Cypress CY7C63001, CY3640 User Manual

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Cypress CY 36 40
USB Starter Kit
User’s Guide
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Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Ki t
User’s Guide
A. Contents of the CY3640 USB Starter Ki t........................................................................... 4
B. Getting started...................................................................................................................5
1. Insert the Cypress USB CD-ROM................................................................................. 5
2. Run SETUP.E XE f r om the CD- ROM .............................................................................5
3. Plug the A-end (flat connector) of the USB cable into the USB port of your PC.............. 5
4. Plug the B-end (square connector) of the USB cable into the B-receptacle of the CY3640
USB Starter Kit ....................................................................................................................5
5. Insert the Cypress USB CD-ROM (if prompted to do so)...............................................5
6. Run the Cypress USB Thermometer application............................................................5
C. Uninstalling the Cypress USB Thermometer application ................................................6
D. The Cypress USB Thermometer App li cat io n Opt io ns......................................................7
Changing the displ ay styl e from c onv entional thermometer display to a history of tem per ature
Changing the maximum and mi nim um tem per ature val ue displ ay ed.....................................8
Changing the user’s nam e ...................................................................................................8
Changing the displ ay m ode from Centigrade to Fahrenheit...................................................8
Changing the time between temperature sample periods......................................................8
Simulating temperature measurements................................................................................8
Testing to see if a Cypress USB Thermometer device is present..........................................9
Changing the bri ghtness of the Enum er ated LED on the Cypress USB Thermometer device 9
Saving the current c onfiguration of the Thermometer application..........................................9
E. About the Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Kit ................................................................... 10
Features............................................................................................................................ 10
Other ite ms o f inte r e st........................................................................................................12
F. Changing the functionality of the Cypress CY 3640 US B Starter Kit .............................13
Changing the program in y our dev ic e................................................................................. 13
You can write your own code for y our Cypress USB Contr oller........................................... 13
Assembling the code for your de vice..................................................................................13
Progra mm ing y o u r device..................................................................................................13
Adding your own logic........................................................................................................ 14
G. Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Kit Schematic .................................................................. 15
Bill of Materials..................................................................................................................15
H. Cypress USB Controller micro code (Assembly)........................................................... 18
CY6300X.INC ....................................................................................................................37
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Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Ki t
User’s Guide
I. Thermometer driver reference......................................................................................... 48
J. References and Links ......................................................................................................49
Obtaining the latest version of the USB specification..........................................................49
Obtaining the l atest assembly code for the Cypress USB Thermometer ............................. 49
Obtaining the latest Cypress USB Thermometer driver.......................................................49
Obtaining the l atest Cypr ess USB Ther mometer application...............................................49
K. Q&A, Errata and Gotchas ................................................................................................ 50
How can I tell if my system supports the USB..............................................................50
System Properties .............................................................................................................. 50
Problem with system stability when a crystal is used with the Cypress CY7C63X0X
family of USB controllers....................................................................................................51
Memphis (Windows98 Beta X) i s stil l a beta program.................................................. 52
Windows may ask for a USB device driver even if you have previousl y l oaded it ......... 52
Hot Unplug probl em with Windows98 (Memphis) Beta 2..............................................52
Device Manager Ref r esh unl oads USB thermometer driver.........................................52
A cold system boot will not autom atically load the USB thermometer driver................. 52
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Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Ki t
User’s Guide
A. Contents of the CY3640 USB Starter Kit
1. Three CY7C63001 Cypress USB Cont r oller devices (One pre-programmed windowed
controller on the CY3640 US B Therm om eter Demo board, and two spare devices (one windowed and one OTP)
2. One Cypress USB Programmer from HI-LO Systems with a wall power adapter, a serial cable
and programming soft ware on a floppy disk
3. One CY3640 USB Starter Kit printed circuit board
4. One low-speed unshielded US B " A to B" Cable
5. One Cypress USB Starter Kit CD- ROM:
CYASM: Cypress USB controller assembler USB Thermometer devic e assembly source code USB Thermometer Wi ndows appli c ation program executable code USB Thermometer devic e driver
Documentati on:
Cypress USB controller family datasheets USB Thermometer User's Guide and Application Note: Designing a USB
Thermometer with the CY7C63001 USB Controller USB Thermometer PC board l ay out and schematics USB Specificati on v 1.0 Cypress CYASM assembler manual Cypress USB-related application notes Cypress databook
6. Printed documentation: USB Starter Kit User's Guide USB Starter Kit Application Note Registrati on c ar d – Please fil l it out and drop it in the mail
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Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Ki t
User’s Guide
B. Getting starte d
Starting to use your Cypress USB thermometer is easy. Just follow these simpl e steps:
1. Insert the Cypress USB CD- ROM
The Cypress CD-ROM contains the Cypress USB Thermometer application and driv er files you will need. Place it in t he CD- ROM drive you use to install y our software.
