CURLIN MEDICAL 360-9043-REVA User Guide

Addendum to the PainSmart™ IOD
Ambulatory Infusion Systems
User Manual
360-9043-REV A
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Copyright © 2006-2008 Curlin Medical, Inc. A ll Ri ghts Reserv ed.
Re-order Number: 360-9043-ADD-02 Rev. C
Revision C
Purpose of this Addendum
This addendum provides patients, technicians, and caregivers additional information important to the safe and effective use of the Curlin PainSmart™ IOD ambulatory infusion system.
The Curlin PainSmart™ IOD infusion system has been designed to meet/exceed all international standards for ruggedness and performance associated with an ambulatory medical product in normal use. In recent months, Curlin has seen an increase in the number of pumps involved in over-infusion or free-flow incidents where the pump has been dropped with the door o pen resulting in deformation of the door and a loss of delivery accuracy.
To help reduce the number of these incidents and to improve the prominence of cautionary statements already in the operator’s manual, Curlin is making the following modifications to the operator’s manual (P/N 360-9043).
In addition, the Volumetric Delivery Test in the User Manual has been improved to provide better test resolution in determining accuracy and the possibility of a free-flow condition. Therefore, this addendum also modifies the method for executing the Volumetric Delivery Test.
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Caution Bullet Number 2 on page 5 of the User Manual has been elevated to a Warning. The text has not been modified. It reads as follows.
Visually inspect the pump, pumping chamber and admi nistration set b efore use. Do not u se any pump or administration set that appears to be damaged or tampered with or if there is any indication of improper function.
Caution Bullet Number 13 on page 5 of the User Manual ha s been elevated t o a Warning. The t ext has been modified as follows:
Do not subject the pump to dropping or hitti ng against a hard surf ace. If at any time the pump is dropped or hit, the pump must be checked for vol umetric accura cy prior to reu se. The pump can only be brought back into service if the volumetri c accuracy test p asses per t he user manual. If the pump fails volumetric accuracy it must be ret urned to Curlin Medical for evaluation.
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Replace the Purpose Statement with the following:
Procedure for Checking Pumps Between Patients
This procedure is provided for use by caregivers to ensure pumps meet all critical performance specifications prior to use of the product on new patients. This procedure is for use by technicians to inspect, test, and prepare a pump for use by a new patient. The test checks for volumetric accuracy and all pump safety systems. Also, various parameters are initialized.
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