CUMMINS 20GSBB-6714A, 14GSBB-6716B, 20GSBB-6717A, 20GSBB-6714B, 20GSBB-6927B Installation Manual

InstallationInstallation ManualManual
Home Standby Power Generator Set
GSBB (Spec A-D) GSBC (Spec B-D)
English Original Instructions 3-2015 A029V088 (Issue 19)

Table of Contents

1. IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................... 1
1.2 General Precautions .............................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Generator Voltage is Deadly .................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Engine Exhaust is Deadly ...................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Fuel is Flammable and Explosive .......................................................................................... 2
1.6 Batteries Can Explode............................................................................................................ 2
1.7 Moving Parts Can Cause Severe Personal Injury or Death .................................................. 3
1.8 The Hazards of Carbon Monoxide.......................................................................................... 3
1.8.1 What Is Carbon Monoxide Poisoning? ........................................................................ 3
1.8.2 What Are the Special Risks of CO Near the Home?................................................... 3
1.8.3 Only You Can Protect Yourself From CO Poisoning!.................................................. 4
2. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 About this Manual................................................................................................................... 5
3. STEP-BY-STEP OUTLINE OF INSTALLATION............................................................................ 9
3.1 Pre-Installation Considerations............................................................................................... 9
3.1.1 Installation Codes and Standards for Safety ............................................................. 10
3.1.2 Required Items for Installation................................................................................... 10
3.1.3 Choosing A Transfer Switch ...................................................................................... 12
3.2 Generator Set Installation Requirements.............................................................................. 16
3.3 Generator Set Installation Suggestions/Guidelines.............................................................. 16
3.4 Preparing the Site................................................................................................................. 16
3.5 Lifting and Moving the Generator Set................................................................................... 17
3.6 Staking the Generator Set in Place ...................................................................................... 17
3.7 Electrical Wiring Connections ............................................................................................... 17
3.7.1 AC Power Supply Connections.................................................................................. 18
3.7.2 Grounding .................................................................................................................. 19
3.7.3 Automatic Transfer Switch......................................................................................... 21
3.7.4 Heater and Outlet Connections.................................................................................. 21
3.7.5 Operator Panel........................................................................................................... 21
3.7.6 Load Shed Communications Wires............................................................................ 23
3.7.7 Ethernet Connections Wire........................................................................................ 26
3.7.8 Battery ....................................................................................................................... 26
3.8 Fuel System.......................................................................................................................... 27
3.8.1 Fuel Line Connections ............................................................................................... 28
3.8.2 Fuel Line Connections (Model 14GSBB-6716B Only)............................................... 29
3.8.3 Natural Gas Fuel System........................................................................................... 29
3.8.4 Propane Fuel System ................................................................................................ 31
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3.8.5 Testing the Fuel System for Leaks ............................................................................ 36
3.9 Engine Exhaust..................................................................................................................... 37
4. OPTIONAL INTERNET/EMAIL INTERFACE DESCRIPTIONS................................................... 39
4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 39
4.2 Screen Descriptions ............................................................................................................. 40
4.2.1 Setting Time and Date .............................................................................................. 40
4.2.2 Set Exercise Schedule .............................................................................................. 40
4.2.3 Load Control (Management) ..................................................................................... 41
4.2.4 Event Log .................................................................................................................. 41
4.2.5 Fault Log ................................................................................................................... 42
4.2.6 Network Setup Screen Descriptions.......................................................................... 42
4.2.7 Email Setup Screen Descriptions .............................................................................. 43
4.2.8 Saving Changes......................................................................................................... 44
5. OPTIONAL INTERNET/EMAIL INTERFACE SETUP.................................................................. 45
5.1 Network Connectivity Options............................................................................................... 45
5.2 Material/Cable Routing ......................................................................................................... 45
5.3 Network Information Needed For Setup ............................................................................... 45
5.3.1 Network Router.......................................................................................................... 45
5.3.2 Email/Internet Service Provider (ISP)........................................................................ 45
5.4 In-Home Network Access to the Generator Set .................................................................. 46
5.5 Setting Up Internet Access and E-mail Alerts....................................................................... 49
5.6 Port Forwarding ................................................................................................................... 51
5.7 Remote Viewing IP Options Static IP .................................................................................. 51
5.8 Dynamic IP Monitoring ......................................................................................................... 52
5.9 Help Hotline ......................................................................................................................... 52
5.10 Frequently Asked Questions .............................................................................................. 53
6. OPERATION ............................................................................................................................... 55
6.1 3 Position Switch................................................................................................................... 55
6.2 In-Home Operator Panel ...................................................................................................... 56
6.2.1 BACK Button.............................................................................................................. 56
6.2.2 START STOP Button................................................................................................. 56
6.2.3 Standby ON/OFF Button............................................................................................ 56
6.3 Typical Operation.................................................................................................................. 57
6.3.1 Normal Operation: Utility Power Available and Connected....................................... 60
6.3.2 Emergency Operation: Utility Power Interrupted ....................................................... 61
6.4 To Enable/Disable Standby ................................................................................................. 62
6.5 To Manually Start/Stop Generator Set ................................................................................ 62
6.6 Fault, Maintenance and New Event Screens ....................................................................... 63
6.6.1 Fault Screen............................................................................................................... 63
6.6.2 Maintenance Due Screen .......................................................................................... 64
6.6.3 New Event Screen ..................................................................................................... 64
6.7 Genset Status ...................................................................................................................... 65
6.8 Display Setup and Software Info .......................................................................................... 66
6.8.1 Brightness and Contrast ............................................................................................ 66
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6.8.2 Software Info.............................................................................................................. 67
6.9 Event Log.............................................................................................................................. 68
6.9.1 To Check Log of Last 20 Events................................................................................ 68
6.9.2 List of Recordable Events.......................................................................................... 68
6.10 Fault Log............................................................................................................................. 69
6.11 Exercise Settings ............................................................................................................... 70
6.12 Time Setup ......................................................................................................................... 71
6.13 Load Management.............................................................................................................. 72
6.13.1 Automatic Load Management.................................................................................. 72
6.13.2 Manual Load Management ...................................................................................... 73
7. STARTUP AND CONFIGURATION............................................................................................. 75
7.1 Installation Review ............................................................................................................... 75
7.2 Startup ................................................................................................................................. 75
7.3 Fuel Solenoid - First Startup................................................................................................. 76
7.4 Generator Set Configuration ................................................................................................ 76
7.5 Transfer Switch Configuration ............................................................................................. 78
7.6 Transfer Switch Parameter Adjustments ............................................................................. 80
7.7 Generator Adjustments......................................................................................................... 81
7.7.1 To Adjust the Output Voltage..................................................................................... 81
7.7.2 To Calibrate the Display Meter ................................................................................. 82
8. COMMUNICATION TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................. 83
8.1 In-Home Network Access to Generator Set Troubleshooting .............................................. 83
8.2 Remote Internet Access to Generator Set Troubleshooting ................................................ 84
8.3 Email Alert Troubleshooting ................................................................................................. 85
APPENDIX A. OUTLINE AND SYSTEM DRAWINGS...................................................................... 89
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1.1 Save These Instructions

