 1.1 —Supports one low-speed USB device address and
three data endpoints —Integrated USB transceiver —3.3V regulated output for USB pull-up resistor
• 8-bit RISC microcontroller —Harvard architecture —6-MHz external ceramic resonator or internal clock
mode —12-MHz internal CPU clock —Internal memory —256 bytes of RAM —8 Kbytes of EPROM —Interface can auto-configure to operate as PS/2 or
USB —No external componen ts for switching betw een PS/2
and USB modes —No GPIO pins needed to manage dual mode
I/O ports
Up to 16 versatile GPIO pins, individually
High current drive on any GPIO pin: 50 mA/pin
current sink
Each GPIO pin supports high-impedance inputs,
internal pull-ups, open drain outputs or traditional CMOS outputs
Maskable interrupts on all I/O pins
SPI serial communication blockMaster or slave operation2 Mbit/s transfers
Four 8-bit Input Capture registersTwo registers each for two input pins
Capture timer setting with five prescaler settingsSeparate registers fo r rising and falling edge captureSimplifies interface to RF inputs for wireless
Internal low-power wake-up timer during suspend
Periodic wake-up with no external components
Optional 6-MHz internal oscillator modeAllows fast start-up from suspend mode
Watchdog Reset (WDR)
Low-voltage Reset at 3.75V
Internal brown-out reset for suspend mode
Improved output drivers to reduce EMI
Operating voltage from 4.0V to 5.5VDC
Operating temperature from 0°C to 70°C
CY7C63723 available in 18-pin SOIC, 18-pin PDIP
CY7C63743 available in 24-pin SOIC, 24-pin PDIP , 24-pin
CY7C63722 available in DIE form
Industry standard programmer support
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 3901 North First Street San Jose CA 95134 408-943-2600
Document #: 38-08022 Rev. *B Revised September 27, 2004

2.0 Logic Block Diagram

CY7C63722 CY7C63723 CY7C63743
8K Byte

3.0 Functional Overview

3.1 enCoRe USBThe New USB Standard
Cypress has reinvented its leadership position in the low-speed USB market with a new family of innovative microcontrollers. Introducing...enCoRe USB—“enhanced Component Reduction. Cypress has leveraged its design expertise in USB solutions to create a new family of low-speed USB microcontrollers that enables peripheral developers to design new prod ucts with a minimum number of compone nt s . At the heart of the enCoRe USB technology is the break­through de sign of a crystalless os cillator. By integrating t he oscillator into our chip, an external crystal or resonator is no longer needed. We have also integrated other extern al compo­nents common ly found in low-sp eed USB applica tions such as pull-up resistors , wake-up ci rcuitry, and a 3.3V regul ator. All of this adds up to a lower system cost.
The CY7C637xx is an 8-bit RISC one-time-programmable (OTP) microcontroller. The instructi on set has been opt imize d specifically for USB and PS/2 operati ons , alt hou gh the mic ro­controllers can b e us ed fo r a v ari ety o f other embedded a ppl i­cations.
The CY7C637xx features up to 16 G PIO pins to support USB, PS/2 and other applications . The I/O pins are grouped into two ports (Port 0 to 1) where each pin can be individually configured as input s with internal p ull-up s, open drai n output s, or traditional CMOS output s with programm able drive strength of up to 50 mA output drive. Additionally, each I/O pin can be used to generate a GPIO i nter rupt to the mi croco ntrolle r. Note the GPIO interrupts all share the same “GPIO” interrup t vector .
The CY7C637xx mic rocontrollers fe ature an interna l oscillator . With the presence of USB traf fic, the int erna l oscilla tor can be set to precisely tune to USB timing requirements (6 MHz
256 Byte
12-bit Timer
Port 1 GPIO
Port 0 GPIO
±1.5%). Optionally, an external 6-MHz ceramic resonator can be used to provide a higher precision reference for USB operation. This clock generator reduces the clock-related noise emissions (EMI). The clock generator provides the 6­and 12-MHz clocks that rem ain internal to the mic rocontroller .
The CY7C637xx has 8 Kbytes of EPROM and 256 bytes of data RAM for stack space, user variables, and USB FIFOs.
These parts i nclude low- voltage re set logic, a W atchd og timer , a vectored interrupt controll er, a 12-bit free-runnin g timer, and capture timers. The low-voltage reset (LVR) logic detects when power is applied to the device, resets the logic to a known state, and begins executing instructions at EPROM address 0x0000. LVR will also reset the part when V below the operating voltage range. The Watchdog timer can be used to ensure the firmware never gets stalled for more than approximately 8 ms.
The microcontroller supports 10 maskable interrupts in the vectored interrupt c ontroller . Interrupt sour ces include the U SB Bus-Reset, the 128-µs and 1.024-ms outputs from the free-running timer, three USB endpoints, two capture timers, an internal wake-up tim er and th e G PIO p ort s . The timers bits cause periodic interrupts when enabled. The USB endpoints interrupt after USB transactions complete on the bus. The capture timers interrupt whenever a new timer value is saved due to a selected GPIO edge event. The GPIO ports have a level of masking to select which GPIO inputs can cause a GPIO interrupt. For additional flexibility, the input transition polarity that causes an interrupt is programmable for each GPIO pin. The interrupt polarity can be either rising or falling edge.
The free-running 12-bit timer clocked at 1 MHz provides two interrupt sources a s no ted above (128 µs and 1.024 ms ). Th e timer can be used to measure the duration of an event under firmware control by read ing the timer at the start and end of an
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event, and subtracti ng the two values. T he four capture ti mers save a programmable 8 bit range of the free-running timer when a GPIO edge occurs on the two capture pins (P0.0, P0.1).
The CY7C637xx includes an integrated USB serial interface engine (SIE) that supports the integrated peripherals. The hardware supports one USB device address with three endpoints. The SIE al low s the USB hos t to c ommun ic ate with the function integrated into the microcontroller. A 3.3V
The USB D+ and D– USB pins c an alternately be used a s PS/2 SCLK and SDATA signals, so that products can be designed to respond to either USB or PS/2 modes of operation. PS/2 operation is suppo rted with i nte rnal pu ll-u p res is tors on SC LK and SDAT A, the abil ity to di sable the regul ator outp ut pin, an d an interrupt to signal the start of PS/2 activity. No external components are necessary for dual USB and PS/2 systems, and no GPIO pins need to b e dedicated to switching b etween modes. Slow edge rates operate in both modes to reduce EM I.
regulated output pin provides a pull-up source for the external USB resistor on the D– pin.