2. Run SETUP.EXE from the CD-ROM
This will install the Cypr ess USB Thermometer Windows application. The Cypress USB Thermomet er applic ation is the user interface program which displ ay s the
temperature measurement received from the Cypress USB Thermometer devic e on the USB Starter Kit PC board.
The SETUP.EXE is located in the root directory of the Starter Kit CD-ROM. After you have run SETUP.EXE, the Cypress USB Thermometer Windows application will be properly install ed in the def ault directory C:\Program Files\Thermometer or a direct or y selected by you.
The setup program also i nstalls an entry in the Programs section of your Start menu. The Cypress USB Thermomet er applic ation may be uninstalled by selecting it in the
“Add/Remov e Program s” section of the “Control Panel.”
3. Plug the A-end (flat connect or) of the USB cable into the USB port of your PC
4. Plug the B-end (square connect or) of the USB cable into the B-receptacle of the
CY3640 USB Starter Kit
The computer will notify you that it has found new hardware and is looking for a driver. If it does not find a driver, it will then ask you to supply a driver.
5. Insert the Cypress USB CD- ROM (if p romp t ed to do so)
If your computer pr om pts you to suppl y a driver, make sure that your Cypress USB CD-ROM is inserted into your c om puter’s CD-RO M drive.
Your computer will now automatically install the Cypress USB driver from the CD-ROM.
6. Run the Cypress USB Thermometer app li cat io n
When you want to run the Cypress USB Thermom eter application, use the “Programs” menu and select the Cypress USB Thermometer entry. The computer will display a graph showing the temperatur e r eading ov er time. Use the options described in the following sections to control vari ous aspects of the USB thermometer.
: if you cannot get the thermometer to work, you may not be using the correct operating
system. See
section K
for more details.
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Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Ki t
User’s Guide
C. Uninstalli n g the Cypr es s USB T her mometer application
If you want to remove the Cypress USB Therm om eter application from your system, it may be uninstall ed by selecting Cypress USB Thermometer in the “Add/Remov e Program s” section of the “Control Panel.”
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Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Ki t
User’s Guide
D. The Cypress USB Thermometer Application Options
Changing the display st yle from conventional thermometer display to a history of temperature
The Thermometer application will display either the current temper ature using a conventional thermometer symbol or a histor y of t he temper ature recorded during the last 64 sample periods (See
Figure C1
Thermometer Display
Figure C1
To change the display style, click on the “Options” box in either the conventi onal thermometer display or the temper ature history display. Checking the “Show Tim e Line” box will sel ect the temperature history display. “Unchecking” the “Show Time Line” box will sel ec t t he c onv entional thermometer displ ay . Click on the “OK” box to complete your selection. (see
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Temperature Hi story
Figure C2
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Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Ki t
User’s Guide
Figure C2
Changing the maximum and minimum temperature value displayed
The Thermometer application can display temperatures between 0ºC and 70ºC. (32ºF and 158ºF) The user may set the temperatur e r ange display on the Options screen by entering the desired
value in the appropriate “Temperature Limits” text box.
Changing the user’s name
The user may change the headi ng, which appear s at the top of the temperature display. This is done on the Options screen by changing the text in the “User’s Name” text box.
Changing the display mod e from Centig rade to Fahrenheit
The Thermometer application can display temperature in either Centigrade or Fahrenheit. The display mode is selected in the Options screen by selecting either the Fahrenheit or the
Centigrade radio buttons box.