This manual contains important instructions for the generator set that should be followed during installation, operation and maintenance of the generator and batteries.
Thoroughly read the Operator Manual before operating the generator set. Safe operation and top performance can only be obtained when equipment is properly operated and maintained.
The following symbols in this manual alert you to potential hazards to the operator, service person and equipment.
Alerts you to an immediate hazard that will result in severe personal injury or death.
Alerts you to a hazard or unsafe practice that can result in severe personal injury or death.
Alerts you to a hazard or unsafe practice that can result in personal injury or equipment damage.

1.2 General Precautions

• Keep ABC fire extinguishers handy.
• Make sure all fasteners are secure and torqued properly.
• Keep the generator set and its compartment clean. Do not store any items in the genset compartment.
• Excess oil, oily rags (etc.) can catch fire.
• Dirt and gear stowed in the compartment will restrict cooling air flow.
• Before working on the generator set, move the Stop Switch (S2) to the Stop position, disconnect the remote harness (P7) to disable the ATS mounted charger and then remove the negative (-) battery cable to prevent starting.
• Use caution when making adjustments while the generator set is running, hot, moving or when parts are electrically live, as all situations may cause personal injury or death.
• Used engine oil has been identified by some state and federal agencies as causing cancer or reproductive toxicity. Do not ingest, inhale or come into contact with used oil or it's vapors.
• Do not work on the generator set when mentally or physically fatigued or after consuming alcohol or drugs.
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1.3 Generator Voltage is Deadly

• Generator output connections must be made by a trained and experienced electrician in accordance with all applicable codes.
• This standby generator set and the public utility may only be connected to the house circuits by means of the automatic transfer switch.
• Improper connections can lead to electrocution of utility workers and damage to equipment.
• Use caution when working on live electrical equipment. Remove jewelry, make sure clothing and shoes are dry and stand on a dry wooden platform.

