STORE to QuantumTrap® nonvolatile elements initiated
automatically on power down (AutoStore®) or by user using
HSB pin (Hardware Store) or SPI instruction (Software S tore)
RECALL to SRAM initiated on power up (Power Up Recall®)
or by SPI Instruction (Software Recall)
Automatic STORE on power down with a small capacitor
High Reliability
Infinite Read, Write, and RECALL cycles
200,000 STORE cycles to QuantumTrap
Data Retention: 20 Years
Real Time Clock
Full featured Real Time Clock
Watchdog timer
Clock alarm with programmable interrupts
Capacitor or battery backup for RTC
Backup current of 300 nA
High Speed Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
40 MHz Clock rate - RTC Read at 25 MHz
Supports SPI Modes 0 (0,0) and 3 (1,1)
Write Protection
Hardware Protection using Write Protect (WP) Pin
Software Protection using Write Disable Instruction
Software Block Protection for 1/4, 1/2, or entire Array
Low Power Consumption
Single 3V +20%, –10% operation
Average Vcc current of 10 mA at 40 MHz operation
Industry Standard Configurations
Commercial and industrial temperatures
16-pin SOIC Package
RoHS compliant
The Cypress CY14B101P combines a 1 Mbit nonvolatile static
RAM with full featured real time clock in a monolithic integrated
circuit with serial SPI interface. The memory is organized as
128K words of 8 bits each. The embedded nonvolatile elements
incorporate the QuantumTrap technology, creating the world’s
most reliable nonvolatile memory. The SRAM provides infinite
read and write cycles, while the QuantumTrap cells provide
highly reliable nonvolatile storage of data. Data transfers from
SRAM to the nonvolatile elements (STORE operation) takes
place automatically at power down. On power up, data is
restored to the SRAM from the nonvolatile memory (RECALL
operation). The STORE and RECALL operations can also be
initiated by the user.
SCKInputSerial Clock. Runs at speeds up to a maximum of 25 MHz. All inputs are latched at the rising edge
SIInputSerial Input. Pin for input of all SPI instructions and data.
SOOutputSerial Output. Pin for output of data through SPI.
XoutOutputCrystal Output connection. Drives crystal on start up.
XinInputCrystal Input connection. For 32.768 kHz crystal.
NCNo ConnectNo Connect. This pin is not connected to the die.
GNDPower SupplyGround
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InputChip Select. Activates the device when pulled LOW. Driving this pin HIGH puts the device in low
power standby mode.
of this clock. Outputs are driven at the falling edge of the clock.
InputWrite Protect. Implements hardware write protection in SPI.
InputHOLD Pin. Suspends Serial Operation.
Input/OutputHardware Store Busy: A weak internal pull up keeps this pin pulled HIGH. If not used, this pin is
left as No Connect.
Output: Indicates busy status of nvSRAM when LOW.
Input: Hardware Store implemented by pulling this pin LOW externally.
Power SupplyAutoStore Capacitor . Supplies power to the nvSRAM during power loss to STORE data from the
SRAM to nonvolatile elements. If AutoStore is not needed, this pin must be left as No Connect. It
must never be connected to GND.
Power SupplyCapacitor Backup for RTC. Left unconnected if V
Power SupplyBattery Backup for RTC. Left unconnected if V
is used.
is used.
OutputInterrupt Output. Programmable to respond to the clock alarm, the watchdog timer, and the power
monitor. Also programmable to either active HIGH (push or pull) or LOW (open drain).
