Cub Cadet ogst3305 User Manual

Owner’s Man ual
IMPORTANT: Read Safety Rules and In struc tions Care fully
Model Number Numéro de modèle
Serial Number Numéro de série
LO CATE YOUR MODEL NUMBER AND SE RIAL NUMBER which ap pears on your unit
and re cord the in for ma tion in the space pro vided be low.
IM POR TANT: You must have these num bers, along with the date and proof of pur chase to re ceive war ranty or ser vice.
If you are hav ing dif fi culty as sem bling this prod uct or if you have any ques tions re gard ing
the con trols, op er a tion or main te nance of this unit, please call an au tho rized dealer.
Please have your model num ber and se rial num ber ready when you call.
NOTE: Al though both num bers are im por tant, you will be asked to en ter only your se rial num ber be fore your call can be pro cessed.
This is where your model num ber will be, re cord Model Num ber here:
This is where your se rial num ber will be, re cord Se rial Num ber here:
This unit has been in spected against the man u fac tur ers qual ity check list. In case of a dis crep ancy, please call us. We will make ev ery ef fort to ship the part(s) by cou rier within one work ing day of your call.
WARNING: This sym bol points out im por tant safety in struc tions which, if not fol lowed, could en dan ger the per sonal safety and/or prop erty of your self and oth ers. Read and fol low all in struc tions in this man ual be fore at tempt ing to op er ate this ma chine. Fail ure to com ply with these in struc tions may re sult in per sonal in jury. When you see this sym bol—heed its warn ing.
DANGER: This ma chine was built to be op er ated ac cord ing to the rules for safe op er a tion in this man ual. As with any type of power equip ment, care less ness or er ror on the part of the op er a tor can re sult in se ri ous in jury. This ma chine is ca ­pa ble of am pu tat ing hands and feet and throw ing ob jects. Fail ure to ob serve the fol low ing safety in struc tions could re sult in se ri ous in jury or death.
1. Read, un der stand, and fol low all in struc ­tions on the ma chine and in the man ual(s) be fore at tempt ing to as sem ­ble and op er ate. Keep this man ual in a safe place for fu ture and reg u lar ref er ­ence and for or der ing re place ment parts.
2. Be fa mil iar with all con trols and their proper op er a tion. Know how to stop the ma chine and dis en gage them quickly.
3. Never al low chil dren un der 14 years old to op er ate this ma chine. Children 14 years old and over should read and un ­der stand the op er a tion in struc tions and safety rules in this man ual and should be trained and su per vised by a par ent.
4. Never al low adults to op er ate this ma ­chine with out proper in struc tion.
5. Thrown ob jects can cause se ri ous per ­sonal in jury. Plan your snow throw ing pat tern to avoid dis charge of ma te rial to ward roads, by stand ers and the like.
6. Keep by stand ers, help ers, pets and chil ­dren at least 75 feet from the ma chine while it is in op er a tion. Stop ma chine if any one en ters the area.
7. Ex er cise cau tion to avoid slip ping or fall ing, es pe cially when op er at ing in re ­verse.
1. Thor oughly in spect the area where the equip ment is to be used. Re move all door mats, news pa pers, sleds, boards, wires and other for eign ob jects which could be trip ped over or thrown by the au ger/im pel ler.
2. Al ways wear safety glasses or eye shields dur ing op er a tion and while per form ing an ad just ment or re pair to pro tect your eyes. Thrown ob jects which ric o chet can cause se ri ous in jury to the eyes.
3. Do not op er ate with out wear ing ad e ­quate win ter outer gar ments. Do not wear jew elry, long scarves or other loose cloth ing which could be come en ­tan gled in mov ing parts. Wear foot wear which will im prove foot ing on slip pery sur faces.
4. Use a grounded three wire ex ten sion cord and re cep ta cle for all units with elec tric start en gines.
5. Ad just col lec tor hous ing height to clear gravel or crushed rock sur faces.
6. Dis en gage all clutch le vers be fore start ­ing the en gine.
7. Never at tempt to make any ad just ments while en gine is run ning, ex cept where spe cif i cally rec om mended in the op er a ­tor’s man ual.
8. Let en gine and ma chine ad just to out ­door tem per a ture be fore start ing to clear snow.
9. To avoid per sonal in jury or prop erty dam age use ex treme care in han dling gas o line. Gas o line is ex tremely flam ma ­ble and the va pors are ex plo sive. Se ri ous per sonal in jury can oc cur when gas o line is spilled on your self or your clothes which can ig nite. Wash your skin and change clothes im me di ately.
a. Use only an ap proved gas o line con -
b. Ex tin guish all cig a rettes, ci gars,
pipes and other sources of ig ni tion.
c. Never fuel ma chine in doors.
d. Never re move gas cap or add fuel
while the en gine is hot or run ning.
e. Al low en gine to cool at least two min -
utes be fore re fu el ing.
f. Never over fill fuel tank. Fill tank to no
more than ½ inch be low bot tom of filler neck to pro vide space for fuel ex pan sion.
g. Re place gas o line cap and tighten se -
h. If gas o line is spilled, wipe it off the
en gine and equip ment. Move ma ­chine to an other area. Wait 5 min utes be fore start ing the en gine.