1.4 Engine Exhaust is Deadly

• See What Is Carbon Monoxide Poisoning? to learn the symptoms of Carbon Monoxide poisoning.
• This generator set is for outdoor installation only.
• It must be located well away from doors, windows, other openings into the house and where the exhaust gases will disperse away from the house.

1.5 Fuel is Flammable and Explosive

• Keep flames, cigarettes, sparks, pilot lights, electrical arc-producing equipment, switches and all other sources of ignition well away from areas where fuel fumes are present and areas sharing ventilation.
• Fuel lines must be secured, free of leaks and separated or shielded from electrical wiring.
• Leaks can lead to explosive accumulations of gas. Prevent leaks and the accumulation of gas.
• A "rotten egg" smell indicates a possible Natural Gas or Propane leak:
• Natural Gas rises when released and can accumulate under hoods and inside housings and buildings.
• Propane sinks when released and can accumulate inside housings and basements and other below-grade spaces.

1.6 Batteries Can Explode

Batteries can explode, causing severe skin and eye burns and can release toxic electrolytes.
• Wear safety glasses.
• Do not smoke.
• Do not dispose of the battery in a fire.
• The battery is capable of exploding.
2 A029V088 (Issue 19)
• Do not open or mutilate the battery.
• Released electrolytes have been known to be harmful to the skin and eyes and to be toxic.
• Batteries present the risk to high short circuit current:
• Remove watches, rings or other metal objects and use tools with insulated handles.
• To prevent arcing when disconnecting the battery:
• Move the Stop Switch (S2) to the Stop position, disconnect the remote harness (P7) to disable the ATS mounted charger and then remove the negative (-) battery cable to prevent starting.
• To prevent arcing when reconnecting the battery:
• First, reconnect the positive (+) cable, then the negative (-) cable, and finally reconnect the battery charger.
• When replacing the generator set battery, always replace it with a battery as specified in the Model Specifications section of this manual.

1.7 Moving Parts Can Cause Severe Personal Injury or Death

• Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry near moving parts such as fans.
• Keep hands away from moving parts.
• Keep guards in place, over fans.

1.8 The Hazards of Carbon Monoxide

Engine-driven generators can produce harmful levels of carbon monoxide that can injure or kill you.

1.8.1 What Is Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless, tasteless and non-irritating gas. You cannot see it or smell it. Red blood cells, however, have a greater affinity for CO than for Oxygen. Therefore, exposure even to low levels of CO for a prolonged period can lead to asphyxiation (lack of Oxygen) resulting in death. Mild effects of CO poisoning include eye irritation, dizziness, headaches, fatigue and the inability to think clearly. More extreme symptoms include vomiting, seizures and collapse.

1.8.2 What Are the Special Risks of CO Near the Home?

Residents can be exposed to lethal levels of CO when the genset is running. Depending on air temperature and wind, CO can accumulate in or near the home.
To protect yourself and others from the dangers of CO poisoning, it is recommended that reliable and approved CO detector alarms be installed in the home.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) gas can cause nausea, fainting or death.
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1.8.3 Only You Can Protect Yourself From CO Poisoning!

• Locate the generator in an area where there are no windows, doors or other access points into the home.
• Make sure all CO detectors are working properly.
• Pay attention to the signs of CO poisoning.
• Check the exhaust system for corrosion, obstruction and leaks each time you start the generator set and every eight hours if you run it continuously.
4 A029V088 (Issue 19)

2 Introduction

This generator set application is intended for stationary emergency use. Important note for Brazil applications: The manufacturer warns that the installation, operation
and maintenance of equipment by the user must fully comply with the Manual's guidelines and current Brazilian laws, including those of the Brazilian Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Fuels (ANP) and the Brazilian Energy Agency (ANEEL).

