Cyborg® V.3 Mouse
Getting Started
Congratulations on purchasing the Cyborg
functions, backlighting and gaming ergonomics, plus 2400 dpi resolution for high-speed, highly accurate tracking.
System Compatibility
PC running Windows XP/XP64/Vista/7
Programming your Cyborg® V.3 Mouse
The buttons of your mouse are all programmable using ST programming software. To
download the software, go to www.cyborggaming.com, select the Cyborg
the drop-down menu and download software. Download the ST manual and follow the onscreen
instructions to start programming.
Driver updates
From time to time there may be updates to the driver and programming software for this product. You can check for
the latest software updates by visiting the Cyborg
drop down menu will appear. Select Drivers and Software.
V.3 Mouse. The mouse offers a range of programmable gaming
V.3 Mouse from
website (www.cyborggaming.com) and clicking on Downloads. A
Mouse Buttons
As well as the typical left and right buttons with scroll wheel and wheel button, the Cyborg
other buttons offering extra functionality.
Front top button (mode
The button at the front left of
the mouse switches modes
to change mouse sensitivity
when using the Smart
Technology default software
profile. The green LEDs on
the side of the mouse
indicate which mode is
Central side button
The central side button has no default
function in Windows. However, using the
Smart Technology Software profile this
button opens internet favourites.
Front and back
side buttons
The buttons on the side of the
mouse can perform a range of
functions depending on how
they are programmed. As a
default, they operate as Internet
forward and back buttons when
using a web browser to move
to next web page or last page
V.3 Mouse has four