I. Never store the ma chine or fuel con -
tainer in side where there is an open flame, spark or pi lot light (e.g. fur ­nace, wa ter heater, space heater, clothes dryer etc.).
j. Al low ma chine to cool at least 5 min -
utes be fore stor ing.
1. Do not put hands or feet near ro tat ing parts, in the au ger/ im pel ler hous ing or dis charge chute. Con tact with the ro tat ­ing parts can am pu tate hands and feet.
2. The au ger/im pel ler clutch le ver is a safety de vice. Never by pass its op er a ­tion. Doing so, makes the ma chine un safe and may cause per sonal in jury.
3. The clutch le vers must op er ate eas ily in both di rec tions and au to mat i cally re turn to the dis en gaged po si tion when re ­leased.
4. Never op er ate with a miss ing or dam ­aged dis charge chute. Keep all safety de vices in place and work ing.
5. Never run an en gine in doors or in a poorly ven ti lated area. En gine ex haust con tains car bon mon ox ide, an odor less and deadly gas.
6. Do not op er ate ma chine while un der the in flu ence of al co hol or drugs.
7. Muf fler and en gine be come hot and can cause a burn. Do not touch.
8. Ex er cise ex treme cau tion when op er at ­ing on or cross ing gravel sur faces. Stay alert for hid den haz ards or traf fic.
9. Ex er cise cau tion when chang ing di rec ­tion and while op er at ing on slopes.
10. Plan your snow throw ing pat tern to avoid dis charge to wards win dows, walls, cars etc. To avoid prop erty dam age or per ­sonal in jury caused by a ric o chet.
11. Never di rect dis charge at chil dren, by ­stand ers and pets or al low any one in front of the ma chine.
12. Do not over load ma chine ca pac ity by at ­tempt ing to clear snow at too fast of a rate.
13. Never op er ate this ma chine with out good vis i bil ity or light. Al ways be sure of your foot ing and keep a firm hold on the han ­dles. Walk, never run.
14. Dis en gage power to the au ger/im pel ler when trans port ing or not in use.
15. Never op er ate ma chine at high trans port speeds on slip pery sur faces. Look down and be hind and use care when in re ­verse.
16. If the ma chine should start to vi brate ab ­nor mally, stop the en gine, dis con nect the spark plug and ground it against the en ­gine. In spect thor oughly for dam age. Re pair any dam age be fore start ing and op er at ing.
17. Dis en gage all clutch le vers and stop en ­gine be fore you leave the op er at ing po si tion (be hind the han dles). Wait un til the au ger/im pel ler co mes to a com plete stop be fore un clog ging the dis charge chute, mak ing any ad just ments, or in ­spec tions.
18. Never put your hand in the dis charge or col lec tor open ings. Al ways use the clean-out tool pro vided to un clog the dis ­charge open ing. Do not un clog dis charge chute while en gine is run ning.
19. Use only at tach ments and ac ces so ries ap ­proved by the man u fac turer (e.g. wheel weights, tire chains, cabs etc.).
20. If sit u a tions oc cur which are not cov ered in this man ual, use care and good judg ­ment. Con tact the cus tomer sup port de part ment.
1. Never tam per with safety de vices. Check their proper op er a tion reg u larly. Re fer to the main te nance and ad just ment sec tions of this man ual.
2. Be fore clean ing, re pair ing, or in spect ing ma chine dis en gage all clutch le vers and stop en gine. Wait un til the au ger/im pel ler come to a com plete stop. Dis con nect the spark plug wire and ground against the en gine to pre vent un in tended start ing.
3. Check bolts, and screws for proper tight ­ness at fre quent in ter vals to keep the ma chine in safe work ing con di tion. Also, vi su ally in spect ma chine for any dam age.
4. Do not change the en gine gov er nor set ­ting or over-speed the en gine. The gov er nor con trols the max i mum safe op ­er at ing speed of the en gine.
5. Snowthrower shave plates and slide shoes are sub ject to wear and dam age. For your safety pro tec tion, fre quently check all com po nents and re place with orig i nal equip ment man u fac turer’s (OEM) parts only. “Use of parts which do not meet the orig i nal equip ment spec i fi ca tions may lead to im proper per for mance and com ­pro mise safety!”
6. Check clutch con trols pe ri od i cally to ver ify they en gage and dis en gage prop erly and ad just, if nec es sary. Re fer to the ad just ­ment sec tion in this op er a tor’s man ual for in struc tions.
7. Main tain or re place safety and in struc tion la bels, as nec es sary.
8. Ob serve proper dis posal laws and reg u la ­tions for gas, oil, etc. to pro tect the en vi ron ment.
9. Prior to stor ing, run ma chine a few min ­utes to clear snow from ma chine and pre vent freeze up of au ger/im pel ler.