Power SupplyPower Supply (2.7-3.6V)
[+] Feedback
Device Operation
CY14B101P is a 1-Mbit nvSRAM memory with integrated RTC
and SPI interface. All the reads and writes to nvSRAM happen
to the SRAM which gives nvSRAM the unique capability to
handle infinite writes to the memory. The data in SRAM is
secured by a STORE sequence that transfers the data in parallel
to the nonvolatile Quantum Trap cells. A small capacitor (V
is used to AutoStore the SRAM data in nonvolatile cells when
power goes down providing power down data security. The
Quantum Trap nonvolatile elements built in the reliable SONOS
technology make nvSRAM the ideal choice for secure data
In CY14B101P, the 1-Mbit memory array is organized as
128K words x 8 bits. The memory is accessed through a
standard SPI interface that enables very high clock speeds upto
40 MHz with zero delay read and write cycles. CY14B101P
supports SPI modes 0 and 3 (CPOL, CPHA = 0, 0 & 1, 1) and
operates as SPI slave. The device is enabled using the Chip
Select pin (CS
) and accessed through Serial Input (SI), Serial
Output (SO), and Serial Clock (SCK) pins.
CY14B101P provides the feature for hardware and software
write protection through WP
pin and WRDI instruction.
CY14B101P also provides mechanisms for block write
protection (1/4, 1/2, or full array) using BP0 and BP1 pins in the
status register. Further, the HOLD
pin is used to suspend any
serial communication without resetting the serial sequence.
CY14B101P uses the standard SPI opcodes for memory access.
In addition to the general SPI instructions for read and write,
CY14B101P provides four special instructions that allow access
to four nvSRAM specific functions: STORE, RECALL, AutoStore
Disable (ASDISB), and AutoStore Enable (ASENB).
The major benefit of nvSRAM SPI over serial EEPROMs is that
all reads and writes to nvSRAM are performed at th e speed of
SPI bus with zero cycle delay. Therefore, no wait time is required
after any of the memory accesses. The STORE and RECALL
operations need finite time to complete and all memory accesses
are inhibited during this time. While a STORE or RECALL
operation is in progress, the busy status of the device is indicated
by the Hardware Store Busy (HSB
bit of the Status Register.
) pin and also reflected on the
SRAM Write
All writes to nvSRAM are carried out on the SRAM and do not
use up any endurance cycles of the nonvolatile memory. This
enables user to perform infinite write operations. A write cycle is
performed through the SPI WRITE instruction. The WRITE
instruction is issued through the SI pin of the nvSRAM and
consists of the WRITE opcode, 3 bytes of address and 1 byte of
data. Writes to nvSRAM is done at SPI bus speed with zero cycle
CY14B101Pallows burst mode writes to be performed through
SPI. This enables write operations on consecutive addresses
without issuing a new WRITE instruction. When the last address
in memory is reached in burst mode, the address rolls over to
0x0000 and the device continues to write.
The SPI write cycle sequence is defined in the Memory Access
section of SPI Protocol Description.
A read cycle in CY14B101P is performed at the SPI bus speed
and the data is read out with zero cycle delay after the READ
instruction is performed. The READ instruction is issued through
the SI pin of the nvSRAM and consists of the READ opcode and
3 bytes of address. The data is read out on the SO pin.
CY14B101P allows burst mode reads to be performed through
SPI. This enables reads on consecutive addresses without
issuing a new READ instruction. When the last address in
memory is reached in burst mode read, the address rolls over to
0x0000 and the device continues to read.
The SPI read cycle sequence is defined in the Memory Access
section of SPI Protocol Description
STORE Operation
STORE operation transfers the data from the SRAM to the
nonvolatile Quantum Trap cells. The CY14B101P STOREs data
to the nonvolatile cells using one of the three STORE operations:
AutoStore, activated on device power down; Software Store,
activated by a STORE instruction in the SPI; and Hardware
Store, activated by the HSB
. During the STORE cycle, an erase
of the previous nonvolatile data is first performed, followed by a
program of the nonvolatile elements. After a STORE cycle is
initiated, further input and output are disabled until the cycle is
signal or the RDY bit in the Status register can be
monitored by the system to detect if a STORE cycle is in
progress. The busy status of nvSRAM is indicated by HSB being
pulled LOW or RDY
bit being set to ‘1’. To avoid unnecessary
nonvolatile STOREs, AutoStore and Hardware Store operations
are ignored unless at least one write opera tion has taken place
since the most recent STORE or RECALL cycle. However,
software initiated STORE cycles are performed regardless of
whether a write operation has taken place.