2.1 About this Manual

This manual is a guide for the installation of the generator set models listed on the front cover. Proper installation is essential for top performance, reliable operation and safety. Read through this manual before starting the installation.
The installation must comply with all applicable building codes.
See the generator set Operator Manual (A029V089) for operation and maintenance and the Service Manual (A030A239) for service.
Manuals are updated from time to time to reflect changes in the equipment and its specifications. The most up-to-date version of this manual will be found on the QuickServe website (

2.2 Model Specifications

Product Description
20GSBB-6713A\B 60 Hz Warm 20GSBB-6714A\B 60 Hz Cold * 14GSBB-6716A\B 50 Hz (AU/NZ) 20GSBB-6717A\20GSBC-6927B 60 Hz CSA Cold * * Includes an engine oil heater.
See the Cold Weather Specifications Table for recommendations.
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2. Introduction 3-2015
60 Hz 50 Hz
Propane Vapor Natural Gas Propane Vapor Natural Gas
Operating Temperature Range
Above 32 °F (0 °C) and low No dryers or starting aids required. humidity
High humidity Alternator drying heater recommended. Below 20 °F (-7 °C) Additional oil heater recommended for starting. Factory-installed model available. Below 0 °F (-18 °C) Additional accessory breather shield/shroud required to avoid possible engine
Below -10 °F (-23 °C) Additional accessory battery blanket recommended for starting. Below -20 °F (-29 °C) Not warranted. See warranty statement.
damage. See warranty statement.
60 Hz 50 Hz
Propane Vapor Natural Gas Propane Vapor Natural Gas
Weight (With Oil) 540 lbs (245 kg) Size (L x W x H) 48 x 43 x 34.6 in (1219 x 864 x 880 mm) Noise 62 dB(A) at 23 ft (7 m) at normal load. (Normal load is equal to the typical
household consumption of 3 KW.)
60 Hz 50 Hz
Propane Vapor Natural Gas Propane Vapor Natural Gas
1/2 Load 132,500 Btu/Hr 135,000 Btu/Hr 122,000 Btu/Hr 114,000 Btu/Hr
53 ft3/Hr 135 ft3/Hr 48 ft3/Hr 111 ft3/Hr
Full Load 275,000 Btu/Hr 240,000 Btu/Hr 229,000 Btu/Hr 213,000 Btu/Hr
109 ft3/Hr 233 ft3/Hr 91 ft3/Hr 207 ft3/Hr
Fuel Pressure (all loads) As measured at genset fuel
regulator service port Tank Size Contact your local gas company to verify the tank size required for your application.
7-11 inches WC 5-11 inches WC 7-11 inches WC 5-11 inches WC
6 A029V088 (Issue 19)
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60 Hz 50 Hz
Propane Vapor Natural Gas Propane Vapor Natural Gas
1/2 Load 195,000 Btu/Hr 177,000 Btu/Hr 165,000 Btu/Hr 150,000 Btu/Hr
78 ft3/Hr 172 ft3/Hr 66 ft3/Hr 146 ft3/Hr
Full Load 310,000 Btu/Hr 255,000 Btu/Hr 262,500 Btu/Hr 217,000 Btu/Hr
123 ft3/Hr 248 ft3/Hr 104 ft3/Hr 211 ft3/Hr
Fuel Pressure (all loads) As measured at genset fuel
regulator service port Tank Size Contact your local gas company to verify the tank size required for your application.
12-14 inches WC 5-7 inches WC 12-14 inches WC 5-7 inches WC
60 Hz 50 Hz
Propane Vapor Natural Gas Propane Vapor Natural Gas
Engine 2 Cylinder-V Twin, OHV, Air-Cooled, 4-Stroke, Spark Ignited, 3600 RPM
Displacement 60.59 in3(993 cc) Spark Plug Gap .020 inch (.51 mm) Spark Plug Torque 15 ft-lb (20 N-m) Intake and Exhaust Cold Valve 0.004-0.006 inch (0.10 - 0.15 mm)
Lash (Measure at 0.25" (6.35mm)
past top dead center) Oil Capacity Approximately 80 oz (2.3 Liters) Oil Recommendation 5W-30 Synthetic Engine Oil
(See Operator Manual)
60 Hz 50 Hz
Propane Vapor Natural Gas Propane Vapor Natural Gas
Generator Brush-Type, 2-Pole Rotating Field, Single Bearing
Power (kVA) --- --- 13.5 13.5 Rated Voltage (V) 120/240 120/240 115/230 115/230 Rated Current (Amps) 162/81.25 144/72 117.4/58.7 117.4/58.7 Phase Type Single Phase Circuit Breaker (Amps) 100 100 60 60
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2. Introduction 3-2015
60 Hz 50 Hz
Propane Vapor Natural Gas Propane Vapor Natural Gas
De-rating Guidelines: Maximum wattage or maximum current are subject to and limited by such factors as fuel Btu
content, ambient temperature, altitude, engine power and condition, etc. Full rated power is available at 60 °F (15.5 °C) at sea level. De-rate 3.5% for each 1000 ft (304.8 m) above sea level and 3% for each 10 °F (5.5 °C) increase in ambient temperature above 60 °F (15.5 °C).This generator is rated in accordance with UL 2200 (Stationary Engine Generator Assemblies) or CSA C22.2 No. 100-04 (Motors and Generators). The maximum continuous current values that are listed on the generator set nameplate and specification tables occur at the lower limit of acceptable voltage. Maximum current occurs at 108 and 216 volts, 10% below nominal voltage 120/240. The voltage set point of this generator set can be adjusted from the operator panel if desired. Refer to the Operator manual procedure To Adjust
the Output Voltage.
60 Hz 50 Hz
Propane Vapor Natural Gas Propane Vapor Natural Gas
Controller Integrated Microprocessor-Based Engine, Generator, Transfer Switch Controller
60 Hz 50 Hz
Propane Vapor Natural Gas Propane Vapor Natural Gas
DC System
Nominal Battery Voltage 12 Volts DC Battery Group 26 R Battery Type Maintenance Free Minimum Cold Crank Amps 545

