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Copyright CTI Products, Incorporated, 1994-2001. All rights reserved.
TSAM™, Smartswitch II and Smart-Steer are trademarks of CTI Products, Incorporated.
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is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. Other trademarks are property of their respective owners
TSAM Installation and MaintenanceRevision 2.10
CTI Products, Inc.
Table of Contents
1. System Description ......................................................................................................1
1.1TSAM Features ................................................................................................................... 1
Transmitter steering radio systems consist of multiple strategically located transmitters and receivers.
When a mobile or portable calls the dispatcher, the system comparator selects the receiver with the best
signal. The CTI Transmitter Steering Audio Matrix (TSAM) monitors this information to determine the
best site for the next transmission. After selecting the proper transmitter site, the TSAM routes the
transmit audio to the selected transmitter and provides a steered transmitter indication for display on the
radio control console.
The TSAM is a microprocessor-controlled unit that is field programmable and incorporates electronic
audio switching for high reliability. The TSAM generates all necessary transmitter keying and control
1.1 TSAM Features
The TSAM provides the following functions:
Routes audio between up to eight transmitters and eight receivers, with
expansion capabilities allowing up to eight TSAM units to be
interconnected. For a maximum capacity of 64 transmitters.
Provides several (selectable) steering decision algorithms.
Generates Positive Mode Control (PMC) keying tones.
A transmitter may be manually selected via a "force" override.
Optional Secondary Mode operation, which removes a single base station
site from the voting scheme and locks it on an alternate frequency, using
internally generated frequency select tones. Audio is automatically routed
to a secondary base station interface.
Two tone generators, one for main and one for secondary mode operation.
A number of key operational parameters are field programmable.
PTT relay outputs for both Main and Secondary channels.
Repeater Operation
1.2 Model Description
Two basic model numbers exist for the TSAM units:
•S1-60165-xxxTSAM -- 8 Transmitters -- No Secondary
This unit has just the Transmit Control Board.
•S1-60006-xxxTSAM -- 8 Transmitters -- With Secondary
1.3 Accessories
The following accessories are available as separate line items for the TSAM unit:
Transmit Audio from the radio control console microphone enters the TSAM through the Console 1
(Main--Steered Channel) and Console 2 (Secondary Channel) audio line inputs. A PTT signal for both
Console 1 and 2 is also connected to the TSAM.
When an operator keys the Main channel, transmit audio from the console is routed through the TSAM to
the steered transmitter line output. The proper keying tones are sent to the steered transmitter, thereby
keying the transmitter and passing console audio. The TSAM routes the console transmit audio to any one
of 8 audio line outputs. Audio is also routed out the expansion bus to other TSAMs, for systems with more
than 8 transmitters.
For Main channel operation, the comparator selects the best receive audio source and routes this audio to
the console Main channel RX audio port.
For TSAM units with Secondary Mode operation, receive audio also connects to the TSAM. The TSAM
routes secondary audio from the selected secondary site to the console secondary channel RX audio port.
The Main radio channel is the steered radio channel. The TSAM has inputs to monitor the receiver Vote
or Select lines from the radio system comparator. The Vote indications are processed to determine the start
and end of transmissions from field radios. The TSAM then determines the best site for the next
dispatcher or repeater transmission, based on the criteria outlined in subsequent sections. Upon site
selection, audio from the C1 (Console 1) input line is switched to the steered site line driver.
2.1 Steering Algorithms
Steering algorithms determine how transmitter selection or "steering" occurs. An algorithm processes the
receiver vote information to determine the best transmitter site available. Once determined, the TSAM
activates the steered site. When a site is activated is different from how the site is selected. The SteeringAlgorithm determines which site to select, and the Update Mode determines when that site becomes active.
2.1.1 First Receiver Voted Selection Algorithm
One mode for making the steering decision is to select a site based upon the first voted site during a
particular mobile/portable transmission. This mode has the advantage of being able to make a steering
decision before the mobile/portable transmission is complete. However, since the mobile or portable can
change between receive sites during a transmission, the First Received algorithm does not necessarily
reflect the best site to answer the unit at the end its transmission.
2.1.2 Smart-Steer
The Smart-Steer Algorithm watches the voting activity and choses the site that was voted the longest at the
end of the mobile or portable transmission. This gives the benefit of selecting the site closest to the field
unit towards the end of its transmission.
