Cypress CY3270 User Manual


PSoC® FirstTouch™ Guide

Document # 001-15945 Rev. **
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2 CY3270 PSoC® FirstTouch™ Guide, Document # 001-15945 Rev. **


1. Introduction 5
1.1 Document History ........................................................................................................6
1.2 Document Conventions ...............................................................................................6
2. Getting Started 7
2.1 Install Hardware and Run the CapSense Touch Sensing Design...............................7
2.2 Install Software ............................................................................................................7
2.3 Run the Temperature, Light, and CapSense Proximity Sensing Designs ...................7
2.4 FTMF Expansion Card Demonstrations ......................................................................8
2.5 Exploring the FTMF Expansion Card Demonstration Projects ..................................13
2.4.1 CapSense Touch Sensing Demonstration (default).........................................9
2.4.2 Temperature Sensing Demonstration.............................................................10
2.4.3 Light Sensing Demonstration.........................................................................11
2.4.4 CapSense Proximity Sensing Demonstration ................................................12
2.5.1 Opening a Demonstration Project..................................................................13
2.5.2 Modifying the New Project .............................................................................13
2.5.3 Simulating the Project....................................................................................14
2.5.4 Building the New Project......................................... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ...14 Selecting the Target Device.............................................................14 Specifying the Target Device Pinout................................... ... ... .... ...14
2.5.5 Programming the Project ...............................................................................14
2.5.6 Verifying the Results......................................................................................15
2.5.7 Understanding the Results.............................................................................15
2.5.8 Important Things to Remember .....................................................................15
3. Technical Reference 17
3.1 FTPC Bridge Details..................................................................................................17
3.2 Expansion Card Overview .........................................................................................19
3.3 Expansion Card Details .............................................................................................19
3.3.1 FirstTouch MultiFunction Expansion (FTMF) Card.........................................19
CY3270 PSoC® FirstT ouch™ Guide, Document # 001-15945 Rev. ** 3
4 CY3270 PSoC® FirstTouch™ Guide, Document # 001-15945 Rev. **

1. Introduction

The PSoC® FirstTouch™ Kit includes a USB interface dongle, re ferred to as the FTPC bridge, a nd a multifunction expansion card, referred to as the FTMF Expansion Card. The FTMF Expansion Card demonstrates a variety of applications using ‘PSoC Powered Peripherals’. The FTMF Expansion Card connects to the bridge through the bridge’s built-in 8x2 pin expansion port. As the name implies, the FTPC bridge forms the connection between the FTMF Expansion Card and the various PC applications that control and communicate with the FTMF Expan sion Card.
The FTPC bridge portion of the kit contains a programmed Cypress CY8C24894 PSoC that per­forms all of the USB and expansion card interface functions. The firmware that is run by this PSoC performs the primary functions listed.
Functions as a USB physical and logical interface
Provides PSoC MiniProg emulation for In System Serial Programming (ISSP) of the expansion
Provides communications with the PSoC programming utility
Performs HID data channel communications
Performs expansion card I2C™ communications
Performs expansion card SPI communications
There are no other active components inside of the FTPC bridg e. All of these interfaces run on a sin­gle PSoC device. Future pr ojects for the FirstTouch Kit allow you to modify the FTPC firmware and try some USB Interface designs of your own.
The FirstTouch expansion card connects to the FTPC bridge through the bridge’s 8x2 pin expansion port. This expansion port provides all of the necessary signals to program the host PSoC on the expansion card. The expansion port also provides power, ground, and I2C or SPI communications to and from the expansion card host PSoC and PC.
Since the FirstTouch expansion card has a dedicated host PSoC, once programmed with your design, the expansion cards can operate either detached from the FTPC bridge in standalone mode or connected to your system hardware. Obviously, it is necessary to provide power and ground for the expansion card to operate in either of these two arr an ge m en ts.
There are four unused analog or digital GPIO pins on the FTPC port and four unused analog or digi­tal GPIO pins on the expansion card. This allows you to create custom designs and connect signals you want to the FTPC bridge or the FirstTouch expansion cards.
CY3270 PSoC® FirstT ouch™ Guide, Document # 001-15945 Rev. ** 5

1.1 Document History

This section serves as a chronicle of the CY3270 PSoC® FirstTouch™ Guide. CY3270 PSoC® FirstTouch™ Guide History
PSoC Express 3.0 generates the firmware.
See Note
** ARI This guide is a new document.
Originator Description of Change