AutoStore Operation
The AutoStore operation is a unique feature of nvSRAM which
automatically stores the SRAM data to QuantumTrap during
power down. This STORE mechanism is implemented using a
capacitor (V
data in the nonvolatile memory when power goes down.
During normal operation, the device draws current from V
charge the capacitor connected to the V
voltage on the V
the device inhibits all memory accesses to nvSRAM and
automatically performs a conditional STORE operation using the
charge from the V
initiated if no write cycle has been performed since last RECALL.
During power down, the memory accesses are inhibited after the
voltage on V
writes, ensure that CS
Therefore, during power down the device must be deselected
and CS
must be allowed to follow VCC.
Figure 2 shows the proper connection of the storage capacitor
) for AutoStore operation. Refer to DC Electrical Charac-
teristics on page 22 for the size of the V
) and enables the device to safely STORE the
pin. When the
pin drops below V
capacitor. The AutoStore operation is not
pin drops below V
is not left floating prior to this event.
during power down,
. To avoid inadvertent
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[+] Feedback
Figure 2. AutoStore Mode
Software Store Operation
Software Store allows the user to trigger a STORE operation
through a special SPI instruction. This operation is initiated
irrespective of whether a write has been performed since last nv
A STORE cycle takes t
the memory accesses to nvSRAM are inhibited. The RDY
the Status register or the HSB
Ready/Busy status of the nvSRAM. After the t
is completed, the SRAM is activated again for read an d write
time to complete, during which all
pin may be polled to find the
Hardware Store and HSB pin Operation
The HSB pin in CY14B101P is used to control and acknowledge
STORE operations. If no STORE/RECALL is in progress, this pin
can be used to request a Hardware Store cycle. When the HSB
pin is driven LOW, the CY14B101P conditionally initiates a
STORE operation after t
starts only if a write to the SRAM has been performed since the
last STORE or RECALL cycle. Reads and Writes to the memory
are inhibited for t
The HSB pin also acts as an open drain driver that is internally
driven LOW to indicate a busy condition, when a STORE cycle
(initiated by any means) or Power up Recall is in progress. Upon
completion of the STORE operation, CY14B101P remains
disabled until the HSB pin returns HIGH. HSB pin must be left
unconnected if not used.
RECALL Operation
A RECALL operation transfers the data stored in the nonvolatile
Quantum Trap elements to the SRAM. In CY14B101P, a
RECALL may be initiated in two ways: Hardware Recall, initiated
on power up; and Software Recall, initiated by a SPI RECALL
Internally, RECALL is a two step procedure. First, the SRAM data
is cleared. Next, the nonvolatile information is transferred into the
SRAM cells. All memory accesses are inhibited while a RECALL
duration. An actual STORE cycle
duration or as long as HSB pin is LOW.
bit of
cycle time
cycle is in progress. The RECALL operation in no way alters the
data in the nonvolatile elements.
Hardware Recall (Power Up)
During power up, when VCC crosses V
RECALL sequence is initiated which transfers the content of
nonvolatile memory on to the SRAM.
A Power Up Recall cycle takes t
memory access is disabled during this time. HSB
time to complete and the
detect the Ready status of the device.
, an automatic
pin is used to
Software Recall
Software Recall allows the user to initiate a RECALL operation
to restore the content of nonvolatile memory on to the SRAM. In
CY14B101P, this can be done by issuing a RECALL instruction
in SPI.
A Software Recall takes t
memory accesses to nvSRAM are inhibited. The controller must
to complete during which all
provide sufficient delay for the RECALL operation to complete
before issuing any memory access instructions.