It is not sufficient to make the decision based on the last site voted. On receivers with dual level squelch
circuits, this causes problems. Dual squelch receivers lengthen the squelch tail on weak signals. A
receiver with a slow closing squelch circuit could be voted momentarily at the end of a reception. Picking
the last site voted actually picks a site with poorer reception.
The Smart-Steer selection mode eliminates these problems by picking the site voted for the longest total
time over a programmable period. The TSAM unit offers the benefits of a last-voted steering mode
without the problems caused by slow squelching and dual-level squelch receivers.
Intelligent Selection Algorithm
2.2 Basic Transmit Site Update Modes & Controls
Update Modes
algorithm. Two basic Update Modes are available:
Instant Update Mode
End of Receive Update Mode
determine when the TSAM selects the transmitter based upon the results of the steering
allows the new transmit site to be activated as soon as the steering algorithm is
delays the update till the completion of a portable or mobile
The operation of these update modes can be changed by advanced options such as Home Site Revert and
Dynamic Update Mode.
Instant Update Mode updates the steered transmitter as soon as the Free-vote timer has expired at the
beginning of a portable/mobile transmission. It is used only with the First Receiver Vote option enabled.
This mode mode is cannot be used with the Smart-Steer™ voting algorithm.
If you have a repeater system and the units will be talking between sites, the Instant update mode has
limitations. In this case, the unit will transmit from the transmitter closest to himself, not necessarily from
the transmitter closest to the person to whom he is talking.
2.2.2 End of Receive (EOR) Update Mode / Ping-Pong Repeater
As described above, instant update of the steered site may be undesirable for repeater systems. When a
portable/mobile is repeated, it would ideally be transmitted on the site closest to the person to whom he istalking. The End of Receive Update Mode allows this. In this mode, the TSAM switches to a unit's
closest transmitter at the end of his transmission. Thus, the response to him will come over his transmitter.
This will allow a "ping-pong" selection of transmitters with two mobiles in different areas as shown in
Figure 3.
Home Site
Site ASite B
Car ACar B
Figure 3 Repeater Ping-Pong Operation with End of Receive Mode
In this example, the following happens:
1. Car A transmits and is received on Receiver A.
Car A is repeated over the Home Site (which has the best coverage).
(Home site Revert will be discussed in section 2.3, Initial Transmitter Selection Options.)
When Car A finishes his transmission, the TSAM unit steers to Transmitter A.
Transmission 1
Transmission 2
Transmission 3
2. Car B answers through Receiver B and is repeated over Transmitter A.
When Car B finishes his transmission, the TSAM unit steers to Transmitter B.
3. Car A answers. It is received through Receiver A and repeated through Transmitter B.
Since the Smart-Steer algorithm does not complete vote processing until the end of current receiver
activity, it must use the End of Receive Update Mode.
2.2.3 Instant Update Input
This input can be used to switch between End of Receive Update Mode and Instant Update Mode from the
console. To do this, program the TSAM for End of Receive Update Mode. When the Instant Update
Input is active (low), the TSAM unit will use the First Receiver instant update steering mode on the next
reception. If the TSAM is already programmed for First Receive instant update steering, the input has no
2.2.4 Fast Steer On Console 1 PTT
TSAM firmware versions 1.60 and later provide a feature that allows the TSAM to steer when Console 1
PTT becomes active, even if receivers are active. This feature is functional only when the steering method
is programmed for Integrated Vote and the Fast Steer option is enabled. This feature allows faster console
transmit operation. The default setting for the Fast Steer option is enabled. It can be programmed in the
TX Steering Menu Integrated Vote section. It is recommended that this option be used whenever the
Smart-Steer™ Integrated Vote algorithm is used.
If you have made it this far in the manual, you're probably saying, "Okay, I understand how the Instant
Update and End of Receive Update Modes work, but what happens after the system has been quiet for a
while? Which transmitter is used?" (At least I thought I heard you say that.)
The Initial Transmitter Selection Update Options determine which transmitter is selected on an initial
1. Home Transmitter
This is usually selected as the central transmitter or the transmitter with the best coverage.
Dynamic Update Mode
Receive/Smart-Steer™ mode. It works well for repeater systems in which the mobiles units will be
talking primarily with units in the same area.
