©2012 Cuisi nart
150 Mil ford Road, East Windsor, NJ 08520
Made and printe d in China 12CW135104
HT-188R PG-28114
to be defec tive with in your lifet ime, we will r epair it (or, if we
think it necess ary, replace it) w ithout charge to you , except for
shippi ng and handli ng. To obtain war ranty serv ice, please c all
our Consumer Serv ice Center toll-f ree at 1-800-726-0190 , or write
to Consu mer Servic e Center, Cuisina rt, 150 Mil ford Road, East
Winds or, NJ 08520.
To facilitate the speed and accuracy of your return, please enclose
$7.00 for shipping a nd handling of the pro duct. Be sure to include
a return addres
number, and any ot her information pe rtinent to the produc t's
retur n. Please pay by check or money order.
abuse, i ncluding da mage caused by ove rheating, a nd it does
not apply to scr atches, stai ns, discolorati on or other dama ge to
exter nal or interna l surfaces t hat does not impa ir the funct ional
util ity of the cookwa re.
consequent ial damages. S ome states do not allow the exclusion or
limit ation of incidental or cons equential damages, so the fore going
vary f rom state to state.
s, descr iption of the product problem , phone
Californi a residents need on ly supply proof of purchase a nd
should ca ll 1-800-726-0190 for shipping inst ructions. Cali fornia
law provides tha t for In-Warra nty Servi ce, Califor nia residents
have the opt ion of return ing a nonconformi ng product (a) to the
store wher e it was purchased or (b) to anot her retail st ore that
then, ac cording to its preference, eithe r repair the pro duct, refer
the cons umer to an independent repair facility, replace the product,
or refund the purchase price less the a mount directly attribut able
to the con sumer’s prior usage of t he product. If t he above two
options d o not result in th e appropriate relief to the con sumer,
the cons umer may then ta ke the product to an inde pendent repair
facil ity if serv ice or repair c an be economic ally accompl ished.
Cuisi nart, and not t he
reason able cost of such service, r epair, replacement or ref und for
nonconforming product s under warrant y.
Californi a residents may al so, accordin g to their preferen ce,
retur n nonconforming products directly to Cuisinart for repair, or if
necessary, replacement, by ca lling our C onsumer Ser vice Center
toll-f ree at 1-800-726 -0190. Cuisina rt will b e responsible for the
cost of t he repair, replace ment, and shippi ng and handl ing for
confor ming products under wa rranty.
such non
consum er, wil l be responsible for t he
Congratulations on your purchase of Cuisinart®
Cookware! Designed from the inside out for today’s
lifestyles, our Cuisinart® Cookware combines uncompromising
superior cooking performance with a professional look.
Cast iron is recognized as one of the best materials for
cookware because of its ability to retain heat and provide
used for almost a ny recipe from roasts to desserts.
It performs well with a variety of cooking methods from
searing, browning, grilling, braising or roasting to
simmering. Many pan styles are available for cooking soups,
sauces, casseroles, g rills, quiches, breads, etc.
Cast Iron Construction
Provid es superior heat re tention and even heat dis tribution.
Porcelain Enamel Exterior
Extreme Versatility
Stovetop, oven , and broiler safe.
Easy Cleanup
Dishwa sher safe.
Lifetime Warranty
Before First Use
Remove all labels a nd hang tags. Wash cookware w ith a mild dis h
soap and w arm water. Ri nse thoroughly and wi pe dry immediatel y
Pans w ith nonstick su rfaces shou ld be wiped with cooki ng oil
to condit ion them.
Stovetop Use
Cookware is suitable for al l range tops: gas, electric, cera mic or
induction. Alw ays use a low-medium heat sett ing. To boil water,
surf aces must be treated and a re not suitable for d ry cooking : select
either oil, but ter or a cooking s pray to use and comple tely cover
the pan’s inside base before he ating begins . Nonstick surfac es can
be used d ry, but pay careful attent ion not to overheat any surface.
Always use pot holders to grip side ha ndles or cover knobs, as t hey
wil l become hot. Never leave pans u nattended at any ti me while
cooki ng. Never leave an em pty pan over a hot burner; doing so
could r uin the cookwa re and cause da mage to the stove top.
Oven Use
Pans are oven safe t o 500°F. Caution s hould be used whe n
handling a ny cookware hand les. Always u se potholders to g rip
side handles or cover knobs, as th ey will become hot.
Place hot pa ns on trivet or woo den board when se rving. Neve r
place a hot pan dir ectly on an unp rotected sur face.
Cooking Utensils
To protect and pr eserve the su rface of the pa ns, use only wo oden,
plast ic or heat-resista nt nylon kitchen to ols to avoid scratch ing
the ename l interior. We do not recommen d using metal utensils ,
as they may scratch pan’s
perfor mance). Do not cut food dire ctly in the c ookware. You may
use hand blenders or mi xers directly in t he cookware ; this may
surf ace (but wil l not impair its
Cleaning and Other Maintenance
pan with cold water or p lunge into cold water bec ause therma l
to remove any remai ning food part icles. Do not use s teel wool or
other me tal pads tha t make coarse s cratches. R inse thoroug hly
and dr y immediately. If preferre d, cookware may be cleaned
in the dishwas her. Scrub pan edge s gently to clean if t here is any
discoloration or residue. To remove tough stains, clea ning products
such as Bon A mi® or a little warm v inegar may be us ed. Cover
knobs m ay become loose over a per iod of time. We recom mend
check ing them occasionall y and tightening knobs
Do not store p ans when they a re still da mp and always sto re
caref ully in a dr y cupboard ar ea. Avoid stacki ng and overcrowdi ng
when stor ing cookwa re to prevent scratc hing and chipping of ca st
iron sur face.
Lifetime Warranty
Our Cuisina rt® Chef ’s Classic™ Enameled Ca st Iron Cookwa re is
warr anted to be free of d efects in mate rial and workmansh ip under
norma l home use from the d ate of origina l purchase t hroughout
the ori ginal purch aser’s lifetime. If your cookw are
as neede d.
should prove