4.0 Pin Configurations

Top View
18-pin SOIC/PDIP
5 6
8 9
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
P0.4 P0.5
1 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P1.0 P1.2 P1.4 P1.6 VSS VPP
24 23
P0.4 P0.5
P0.6 P0.7
3 P0.2
2 P0.1
5 6
P1.2 P1.4
8 9
1 P0.0
25 P0.4
24 P0.5
23 P0.6

5.0 Pin Definitions

CY7C63723 CY7C63743 CY7C63722
Name I/O
P0[7:0] I/O 1, 2, 3, 4,
I/O 12
15, 16, 17, 18
15 16
1, 2, 3, 4,
21, 22, 23, 24
16 17
1, 2, 3, 4,
22, 23, 24, 25
USB differential data lines (D– and D+), or PS/2 clock and data signals (SDATA and SCLK)
GPIO Port 0 capable of sinking up to 50 mA/pin, or sinking controlled low or high programmable current. Can also source 2 mA current, provide a resistive pull-up, or serve as a high-impedance input. P0.0 and P0.1 provide inputs to Capture Timers A and B, respec­tively.
P1[7:0] I/O 5, 14 5, 6, 7, 8,
17, 18, 19, 20
5, 6, 7, 8,
18, 19, 20, 21
IO Port 1 capable of sinking up to 50 mA/pin, or sinking controlled low or high programma ble c urrent. Can also source 2 mA current, provide a resistive pull-up, or serve as a high-impedance input.
XTALIN/P2.1 IN 9 12 13 6-MHz ceramic resonator or external clock input, or
P2.1 input
XT ALOUT OUT 10 13 14 6-MHz ceramic resonator return pi n or internal oscillator
7 10 11 Programming voltage supply, ground for normal
11 14 15 Voltage supply
VREG/P2.0 8 11 12 Voltage supply for 1.3-k USB pull-up resistor (3.3V
nominal). Also serves as P2.0 input.
6 9 9, 10 Ground
Description18-Pin 24-Pin 25-Pad
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6.0 Programming Model

Refer to the CYASM Assembler User’s Guide for more deta ils on firmware operation with the CY7C637xx microcontrollers.

6.1 Program Counter (PC)

The 14-bit program counter (PC) allows access for up to 8 Kbytes of EPROM using the CY7C637xx architecture. The program counter is cleared during reset, such that the first instruction executed after a reset is at address 0x0000. This instruction is typica lly a jump inst ruction to a reset h andler that initializes the appli cat ion.
The lower 8 bits of the program counter are incremented as instructions are l oaded and exec uted. The upper six bit s of the program counter are incremented by executing an XPAGE instruction. As a result, th e last instr uction exec uted within a 256-byte page of sequential code should be an XPAGE instruction. The assembler directive “XPAGEON” will cause the assembler to insert XPAGE instructions automatically. As instructions can be eit her one or two bytes long, the assembl er may occasionally need to inser t a NOP followe d by an XP AGE for correct execution.
The program counter of the next instruction to be executed, carry flag, and zero flag are saved as two bytes on the progra m stack during an interrupt acknowledge or a CALL instruction. The program counter, carry flag, and zero flag are restored from the program stack only during a RETI instruction.
Please note the program counte r cannot be acces sed directl y by the firmware. The program stack can be examined by reading SRAM from location 0x00 and up.

6.2 8-bit Accumulator (A)

The accumulator is the general-purpose, do everything register in the architecture where results are usually calcu­lated.

6.3 8-bit Index Register (X)

The index register “X” is available to the firmware as an auxiliary accumu lator . The X register also allows the proce ssor to perform indexed operations by loading an index value into X.
The return from interrupt (RETI) instruction decrements the program stack pointer, then restores the second byte from memory addressed by the PSP. The program stack pointer is decremented again and th e first byte is restored from mem ory addressed by the PSP. After the program counter and flags have been restored from st ack, the interrupt s are enabled. The effect is to restore the program counter and flags from the program stack, decrement the program stack pointer by two, and reenable interrupts.
The call subroutine (CALL) instruction stores the program counter and flags on the program stack and increments the PSP by two.
The return from subroutine (RET) instruction restores the program counter, but not the flags, from program stack and decrements the PSP by two.
Note that there are restrictions in using the JMP, CALL, and INDEX instructions across the 4-KByte boundary of the program memory. Refer to the CYASM Assembler Users Guide for a detailed description.

6.5 8-bit Data Stack Pointer (DSP)

The data stack pointer (DSP) supports PUSH and POP instructions that use the data stack for temporary storage. A PUSH instruction will pre-decrement the DSP, then write data to the memory location addressed by the DSP. A POP instruction will read dat a from the me mory lo catio n addres sed by the DSP, then post-increment the DSP.
During a reset, the Data Stack Pointer will be set to zero. A PUSH instruction when DSP equ als ze ro will wri te da t a at th e top of the data RAM (address 0xFF). This would write data to the memory area re serv ed f or a FIF O f or U SB e ndpoi nt 0. In non-USB applications, this works fine and is not a problem.
For USB applications, the firmware should set the DSP to an appropriate location to avoid a memory conflict with RAM dedicated to USB FIFOs. The memory requirements for the USB endpoints are shown in Section 8.2. For example, assembly instructions to set the DSP to 20h (giving 32 bytes for program and data stack combined) are shown below.
MOV A,20h ; Move 20 hex into Accumu lator (must be D8h or less to avoid USB FIFOs)
SWAP A,DSP ; swap acc umula tor value in to DSP reg ist er