Dynamic Multicast Mode
mode. This is only available with TSAM units that have Secondary capability. It can be used in very
wide-area systems, especially in repeater systems in which the mobiles will be talking with widely
dispersed mobiles. The first transmission (from the console or a mobile) is transmitted over many (or
all) transmitters. Normal steering will be done on subsequent transmissions.
Force Selection:
manually force select a transmitter from the console. See section 4.6, TX Select Console Wiring -Diode Matrix Plug / Schematic for console connections.
selects a customer-programmed Home transmitter after a period of inactivity.
is a combination of Instant Update/First Receive Mode and End of
is a combination of Multicast Mode and End of Receive/Smart-Steer™
Although this is not a programmed mode in the TSAM, the dispatcher can always
2.3.1 Home Transmitter / Transmit Revert Timer
(TSAM Version 1.20 and up)
Using this mode, the first transmission (from a mobile or console) will be made over a customerprogrammed default "Home" transmitter. Subsequent transmissions are steered normally.
After a customer-programmed period of inactivity has passed, the system will again revert to the Home
transmitter. A period of inactivity is any period when there are no Voted signals, Forced Site Selections,
or Console/Repeater PTTs.
The Revert Timer starts to run at the end of the last detected activity. If any new activity occurs, the timer
is reset and held until the activity ceases. When the timer expires, the TSAM then steers the to the HOME
A transmitter. If secondary operation is used and the HOME A transmitter is being used in the secondary
mode, the TSAM reverts to the HOME B transmitter. After the end of activity, the revert timer starts
running again. On the next expiration of the revert timer, the TSAM checks for the availability of the
HOME A transmitter. If HOME A is available, the TSAM the reverts from HOME B to HOME A. If
HOME A is unavailable, the TSAM remains on HOME B. This cycle continues until HOME A becomes
Transmit Revert Timer Programming
The revert timer is accessed through the TSAMs steering options menu. See section 4, Setting
Programmable Options of the TSAM Maintenance and Installation Manual, for information on accessing
the programming menus.
The Revert Timer can be programmed from 5 seconds to 32,767 seconds (9 hours 6 minutes and 7
seconds). Additionally, the timer can be programmed to revert off. With revert off, the TSAM remains on
the last steered site indefinitely. The TSAM is shipped with the revert timer set to 15 seconds. To
program the timer to off, enter any number between 32768 and 65535 into the timer. Any number in this
range is interpreted as off and will display as revert off on the screen. Numbers outside the range of 5 to
65535 will produce an out of range error, and you will be prompted again to enter a value in the correct
2.3.2 Dynamic Update Mode
(TSAM Version 1.20 and up)
Dynamic update mode is used in conjunction with the EOR (End of Receive Update Mode) and Integrated
Vote mode. Using this mode, the first transmission from a mobile will be made over his transmitter (First
Receive/Instant Update Mode). Subsequent transmissions are steered normally. The first transmission
from a console will be made from either the last transmitter selected or from the Home Transmitter (if it is
programmed and the Revert Timer has timed out).
After a period of inactivity, the dynamic mode timer times out and switches the Update mode to First
receive for the next voted signal. After this, the update mode returns to the Smart-Steer™ Integrated Vote
/ EOR update mode.
Dynamic update allows an EOR update mode system to use a more appropriate steered site when a new
conversation starts. If EOR mode is used alone, a new conversation started on an idle channel would be
transmitted over the last used site. The dynamic update mode selects the site with the best coverage for the
new user. This assumes the new user desires best transmitter coverage in the area near him (as opposed to
across town). After the initial transmit site selection, subsequent sites are steered at the end of
portable/mobile transmissions (EOR update mode).
The Dynamic Mode Timer is programmable from 5 to 32,767 seconds. When programmed for 32,768 to
65,535 seconds the timer is turned off
2.3.3 Dynamic Multicast Mode
Dynamic Multicast Mode is available only on units with the Secondary Mode Option. It is similar to the
Dynamic Mode, but it uses Multicast Mode for the first mobile transmission after the Dynamic Mode
Timer has expired. On subsequent transmissions, the TSAM will use Smart-Steer™ Integrated Vote /
EOR update mode. This allows the first transmission (from the console or a mobile) to be transmitted over
many (or all) transmitters. Normal steering will be done on subsequent transmissions.
