Cypress CY2907, CY2071A User Manual

CY2071A/CY2907 Clock Generators
The Cypress CY2071A and CY2907 family of products are discontinued and should no longer be used for new designs. The CY22381 is a 3.3V pin for pin compatible replacement for the CY2071A and should be used in all new designs and legacy device modifications.There is no option for a 5V VDD on the CY22381. There is no direct pin for pin replacement for the CY2907. The CY22392 is the closest match in functional­ity to the CY2907.
The CY2071A, shown in Figure 2, and CY2907 family of devices are programmed using the PC driven CyClocks soft­ware that is also part of the CyberClocks software suite. CyClocks software stores the program file as an entry file that uses a text file with an .ent file extension. CyClocks allows the user to create an EPROM vector from an existing entry file. The entry file or EPROM vector is not compatible with the CY22381 CyClocks RT software and cannot be imported or used to create a CY22381 programmable JEDEC file.
Figure 1. CY22381 Pinout
Figure 2. CY2701A Pinout
To program a compatible CY22381, the user must take the input and output frequencies and manually enter the data into the CyClocks RT software. The header of an existing entry file may contain useful data that helps the user in manually programming the CY22381 device. A case may arise where all of the output frequencies cannot be mapped into the CY22381 device. This is more prevalent when using the fre­quency select options and is dependant on the difference in PLL technology. Contact Cypress Applications for assistance in converting existing files.
November 12, 2007 Document No. 001-14530 Rev. *A 1
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November 12, 2007 Document No. 001-14530 Rev. *A 2
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