Changing the time between temperature sample periods
The Thermometer application can sample the temperature at a variabl e rate determined by the user.
The user sets the sample rat e on the Options screen by selec ting the appropriate options in the “Sample Interv al” ar ea. Sam ple intervals may be chosen between one per second to one every 30 hours.
Simulating temperature measurements
The Temperatur e displ ay pr ogr am all ows you to simulate temperature readings instead of actually measuring them.
You can select this by clic ki ng on the “US B Opti ons” box. The “USB Options” screen will be displayed. (S ee
Figure C3
Checking the “Simulate Temperature” box will cause the thermomet er to enter a test mode in which a series of random temper ature readings will be displayed.
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User’s Guide
Figure C3
Testing to see if a Cypress USB Thermo met er devi ce is present
If your Cypress USB Thermometer device is plugged in to the USB and you cannot get temperature measurements, you may try to connect to it by clicking the “Check For Device” button on the USB Options screen (See
Figure C3
). This screen is available by clicking the “USB
Options” button on t he Opti ons screen. The text above the button will indicate whether the Thermometer application is connected to the
Cypress USB Thermometer device t hr ough the device driver. If it is, the “Check For Device” button will be disabled.
Changing the brightness of the Enumerated LED on the Cypress USB Thermometer device
The brightness of the E num er ation LED on the Cypress USB Thermometer PC board may be set to one of sixteen lev els.
The user can set the brightness level desired on the “US B Options” screen by changing the value of the “LED Brightness” box ( S ee
Figure C3
). This screen is available by clicking the “USB
Options” button on t he Opti ons screen. The values may be set from zero to fif teen, with z er o being the lowest setting.
Saving the current config uration of the Thermometer application
The user can choose to autom atically save the current configuration of the Therm om eter applicati on when they ex it the program by checking the “Remember Settings” box. The parameters saved inc lude:
Location on the desktop where the application screen will reside
User Name text
Centigrade or Fahrenheit mode
T em per ature history or conventional thermom eter display selection
Max imum and Minimum displayed temperature
T em per ature sample rate
Simulate temperature selection stat us
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Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Ki t
User’s Guide
E. About the Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Kit
The Cypress CY3640 USB Start er Kit incl udes a fully functional USB thermometer devic e, a Windows95 thermometer application, and a USB Thermometer device driver. Together, these components allow the user to m easure and display temperatures between 0ºC and 70ºC to an accuracy of ±1ºC.
In addition to bei ng a useful US B device, Cypress has designed t he US B S tarter Kit to serve as an easily customizable platform for USB device development using the Cy pr ess CY7C63X0X family of USB contr oller s.
The CY3640 has the following features: The Cypress USB Controller is socketed i n a 20- pin socket
It may be removed, reprogrammed, and replaced for easy development of new assembly code.
Cypress has supplied a bread board ar ea ( sea of holes)
This area will accept wir e wrap pi ns and wire wrap sockets. This area will make it easy to develop additi onal logic on-board.
A connector for use with standard 40-pin flat-cable connectors has been prov ided.
All signals fr om the Cypress USB Controller, which are useful for the developm ent of exter nal logic, are available at pins on the connector. The signal names are label ed on the t op lay er of the board. Pin numbers on the c onnec tor are labeled on both the top and bottom layers of the board to make it easy to wire to the connec tor.
An identical set of signal vias is placed adjacent to the connector for easy wiri ng to the signals.
Connections to ext er nal power source
There is a location f or an ext er nal power supply c onnec tor, but the connector is not suppli ed with the kit. Indiv idual labeled locations for Vss, USB Vbus (the positive supply of the USB ), and External Vcc are provided on either side of the sea of holes.
LED indicators (Power and Enumeration)
The CY3640 includes two LEDs: a red and a green one. A s conf igured when the CY3640 is shipped from the f actor y, the LEDs are used to indicate that power is applied and that the USB host has enumerated t he Cy pr ess USB Thermometer device, respectively.
The anode of each LED is connected to the USB Vbus (positive supply) through a current limiting resistor . The cathode of each device is connected to three places to allow you to reconfigure them for your own purposes: a j um per , a pin on the 40-pin connector, and a hole for installi ng a wir e wrap pi n.