2.3.4 Transmitter Revert and Dynamic Mode Timer Resets
The Transmit Revert and Dynamic Mode timers run during periods of inactivity. When a timer is reset, it
is held in the reset state and not allowed to run until the activity has ended. The following types of activity
will reset the timer:
In simplex systems, the voting receivers will hear the base station transmitters. If the comparator is active
during this time, the TSAM must be instructed to ignore any voting activity. This is done by programming
‘ Sense RX activity during Console 1 PTT’
Steering menu.
The receivers (and comparator Voted output) will still be active for a short time after the console PTT is
released. TSAM units with version 1.62 firmware and later include a
This tells the TSAM unit to ignore any Voted activity for a period after C1PTT is released.
option is set to
Simplex PTT Release Mask Timer.
This is found under the TX
Simplex PTT Release Mask Timer
option is set to
that it a repeater or split-frequency system.
‘ Sense RX activity during Console 1 PTT’
are programmed under the TX Steering menu.
. If this option is set to ‘Y’, this timer has no effect, since the TSAM assumes
2.5 Repeater Operation
TSAM firmware versions 1.50 and later provide repeater operation for the TSAM unit. In a simplex
system, the TSAM only keys the steered transmitter when a console PTT is activated. In a repeater
system, the TSAM must also key the steered transmitter whenever a received signal is present and repeat
operation is enabled. The TSAM unit will generate its own internal Repeater PTT based upon activity on
the Voted inputs. Repeater transmitters normally remain keyed for a fixed amount of time after the
received signal drops. This time is the Repeater Hang Time.
Hang Time has several purposes, the main purpose is to minimize system access time. When using tone
keying and CTCSS or DCS, various system delays add up. This forces a repeater user to key for a
significant period of time before audio is repeated to receiving stations. By keeping the repeater
transmitter keyed after an initial transmission several of these access delays are eliminated. Hang time also
provides other benefits, such as eliminating some of the squelch bursts on carrier squelch systems and
providing an audible indication that a user accessed the system and keyed the repeater transmitter.
In a repeater system with transmitter steering, access time and hang time are far more complex than in a
single site repeater system. There are some access time tradeoffs to be considered in a steered system.
These are issues that must be addressed in the system design. The TSAM employs several steering
algorithms and is fully programmable which provides maximum flexibility when designing the steering
2.5.1 Repeater Operation with various Steering Algorithms
The steering update mode used determines how repeater keying takes place in the TSAM. The TSAM
uses Instant and End of Receive Update modes. The Smart-Steer algorithm always uses the EOR update
mode. First RX steering uses either Instant update or EOR update modes. Repeater keying in each of
these modes is described in the following sections. Repeater Keying with Instant Update Mode
For repeater mode operation, the TSAM will key the steered transmitter when the Free Vote time period
expires. The Free Vote time starts running the instant vote activity is detected on the TSAM inputs.
If the TSAM is in instant update mode, the proper site is steered just before the keying starts. Console 1
TX audio is then routed to the steered site. Repeat audio from the comparator must be routed to the C1
TX audio port. This is accomplished by taking the repeat audio output of a comparator with console
priority capability, or by means of an external relay which will switch between repeat and console audio.
One disadvantage of instant update keying is that the repeater transmitter is not keyed until after the Free
Vote timer expires. If Free Vote is set to a high value, to give the comparator time to make a better voting
decision, the initial part of a transmission will not be repeated. Care must be taken when setting Free Vote
to balance steering performance with system access time. Only repeat audio is effected by Free Vote.
Console audio is not cut off by Free Vote. Repeater Keying with EOR Update Mode
In this mode, new vote activity is repeated over the last used transmitter site (a new site is not immediately
steered). Repeater keying is initiated at the time Free Vote expires. With EOR Update mode, Free Vote
can be set very short or to 0 msec with no degradation of steering performance. This is because the
steering decision is made at the end of vote activity (not at the beginning). After EOR, a steering decision
is made and the new TX site is steered. The next voted signal is then repeated on this site.
2.5.2 Repeater Hang Time
Repeater Hang Time is used on conventional repeater systems to improve system access time. During
hang time, the repeater transmitter remains keyed. Subsequent transmissions due not incur the delays
encountered when re-keying the repeater transmitter. These delays consist of 160ms typical tone keying
delay, and 200ms typical PL decode delay for the receiving field radio.
