CYP PU-107 Operation Manual

Pure Digital V1.3 HDMI over
Single CAT6 Transmitter &
Receiver Set
Ple a se rea d a ll instruc tions b e fore a ttem p ting to unp ac k or insta ll or op e ra te this e q uip m ent, a nd b efore c onnec t ing the p owe r sup p ly. Ple a se keep t he fo llo w ing in m ind as yo u unp a c k a nd insta ll this eq uip m e nt:
Alwa ys fo llow b asic safe ty p rec autions to red uc e the risk of
re, e le c tric a l sho c k and injury to p e rsons.
To p revent re or sho ck hazard, d o not expo se the u nit to ra in,
mo isture o r insta ll th is p ro duc t nea r w ate r.
Never sp ill liquid o f a ny kind o n or into this p rod uc t .
Never push a n o b jec t o f a ny kind into this pro d uc t through
mo d ule op e n ing s or emp ty slots, as yo u m a y d a ma g e p arts.
Do not a tta c h the powe r sup p ly c a bling to b uilding surfa ces.
Do not a llow a nything to rest on the p ow er c a bling o r a llow it to
b e a bused by p erso ns w alking o n it.
To p rotec t the e quip m ent from o ve rhe a ting, d o not b lo c k the slots a nd op ening s in the m od ule housing t ha t p ro vide ve ntilation .
Revision History
Version No Date Sum m ary o f Cha nge
V1 20100317 Pre limina ry rele a se
Table of Co ntents
1. Introd uc tion ...............
2. App lic a tions ........................
3. Pa c kag e Contents ............................
4. System Req uirements ........................
5. Fea tures .................
6. Spec ic a tions ..................
7. Operatio n Co ntrols and Func tions .................
7.1 Fron t Pan e l ..............................................................................
7.2 Rea r Panel ..............
8. Co nne c tion a nd Insta llatio n ....................
9. Ac ro nyms ......................................................................................
+ 7 hidden pages