6.4 8-bit Program Stack Pointer (PSP)

During a reset, the progra m sta ck point er (PSP) is set to zero. This means the program “stack” starts at RAM address 0x00 and grows upward from there. Note that the program stack pointer is directly addressable under firmware control, using the MOV PSP,A instruction. The PSP supports interrupt service under hardware control and CALL, RET, and RETI instructions under firmware control.
During an interrupt acknowledge, interrupts are disabled and the program counter, carry flag, and zero flag are written as two bytes of data memory. The first byte is stored in the memory addressed by the program stack pointer, then the PSP is incremented. The second byte is stored in memory addressed by the progra m st ack poi nter and the PS P is inc re­mented again. The net effect is to store the program counter and flags on the program “stack” and increment the program stack pointer by two.
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6.6 Address Modes

The CY7C637xx microcontrollers support three addressing modes for instructions that require dat a operands: dat a, direct, and indexed.

6.6.1 Data

The Data address mode refers to a data operand that is actually a const ant en coded in t he instruc tion. As an example, consider the instruction that loads A with the constant 0x30:
MOV A, 30h
This instruction will require two bytes of code where the first byte identifies the MOV A inst ruc tion w ith a d at a operand as the second byte. Th e second byte of the instru ction will b e the constant 0xE8h. A constant may be referred to by name if a prior “EQU” statement a ssigns the co nstant valu e to the name. For example, the following code is equivalent to the example shown above.
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6.6.2 Direct

Direct address mode is used when the data operand is a variable stored in SRAM. In that cas e, the one byte address of the variable is encoded in the instruction. As an example, consider an instruction that loads A with the contents of memory address location 0x10h:
MOV A, [10h]
In normal usage, variable names are assigned to variable addresses using “EQU” statements to improve the readability of the assembler source code. As an example, the following code is equivalent to the example shown above.
buttons: EQU 10h
MOV A, [buttons]

6.6.3 Indexed

Indexed address mode allows the firmware to manipulate arrays of data stored in SRAM. The address of the data operand is the sum of a constant encoded in the instruction and the contents of the “X” register. In normal usage, the constant will be the “base” address of an array of data and the X register will cont ain an index th at indica tes which element of the array is actually addressed.
array: EQU 10h
MOV A, [x+array]
This would have the effect of loading A with the fourth element of the SRAM “array” that begins at addr ess 0x 10h . The fourth element would be at address 0x13h.

7.0 Instruction Set Summary

Refer to the CYASM Assembler Users Guide for detailed information on these instructions. Note that conditional jump instructions (i.e., JC, JNC, JZ, JNZ) take five cycles if jump is taken, four cycles if no jump.
MNEMONIC Operand Opcode Cycles
HALT 00 7 ADD A,expr data 01 4 INC A acc 21 4 ADD A,[expr] direct 02 6 ADD A,[X+expr] index 03 7 ADC A,expr data 04 4 INC [X+expr] index 24 8 ADC A,[expr] direct 05 6 ADC A,[X+expr] index 06 7 SUB A,expr data 07 4 DEC [expr] direct 27 7 SUB A,[expr] direct 08 6 SUB A,[X+expr] index 09 7 SBB A,expr data 0A 4 IOWR expr address 2A 5 SBB A,[expr] direct 0B 6 SBB A,[X+expr] index 0C 7 POP X 2C 4 OR A,expr data 0D 4 PUSH A 2D 5 OR A,[expr] direct 0E 6 OR A,[X+expr] index 0F 7 SWAP A,X 2F 5 AND A,expr data 10 4 SWAP A,DSP 30 5 AND A,[expr] direct 11 6 AND A,[X+expr] index 12 7 MOV [X+expr],A index 32 6 XOR A,expr data 13 4 OR [expr],A direct 33 7 XOR A,[expr] direct 14 6 XOR A,[X+expr] index 15 7 AND [expr],A direct 35 7 CMP A,expr data 16 5 AND [X+expr],A index 36 8 CMP A,[expr] direct 17 7 CMP A,[X+expr] index 18 8 XOR [X+expr],A index 38 8 MOV A,expr data 19 4 IOWX [X+expr] index 39 6
MNEMONIC Operand Opcode Cycles
NOP 20 4
INC X x 22 4 INC [expr] direct 23 7
DEC A acc 25 4 DEC X x 26 4
DEC [X+expr] index 28 8 IORD expr address 29 5
POP A 2B 4
MOV [expr],A direct 31 5
OR [X+expr],A index 34 8
XOR [expr],A direct 37 7
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MNEMONIC Operand Opcode Cycles
MOV A,[expr] direct 1A 5 MOV A,[X+expr] index 1B 6 MOV X,expr data 1C 4 MOV X,[expr] direct 1D 5 reserved 1E XPAGE 1F 4
MOV A,X 40 4 MOV X,A 41 4 MOV PSP,A 60 4 CALL addr 50 - 5F 10 JMP addr 80-8F 5 CALL addr 90-9F 10 JZ addr A0-AF 5 (or 4) JACC addr E0-EF 7 JNZ addr B0-BF 5 (or 4)
MNEMONIC Operand Opcode Cycles
CPL 3A 4 ASL 3B 4 ASR 3C 4 RLC 3D 4 RRC 3E 4 RET 3F 8
DI 70 4 EI 72 4 RETI 73 8
JC addr C0-CF 5 (or 4) JNC addr D0-DF 5 (or 4)
INDEX addr F0-FF 14
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8.0 Memory Organization