In a transmitter steering system, the repeater transmitter may change sites on each retransmission, requiring
that a new transmitter be keyed each time. This makes it more difficult to provide the same quick access
of a single transmitter repeater system.
To minimize system access the TSAM uses the following system hang time algorithm. Repeater Hang Time with Instant Update Mode
In Instant Update Mode, when repeat traffic ends, the TSAM keeps the current system transmitter keyed.
When the next transmission begins, the TSAM steers to the site for that transmission. If no site change
occurred, the transmission can proceed over the current transmitter that is still keyed due to system hang
time. In this case, system access time is reduced. If a site change is required to repeat the next
transmission, then the TSAM unkeys the current site and keys the new site. In this case, additional system
access time is added for a new site key-up and PL decoding in the field radio.
For EOR updated modes, the TSAM steers to the proper site for the next transmission when the current
transmission ends. If no site change occurs, the current site remains keyed for the duration of hang time.
If a site change does occur, the current site is unkeyed and the new site is keyed. It remains keyed for the
duration of hang time. When subsequent vote activity starts a repeater transmission, the proper site will
be already keyed. This improves system access time.
2.5.3 RPT Disable Input
When activated, the RPT DISABLE input knocks down any ongoing repeater transmission (including hang
time) and prevents any further repeater transmissions from taking place. When inactive, any vote activity
generates a repeater transmission and keys the steered site. If RPT DISABLE goes inactive after vote
activity ends but during the normal hang time period, hang time is not generated. If RPT DISABLE is
activated during hang time and deactivated before hang time expires, no further hang time is generated.
2.5.4 RPT KEY Output
The TSAM generates a RPT KEY signal for use in systems where transmitter keying is done with external
hardware. In these systems, the RPT KEY signal can be used as the PTT signal for the external transmitter
keying hardware. The TSAM generates this signal so that it has control of the hang time keying
2.5.5 Repeater Keying Programming Options
Enable Repeater Operation
When this option is enabled, the TSAM generates keying tones whenever vote activity is detected. The
TSAM also generates repeater hang time. If keying tones are disabled, then only the RPT KEY output
becomes active when repeater operation is enabled. Secondary channel operation is not supported with
Repeater Operation enabled.
Enable TSAM Internal Tone Keying
When internal keying tones are disabled, tones are not generated for any Main channel function.
Secondary channel functions still generate all required secondary channel control tones.
Repeater Hang Time
Repeater hang time can be programmed for 0 to 32767 milliseconds, and is normally set so the repeater
transmitter is not dropped during a conversation. For more detail on the operation of Repeater Hang Time,
see section 2.5.2 on page 11.
Resteer Key-up Delay Time
Resteer Key-up Delay forces a delay time between unkeying a base station and then resteering and keying
a new base station. It is programmable from 0-2000 milliseconds. The key-up delay is set long enough so
that the first base completes its unkey sequence. Typically, this delay is as long as 200 milliseconds. This
allows for LLGT detect time and the time for PL reverse burst to be transmitted from the base being
unkeyed. This time can be set to zero if key-up of the second transmitter takes around 200 milliseconds or
if the interference from having two transmitters keyed simultaneously is not objectionable.
In a typical transmitter steering repeater system, a transmitter is keyed from two different sources.
Detection of a received signal will key a transmitter so it can be "repeated", and the systems dispatcher will
key the transmitter from the dispatch console. In many systems, it is required for the dispatcher to have
priority access to the steered transmitter.
Figure 4 TSAM Console Priority Connections
To provide console priority, an external audio switching relay is added as shown in Figure 4. The console
PTT line is connected to the C1PTT input of the TSAM. Note there is no PTT connection from the
receiver comparator. This is because the TSAM monitors the comparators vote indicate lines and
generates an internal repeater PTT when vote activity is detected.
Since priority is given to console PTT, the TSAMs keying is different when a console keys than when a
repeater PTT keys. These differences are as follows:
• There is no hang time generated when the console unkeys.
• Force Site selects cannot be made while the console is keyed.
• Resteering during console PTT in normally disabled.