10. Never store the ma chine or fuel con tainer in side where there is an open flame, spark or pi lot light such as a wa ter heater, fur nace, clothes dryer etc.
11. Al ways re fer to the op er a tor’s man ual for proper in struc tions on off-sea son stor age.
WARNING - Your Re spon si bil ity:
Re strict the use of this power ma chine to per sons who read, un der stand and fol low the warn ings and in struc ­tions in this man ual and on the ma chine.
NOTE: The snowthrower is shipped with oil and WITH OUT GAS O LINE. Af ter as sem bly, re fer to sep a rate en gine man ual for proper fuel and en gine oil rec om men da ­tions.
The au gers are se cured to the spi ral shaft with two shear bolts and hex flange locknuts. Two re place ment hex bolts and hex flange locknuts have been pro vided for your con ve nience. Store in a safe place un til needed.
Shear Bolts
5/16-18 x 1.75" Lg.
Hex Flange
5/16-18 Thread
NOTE: Ref er ence to right hand or left hand side of ma chine are ob ­served from the op er at ing po si tion.
IM POR TANT: Check the ad just ments as in structed on page 10, and make any fi nal ad just ments nec es sary be fore op er at ing your snow thrower. Fail ure to fol low the in struc tions may cause dam age to the snow thrower.
Re move sta ples or break glue on the
top flaps of the car ton. Re move any loose parts in cluded with unit (i.e., owner’s man ual, etc.).
Cut along dot ted lines and lay end of
car ton down flat. Re move pack ing ma ­te rial.
Roll unit out of car ton. Check car ton
thor oughly for loose parts or lit er a ture.
Re move the lower two plas tic wing
nuts, cupped wash ers and car riage bolts from each side of the lower han ­dle. See Fig ure 2.
Raise the up per han dle as sem bly un til it
locks over the lower han dle. See Fig ure 2 and 3.
Wing Nuts,
and Bolts
Se cure the up per han dle and lower
han dle with the two plas tic wing nuts, cupped wash ers and car riage bolts pre ­vi ously re moved. See Fig ure 3.
Slide the shift rod con nec tor down over
the end of the lower shift rod. See Fig ­ure 4. Tap the con nec tor un til it locks on the lower shift rod.
NOTE: If the con nec tor is not prop ­erly as sem bled, the shift rod will pivot and you will not be able to shift gears or change di rec tions.
Wing Nuts
Upper Shift
Upper Chute Crank
Shift Rod
Cable Guide
Chute Cable
Lower Chute Crank
Re move the hair pin clip from the end of
the up per chute crank. Slide the up per chute crank into the lower chute crank. Align the holes, and se cure with hair pin clip. See Fig ure 4.
The ca ble ties nor mally are loosely in -
stalled on each side of the lower han dle at the fac tory. Pull the ca ble ties tight to se cure. Trim ex cess from the ends of ca ble ties.
If not al ready at tached, slip the ca bles
that run from the han dle panel to the chute into the ca ble guide lo cated on top of the en gine. See Fig ure 4.
The space be tween the shave plate and the ground can be ad justed. For close snow re moval, place slide shoes in the low po si tion. Use mid dle or high po si ­tion when area to be cleared is un even. See Fig ure 5.
Wrap the wire from the lamp down the
right han dle un til the wire can be plugged into the al ter na tor lead wire un ­der the fuel tank.
Lamp Wire
Al ter na tor
Han dle
NOTE: The crank case has been filled with oil and fac tory tested. Paint on the muf fler may have burnt due to test ing.
Slide Shoe
High Middle Low
Ad just slide shoes by loos en ing the hex
nuts, wash ers and car riage bolts and mov ing slide shoes to de sired po si tion. Make cer tain the en tire bot tom sur face of slide shoe is against the ground to avoid un even wear on the slide shoes. Tighten bolts se curely.
The chute clean-out tool is con ve niently fas tened to the rear of the au ger hous ­ing with a mount ing clip. Use the clean-out tool to clear snow and ice which may lodge in the dis charge chute dur ing op er a tion. Re fer to the Op er a tion sec tion for more de tailed in for ma tion re ­gard ing the chute clean-out tool.
Fail ure to fol low this pro ce dure may re ­sult in se ri ous en gine dam age which will not be cov ered by war ranty.
Your unit may be equipped with a plas tic fuel plug at the open ing of the fuel tank. Please re move and dis card the plug be fore fill ing your unit with gas or be fore putt ing the unit into op er a tion.
Ser vice the en gine with gas o line and oil as in structed in the sep a rate en gine man ual packed with your snowthrower. Read in struc tions care fully.
WARNING: Never fill fuel tank in doors. Never fill fuel tank with en gine run ning or while en gine is hot. Do not smoke when fill ­ing fuel tank.
Make cer tain the metal loop on the end
of the spark plug wire (in side the boot) is fas tened se curely over the metal tip on the spark plug. See Fig ure 6.
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