CY7C63722 CY7C63723 CY7C63743
8.1 Program Memory Organization
After reset Address
14 -bit PC 0x0000 Program execution begins here after a reset
0x0002 USB Bus Reset interrupt vector
0x0004 128-µs timer interrupt vector
0x0006 1.024-ms timer interrupt vector
0x0008 USB endpoint 0 interrupt vecto r
0x000A USB endpoint 1 interrupt ve ctor
0x000C US B endpoint 2 in terrupt vector
0x000E SPI interrupt vector
0x0010 Capture timer A interrupt Vector
0x0012 Capture timer B interrupt vector
0x0014 GPIO interrupt vector
0x0016 Wake-up interrupt vector
0x0018 Program Memory begins here
0x1FDF 8 KB PROM ends here (8K - 32 bytes). See Note below
Figure 8-1. Program Memory Space with Interrupt Vector Ta ble
1. The upper 32 bytes of the 8K PROM are reserved. Therefore, the users program mus t not overwr i te this spac e.
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8.2 Data Memory Organization

The CY7C637xx microcontrollers provide 256 bytes of data RAM. In normal usage, the SRAM is partitioned into four areas: program stack, data stack, user variables and USB endpoint FIFOs as shown below.
After reset Address
8-bit DSP 8-bit PSP 0x00 Program Stack Growth
(Users firmware moves DSP)
8-bit DSP User Selected Data Stack Growth
User Variables
USB FIFO for Address A endpoint 2
CY7C63722 CY7C63723 CY7C63743
USB FIFO for Address A endpoint 1
USB FIFO for Address A endpoint 0
Top of RAM Memory 0xFF
Figure 8-2. Data Memory Organization

8.3 I/O Register Summary

I/O registers are accessed via the I/O Read (IORD) and I/O Write (IOWR, IOWX) instructions. IORD reads the selected port into the accumul ator . IO WR writes data fro m the accum u­lator to the selected port. Indexed I/O Write (IOWX) adds the contents of X to the address in the instru cti on to form the port address and writes dat a fr om the accu mulato r to the spec ified
Table 8-1. I/O Register Summary
Register Name I/O Address Read/Write Function Fig.
Port 0 Data 0x00 R/W GPIO Port 0 12-2 Port 1 Data 0x01 R/W GPIO Port 1 12-3 Port 2 Data 0x02 R Auxiliary input register for D+, D–, VREG, XTALIN 12-8 Port 0 Interrupt Enable 0x04 W Interrupt enable for pins in Port 0 21-4 Port 1 Interrupt Enable 0x05 W Interrupt enable for pins in Port 1 21-5 Port 0 Interrupt Polarity 0x06 W Interrupt polarity for pins in Port 0 21-6 Port 1 Interrupt Polarity 0x07 W Interrupt polarity for pins in Port 1 21-7 Port 0 Mode0 0x0A W Controls output configuration for Port 0 12-4 Port 0 Mode1 0x0B W 12-5 Port 1 Mode0 0x0C W Controls output configuration for Port 1 12-6 Port 1 Mode1 0x0D W 12-7
port. Note that specifying address 0 with IOWX (e.g., IOWX 0h) means the I/O port is selected solely by the contents of X.
Note: All bits of all registers are cleared to all zeros on reset, except the Processor Status and Control Register
(Figure 20-1). All register s not liste d are reserved , and shoul d never be written by firmware. All bits marked as reserved should always be writte n as 0 and be tre ate d as unde fin ed by reads.
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Table 8-1. I/O Register Summary (continued)
Register Name I/O Address Read/Write Function Fig.
USB Device Address 0x10 R/W USB Device Address register 14-1 EP0 Counter Register 0x11 R/W USB Endpoint 0 counter register 14-4 EP0 Mode Register 0x12 R/W USB Endpoint 0 configuration register 14-2 EP1 Counter Register 0x13 R/W USB Endpoint 1 counter register 14-4 EP1 Mode Register 0x14 R/W USB Endpoint 1 configuration register 14-3 EP2 Counter Register 0x15 R/W USB Endpoint 2 counter register 14-4 EP2 Mode Register 0x16 R/W USB Endpoint 2 configuration register 14-3 USB Status & Control 0x1F R/W USB status and control register 13-1
Global Interrupt Enable 0x20 R/W Global interrupt enable register 21-1 Endpoint Interrupt Enable 0x21 R/W USB endpoint interrupt enables 21-2 Timer (LSB) 0x24 R Lower 8 bits of free-running timer (1 MHz) 18-1 Timer (MSB) 0x25 R Upper 4 bits of free-running timer 18-2 WDR Clear 0x26 W Watchdog Reset clear -
Capture Timer A Rising 0x40 R Rising edge Capture Timer A data register 19-2 Capture Timer A Falling 0x41 R Falling edge Capture Timer A data register 19-3 Capture Timer B Rising 0x42 R Rising edge Capture Timer B data register 19-4 Capture Timer B Falling 0x43 R Falling edge Capture Timer B data register 19-5 Capture TImer Configuration 0x44 R/W Capture Timer configuration register 19-7 Capture Timer Status 0x45 R Capture Timer status register 19-6
SPI Data 0x60 R/W SPI read and write data register 17-2 SPI Control 0x61 R/W SPI status and control register 17-3
Clock Configuration 0xF8 R/W Internal / External Clock configuration register 9-2 Processor Status & Control 0xFF R/W Processor status and control 20-1
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9.0 Clocking