The Power LED The Power LED (as shipped from Cypress) is used t o indicate that power (Vbus) from the
USB has been applied. It is connected through a jumper (JP1) and a current limiting resistor (R4) directl y between Vbus and Vss, and will be lit whenever power is applied through the USB. The user may remove JP1 if desired.
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The cathode of thi s LED is also connected to a pin on the 40- pin c onnec tor (pin 8) and to an adjacent hol e that may be used to install a wire wrap pin. This allows the user to remove the factory-installed jumper to Vss and use the LED for their own purposes.
Although it may be convenient to know when the USB i s appl yi ng power, dur ing
development. The f act that JP1 is left c onnec ted to Vss makes the dev ic e not strictly compatible wit h the USB specification, because it will draw approxim ately 20 mA whenever it is connected. T he USB specification limits power prior to the device being configured to 500 µA.
The Enumeration LED The Enumeration LED ( as shipped f r om Cy pr ess) is used to i ndic ate that the USB
Thermometer dev ic e has been enumerated. The cathode of the LED is connected to P13 through a jumper (JP2) which controls its path to Vss.
The cathode of thi s LED is also connected to a pin on the 40- pin c onnec tor (pin 10) and to an adjacent hol e that may be used to install a wire wrap pin. This allows the user to remove the jumper to P13 and use the LED for their own purposes.
The switch (SW1)
SW1 (as shipped) on the Cypress USB Thermometer is used to select whether the Thermometer Windows application displays the temperatur e in Centigrade or Fahrenheit. It is a momentary SPST.
One pole of the switch is connected to Vss. The other pole is connected to Vcc (Vbus) through R4, to a pin on the 40-pin connector (pin 6), to an adjacent hole that may be used for installi ng a wire wrap pin, as well as to the GPIO P 12 of t he USB controller through a jumper JP3. This allows the user to remove the jumper to P12 and use SW1 for their own purposes.
The breadboard area
Sea of holes Cypress has provided an area that will ac c ept wire wrap pi ns and wire wrap sockets for
development of l ogic and functionality on the board. USB Vbus (Vcc) and Vss connections We have provided loc ations for connect ing power and ground from the USB to your bread
board area. These locations will ac c ept wire wrap pins. External Vcc connect ions If you need to power your breadboard with an external supply, a connector site (P 1) i s
supplied for t hat purpose. Two capacitor locations are also provi ded adjac ent to the connector for by pass. C6 i s a bul k bypass and C7 is f or high frequenc y . These capacitors are not populated wit h the CY3640 as shipped, and y ou shoul d use components appropriate to your needs.
The External Vcc supply is brought to the bread board area and connected to three locations labeled (oddly enough) Ext. Vcc. You may insert wire wrap pins in these locations to rout e to your breadboard area.
The temperatur e sensor (U2)
The temperatur e sensor dev ic e is socketed so i t can be removed if you need to use the associated pins on the Cy pr ess USB Contr oller for other logic on your breadboard.
Ferrite bead locati ons
If noise is a problem in your envir onm ent, locations for two ferrite beads (FB1 and FB2) have been provided: one f or the V cc supply from the USB and one for the Ground return to the
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User’s Guide
USB. These beads should not be nec essarily and are provided for exceptional noisy environments.
The locations are shorted by a trac e on the bottom layer of the PC board. If you desire to use ferrite beads, you should c ut the traces and install beads suitable to your needs.
Other items of interest
Bulk capacit or bl eeder r esi stor ( R5)
A resistor is provided to bleed off t he c har ge stor ed on the bulk capacitor . This is provided to insure that charge is removed fr om the bulk c apaci tor and hence the board logic, within a short period aft er the devic e is unpl ugged from the USB.
USB connector
A “B” receptacl e has been provided on the board so a detachable A/B cable can be used with the device.
A footprint for an in-li ne c onnec tor (P2) to a permanently attached USB cable has been provided if you need to have a non- r em ov able US B cable.