Disabling and Enabling AutoStore
If the application does not require the AutoStore feature, it can
be disabled in CY14B101P by using the ASDISB instruction. If
this is done, the nvSRAM does not perform a STORE operation
at power down.
AutoStore can be re-enabled by using the ASENB instruction.
However, these operations are not nonvolatile and if the user
needs this setting to survive power cycle, a STORE operation
must be performed following Autostore Disable or Enable
Note CY14B101P comes from the factory with AutoStore
Note If AutoStore is disabled and V
recommended that the V
never be connected to GND. Power Up Recall operation cannot
pin is left open. V
is not required, it is
pin must
be disabled in any case.
Serial Peripheral Interface
SPI Overview
The SPI is a four-pin interfa ce with Chip Select ( CS), Serial Input
(SI), Serial Output (SO), and Serial Clock (SCK) pins.
CY14B101P provides serial access to nvSRAM through SPI
interface. The SPI bus on CY14B101P can run at speeds up to
40 MHz for all instructions except RDRTC which runs at 25 MHz.
The SPI is a synchronous serial interface which uses clock and
data pins for memory access and supports multiple devices on
the data bus. A device on SPI bus is activated using the Chip
Select pin.
The relationship between chip select, clock, and data is dictated
by the SPI mode. CY14B101P supports SPI modes 0 and 3. In
both these modes, data is clocked into the nvSRAM on the rising
edge of SCK starting from the first rising edge after CS
The SPI protocol is controlled by opcodes. These opcodes
specify the commands from the bus master to the slave device.
After CS
is activated the first byte transferred from the bus
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master is the opcode. Following the opcode, any addresses and
data are then transferred. The CS must go inactive after an
operation is complete and before a new opcode can be issued.
The commonly used terms used in SPI protocol are given below:
SPI Master
The SPI Master device controls the operations on a SPI bus. An
SPI bus may have only one master with one or more slave
devices. All the slaves share the same SPI bus lines and master
may select any of the slave devices using the Chip Select pin.
All the operations must be initiated by the master activating a
slave device by pulling the CS
also generates the Serial Clock (SCK) and all the data transmission on SI and SO lines are synchronized with this clock.
SPI Slave
SPI slave device is activated by the master through the Chip
Select line. A slave device gets the Serial Clock (SCK) as an
input from the SPI master and all the communication is
synchronized with this clock. SPI slave never initiates a
communication on the SPI bus and acts on the instruction from
the master.
CY14B101P operates as a slave device and may share the SPI
bus with multiple CY14B101P devices or other SPI devices.
Chip Select (CS
For selecting any slave device, the master needs to pull down
the corresponding CS
slave device only while the CS
The CY14B101P is selected when the CS
device is not selected, data through the SI pin is ignored and the
serial output pin (SO) remains in a high impedance state.
Note A new instruction must begin with the falling edge of Chip
Select (CS
active Chip Select cycle.
). Therefore, only one opcode can be issued for each
pin of the slave LOW. The master
pin. Any instruction can be issued to a
pin is LOW.
pin is LOW. When the
Data Transmission SI/SO
SPI data bus consists of two lines, SI and SO, for serial data
communication. The SI is also referred to as MOSI (Master Out
Slave In) and SO is referred to as MISO (Master In Slave O ut).
The master issues instructions to the slave through the SI pin,
while slave responds through the SO pin. Multiple slave devices
may share the SI and SO lines as described earlier.
CY14B101P has two separate pins for SI and SO which can be
connected with the master as shown in Figure 3 on page 6.
Most Significant Bit (MSB)
The SPI protocol requires that the first bit to be transmitted is the
Most Significant Bit (MSB). This is valid for both address and
data transmission.
CY14B101P requires a 3-byte address for any read or write
operation. However, since the actual address is only 17 bits, it
implies that the first seven bits, which are fed in, are ignored by
the device. Although these seven bits are ‘don’t care’, Cypress
recommends that these bits are treated as 0s to enable
seamless transition to higher memory densities.