The chip can be c locked f rom eithe r the i nternal on -chip cl ock, or from an oscilla tor based on an external reso nator/crystal , as shown in Figure 9-1. No additional capaci t an ce is included on chip at the XTALIN/OUT pins. Operation is controlled by the Clock Configuration Register, Figure 9-2.
Int Clk Output Disable
Internal Osc
Ext Clk Enable
CY7C63722 CY7C63723 CY7C63743
Clk2x (12 MHz)
(to Microcontroller)
Clk1x (6 MHz)
(to USB SIE)
Port 2.1
Figure 9-1. Clock Oscillator On-chip Circuit
Bit # 76543210
Bit Name Ext. Clock
Wake-up Timer Adjust Bit [2:0] Low-voltage
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Reset 00000000
Figure 9-2. Clock Configuration Register (Address 0xF8)
Bit 7: Ext. Clock Resume Delay
External Clock Resume Delay bit selects the delay time when switching to the external oscillator from the internal oscillator mode, or when waking from suspend mode with the external oscillator enabled.
1 = 4 ms delay. 0 = 128 µs delay.
The delay gives the oscillator time to start up. The shorter time is adequate for operation with ceramic resonators, while the longer time i s preferre d for sta rt-up with a crys ta l. (These times do not include an initial oscillator start-up time which depends on the resonating element. This time
Bit [6:4]: Wake-up Timer Adjust Bit [2:0]
The Wake-up Timer Adjust Bits are used to adjust the Wake-up timer period.
If the Wake-up interrupt is enabled in the Global Interrupt Enable Register, the microc ontro ll er wi ll generate wake-up interrupts periodically. The frequency of these periodical wake-up interrupts is adjuste d by setting the Wake-up T im­er Adjust Bit [2:0], as described in Section 11.2. One com­mon use of the wake-up inte rrupts is to generate peri odical wake-up events during suspend mode to check for chang­es, such as looking for movement in a mouse, while main­taining a low average power.
is typically 50–100 µs for ceramic resonators and 1–10 ms for crystals). Note that th is bit only select s the delay time for the external clock mode. When waking from suspend mode with the internal oscillator (Bit 0 is LOW), the delay time is only 8 µs in addition to a delay of app roximately 1 µs for the oscillator to start.
Bit 3: Low-voltage Reset Disable
When V ue of V the microcontroller enters a partial suspend state for a pe­riod of t Program execution begins from address 0x0000 after this t
drops below V
) and the Low-voltage Reset circuit is enabled,
(see Section 26 .0 for the value of t
delay period. This prov ide s ti me fo r VCC to stabilize
(see Section 25. 0 f or t he va l-
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before th e part ex ecut es code . Se e S ectio n 1 0.1 fo r mor e details.
1 = Disables the LVR circuit. 0 = Enables t he LVR circuit.
Bit 2: Precision USB Clocking Enable
The Precision USB Clocking Enable only affects operation in internal oscillator m od e. In tha t mode , this bit mus t be
set to 1 to cause the internal clock to au tomatically pre­cisely tune to USB timing requirement s (6 M Hz ± 1.5% ).
The frequen cy may have a l ooser initia l tol eranc e at po w­er-up, but all USB trans missions from t he ch ip will meet th e USB specification.
1 = Enabled. The internal clock accuracy is 6 MHz ±1.5% after USB traffic is received.
0 = Disabled. The internal clock accuracy is 6 MHz ±5%.
Bit 1: Internal Clock Output Disable
The Internal Clock Output Dis able is used to keep the int er­nal clock from driving out to the XTALOUT pin. This bit has no effect in the external oscillator mode.
1 = Disable int ernal clock out put. XTALOUT pin will drive HIGH.
0 = Enable the internal clock output. The internal clock is driven out to the XTALOUT pin.
Bit 0: External Oscillator Enable
At power-up, the chip operates from the internal clock by default. Setting the Exte rnal Oscillato r Enable bit HIGH dis­ables the internal clock, and halt s the part while the external resonator/crystal oscillator is started. Clearing this bit has no immediate effect, although the state of this bit is used when waking out of su spend mod e to select be tween inter­nal and external clock. In internal clock mode, XTALIN pin will be confi gured as an i nput with a we ak pull-dow n and can be used as a GPIO input (P2.1).
1 = Enable the external oscillator. The clock is switched to external clock mode, as described in Section 9.1.
0 = Enable the internal oscillator.

9.1 Internal/External Oscillator Opera ti on

The internal oscillat or pro vi des an ope rati ng c lo ck , fac tory set to a nominal frequency of 6 MHz. This clock requires no external componen ts. At power-up, th e chip operates from the internal clock. In this mode, the internal clock is buffered and driven to the XTALOUT pin by default, and the state of the XT ALIN pin ca n be read at Port 2.1 . While the inte rnal cl ock i s enabled, its output can be disabled at the XTALOUT pin by setting the Internal Clock Output Disable bit of the Clock Configurat ion Register.
Setting the External Oscillator Enable bit of the Clock Config­uration Register HIGH disables the internal clock, and halts the part while the external resonator/crystal oscillator is started. The steps involved in switching from Internal to External Clock mode are as follows:
1. At reset, chip begins operation using the internal clock.
2. Firmware sets Bit 0 of the Clock Configuration R egister. For example,
mov A, 1h ; Set Bit 0 HIGH (External Oscil-
lator Enable bit). Bit 7 cleared gives faster start-up
iowr F8h ; Write to Clock Configuration
3. Internal clocking is halted, the internal oscillator is disabled, and the external clock oscillator is enabled.
4. After the external clock becomes stable, chip clocks are re-enabled using the external clock signal. (Note that the time for the externa l clock to become st able depends on the external resonating device; see next sect ion.)
5. After an additional delay the CPU is released to run. This delay depends on the state of the Ext. Clock Res ume Delay bit of the Clock Configu r ati on Register. The time is 128 µs if the bit is 0, or 4 ms if the bit is 1.
6. Once the chip has been set to external osc illator , it can only return to internal clock when waking from suspend mode. Clearing bit 0 of the Clock Configuration Register will not re-enable internal clock mode until suspend mode is entered. See Section 11.0 for more details on suspend mode operation.
If the Internal Clock is enabled, the XTALIN pin can serve as a general purpose input, and its state can be read at Port 2, Bit 1 (P2.1). Refer to Figure 12-8 for the Port 2 Data Register. In this mode, there is a weak pull-down at the XTALIN pin. This input cannot provide an interrupt source to the CPU.