If a Force Site Select is activated during a repeater PTT, the current transmitter is immediately unkeyed
and the forced transmitter is keyed. Depending on the timing requirements of the system base stations, a
small portion of a transmission is lost while a station is unkeyed and a new station keyed. If a Force Site
Select is activated during console PTT, it is ignored.
Since resteering during console PTT is normally disabled, any receive activity that occurs while the
console is transmitting will not effect transmitter steering. With resteering enabled during console PTT,
receive activity that steers to a new site is remembered and the new site is updated when console PTT is
Application Notes are available to describe Console Priority with a number of other comparators.
Unit Versions 1.70 and up / Units with Secondary System Capability Only
The Multicast feature allows the dispatcher to key a number of transmitters simultaneously on the main
channel for system-wide announcements. When the latched Multicast input is active and the console is
keyed, the Transmitter Steering System keys all transmitters that are programmed for Multicast operation.
If a transmitter (if any) is in Secondary mode, it will not be used in Multicast mode..
When the Multicast input goes inactive, the TSAM will return to the normal steered operation on the main
The Multicast option is not intended to serve as a Simulcast controller.
There is no simulcast gain, phase, or delay optimization in the TSAM unit.
If the installed system does not have simulcast transmitters and appropriate
simulcast optimized control lines with controlled amplitude, delay and
phase, the system will experience (possibly severe) distortion in RF
coverage overlap areas.
The customer shall accept any and all responsibility and risks associated
with the operation of the system in multicast mode.
Depending upon your system coverage, you may want all or just some of the transmitters to be enabled for
Multicast Mode.
Example 1:
probably want to enable all transmitters for Multicast.
Example 2:
cover well enough for an initial call-up without causing too much distortion in the overlap area.
The transmitters are enabled through the Multicast menu.
If you have a very large system area with minimal overlap between transmitters, you would
If you have 8 relatively closely spaced transmitters, you may find that 3 or 4 of these will
2.6.1 Multicast Operation and Secondary Transmitters
If a transmitter is selected for Secondary operation and the Multicast input becomes active, that transmitter
will not be eligible for Multicast operation while it is selected as a Secondary Transmitter. When that
transmitter becomes de-selected, it will when then be used in Multicast operation on the next transmission
if it was enabled in the Multicast Menu.
If Multicast Mode is turned on and the operator tries to select one of the Multicast transmitters for
Secondary operation, he will hear a warning tone on the Secondary channel.
2.6.2 Dynamic Mode with Multicast Operation
Multicast Mode can be used on the first transmission in a conversation under Dynamic Mode. This
replaces the "First Receive" Dynamic Mode option. See the programming under Transmitter Steering /
Dynamic Mode section.
Only available on TSAM units with Secondary Option
One unique feature of the TSAM is that it allows a properly equipped steered base station
(receiver/transmitter pair) to be removed from the transmitter steering system and operate as an
independent base/repeater on a second channel. The secondary TSAM channel looks like and additional
channel to the system console. The TSAM supports the selection of up to 15 frequencies for the secondary
Secondary Mode is useful for allowing a wide area coverage system to be used to handle a local incident
without tying up the main channel over the whole coverage area.
The TSAM automatically completes the following steps when a dispatcher selects a secondary site.
Secondary Operation is initiated when the TSAM detects a non-zero secondary site on the binary active
low Site Select inputs. If the site is currently voted, the receiver is immediately disabled, forcing the
receive comparator to re-vote. If the site is currently keyed or steered, the transmitter is disabled and the
TSAM steers to the HOME A or the HOME B site. (If the HOME A site was selected for secondary
operation the TSAM steers to HOME B). Any interlocking required to prevent the TSAM from disabling
active sites is done externally.
The Secondary Site Select Sequence
1. TSAM C2 RX audio is normally muted and remains so. This prevents the secondary dispatcher from
hearing F1 comparator status tone.
2. The TSAM disables the secondary base RX at the receive comparator by forcing its Disable line low
and marking the transmitter as being unavailable for transmitter steering in internal memory.
3. The TSAM sends the currently selected secondary frequency select tones. The secondary frequency is
determined by 4 binary Secondary Frequency Inputs (SF1-SF8). These control lines are set by
dispatcher using the console Frequency Select control. The TSAM uses a programmable debounce
time to allow the inputs to settle before reading the final frequency value. The debounce time allows
the operator to scroll the frequency list without sending frequency select control tones for every
frequency. This time is programmable in 1 ms increments from 0 to 65.535 seconds (due to the 20 ms
scanning latency, the exact debounce is ± 20 ms).
