BOOST - This is the overall level of
DC Power Jack - Used to power your
the affected signal. The range is from
no boost, to over 25dB of clean boost.
IN - This is the input to the pedal.
This jack is on the right side middle of
the pedal.
OUT - This is the output of the pedal.
Plug this either into your amp or into any
other effects you want after this effect. This
jack is on the right side bottom of the pedal.
pedal from a DC supply. This has the
same pin-out as the standard pedal supplies,
tip is ground, sleeve is 9V. Use a filtered supÂply, especially on high gain overdrive and disÂtortion pedals, since they tend to amplify
power supply noise.
Power LED (Green) - When the effect is
powered the LED is on.
Power Consumption - ~8mA.
Updated 8/3/10
www.cusackeffects.com 494 Lincoln Ave, STE 10, Holland, MI 49423 (616)546-8888