Serial Opcode
After the slave device is selected with CS
byte received is treated as the opcode for the intended operation.
CY14B101P uses the standard opcodes for memory accesses.
In addition to the memory accesses, CY14B101P provides
additional opcodes for the nvSRAM specific functions: STORE,
RECALL, AutoStore Enable, and AutoStore Disable. Refer to
Table 2 on page 7 for details on opcodes.
Invalid Opcode
If an invalid op-code is received, the op-code is ignored and the
device ignores any additional serial data on the SI pin. and no
valid data is sent out on the SO pin. Opcode for a new instruction
is recognized only after the next falling edge of CS
going LOW, the first
Serial Clock (SCK)
Serial clock is generated by the SPI master and the communication is synchronized with this clock after CS
CY14B101P allows SPI modes 0 and 3 for data communication.
In both these modes, the inputs are latched by the slave device
on the rising edge of SCK and outputs are issued on the falling
edge. Therefore, the first rising edge of SCK signifies the arrival
of first bit (MSB) of SPI instruction on the SI pin. Further, all data
inputs and outputs are synchronized with SCK.
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goes LOW.
Status Register
CY14B101P has an 8-bit status register. The bits in the status
register are used to configure the SPI bus. These bits are
described in the Table 4 on page 8.
[+] Feedback
Figure 3. System Configuration Using SPI nvSRAM
0 12 34 5 6 7
0 12 34 56 7
SPI Modes
CY14B101P device may be driven by a microcontroller with its
SPI peripheral running in either of the following two modes:
SPI Mode 0 (CPOL=0, CPHA=0)
SPI Mode 3 (CPOL=1, CPHA=1)
For both these modes, input data is latched in on the rising edge
of Serial Clock (SCK) starting from the first rising edge after CS
goes active. If the clock starts from a HIGH state (in mode 3), the
first rising edge after the clock toggles are considered. The
output data is available on the falling edge of Serial Clock (SCK).
Figure 4. SPI Mode 0
The two SPI modes are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. The
status of clock when the bus master is in Standby mode and not
transferring data is:
SCK remains at 0 for Mode 0
SCK remains at 1 for Mode 3
CPOL and CPHA bits must be set in the SPI controller for the
either Mode 0 or Mode 3. CY14B101P detects the SPI mode
from the status of SCK pin when device is selected by bringing
pin LOW. If SCK pin is LOW when device is selected, SPI
the CS
Mode 0 is assumed and if SCK pin is HIGH, CY14B101P works
in SPI Mode 3.
Figure 5. SPI Mode 3
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SPI Operating Features
Power Up
Power up is defined as the condition when the power supply is
turned on and V
Chip Select (CS
Therefore, CS
up resistor. As a built in safety feature, Chip Select (CS
edge sensitive and level sensitive. After power up, the device is
not selected until a falling edge is detected on Chip Select (CS).
This ensures that Chip Select (CS
before going Low to start the first operation.
As described earlier, nvSRAM performs a Power Up Recall
operation after power up and therefore, all memory accesses are
disabled for t
be probed to check the ready/busy status of nvSRAM after power
Power On Reset
A Power On Reset (POR) circuit is included to prevent
inadvertent writes. At power up, the device does not respond to
any instruction until the VCC reaches the Power On Reset
threshold voltage (V
threshold, the device is internally reset and performs a Power Up
Recall operation. The device is in the following state after POR:
Deselected (after Power up, a falling edge is required on Chip
Select (CS
Standby Power mode
Not in the Hold Condition
Status register state:
Write Enable (WEN) bit is reset to 0.
WPEN, BP1, BP0 unchanged from previous power down
The WPEN, BP1, and BP0 bits of the Status Register are nonvolatile bits and remain unchanged from the previous power down.
Before selecting and issuing instructions to the memory, a valid
and stable V
remain valid until the end of the transmission of the instruction.