1.2 Document Conventions

This guide uses the Courier New font to distinguish file location and source code examples from regular text. File names are presented in italics text. Keyboard commands are bolded.
6 CY3270 PSoC® FirstTouch™ Guide, Document # 001-15945 Rev. **

2. Getting S tarted

2.1 Install Hardware and Run the CapSense Touch Sensing Design

To install the kit hardware and run the CapSense touch sensing design, do as follows:
1. Remove both end caps from the FTPC Bridge and then connect the FTMF Expansion Card into the header of the FTPC Bridge such that ‘Cypress Perform’ is visible on both boards. Insert the assembled kit into your computer USB port. Select Cancel in the ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ window that appears.
2. Slide finger along the CapSense Touch Sensing slider found on the furthe st point away from your computer. Notice the LED variation based on the position of your finger on the slider. This is the CapSense Touch Sensing Design working right out of the box.

2.2 Install Software

To install the software, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the PSoC FirstTouch Starter Kit from your computer USB port.
2. Insert the FirstTouch Kit CD-ROM into your computer. The CD is designed to ‘Auto Run’ and the PSoC Express installation menu should appear. Alternatively, you can double click on the Auto- run.exe file in the root directory of the CD-ROM to get the installation menu.
3. From the PSoC Express installation menu, select Install PSoC Programmer. When that is com- plete, select Install .NET Framework. When that is complete, select Install PSoC Express and then select Express Pack 1 for PSoC Express in that order (You can also find the latest soft­ware versions at For each installation, follow the instructions issued by the installation wizard. To copy the kit documents to your computer, select Install First- Touch kit documentation. This copies the documents to the C:\Cypress\CY3270 directory.
4. Once the software installations are complete, click Exit in the PSoC Express Installation Menu.
5. Insert the PSoC FirstTouch Starter Kit (FTPC Bridge and FTMF Expansion Card connected) into your computer USB port. In the ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ window, select No, not this time. In the second ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ window , select Install the software automatically . Alternatively, direct the New Hardware wizard to \..\Program Files\Cypress MicroSys- tems\PSoC Programmer\drivers\ on your computer. If prompted with a 'Driver V erification' message, click Continue Anyway.

2.3 Run the Temperature, Light, and CapSense Proximity Sensing Designs

To run the temperature, light, and CapSense proximity sensing designs do as follows:
1. Launch PSoC Express.
2. From the Express Design Catalog, expand the ‘CY3270-PSoC FirstTouch Kit’ folder, and double
click on one of the projects and re-name it.
CY3270 PSoC® FirstT ouch™ Guide, Document # 001-15945 Rev. ** 7
Getting Started
LED Display
Light Sensor
CapSense Slider
Temperature Sensor
Proximity Antenna
3. From the top menu bar, click Build and then select Generate/Build {your project name} Project. Click Next in the following two screens.
4. From the top menu bar, click Program and then select Programmer. Within the Programmer window, select Port > FirstTouch and set the Programming Mode button to Reset. Select the File Load button. Within the ‘Open’ window, double-click {your project name}.hex located in
{your project folder}\{your project name}\output under the default \..\My Documents folder or the alternate folder you designated. Then , click th e Program button.
5. Once programming completes successfully, verify the project operation by doing as follows: a. Temperature Sensing–the LED color varies based on changes in the ambient temperature
(the buzzer sounds at extreme temperatures). b. Light Sensing–the LED intensity varies based on changes in the ambient light. c. CapSense Proximity Sensing–the LED color varies based on your hand’s proximity to the

2.4 FTMF Expansion Card Demonstrations

The FTMF Expansion Card provided in your kit is capable of supporting a variety of demonstrations. Each demonstration has an associated PSoC Express project and data sheet that describes the operation and usage of each of the demonstrations in det ail. Since the FTMF expansion card has its own PSoC, you can remove it from the FTPC bridge and insert it into your target hardware or other development platform. In order to observe each of the var iou s FT MF de monstr ations, it is nece ssa ry to reprogram the FTMF card with the appropriate demonstration firmware. For more details refer to the Technical Reference chapter on page 17.
Figure 2-1. FTMF Expansion Card
8 CY3270 PSoC® FirstTouch™ Guide, Document # 001-15945 Rev. **
+ 16 hidden pages