Cybertree CWM300XBL3150R Users Manual

Operation Manual
Read the products instructions before using the product. The products warranty is included
inside the products Operation Manual.
Breast Liner BL Co., Ltd.
Address: 553-25, Sinsa-Dong, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, Korea
Developed by Cyber Tree Co., Ltd.
Manufactured by Moa Moa Korea
Tel: 82 2 546 3116, Fax: 82 2 546 9808
Company Introduction
Components / Remote Control
Special Features
The Six Typical Shapes of Womens Breasts
Operation Instructions
Common Problems and Their Solutions / FAQ
Caution / Safety Instructions
Product Specifications
Introduction of the Developer
Consumer satisfaction depends upon the value of the products they have purchased and who
makes these products will decide the level of the products value. In other words, consumer
satisfaction is determined by the quality and performance of a product. My job is to teach
university students, so I may not be fully aware of the company called the Cyber Tree Co., Ltd.
However, I was more than willing to write this recommendation for the company, when I was
asked, for two reasons.
First, I believe a companys future can be judged by its CEO. Since April, 2003, the CEO of the
Cyber Tree has been a student of mine in my top management courses. I was very impressed
by his willingness and initiative to learn new knowledge and build a wider human network
despite the numerous difficulties his business had to face at that time. He also has been one of
my best students because he was highly motivated, creative and knew how to work well with
other people. Guided by this young and energetic CEO, I strongly believe this company will see
a bright future and the quality of their products can be assured.
And, second the firms other products are being exported to foreign countries such as the
United States, Canada and Australia, with local branch offices operating in Canada and
Australia. This represents the fact that the products are competitive against similar goods from
all over the world. This type of situation cannot be achieved without a firm foundation built on
advanced quality, manpower and management. The consumers in North America have very
high standards when it comes to quality in their purchased products and it is apparent that the
Cyber Tree company is actually meeting those standards.
I offer my sincere hope for the success of the that BL company and it will prove itself again in a
new domain.
Go Wan Seok
Doctor of Business Administration
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
The breast massage machine, the “BL” must be friendly, neat and pretty, as well as it being
convenient with a high performance ability for its users.
The Breast Liner (BL) was designed by Song Minhun, an Art Director / Representative of Moto
The February edition of monthly design magazine explains the concept of the Breast Liner,
Song Minhun is no longer just a famous Korean designer. The world is his stage and his works
are considered one of the worlds finest. He built this outstanding industrial design company
(Breast Liner BL) that has been leading the design trends in Korea for the last 17 years. Mr.
Song is known to be the nations best industrial designer. If its to be a tool to protect and
enhance the beauty of women, it must be designed to have the aesthetic value that can create
sublime beauty, as well as, also protecting the individual. Only those who can understand
beauty can make products that can create beauty. All designs come from human life and return
to human life again. We can feel it from any action, feature, various shocks and social
phenomena. Constant questioning and imagining is the key to drawing better designs, thus
making beauty out of nothing, according to Mr. Song when asked about his idea about design
by Monthly Design. The Breast Liner is one of his greatest masterpieces.
Comments From a Plastic Surgeon
It is already well known, even within academic circles, that frequent massaging will enlarge a
breast. Thinking more about it, it is the female hormone that is stimulated by a massage that will
make breasts larger. Massage stimulates the secretion of female hormones that are not well
secreted for various reasons, such as a persons incorrect posture. It will take some time to
enlarge breasts by only applying a massage to them. The only way to enlarge ones breasts in a
short period of time is through plastic surgery. However, there are many who can make their
breasts larger and more beautiful by simply applying a constant massage to them, instead of
relying on plastic surgery.
For example, if the massage is done spirally toward the inner area of the breasts while pushing
the flesh of the upper arms and armpits to that inner breast area, this will lift up drooping breasts
and make them look bigger than they really are. This method will also help the nipples. I would
recommend this product called the Breast Liner to those who just had breast surgery or those
individuals with a low adaptability to surgery.
Especially after going through surgery, it is very important to provide a constant massage to the
breast area because it will improve its/their shape and make it/them look more natural. With a
variety of traditional massage skills conjoined with state-of-the-art technology, the Breast Liner
has been designed to be used at anytime and anywhere. Breasts themselves have no muscles
that can directly move them. So, breasts can only borrow external energy to stimulate the
secretion of the above-mentioned hormones. The Breast Liner is the answer for providing the
needed external energy. Adding to its unique design and high performance capabilities, the
Breast Liner can be operated with a remote control. The BL is safe, it is convenient and it is
good looking.
Dr. Jeong Seong-il
Specialized in Plastic Surgery
Director of Top Surgery Hospital
Director of Beijing SK Hospital
Quick Tips for the Breasts
If one has too much fat, they may have beautiful breasts.
A sectional view of the female breasts as seen from the front, shows that it consists of the
mammary gland tissue that secretes the milk and the fat tissue covering it in a hemisphere
shape. The breasts are developed on the muscle called musculus pectoralis major. The
mammary gland starts developing at the time of menarche as the ovary begins the secretion of
female hormones at that time. Then, fatty films gradually form the convex line around the
mammary gland to finally complete the beauty of a woman. To develop beautiful breasts, the
appropriate exercises to strengthen the musculus pectorialis major are a must. At the same time,
a proper massage to stimulate the fatty films forming the volume of the breasts will help
maintain the resilience of the breasts.
 Fat tissue
 Mammary duct
 Mammary gland
 Musculus pectoralis major
 Costa
The Six Typical Shapes of Womens Breasts
1. A type (flat)
- Commonly called the ‘cliff – surfboard,’ this shape has little volume between
the top and under bust area.
BL companys recommendation: There needs to be some fatty film to form the breast line, so
we recommend dietetic therapy using bean products that contain plenty of natural estrogen.
Avoid the high mode of our massager, one should try the medium or low modes. Use the Breast
Liner for about 10 minutes from mode 1 to mode 6 for more than 5 times a week.
Top bust
Under bust
2. B type (hemisphere, ideal shape)
- The breasts length of base and height are almost the same with adequate volume. This type
is generally well developed and there is no downward drooping.
BL companys recommendation: Use our BL for about 15 minutes three times a week, try mode
3 and mode 6, this will help maintain the beautiful line of your breasts.
3. C type (cone shape)
- Generally called the rocket breasts and they protrude upward.
BL companys recommendation: Use the Breast Liner three times a week for about 15
minutes in mode 5.
4. D type (bell shape)
- These breasts are bulky in size with their nipples hanging down. They are usually the
shape of a waterdrop when seen from the front.
BL companys recommendation: Use the BL three times a week for about15 minutes in mode 3.
5. E type (triangular shape)
- Most Asian women have triangular shaped breasts. These breasts are relatively low in height
while the base line is rather wide with their nipples heading upward. Sometimes drooping
breasts may form this shape.
BL companys recommendation: Use the BL 10 minutes per mode, from mode 1 to 6, three
times a week.
6. F type (drooping)
- These types of breasts droop downward, and they are mostly caused by the normal aging
BL companys recommendation: One should exercise to strengthen the musculus pectoralis
major while using the Breast Liner. Usage of the BL should be 15 minutes in mode 3 and 6,
respectively and, then, 5 minutes in mode 1, 2, 4 and 5, respectively. This should be done 4
times a week.
Note: According to the physical condition of each of its users the effects of the Breast Liner may
be different.
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