Power Down
At power down (continuous decay of VCC), when VCC drops from
the normal operating voltage and below the V
voltage, the device stops responding to any instruction sent to it.
If a write cycle is in progress during power down, it is allowed
time to complete after Vcc transitions below V
After this, all memory accesses are inhibited and a co nditional
AutoStore operation is performed (AutoStore is not performed if
no writes have happened since last RECALL cycle). This feature
prevents inadvertent writes to nvSRAM from happening during
power down.
However, to avoid the possibility of inadvertent writes during
power down, ensure that the device is deselected and is in
Standby Power Mode, and the Chip Select (CS
voltage applied on V
crosses Vswitch voltage. During this time, the
) must be enabled to follow the VCC voltage.
must be connected to VCC through a suitable pull
) is both
) must have been HIGH,
duration after power up. The HSB pin can
). After VCC transitions the POR
) before any instructions are started).
voltage must be applied. This voltage must
) follows the
Active Power and Standby Power Modes
When Chip Select (CS) is LOW, the device is selected, and is in
the Active Power mode. The device consumes I
specified in DC Electrical Characteristics on page 22. When Chip
Select (CS
) is HIGH, the device is deselected and the device
goes into the Standby Power mode if a STORE or RECALL cycle
is not in progress. If a STORE/RECALL cycle is in progress, the
device goes into the Standby Power Mode after the
STORE/RECALL cycle is completed. In the Standby Power
mode the current drawn by the device drops to I
SPI Functional Description
The CY14B101P uses an 8-bit instruction register. Instructions
and their operation codes are listed in Table 2. All instructions,
addresses, and data are transferred with the MSB first and start
with a HIGH to LOW CS
instructions which provide access to most of the functions in
nvSRAM. Further, the WP and HOLD pins provide additional
functionality driven through hardware.
Table 2. Instruction Set
WREN0000 0110Set Write Enable
WRDI0000 0100Reset Write
RDSR0000 0101Read Status
WRSR0000 0001Write Status
READ0000 0011Read Data From
WRITE0000 0010Write Data To
WRTC0001 0010Write RTC
RDRTC0001 0011Read RTC
STORE0011 1100Software Store
Special NV
RECALL0110 0000Software Recall
ASENB0101 1001AutoStore Enable
ASDISB0001 1001AutoStore Disable
Reserved- Reserved -0001 1110Reserved for
The SPI instructions in CY14B101P are divided based on their
functionality in following types:
Status Register Access: WRSR and RDSR instructions
Write Protection Functions: WREN and WRDI instructions
along with WP pin and WEN, BP0 and BP1 bits
SRAM memory Access: READ and WRITE instructions
RTC access: RDRTC and WRTC instructions
nvSRAM special instructions: STORE, RECALL, ASENB and
transition. There are, in all, 12 SPI
Enable Latch
Memory Array
Memory Array
Internal use
current, as
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[+] Feedback
Status Register
The status register bits are listed in Table 3. The status register
consists of Ready bit (RD Y
Ready/Busy status while a nvSRAM STORE cycle is in
) and data protection bits BP1, BP0,
bit can be polled to check the
tion and read by RDSR instruction. However, only WPEN, BP1
and BP0 bits of the Status Register can be modified by using
WRSR instruction. WRSR instruction has no effect on WEN and
bits. The default value shipped from the factory for BP1,
BP2 and WPEN bits is ‘0’.
progress. The status register can be modified by WRSR instruc-
Table 3. Status Register Format
Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0
Table 4. Status Register Bit Definition
Bit 0(RDY
)ReadyRead Only bit indicates the ready status of device to perform a memory access. This
bit is set to “1” by the device while a STORE or Software Recall cycle is in progress.
Bit 1 (WEN)Write EnableWEN indicates if the device is write-enabled. Setting WEN = '1' enables writes and
setting WEN = '0' disables all write operations
Bit 2 (BP0)Block Protect bit ‘0’Used for block protection. For details see Table 5 on page 9.