2.3 Information For After Installation

Improper installation can result in severe personal injury, death and damage to equipment. The installation must comply with all applicable building codes. It is strongly recommended that the installer be properly trained and licensed to perform electrical and mechanical equipment installations, however a person with the proper knowledge and experience in installing electrical and mechanical equipment installations may also install this genset.
Refer to the GSBB Specifications Sheet for specific information about the system and it's components.
Refer to the Outline and System Drawings for specific information about the installation and wiring connections.
See the Operator Manual (A029V089) for proper operation and maintenance instructions.
8 A029V088 (Issue 19)

3 Step-By-Step Outline of Installation

The installer is responsible for complying with all applicable installation codes and safety requirements. See the Installation Codes and Standards section of this manual for more information.
The following sections create a step-by-step overview of a typical generator set installation. Review these sections to become familiar with specific procedures and important safety
precautions before beginning the installation.
For information on pre-installation considerations (tools, materials, locating the genset, codes and standards and specifications) see the Introduction chapter of this manual.

3.1 Pre-Installation Considerations

Before installation begins, certain actions must be considered. Prior coordination will reduce delays and the amount of time power has to be interrupted.
Areas of consideration:
• The location of the generator set is one of the first decisions to be made, as it affects all other aspects of the installation, such as:
• the length of electric wiring
• the length of gas lines
• Natural Gas or Propane - both of which must be inspected by the gas utility inspectors and building inspectors
• the site preparation
• access to the site
• trenches
• site preparation materials needed
• Fuel supply pressure.
• The installation cannot be completed without connections to an automatic transfer
switch. Decide where to locate the automatic transfer switch
• Decide what tools and materials will be needed
• Maintain the minimum distance from the Propane tank fill.
• Verify the legal minimum distance with local code officials.
• Determine what (if any) accessories will be required for the customer's application. Utility power may be required at the generator set, make plans accordingly.
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Depending on the locality and use of the generator set, it may be necessary to obtain an air quality emissions permit before installation begins. Check with local pollution control or air quality authority to determine whether or not a permit is needed.

3.1.1 Installation Codes and Standards for Safety

The generator set installer bears sole responsibility for following all applicable local codes and regulations.
The following list of Installation Codes and Standards for Safety applies to the installation and operation of standby generator sets. This list is for reference only and not intended to be inclusive of all applicable codes and standards. The address of each agency is listed so that copies of the codes may be obtained for reference. Installation codes and recommendations are subject to change, and may vary by location or over time.
NFPA 70 - National Electric Code National Fire Protection Association NFPA 37 - Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines 470 Atlantic Avenue
and Gas Turbines NFPA 54 - National Fuel Gas Code NFPA 58 - Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases
CSA Electrical Bulletin Canadian Standards Association CSA C22.2 No. 100 Housing and Construction Materials Section CSA C22.2 No. 14 178 Rexdale Blvd.
California Administrative Code - Title 25 Chapter 3 State of California
Underwriters Laboratories Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. UL2200 333 Pfingsten Road
Boston, MA 02210
Rexdale, Ontario, Canada M9Q 1R3
Documents Section P.O. Box 1015 North Highlands, CA 95660
Northbrook, IL 60062-2096