4. If C2 PTT is detected before the debounce time expires, the transmitter is keyed immediately using the
most current frequency select input values. To allow for adequate debounce of the secondary site
select inputs, the inputs are scanned 20ms after the detection of C2 PTT.
5. Secondary Base RX audio outputs and TX audio inputs are routed to the secondary channel control
card in the dispatch console, and the audio paths are unmuted.
6. TSAM monitors Secondary PTT to initiate a secondary transmission.
7. Operator is free to use the Secondary channel or to change the frequency if required.
8. If interlocking of secondary site or frequency control is required, it must be done in the console.
1.This function terminates secondary operation and returns the secondary base to the Main steered
2.Secondary Operation is terminated when all secondary select inputs return high (active low
3.The TSAM mutes C2 RX Audio.
4.The TSAM sends the F1 frequency change tone sequence to the secondary base.
5.The TSAM re-enables the receiver by releasing the Disable line to the receive comparator. The
TSAM marks the reverted transmitter as being available for transmitter steering in internal
3.3 Alert Tone Generation
If an attempt is made to transmit on the secondary channel when no secondary site is selected, a warning
tone is sent to the console. The warning tone is generated by the secondary keying tone generator and
routed through the cross-point audio switch to the secondary console RX audio line driver circuit.
3.4 Secondary Channel PL Monitor Control
Unit Versions 1.70 and up / Secondary System Only
The TSAM can control PL Monitor on the Secondary system. One of two modes may be selected,
Momentary Mode or Sustained Mode.
Momentary PL Monitor is used to check for activity on a Secondary channel before transmitting. It
functions much like a PL monitor on a typical remote control unit. The operator presses a momentary PL
Monitor button, and the base station remains in monitor mode until the next transmission.
Sustained PL Monitor is used to operate a Secondary station in a pseudo carrier squelch mode. This
allows the operator to hear traffic from mobile units that do not transmit the proper PL tones. It requires a
latched console output. The TSAM will generate a PL Monitor tone sequence after each transmission as
long as the PL Monitor input is active.
The PL Monitor function is sent out as two tones:
HLGT + PL Monitor Tone.
Some stations will not decode a new tone command immediately after a transmission or another tone
command. The PL Monitor Delay time is a dead time that allows the station tone decoder to reset before
the PL Monitor tone is sent.
When an operator de-selects a secondary station, the TSAM sends the F1 keying tone or F1 Revert tone to
the station. The station should go back into normal (guarded) PL mode when it changes back to F1.
Program the PL Monitor Control parameters from the Secondary menu:
PL Monitor Tone Timing is shown in sections 7.2 and 7.3.
When the Monitor input is momentarily activated, the TSAM sends a PL Monitor tone out the selected
Secondary site. The station re-enables the PL decoder on the next transmission.
3.4.2 Sustained PL Monitor Control
When the Monitor input is activated, the TSAM sends a PL Monitor tone out the selected Secondary site.
Since the station re-enables the PL decoder after a transmission, the TSAM will re-send the PL Monitor
tone after each transmission, as long as the PL Monitor input is active.
When the PL Monitor input goes inactive and a Secondary Site is still selected, the TSAM will generate
the appropriate Secondary Frequency tone sequence to that site.
If the PL Monitor input is active when a Secondary Site is first selected, the TSAM unit will do the
1. Send the Secondary Frequency tone sequence
2. Wait for the PL Monitor Delay time
3. Send the PL Monitor tone sequence.
After the dispatcher releases the PTT, there will be a slight delay in receiving a mobile without the proper
PL, due to the time required to send and decode the PL Monitor tone sequence.
TSAM Installation and Maintenance Rev. 2.10Chapter 4
CTI Products, Inc.Installation
4. Installation
Installation of the TSAM consists of:
• Pre-setting jumper options
• Mounting the unit in a cabinet
• Routing the 25 pair control and audio cable(s) to the cross-connect panel
• Routing the power cable
• Programming the options
• Setting the system transmit and receive audio levels.