Bit 3 (BP1)Block Protect bit ‘1’Used for block protection. For details see Table 5 on page 9.
Bit 7(WPEN)Write Protect Enable bitUsed for enabling the function of Write Protect Pin (WP
). For details see Table 6 on
page 10.
Read Status Register (RDSR) Instruction
The Read Status Register instruction provides access to the
status register. This instruction is used to probe the Write Enable
Status of the device or the Ready status of the device. RDY
is set by the device to 1 whenever a STORE cycle is in progress.
The Block Protection and WPEN bits indicate the extent of
protection employed.
This instruction is issued after the falling edge of CS
using the
opcode for RDSR.
Write Status Register (WRSR) Instruction
The WRSR instruction enables the user to write to the Status
register. However, this instruction cannot be used to modify bit 0
and bit 1 (WEN and RDY). The BP0 and BP1 bits can be used
Figure 6. Read Status Register (RDSR) Instruction Timing
to select one of four levels of block protection. Further, WPEN bit
must be set to ‘1’ to enable the use of Write Protect (WP
) pin.
WRSR instruction is a write instruction and needs writes to be
enabled (WEN bit set to ‘1’) using the WREN instruction before
it is issued. The instruction is issued after the falling edge of CS
using the opcode for WRSR followed by eight bits of data to be
stored in the Status Register. Since, only bits 2, 3, and 7 can be
modified by WRSR instruction, it is recommended to leave the
other bits as ‘0’ while writing to the Status Register.
Note In CY14B101P, the values written to Status Register are
saved to nonvolatile memory only after a STORE operation. If
AutoStore is disabled, any modifications to the Status Register
must be secured by using a Software STORE operation
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Figure 7. Write Status Register (WRSR) Instruction Timing
Data in
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 1 2 34 56 7
0 00 00 1 00
0 1 2 34 56 7
Write Protection and Block Protection
CY14B101P provides features for both software and hardware
write protection using WRDI instruction and WP
device also provides block protection mechanism through BP0
and BP1 pins of the Status Register.
The write enable and disable status of the device is indicated by
WEN bit of the status register. The write instructions (WRSR,
WRITE, and WRTC) and nvSRAM special instruction (STORE,
RECALL, ASENB, ASDISB) need the write to be enabled (WEN
bit = 1) before they can be issued.
Write Enable (WREN) Instruction
On power up, the device is always in the write disable state. The
following WRITE, WRSR, WRTC, or nvSRAM special instruction
must therefore be preceded by a Write Enable instruction. If the
device is not write enabled (WEN = ‘0’), it ignores the write
instructions and returns to the standby state when CS
HIGH. A new CS
communication. The instruction is issued following the falling
edge of CS. When this instruction is used, the WEN bit of status
register is set to ‘1’.
Note After completion of a write instruction (WRSR, WRITE, or
WRTC) or nvSRAM special instruction (STORE, RECALL,
ASENB, ASDISB) instruction, WEN bit is cleared to ‘0’. This is
done to provide protection from any inadvertent writes.
Therefore, WREN instruction needs to be used before a new
write instruction can be issued.
falling edge is required to re-initiate serial
Figure 8. WREN Instruction
. Additionally, this
is brought
by opcode for WRDI instruction. The WEN bit is cleared on the
rising edge of CS
following a WRDI instruction.
Figure 9. WRDI Instruction
Block Protection
Block protection is provided using the BP0 and BP1 pins of the
Status register. These bits can be set using WRSR instruction
and probed using the RDSR instruction. The nvSRAM is divided
into four array segments. One-quarter, one-half, or all of the
memory segments can be protected. Any data within the
protectedsegment is read only. Table 5 shows the function of
Block Protect bits.