9.2 External Oscillator

The user can connect a low-cost ceramic resonator or an external oscillator to the XTALIN/XTALOUT pins to provide a precise reference frequency for the chip clock, as shown in Figure 9-1. The external components required are a ceramic resonator or crystal and any associated capacitors. To run from the external resonator, the External Oscillator Enable bit of the Clock Configuration Register must be set to 1, as explained in the previous section.
Start-up times for the external oscillator depend on the resonating device. Ceramic resonator based oscillators typically start in less than 100 µs, while crystal based oscil­lators take longer, typically 1 to 10 ms. Board capacitance should be minimized on the XTALIN and XTALOUT pins by keeping the traces as short as possible.
An external 6-MHz clock can be applied to the XTALIN pin if the XTALOUT pin is left open.

10.0 Reset

The USB Controller supports three types of resets. The effects of the reset are listed below. The reset types are:
1. Low-voltage Reset (L VR)
2. Brown Out Reset (BOR)
3. Watchdog Reset (WDR)
The occurrence of a re se t is rec ord ed in the Proc es so r Status and Control Register (Figure 20-1). Bits 4 (Low-voltage or Brown-out Reset bit) and 6 (Watchdog Reset bit) are used to record the occurrence of LVR/BOR and WDR respectively. The firmware can i nterrogate these bit s to determine the cause of a reset.
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The microcontroller begins execution from ROM address 0x0000 after a LVR, BOR, or WDR reset. Although this looks like interrupt vector 0, there is an important difference. Reset processing does NOT push th e program count er, carry flag, and zero flag onto program stack. Attem pting to execute eith er a RET or RETI in the reset handler will cause unpredictable execution results.
The following events take place on reset. More details on the various resets are given in the following sections.
1. All registers are reset to their default states (a ll bits cleared, except in Processor Status and Control Register).
2. GPIO and USB pins are set to high-impedance state.
3. The VREG pi n is set to high-impedance state.
4. Interrupts are disabled.
5. USB operation is disabled and must be enable d by firmware if desired, as explained in Section 14.1.
6. For a BOR or LVR, the external oscillator is disabled and Internal Clock mode is activ ated , follo w ed by a time -out period t the clock mode, and there is no delay fo r V on a WDR. Note that th e Ex tern al Os ci ll ator Enable (Bit 0,
for VCC to stabilize. A WDR does not ch ange
Figure 9-2) will be cleared by a WDR, but it does not take effect until suspend mode is entered.
7. The Program Stack Pointer (PSP) and Data Stack Pointer (DSP) reset to address 0x00. Firmware should move the DSP for USB applications, as explained in Section 6.5.
8. Program execution beg ins at address 0x0000 after the appropriate time-out period.

10.1 Low-voltage Reset (LVR)

When V started and the Low-voltage Reset is initially enabled by default. At the point where V Section 25.0 for the value of V counting for a period of t of t
a partial sus pend state to wait fo r V begins executing code from address 0x0000.
As long as the LVR circuit is enabled, this reset sequence repeats wheneve r the V LVR can be disabled by firmware by setting the Low-voltage
is first applied to the chip, the internal oscillator is
has risen above V
). During this t
), an internal counter starts
(see Section 26.0 for the value
time, the microcontroller enters
pin voltage drops below V
to stabilize before it
. The
Reset Disable bit in the Clock Configuration Register (Figure 9-2). In addition, the LVR is automatically disabled in suspend mode to save power. If the LVR was enabled before entering suspend mode, it becomes active again once the suspend mode ends.
When L VR is di sabled duri ng normal operati on (i.e., by wri ting 0 to the Low-voltage Reset Disable bit in the Clock Configu­ration Register), the chip may enter an unknown state if V drops below V times during normal operation. If LVR is disabled (i.e., by
. Therefore, LVR should be enabled at all
firmware or during suspend mode), a secondary low-voltage monitor, BOR, becomes active, as described in the next section. The LVR/BOR Reset bit of the Processor Status and Control Reg ister (Figure 20-1), is set to ‘1’ if either a LVR or BOR has occurred.

10.2 Brown Out Reset (BOR)

The Brown Out Reset (BOR) circuit is always active and behaves like the POR. BOR is asserted whenever the V voltage to the d evice i s below an internally defined t rip volt age
of approximately 2.5V. The BOR re-enables L VR. That is, onc e
drops and trips BOR, the part remains in reset until V
rises above V normal operation resumes, and the microcontroller starts executing code from address 0x00 after the t
. At that point, the t
delay occurs befo re
In suspend mode, only the BOR detection is active, giving a reset if V is suspended and code is not executing, this lower reset
drops below approxi mately 2.5 V. Since the device
voltage is safe for retaining the state of all registers and memory. Note that in suspend mode, LVR is disabled as discussed in Section 10.1.

10.3 Watchdog Reset (WDR)

The Watchdog Timer Reset (WDR) occurs when the internal Watchdog timer rolls over. Writing any value to the write-only Watchdog Reset R egis ter at add ress 0x 26 will clear t he time r. The timer will roll over and WDR will occur if it is not cleared within t (Watchdog Reset bit) of the Processor Status and Control Register is set to reco rd th is ev ent (see Section 20.0 for mo re details). A Watchdog Timer Reset typically lasts for 2–4 ms, after which the microcontroller begins execution at ROM address 0x0000.
(see Figure 10-1) of the last clear. Bit 6
WATCH = 10.1 to
14.6 ms
(at F
= 6 MHz)
2–4 ms
At least 10.1 ms
since last write to WDR
WDR goes HIGH for 2–4 ms
Execution begins at
ROM Address 0x0000
Figure 10-1. Watchdog Reset (WDR, Address 0x26)
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11. 0 Suspend Mode

