1. Introduction................................................................................ 1
2. Features...................................................................................... 1
3. Package Contents.................................................................... 1
4. Operation Controls and Functions........................................... 2
4.1 Front Panel........................................................................... 2
4.2 Rear Panel........................................................................... 2
5. Specifications............................................................................ 3
6. Connection and Installation.................................................... 4

1. Introduction
Cypress CA-HDMI150R is the receiver (Rx) unit of HDMI over CAT5 Tx/Rx
solution, works with CA-HDMIAT (the transmitter), can extend HDMI signal
through CAT-5 cables for a distance up to 150 meters. The installation of
Cypress HDMI Over CAT5 is easy and quick, simply place CA-HDMIAT next to
your HDTV source such as a DVD player, then place CA-HDMI150R next to your
display, and get all necessary cables connected to complete and enjoy.
2. Features
1. Compliant with HDMI 1.2, HDCP 1.1 and DVI 1.0 specifications.
2. Supports CAT-5/CAT-5E/CAT-6 cables of variable types.
3. Supports high definition input up to 1080P, output resolution follows input.
4. Easy to install and simple to operate.
3. Package Contents
1. Cypress CA-HDMI150R - HDMI Over CAT5 Receiver at 150 Meters
2. 5VDC Power Supply Adaptor
3. Operation Manual