Table 5. Block Write Protect Bits
1 (1/4)010x18000-0x1FFFF
2 (1/2)100x10000-0x1FFFF
3 (All)110x00000-0x1FFFF
Status Register Bits
Array Addresses Protected
Hardware Write Protection (WP Pin)
The write protect pin (WP) is used to provide hardware write
protection. WP
when held HIGH. When the WP
bit is “1”, all write operations to the status register are inhibited.
The hardware write protection function is blocked when the
Write Disable (WRDI) Instruction
Write Disable instruction disables the write by clearing the WEN
bit to ‘0’ in order to protect the device against inadvertent writes.
This instruction is issued following the falling edge of CS
Document #: 001-44109 Rev. *BPage 9 of 32
WPEN bit is “0”. This allows the user to install the CY14B101P
in a system with the WP
status register.
pin can be used along with WPEN and Block Protect bits
(BP1 and BP0) of the status register to inhibit writes to memory.
pin allows all normal read and write operations
pin is brought LOW and WPEN
pin tied to ground, and still write to the
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When WP
0 0
17-bit Address
pin is LOW and WPEN is set to “1”, any modifications
to status register are disabled. Therefore, the memory is
protected by setting the BP0 and BP1 bits and the WP pin inhibits
any modification of the status register bits, providing hardware
write protection.
Note WP going LOW when CS is still LOW has no effect on any
of the ongoingwrite operations to the status register.
Table 6 summarizes all the protection features provided in the
All memory accesses are done using the READ and WRITE
instructions. These instructions cannot be used while a STORE
or RECALL cycle is in progress. A STORE cycle in progress is
indicated by the RDY
Read Sequence (READ)
The read operations on CY14B101P are performed by giving the
instruction on Serial Input pin (SI) and reading the output on
Serial Output (SO) pin. The following sequence needs to be
followed for a read operation: After the CS
select a device, the read opcode is transmitted through the SI
line followed by three bytes of address. The Most Significant
address byte contains A16 in bit 0 and other bits as don’t cares.
Address bits A15 to A0 are sent in the following two address
bytes. After the last address bit is transmitted on the SI pin, the
bit of the status register and the HSB pin.
line is pulled LOW to
Figure 10. Read Instruction Timing
data (D7-D0) at the specific address is shifted out on the SO line
on the falling edge of SCK. Any other data on SI line after the last
address bit is ignored.
CY14B101P allows reads to be performed in bursts through SPI
which can be used to read consecutive addresses without
issuing a new READ instruction. If only one byte is to be read,
the CS
line must be driven HIGH after one byte of data comes
out. However, the read sequence may be continued by holding
the CS line LOW and the address is automatically incremented
and data continues to shift out on SO pin. When the last data
memory address (0x1FFFF) is reached, the address rolls over to
0x0000 and the device continues to read.
Write Sequence (WRITE)
The write operations on CY14B101P are performed through the
Serial Input (SI) pin. T o perform a write operation CY14B101P, if
the device is write disabled, then the device must first b e write
enabled through the WREN instruction. When the writes are
enabled (WEN = ‘1’), WRITE instruction is issued after the falling
edge of CS
WRITE opcode on SI line followed by 3-bytes address sequence
and the data (D7-D0) which is to be written. The Most Significant
address byte contains A16 in bit 0 with other bits being don’t
cares. Address bits A15 to A0 are sent in the following two
address bytes.
CY14B101P allows writes to be performed in bursts through SPI
which can be used to write consecutive addresses without
issuing a new WRITE instruction. If only one byte is to be written,
the CS
transmitted. However, if more bytes are to be written, CS
must be held LOW and address incremented automatically. The
following bytes on the SI line are treated as data bytes and
written in the successive addresses. When the last data memory
address (0x1FFFF) is reached, the address rolls over to 0x0000
and the device continues to write.
The WEN bit is reset to “0” on completion of a WRITE sequence.
. A WRITE instruction constitutes transmitting the
line must be driven HIGH after the D0 (LSB of data) is
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