The CY7C637xx parts support a versatile low-po wer s us pen d mode. In suspend mode, only an enabled interrupt or a LOW state on the D–/SDA TA pin will wake the part. Two options are available. For lowest power, all internal circuits can be disabled, so only an external event will resume operation. Alternatively, a low- powe r internal wake-up time r ca n be used to trigger the wake-up interrupt. This timer is described in Section 11.2, and can be used to periodically poll the system to check for changes, such as looking for movement in a mouse, while maintaining a low average power.
The CY7C637xx is pla ced into a low-power st ate by setting the Suspend bit of the Processor Status and Control Register (Figure 20-1). All logic blocks in the device are turned off except the GPIO interrupt logic, the D–/SDATA pin input receiver, and (optio nally) the w ake-up tim er. The clock oscil­lators, a s well as th e free-runnin g and Watchdog ti mers are shut down. Only the occurr ence of an enabled GPIO int errupt, wake-up interrupt, SPI slave interrupt, or a LOW state on the D–/SDATA pin will wake the part from suspend (D– LOW indicates non-idle USB activity). Once one of these resuming conditions occurs, clocks will be restarted and the device returns to full operation after the oscillator is stable and the selected delay period expires. This d elay pe riod is determine d by selection of internal vs. external clock, and by the state of the Ext. Clock Resume Delay as explained in Section 9.0.
In suspend mode, any en abled and pending interrup t will wake the part up. The state of the Interrupt Enable Sense bit (Bit 2, Figure 20-1) does not have any effect. As a result, any inter­rupts not inte nded for waking from suspend should be disabled through the Global Int errupt Enable Register a nd the USB End Point Interrupt Enable Register (Section 21.0).
If a resuming conditi on e xi st s whe n th e s us pen d bi t is se t, th e part will still go into suspend and then awake after the appro­priate delay time. The Run bit in the Processor Status and Control Register must be set for the part to resume out of suspend.
Once the clock is stable and the delay time has expired, the microcontroller will execute the instruction following the I/O write that placed the device into suspend mode before servicing any interrupt requests.
To achieve the lowes t pos si ble curre nt duri ng su spend mode, all I/O should be held at either V GPIO bit interrupts (Figure 21-4 and Figure 21-5) should be disabled for any pins that are not being used for a wake-up interrupt. This s hould be d one e ven i f the main GPIO Interru pt Enable (Figure 21-1) is off.
Typical code for entering suspend is shown below:
... ; All GPIO set to low-power st ate (no floating
pins, and bit interrupts disabled unless using for wake-up)
... ; Enable GPIO and/or wake-up timer
interrupts if desired for wake-up
... ; Select clock mode for wake-up (see
Section 11.1) mov a, 09h ; Set suspend and run bits iowr FFh ; Write to Status and Control Register –
Enter suspend, wait for GPIO/wake-up
interru pt or USB activity nop ; This executes before any ISR ... ; Remaining code for exiting suspend
or ground. In addition, the

11.1 Clocking Mode on Wake-up from Suspend

When exiting suspend on a wake-up event, the device can be configured to run in either Internal or External Clock mode. The mode is selected by the state of the External Oscillator Enable bit in the Clock Configuration Register (Figure 9-2). Using the I nt e rna l Cl oc k s a ve s t he ex t er nal o sc i ll at o r s tart - up time and keeps that os cill ator of f for a ddi tional power sa vi ngs. The external oscillator mode can be activated when desired, similar to operation at power-up.
The sequence of events for these modes is as follows:
Wake in Internal Clock Mode:
1. Before entering suspend, clear bit 0 of the Clock Configu­ration Register. This selects Internal clock mode after sus­pend.
2. Enter suspend mode by setting the suspend bit of the Processor Status and Control Register.
3. After a wake-up event, the i nternal clock st arts imm ediately (within 2 µs).
4. A time-out period of 8 µs pas ses, and then firmware execution begins.
5. At some later point, to activate Exte rnal Clock mode, s et bit 0 of the Clock Configur ation Register . This halts the internal clocks while the external clock becomes stable. After an additional time-out (128 µs or 4 ms, see Section 9.0), firmware execution resumes.
Wake in External Clock Mode:
1. Before entering suspend, the external clock mu st be select­ed by setting bit 0 o f the Clock Configuration Regi ster. Make sure this bit is sti ll set when suspend mode is entered. T his selects External clock mode after suspend.
2. Enter suspend mode by setting the suspend bit of the Processor Status and Control Register.
3. After a wake-up event, the external oscill ator is started. The clock is monitored for stability (this takes approximately 50–100 µs with a ceramic resonator).
4. After an additional time-out period (128 µs or 4 ms, see Section 9.0), firmware execution resumes.

11.2 Wake-up Timer

The wake-up timer runs whenever the wake-up interrupt is enabled, and is turned off whenever that interrupt is disabled. Operation is independent of whether the device is in suspend mode or if the global inter rupt bit is enabled. On ly the Wak e-up Timer Interrupt Enable bit (Figure 21-1) controls the wake-up timer.
Once this timer is activated, it will give interrupts after its time-out period (see below). These in terrupts continue p eriod­ically until the interrupt is disabled. Whenever the interrupt is disabled, the wake-up timer is reset, so that a subsequent enable always results in a full wake-up time.
The wake-up timer can be adjusted by the user through the Wake-up Timer Adjust bits in the Clock Configuration Register (Figure 9-2). These bits clear on reset. In addition to allowing the user to select a range for the wake-up time, a firmware algorithm can be used to tune out initial pr ocess and o perating condition variatio ns in this w ake-up time. Thi s can be do ne by timing the wake-up interrupt time with the accurate 1.024-ms timer interrupt, and a djusting the T imer Adjus t bits accordin gly to approximate the desired wake-up time.
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Table 11-1. Wake-up Timer Adjust Settings
Adjust Bits [2:0]
(Bits [6:4] in Figure 9-2) Wake-up Time
000 (reset state) 1 * t
001 2 * t 010 4 * t 01 1 8 * t 100 16 * t 101 32 * t 110 64 * t 111 128 * t
See Section 26.0 for the value of t