3.1.2 Required Items for Installation

Specific tools and materials are required for the installation of this generator set. These items are identified in the following sections.
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Required Optional
Appropriately-sized gauge and length AC wires with 75 °C insulation. 4 wires; L1, X L2, N and Gnd.
Appropriate conduit for all AC wires. X Cummins Power Generation Plug-n-Play harness from Genset to ATS. (1', 50' and X
100' lengths available for purchase) Appropriate conduit for DC communications wires. X Cummins Power Generation Plug-n-Play harnesses for Generator Set to in home X
display (if installing in the house). (1', 50' and 100' lengths available for purchase) Three conductor 75 °C 300V minimum-rated wiring appropriately sized to 120 volt X
GFCI installation or to Alternator/Oil heaters (if equipped). Appropriately-sized junction box and cover for heater/GFCI wiring (if installing). X
Provided on cold weather model.
Code compliant GFCI outlet and "While in Use - Wet Location" cover. X Cat 5e for Internet installation. X Two conductor 300V wire (18AWG) per Load Management relay. X Low Voltage: SPDT relay min 1A 24VAC. X High Voltage: SPDT relay sized to load (amp and voltage). X
Required Optional
Four base mounting spikes. Provided with generator. X Cummins Power Generation Installation Wheel Kit is available for easy on-site X
generator transportation.
Required Optional
12" Flexible fuel line. Provided with generator. X UL Listed pipe thread sealant. X Size Fuel line. NG: 5-7" H20, LP: 12-14" H20 fuel pressure (as measured at genset X
fuel regulator service port). See Installation Manual guidelines. Fuel regulator - as required. Manual fuel shut-off at Genset (preferred). X
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Required Optional
In-home display. One (1) provided with generator. X Four wall anchors and screws (no. 6) if mounting on stud wall. X Standoffs and mounting fasteners if mounting on block or brick wall. X Loose Parts Shipped With the Generator
The following loose parts are shipped with the generator set:
• Oil drain hose
• Flexible fuel hose assembly
• Welch plug tied to fuel regulator (US GSBB Spec B and Canadian GSBC Spec B only)
• Four base spikes (ground stakes)
• In-home display
• Two keys
• Literature - Operator Manual (A029V089), Installation Manual (A029V088) and Warranty Statement Tools Required
Use a forklift to move the generator set and set it in place. Alternatively, a one-man hand dolly designed to fit the generator set base is available to move the generator set and set it in place.
Hand tools required include the following:
• Wire stripper for terminating the communications wires
• Torque wrench
• Jewelers screwdriver
• Allen wrench
• Ratchet set with 10 mm socket and extension
• Two pipe wrenches for gas connections
• Phillips-head and flat-blade screwdrivers
• Ball peen hammer
• Fuel meter (operates down to 5 in. WC)

3.1.3 Choosing A Transfer Switch

Block diagrams showing partial or full load coverage are shown on the following pages:
• UL 1008 listed, Service Entrance Rated Automatic Transfer Switch (without controller):
• RSS 100-6868
• RSS 200-6869
• CSA Approved and UL 1008 listed (with controller):
• RSS 100-6634
12 A029V088 (Issue 19)
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• RSS 200-6635
• UL 1008 listed, Service Entrance Rated (without controller):
• RSS 100-6868
• RSS 200-6869
If the transfer switch is connected for full load coverage which exceeds the generator set rating, it may be necessary to shed large loads such as air conditioners.
The RSS 100 transfer switch models can be connected for full or partial load coverage
equal to the capacity of the generator set.
The RSS 200 transfer switch models can be connected for full load coverage greater than
the capacity of the generator set.
Transfer Switch Model Connection Capabilities
Full Load Full or Partial Load
(Greater Than Capacity of Genset) (Equal to Capacity of Genset)
RSS 100-6634 X RSS 200-6635 X RSS 100-6868 X RSS 200-6869 X
Model RSS 100-6634 and RSS 200-6635 transfer switches do not incorporate a utility circuit breaker and therefore must be connected through a Service Entrance Utility Panel incorporating the utility circuit breaker.
Perform Generator Set Configurationwhen ready to start up the generator set.
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3.2 Generator Set Installation Requirements