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Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Ki t
User’s Guide
F. Changing the functionality of the Cypress CY3640 USB
Starter Kit
The CY3640 USB Starter Kit is designed t o allow you to add or change its functionality in a variety of ways in order to meet your needs.
You may easily:
Add logic to the board itself
Change t he functionality of the on-board LEDs and the switc h
Change t he pr ogr am stored inside the Cypress USB Controller
Use an ex ternal power source
T ak e si gnals off of or bring signals onto t he boar d
Changing the program in your devi ce
You can write your own code for y our Cypress USB Contr oller. The easiest way is to use the code provided as a base and change only those parts which are
specific to your product. The routines you will need to focus your changes on are in the file “USB.ASM”. They are
1024usec IRQ handling
Vendor S pec ific Setup Commands
Assembling the code for your device
You can assemble your code for the Cypress USB Controller with CYASM, Cypress’ assembler. See the Cypress CYASM documentation. Both CYASM and its documentation are included in the
USB Starter Kit CD-ROM.
Programming your device
After you have written and assembled your own USB controller firmware code, you can program a new USB controller using the device programmer contained in the Cypress USB Starter Ki t. Please note that the devic e pr ogr ammer only supports Cypress CY7C63X0X family of low-speed USB controll er s, nam ely, CY 7C63000, CY7C63001, CY7C63100, CY7C63101, CY7C63200 and CY7C63201. Its component s i nc lude:
a device programmer with a 32-pin DIP adapter
a f loppy disk with the programming software
a 9-pin serial cable
a wall power adapter
To program a new USB controller simply follow these steps:
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Connect the device programmer to your PC's serial port using the serial cable
T ur n it on by plugging the wall power adapter
Copy the programming software executabl e on the fl oppy disk t o your PC' s hard disk and
run it. At startup the software will detect the presence of the programmer connected to the serial port and perform self-test
I nsert y our Cy pr ess USB cont r oller into the DIP adapter and choose the appropriat e
commands from the progr ammer software
The programming sof tware is actually quite simple; however, it provides all the necessary functions to pr ogr am a USB contr oller, such as blank check, read, program, verify and security fuse programming. The soft ware i s abl e to read and write .BIN and .HEX format fil es. To erase the code programmed in t he windowed USB controller devices, use regular UV EPROM erasers available on the market .
Adding yo ur own logic
See “Appendix D” for a description of the items that you may change to modify your design.
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Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Ki t
User’s Guide
G. Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Kit Schematic
Bill of Materials
U1 Cypress CY7C63001 USB controller U2 Dallas Semiconductor DS1623 temperature sensor P1 2-pin header, polarized, 0.1" center, right angle. Not populated. P2 5-pin header, polarized, 0.1" center, vertical. Not populated. SW1 SPST, Momentary switch DS1 20 mA, 2.2 Vdc Red LED, 0.1" center, 0.02 leads DS2 20 mA, 2.2 Vdc Green LED, 0.1" center , 0. 02 leads X1 6 MHz c er ami c resonator JP1 2-pin header, 0. 1" cent er , wit h shunt JP2 2-pin header, 0. 1" cent er , wit h shunt JP3 3-pin header, 0. 1" cent er , wit h shunt R1 7.5K Ohm, 1%, 1/8 W, carbon film resistor R2 150 Ohm, 10%, 1/8 W, carbon film resistor R3 150 Ohm, 10%, 1/8 W, carbon film r esi stor R4 10K Ohm, 10%, 1/8 W, carbon film resi stor R5 50K Ohm, 10%, 1/8 W, carbon film resi stor C1 0.1 C2 4.7 C3 0.1 C5 0.1 C6 External Vcc Bulk capaci tor. Not populated C7 External Vcc HF capaci tor. Not populated J1 40-pin, boxed header, straight, 0.1" x 0.1" center J2 USB "B" connector FB1 Ferrite bead. Not populated FB2 Ferrite bead. Not populated
F, 5%, Low ESL, 50 Vdc capacitor
F, 10%, Tantalum, 25 Vdc capacitor
F, 5%, Low ESL, 50 Vdc capacitor
F, 5%, Low ESL, 50 Vdc capacitor
The USB Starter Kit demo board layout and schematic are shown on the next two pages.
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