12.0 General Purpose I/O Ports

Ports 0 and 1 provide up to 16 versati le GPIO pins that can be read or written (the number of pins dep ends on package typ e). Figure 12-1 shows a diagram of a GPIO port pin.
CY7C63722 CY7C63723 CY7C63743
(Data Reg must be 1 for SPI outputs)
Port Read
SPI Bypass (P0.5–P0.7 only)
(=1 if SPI inactive, or for non-SPI pins)
Internal Data Bus
Data Out Register
Port Write
Interrupt Polarity
Interrupt Enable
Figure 12-1. Block Diagram of GPIO Port (one pin shown)
Port 0 is an 8-bit port; Port 1 con t ai ns eith er 2 b it s , P1. 1–P1.0 in the CY7C63723, or all 8 bits , P1.7–P1.0 i n the C Y7C6 3743 parts. Each bit c an a ls o be sel ec ted as an i nterr upt s ou rce for the microcontroller, as explained in Section 21.0.
The data for each GPIO pin is accessible through the Port Data registe r. Writes to the P ort Data r egiste r store outgoing data state for the port pins, while reads from the Port Data register return the actual logic value on the port pins, not the Port Data register contents.
14 k
Threshold Select
To Capture Timers (P0.0, P0.1)
and SPI (P0.4–P0.7))
To Interrupt Controller
Each GPIO pin is configured inde pendently. The driving state of each GPIO pin is determin ed by the value written to th e pin’s Data Registe r and by two assoc iat ed pins Mode0 and M ode1 bits.
The Port 0 Data Register is sh own in Figure 12-2, and the Port 1 Data Register is shown in Figure12-3. The Mode0 and Mode1 bits for the two GPIO ports are given in Figure 12-4 through Figure 12-7.
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Bit # 76543210
Bit Name P0
Reset 00000000
Figure 12-2. Port 0 Data (Address 0x00)
Bit [7:0]: P0[7:0]
1 = Port Pin is logic HIGH 0 = Port Pin is logic LOW
Bit # 76543210
Bit Name P1
Notes Pins 7:2 only in CY7C63743 Pins 1:0 in
all parts
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Reset 00000000
Figure 12-3. Port 1 Data (Address 0x01)
Bit [7:0]: P1[7:0]
1 = Port Pin is logic HIGH 0 = Port Pin is logic LOW
Bit # 76543210
Bit Name P0[7:0] Mode0
Reset 00000000
Figure 12-4. GPIO Port 0 Mode0 Register (Address 0x0A)
Bit [7:0]: P0[7:0] Mode 0
1 = Port 0 Mode 0 is logic HIGH 0 = Port 0 Mode 0 is logic LOW
Bit # 76543210
Bit Name P0[7:0] Mode1
Reset 00000000
Figure 12-5. GPIO Port 0 Mode1 Register (Address 0x0B)
Bit [7:0]: P0[7:0] Mode 1
1 = Port Pin Mo de 1 is logic HIGH 0 = Port Pin Mode 1 is logic LOW
Bit # 76543210
Bit Name P1[7:0] Mode0
Reset 00000000
Figure 12-6. GPIO Port 1 Mode0 Register (Address 0x0C)
Bit [7:0]: P1[7:0] Mode 0
1 = Port Pin Mode 0 is logic HIGH 0 = Port Pin Mode 0 is logic LOW
Bit # 76543210
Bit Name P1[7:0] Mode1
Reset 00000000
Figure 12-7. GPIO Port 1 Mode1 Register (Address 0x0D)
Bit [7:0]: P1[7:0] Mode 1
1 = Port Pin Mode 1 is logic HIGH 0 = Port Pin Mode 1 is logic LOW
Each pin can be independe ntly configure d as high-impedanc e inputs, inputs with internal pull-ups, open drain outputs, or traditional CMOS outputs with selectable drive strengths.
The driving state of ea ch GPIO pin is determi ned by the valu e written to the pin s Da ta Regis ter and by its associat ed Mode0 and Mode1 bits. Table 12-1 lists the configuration states based on these bits. The GPIO ports default on reset to all Data and Mode Registers cleared, so the pins are all in a high-impedance state. The available GPIO output drive strength are:
Hi-Z Mode (Mode1 = 0 and Mode0 = 0) Q1, Q2, and Q3 (Figure 12-1) are OFF . The GPIO pin is not
driven internally . Perfo rming a read from the Port Data Reg­ister return the actual logic value on the port pins.
Low Sink Mode (Mode1 = 1, Mode0 = 0, and the pin s Data Register = 0)
Q1 and Q3 are OFF. Q2 is ON. The GPIO pin is capable of sinking 2 mA of current.
Medium Sink Mode (Mode1 = 0, Mode0 = 1, and the pins Data Register = 0)
Q1 and Q3 are OFF. Q2 is ON. The GPIO pin is capable of sinking 8 mA of current.
High Sink Mode (Mode1 = 1, Mode 0 = 1, and the pins Dat a Register = 0)
Q1 and Q3 are OFF. Q2 is ON. The GPIO pin is capable of sinking 50 mA of current.
High Drive Mode (Mode1 = 0 or 1, Mode0 = 1, and the pins Data Register = 1)
Q1 and Q2 are OFF. Q3 is ON. The GPIO pin is capable of sourcing 2 mA of current.
Resistive Mode (Mode 1 = 1, Mode0 = 0, and the pin s Data Register = 1)
Q2 and Q3 are OFF. Q1 is ON. The GPIO pin is pulled up with an internal 14-kΩ resistor.
Note that open drain mode can be achieved by fixing the Data and Mode1 Registe rs LOW , an d switching t he Mode0 regi ster .
Input thresholds are CMOS, or TTL as sh own in the t able (See Section 25.0 for the input threshold voltage in TTL or CMOS modes). Both input modes include hysteresis to minimize noise sensitivity. In suspend mode, if a pin is used for a wake-up interrupt using an external R-C circuit, CMOS mode is preferred for lowest power.
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