EXHAUST GAS IS DEADLY! Install the generator set out-doors only. The generator set must be located away from doors, windows and other openings to the house and where exhaust gases will disperse away from the house.
Generator set location is critical for safety and performance. Follow the guidelines below
• Must comply with applicable codes (NFPA, NEC, etc.).
• Install out-doors only.
• Call the local utilities to mark the locations of buried utility services (gas, electric or telephone) before digging trenches for fuel and electrical lines.
• Ask the homeowner for locations of any other buried components (gas, electric or telephone) before digging trenches for fuel and electrical lines.
• The exhaust side of the generator set must be located 5 feet from combustible materials (NFPA 37).
• The exhaust side of the generator must be located 5 feet from any opening in a wall (window, door, vent, etc.).
• The generator must be located such that the exhaust is not able to accumulate in an occupied area.
• The generator must have access for installation, service and maintenance as deemed appropriate by a Cummins Power Generation authorized dealer or installer.
• The generator must be located to ensure ventilation openings are not blocked.

3.3 Generator Set Installation Suggestions/Guidelines

• Locate the generator set on stable ground, not subject to flooding.
• Locate and orient the generator set such that prevailing winds will carry exhaust gases and fuel leaks away from the house or occupied area.
• Make sure engine vent port on the side of the enclosure is not blocked and is free of debris.

3.4 Preparing the Site

Steps to preparing a proper/safe generator set site:
1. Create a level area. Add a layer of sand or pea gravel that is deep enough that the generator set will sit level.
2. Be sure that the area is at least 48 in by 34 in (1219 mm by 864 mm). Sites on an incline require more area.
3. Be sure that the area is on firm ground.
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4. Remove any combustible material that would be under and around the generator set.
5. Be aware of water/sprinkler systems to prevent water intrusion into enclosure openings.

3.5 Lifting and Moving the Generator Set

The generator set is heavy. Dropping the generator set can cause severe personal injury or death. Keep feet and hands clear when lifting the generator set.
The generator is shipped with oil in the crankcase. Keep the generator set upright.
The generator set is heavy and must be handled with care.
• Use a fork lift to move the generator set and set it in place.
• The lifting eyes on the engine and alternator should not be used for lifting the entire generator set.
• Alternatively, a one-person hand dolly designed to fit the generator set base is available to move the generator and set it in place.

3.6 Staking the Generator Set in Place

Pounding the stakes into electric, gas or telephone service lines can result in severe personal injury or death. Observe the utility company markings and discuss any other buried lines with the home owner.
Set the generator set in place and pound the four corner stakes into the ground to secure the generator set in place.

3.7 Electrical Wiring Connections

Refer to the Outline and Systems Drawings for the locations of the electrical conduit openings on the side of the generator set and the alternative stub-up opening in the base for all power and communications wiring connections between the generator set and transfer switch.
Route the wires from the transfer switch through the conduit and connect the wires to the mating terminals on the generator set terminal block.
Two separate conduits are required:
• One is for all AC voltage connections on TB2 or in the AC junction box
• One is for all communications cables on P7, J4 or Ethernet cables.
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3. Step-By-Step Outline of Installation 3-2015
Callout Component
1 Electrical Stub-up Area Through Plastic Skid 2 Manual/Stop/Remote Switch 3 Installer Access 4 Removable Service Panel 5 Battery Location

3.7.1 AC Power Supply Connections

Electrical connections must be made by a licensed electrician. Improper installation can lead to electrocution and damage to property.
Automatic startup of the generator set during installation can cause severe personal injury or death. Push the control switch OFF and disconnect the negative (-) cable from the battery to keep the generator set from starting.
18 A029V088 (Issue 19)
3-2015 3. Step-By-Step Outline of Installation Main Wiring
Refer to the requirements of The National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70) for all AC wiring connections.
For access to the wiring connection terminal block (TB2):
• Open the top of the generator set
• Swing the service door wide open, or gently lift up on each side of the front cover to remove it completely
• Remove the finger guard cover from the terminal block compartment
• Consult the local electric code for wire size (L1, L2, N and GND). Wire size is determined by the length of the run.
• Connect them to the AC output terminal block (TB-2)
• Torque the terminals per the table on the side of TB-2
• The wires must be routed to the transfer switch in approved liquid-tight conduit
• The conduit can be stubbed up through the bottom stub-up opening or connected to the conduit opening on the side of the generator set
• If the stub-up opening is used, fill in the stub-up opening with duct seal or mastic tape to keep out insects and rodents
AC wiring can induce false signals in control and communications wiring. Do not route in the same conduit.