4.1 Power Supply Requirements
The TSAM requires either 24V DC or 20V AC at 1 amp maximum for proper operation. A 2-conductor
power connector and cord are supplied. Although the TSAM is polarity insensitive, observe proper color
coding conventions when connecting the TSAM to a DC supply.
4.2 Expansion TSAMs for more than 8 Transmitters
Multiple TSAMs can be linked together to control more than 8 transmitters or receivers on one channel.
As many as 8 TSAMs can be tied together. This allows control of up to 64 transmitters. If you have
expansion units, you will have to change some jumpers in the units before you mount them (unless the
units are marked as expansion units from the factory).
4.2.1 Expansion Cables
When multiple TSAMs are used together, they are linked through the expansion bus. The expansion bus is
made up of the necessary audio and control busses to allow TSAMs to share transmitter control hardware.
The master and slave units are connected via a daisy-chain ribbon cable that connects to P103 on all
TSAMs on the channel. Cables are available for systems with 2-8 TSAM units. See Table 1 TSAM
Accessories for part numbers.
When installing the expansion cables, install the supplied cable grounding clamps.
TSAM Installation and Maintenance Rev. 2.10Chapter 4
CTI Products, Inc.Installation
4.2.2 Expansion TSAM Addressing & Jumpers
Address switch SW102 on the front of the TSAM is used to set TSAM SPI bus addresses.
A Master TSAM always has address 0. Additionally, the Master TSAM drives the Main and Secondary
channel expansion transmit audio busses and receives audio on the Main and Secondary channel receive
audio expansion busses.
Slave TSAM units have addresses 1-7. The addresses must be sequential and no addresses may be
The SW102 master/slave switch must be in the S position on all Slave TSAMs.
The Master TSAM controls the transmitter steering system. The MCU and control logic on the slave
TSAM operates only in a standby diagnostic mode. All of the Slaves I/O logic and audio switching are
controlled by the master TSAM MCU.
1-8E109-E112,E125 = In
9-16E109-E112,E125 = See Note
17-24E109-E112,E125 = See Note
25-32E109-E112,E125 = See Note
33-40E109-E112,E125 = See Note
41-48E109-E112,E125 = See Note
49-56E109-E112,E125 = See Note
57-64E109-E112,E125 = In
E123,E127,E124,E128 = A
E217,E218,E219,E220 = Top
E123,E127,E124,E128 = B
E217,E218,E219,E220 = Bottom
E123,E127,E124,E128 = B
E217,E218,E219,E220 = Bottom
E123,E127,E124,E128 = B
E217,E218,E219,E220 = Bottom
E123,E127,E124,E128 = B
E217,E218,E219,E220 = Bottom
E123,E127,E124,E128 = B
E217,E218,E219,E220 = Bottom
E123,E127,E124,E128 = B
E217,E218,E219,E220 = Bottom
E123,E127,E124,E128 = B
E217,E218,E219,E220 = Bottom
Table 2 Expansion TSAM Switch and Jumper Settings
0 = down, 1= up
Note: RS-485 Terminators
Jumpers E109-E112, and E125 install RS-485 terminator resistors on the expansion bus. The terminators
are always required on the first and last TSAMs in a system. This means the Master TSAM and the last
Slave TSAM always have these jumpers installed. All other Slave TSAMs have these jumpers removed.
TSAM Installation and Maintenance Rev. 2.10Chapter 4
CTI Products, Inc.Installation
4.2.3 Expansion Unit Programming
When a system is programmed for a slave (expansion) TSAM and the slave unit is disconnected, the
system must be reprogrammed to insure proper operation. If you must run a system with an expansion unit
disconnected, re-program the master TSAM for one less expansion unit. Be sure that the expansion units
are addressed sequentially.
4.3 Physical installation of TSAM
A set of rack mount ears are furnished with the TSAM. There are two mounting locations on the TSAM
enclosure for the mounting ears. There are two sets of mounting holes in the ears. The ears may be
mounted with the mounting flange forward or reversed. These options allow the TSAM to be mounted in
any of 8 positions. This allows mounting in a variety of racks or cabinets.
Figure 6 TSAM Mounting Positions
TSAM Installation and Maintenance Rev. 2.10Chapter 4
CTI Products, Inc.Installation
4.4 P101 (TX) Cable Signals
This male connector is present on all units. The TX cable contains all of the transmit audio line outputs
and control signals.