1. Introduction................................................................................ 1
2. Features...................................................................................... 1
3. Package Contents.................................................................... 1
4. Operation Controls and Functions........................................... 2
4.1 Front Panel........................................................................... 2
4.2 Rear Panel........................................................................... 2
5. Specifications............................................................................ 3
6. Connection and Installation.................................................... 4

1. Introduction
Cypress CA-HDMIAT is the transmitter (Tx) unit of HDMI over CAT5 Tx/Rx solution,
depends on the type of receiver (Rx) unit used, CA-HDMIAT can extend HDMI
signal through CAT-5 cables for a distance up to 50/100/150/250 meters. The
installation of Cypress HDMI Over CAT5 is easy and quick, simply place CAÂHDMIAT next to your HDTV source such as a DVD player, then place the
receiver unit (CA-HDMI50R / CA-HDMI100R / CA-HDMI150R / CA-HDMI250R) next
to your display, and get all necessary cables connected to complete and
2. Features
1. Compliant with HDMI 1.2, HDCP 1.1 and DVI 1.0 specifications.
2. Supports CAT-5/CAT-5E/CAT-6 cables of variable types.
3. Supports high definition input up to 1080P, output resolution follows input.
4. Easy to install and simple to operate.
3. Package Contents
1. Cypress CA-HDMIAT - HDMI Over CAT5 Transmitter
2. 5VDC Power Supply Adaptor
3. Operation Manual