3.7.2 Grounding

Use the Typical System Grounding One-Line Diagrams in this section to be sure that the generator set, transfer switch, power supply wiring and all connected electrical equipment are bonded to a common grounding point in accordance with the applicable codes and standards.
The generator set grounding terminal (TB2-4) must be connected to the grounding terminal in the transfer switch. Do not provide a separate grounding rod for the generator set.
Generator neutral is not grounded at the generator set, but at the common system grounding point.
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3. Step-By-Step Outline of Installation 3-2015
Contact with electrical equipment can result in severe personal injury or death. It is extremely important that bonding and equipment grounding be properly done. All metallic parts that could become energized under abnormal conditions must be properly grounded.
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3.7.3 Automatic Transfer Switch

Install the transfer switch in accordance with its Installation Manual and make connections to the generator set in accordance with the Electrical Connections section of this manual. Transfer Switch Communications Wires
Interconnecting the generator set and the public utility can lead to the electrocution of personnel working on the utility lines, damage to equipment and fire. An approved switching device must be used to prevent interconnections.
Install the transfer switch in accordance with its Installation Manual. Wiring harnesses are available in various lengths for quick connection between the generator
set and transfer switch. See the Outline and System Drawings Appendix for harness details.

3.7.4 Heater and Outlet Connections 120 Volt Optional Accessories
Engine oil heaters are factory installed on models 20GSBB-6714, 20GSBC-6727, 15GSBB-6720
To supply 120 VAC to power the following accessories, connect 12 AWG 75 °C wires to the accessory wires in the 120 volt junction box from a 15 amp protected circuit in the main distribution panel in the house.
• Optional battery heater
• Optional engine heater and alternator drier assembly
• Optional installer-supplied GFCI outlet
• Optional breather shroud/heater
The wires my be run through the same conduit as the AC power output wires.

3.7.5 Operator Panel Operator Panel Communication Wires
There are two unmarked connectors on the back of the display, either one may be used for connecting the display to the generator set.
Wiring harnesses are available in various lengths for quick connection between the generator set and in-home display. See the Outline and System Drawings Appendix for harness details.
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Class 1 wiring methods should be used for the in-home display, Ethernet and transfer switch communication conductors between the generator set and transfer switch. Separation of Class 2 and power circuits should be maintained per Article 725.136 of 2008 NFPA 70: National Electrical Code.
See the Operator Manual (A029V089) for information regarding using the operator panel to operate and monitor the generator set. Operator Panel Installation In The Home
Mount the generator set operator panel on a wall, in a convenient location such as next to the house thermostat.
To install the operator panel:
• In drywall or paneled walls:
1. Drill a hole that is large enough to clear the harness connector on the back of the operator panel.
2. Route the wires inside the wall, to hide the wires.
3. Mount the operator panel with four No. 6 wood screws or wall anchors.
• On brick, stone or block walls:
1. Mount with spacers to clear the harness connector on the back of the operator panel.
2. Mount with the appropriate wall anchors.
3. Connect the operator panel to the generator set harness using either of the two 8 pin connectors on the back of the operator panel.
Refer to the Outline and System Drawings Appendix of this manual for guidelines on how to connect the operator panel to the generator set. Operator Panel Installation In The Generator Set
The operator panel may be installed inside of the generator set. To install the operator panel in the generator set:
The control panel bezel must be removed for installation in the generator set.
1. Remove the bushing in the 1" hole on the control panel.
2. Remove the 4 small screws from the control panel.
3. Pulling the harness through the 1" hole, connect J4 directly to the back of the operator panel into the connector that lines up with the hole in the metal panel.
4. Replace the 4 small screws.
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3.7.6 Load Shed Communications Wires

The control cable has the load control wires brought out of the genset (P7-7 and P7-8). Class 1 wiring methods should be used for the in-home display, Ethernet and transfer switch communication conductors between the generator set and transfer switch. Separation of Class 2 and power circuits should be maintained per Article 725.136 of 2008 NFPA 70: National Electrical Code.
Use 300V 18 gauge 75 °C wire for wiring the relay. See the following figures for the different ways the relays can be wired.
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3. Step-By-Step Outline of Installation 3-2015
No. Description No. Description
1 Normally Closed 2 Load control pin 7 or 8 3 Ground pin 4 4 From thermostat 5 To air conditioner (load)
Relay Requirement:
Input: 12Vdc, Max 0.5 Amp
Contact: Low voltage current, < 40 Amp
Mounting: No restrictions
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