AC Motor Controller with VCL
Motor Controllers

The Ultimate Class III Truck Control System: Superb Performance and Value
The Curtis Model AC F2-A Motor Controller provides accurate speed and torque control of 3-phase AC induction and
PMAC motors.
Model AC F2-A is fully optimized for use as a traction controller on 1.0 ton-2.0 ton Class III pedestrian-operated powered
pallet trucks. It provides vehicle designers with the ability to fully dene and control the detailed dynamic performance
of their vehicle’s drivetrain, and also provides comprehensive vehicle management and CAN capabilities. Model AC F2-A
is also suitable for traction or hydraulic pump control on other types of battery powered vehicles.
Together with the Curtis model 3141 CAN LCD display and the user-friendly Curtis Integrated Toolkit, the Curtis model
AC F2-A is the ultimate Class III truck control system.
Fit for Purpose
▶ Compact, rugged housing with very small ‘footprint’
for its power rating.
▶ Heavy duty M6 busbars for motor and battery
▶ Sealed, 23-pin AMPseal I/O connector.
▶ Impervious to most oils, solvents, degreasers and other
chemicals often encountered by industrial vehicles.
▶ IP65 and IP67 environmental protection as per IEC 60529.
▶ Exceeds latest global conformance requirements for
functional safety, electrical safety and EMC.
▶ CE marked as a programmable safety device.
▶ UL583 recognized component.
▶ Easily configured to work with any AC induction or
PMAC motor.
▶ Improved motor auto-characterization setup allows
simple on-truck pairing with different Induction
motor types.
You Feel It When You Drive It—
Maximum Torque, Minimum Losses, Full control
▶ The latest implementation of Curtis’ renowned field-
oriented control algorithms and our advanced PWM
switching technology assure maximum motor output
torque and highest possible system efficiency across
the entire torque/speed spectrum.
▶ Smooth and predictable drive control that only Curtis
can deliver.
▶ Comprehensive library of AC motor types stored
controller memory.

FEATURES continued
Get More Out of Your Battery—
Regardless of the Technology
▶ High-efficiency means more of your battery’s energy
is converted to motor output power.
▶ Fully configurable over- and under-voltage
protection parameters.
▶ Wide operating voltage range allows use with the
latest cell chemistries such as lithium ion.
▶ Configurable CANbus and VCL allows easy integration
with the BMS (Battery Management Systems)
typically found on lithium battery packs.
Powerful, High Performance Dual Microprocessors
▶ Dual-micro architecture achieves up to PL=D,
category 2 functional safety under
EN ISO 13849-1 / EN1175-1:1998+A1:2010.
▶ Ultra-fast processor speeds allows highly accurate
control and regulation of voltage, frequency and current.
▶ Hardware ‘ready’ for the forthcoming EN1175:2020.
Customize Your Vehicle with VCL
▶ The Curtis VCL (Vehicle Control Language) allows
Curtis AC motor controllers to perform as ‘vehicle
managers,’ eliminating the need for costly, additional
system controllers.
Comprehensive CAN Capabilities
▶ Configurable 11 or 29 bit protocol support for
CANopen or J1939 use.
▶ ‘Plug and Play’ support for Curtis CAN displays and a
variety of CAN tiller heads from leading
manufacturers FREI and REMA.
▶ Fully compliant with CANopen protocol CiA 301.
▶ Capable of acting as ‘CAN interpreter’ allowing 3rd
party CAN devices with differing profiles to work on
the same CAN network.
Improved Diagnostics
▶ Integrated, high visibility status LED with simplified flash
code sequence for at-a-glance system troubleshooting.
▶ Thermal cutback, warning, and automatic shutdown
provide protection to motor and controller.
▶ Improved error logging and fault history tables with
CAN Emergency Messages.
CAN-based Programming
▶ Model AC F2-A is programmable over the CANbus.
This allows simpler ‘vehicle level’ communication with
many of the CAN-based service tools used by the
major industrial truck manufacturers worldwide.
▶ Allows use of the Curtis Integrated Toolkit.
Highly Flexible I/O
▶ All I/O pins are multi-function, and can be configured
to provide up to:
– 17 Digital Inputs
– 9 Analog Inputs
– 2 Potentiometer sources
– 5 Output drivers, including proportional valve driver
– Quadrature encoder input
– Sine/Cosine sensor input