CWR GS2, GS4 Installation Manual And Technical Information

Gravity Filter
Installation Guide and Technical Information
Thank you for purchasing a Gravity Filter system. Your Gravity Filter comprises an upper chamber where the filter cartridges are located and a lower chamber where the purified water is stored.
The GS2 has two filter cartridges and the GS4 has four filter cartridges. The more filter cartridges your gravity filter system has, the faster the flow and the higher the volume of purified water. Your purchase of a Water Filter will help protect you from water borne disease. The filter uses ceramic filter cartridges, which trap pathogenic bacteria – the main causes of diseases such as dysentery, cholera, bilharzia and typhoid, etc.
It is important that anyone using a filter system takes time to study this guide as it contains essential information needed to ensure easy installation and trouble-free use.
Follow the instructions and, after installation, your system will produce purified water.
Keep this guide in a safe place. It will enable you to get the best performance from your system now and in the future.
Section One Principal components
Section Two Installation
Section Three Operating instructions and Maintenance
Section Four General information I 020 8539 4707 I Ltd, Carlton House, Aylmer Road, London, E11 3AD
Section one
Principal components
(Figs 1) The first component in the system is the lid knob (1) and is connected to the lid (2). The upper housing (3) sits on top of the lower housing (7). The cartridges (4) fit into the holes in the upper housing (3) and are held in place by the wing nuts (6) and washers (5). The tap is connected to the lower housing (7) and is fastened with tap nut (9) and washers (11). The final component is the non-slip rubber ring (10).
An optional cartridge (fig.2) for fluoride removal can be used in place of the wing nuts to fasten the top cartridges (4).
Section Two
Assembly Details
1. Remove the filter housings and ceramic candles from the packaging and check each item against the sketch shown. This will enable you to assemble the filter with the minimum of effort. (Please Note: the number of candles supplied will depend on the filter model purchased. For instance, Filter Model GS2 is supplied with 2 candles and a GS4 is supplied with 4 candles.
2. Since cleanliness is important ensuretthat contamination of the filter components does not occur during assembly of the Water Filter. Fit KNOB (1) onto the LID (2) and insert SCREW (12) through the hole in the LID (2) screw on the KNOB (1) by hand only.
3. Push the sealing WASHER (5) over the threaded section of the CANDLE (4) MOUNT.
4.Place the CANDLE/S (4) into the holes in the UPPER SECTION (3). Secure the CANDLE/S into the UPPER SECTION (3) by screwing the CANDLE WING NUT (6) onto the threaded candle mount from underneath the upper section.
Push one WASHER (11) over the thread of the TAP (8) and secure the TAP into the hole provided in the BOTTOM SECTION (7) with the other WASHER (11) and the NUT (9).
5. Place the UPPER SECTION (complete with candles and LID) onto the BOTTOM SECTION (7). Fit the NON SLIP/ANTI-CONDENSATION RUBBER RING (10) on to the lower section. Ensure the TAP (8) IS IN THE “OFF” position and fill the UPPER SECTION (3) with water. The water from the upper section will now filter through the ceramic candles into the bottom section giving you clean drinking water.
Discard the first batch of purified water, this will have flushed the cartridges. I 020 8539 4707 I Ltd, Carlton House, Aylmer Road, London, E11 3AD
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