Errata Revision: [**]
May 10, 2007
Errata Document for CY2305C, CY2309C Zero Delay Buffers
This document describes the errata for the Ze ro Delay Clock Buffers, CY2305C and CY2309C. Details include errat a
trigger conditions, scope of impact, available workarounds, and silicon revision applicability . Compare this document
to the device’s data sheet for a complete functional description.
Contact your local Cypress Sales Representative if you have questions.
Part Numbers Affected
Part Number Temperature Grades Packages
CY2305C-1 all all
CY2305C-1H all all
CY2309C-1 all all
CY2309C-1H all all
Zero Delay Buffer Qualification Status
In Production
Zero Delay Buffer Errata Summary
The following table defines the errata applicability to available Zero Delay Buffer family devices.
Note Errata titles are hyperlinked. Click on the table item entry to jump to its description.
Items Part Numbers Fix Status
[1] Possible increased power down current All Will be corrected in the next silicon revision. The
errata is forecast to be corrected for all devices
dated October 2007 and later.
1. Possible increased power down current
When the device is in the power down state, an unbonded pad on the die is allowed to float. Because o f this,
power down current may exceed the data sheet limit.
While high current draw is theoretically possible any time d uring power down, it has only b een obse rved as a
transient occurrence shortly after the device enters power down. Steady-state current has always been ob
served to be within data sheet limits.
Parameter Temperature Range Data Sheet Maximum Actual Maximum
IDD (PD Mode) Commercial 12 µA 3.5 mA
Industrial 25 µA 3.5 mA
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation • 198 Champion Court • San Jose, CA 95134 • 408.943.2600
Document Number: 001-15585 Rev. ** Revised May 10, 2007
Possible increased power consum ption when in the power down s tate (that is, when the referenc e clock is
The silicon will be revised to correct this errata. The errata is forecast to be corrected for all devices dated
October 2007 and later.
[1] Document # 38-07672, CY2305C and CY2309C Zero Delay Buffer
Document Number: 001-15585 Rev. ** Page 2 of 3
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