If you have questions about the Remote Comparator Display system, call us at:
(513) 595-5900. (8:30 to 5:00 Eastern)
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Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 CTI Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
MCN is a trademark of CTI Products, Inc. Other trademarks referenced are properties of their
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CTI Products Inc. License Agreement
Monitoring and Control Network
Remote Comparator Display Software
Single-User Products
This is a legal agreement between you, the end user, and CTI Products Inc. By opening this sealed disk package, you are
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CTI Products Inc. Software License
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Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, or if you wish to contact CTI Products Inc. for any reason,
11. APPENDIX C - MODEM CONFIGURATIONS.................................................................................... 107
12. APPENDIX D - MODEM CONFIGURATIONS.................................................................................... 108
13. APPENDIX E - SYSTEM PERFORMANCE.........................................................................................112
14. APPENDIX F - CUSTOMER SUPPORT................................................................................................ 113
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayIntroduction & Overview
CTI Products, Inc.
1. Introduction, and Overview
A basic MCN Remote Comparator Display system is shown in Figure 1. The
MCN Remote Comparator Display system consists of the Host Computer
Interface (HIB) Module and any MCN Comparator I/O Module (such as an AIB or
CIB). The PC runs the MCN Remote Comparator Display software (MCN RCD)
described in this manual. This manual covers the installation and operation of the
software. Details of the HIB (hardware installation and setup) are found in the
HIB reference manual (see reference 2). Also, the MCN system manual
(reference 1) contains more details about the MCN comparator display system.
Figure 1 - MCN Remote Comparator Display System
Higher Performance System
Some systems may require higher performance for their monitoring and control
system. The HIB module can be replaced by a PC ISA bus card that plugs into the
backplane of the PC. This plug in card is called a PCLTA card and it connects
directly to the MCN network, as shown in Figure 2. Details of the PCLTA
(hardware installation and setup) are found in its technical reference manual (see
reference 4). The PCLTA card can only be used in local monitoring applications.
Figure 2 - MCN System with PCLTA Card
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayIntroduction & Overview
CTI Products, Inc.
General Purpose I/O Devices require General Purpose Monitoring
and Control Function
The MCNRCD software can also monitor general purpose I/O devices connected
to CIB or IOB modules. Typical devices are:
• Door alarm inputs
• Generator run inputs
• Equipment failure inputs
• Relay control outputs
• Transmitter main/standby controls
General Purpose I/O Devices require different status indications than comparators
( “On/Off/Fail” versus Vote, Receive, Disable, Fail). Section 9 of this manual
describes how to provide custom status indications for general purpose I/O
functions using the status text categories and sub-categories.
Software Provided
Two programs make up the MCN RCD software package. They are:
• MCNCFG.EXE - the configuration program
• MCNRCD.EXE - the runtime Remote Comparator Display program
The MCNCFG.EXE program is run by an engineer or technician to build the
configuration files when the system is installed or changed. The MCNRCD
program is run by a dispatcher or technician to display the status of the voting
The MCNRCD.EXE software allows the operator to see which receivers are
receiving, voted, disabled, failed or in an error condition on the PC. It also allows
the operator to monitor and disable receivers with the Force Vote and Disable
The MCNRCD.CFG file is an ASCII text file that the engineer or technician can
edit to change the configuration of several option parameters used by MCNRCD
software. This file may be edited by any text based editor program.
1.1 Network Interface Support
The MCN RCD software package can use any version of HIB modules or the
PCLTA card for the interface between the PC and the MCN network. The
PCLTA card and early versions of the HIB module do not provide modem
support. You can determine if you have an early HIB module by looking at the
model number found on the rear of the HIB module. All HIB modules have a unit
number of S2-60081-xxx. If the ‘xxx’ number is less than 200 you have an early
version HIB module.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayIntroduction & Overview
CTI Products, Inc.
Early HIB modules (‘xxx’ is less than 200):
• Support only local operation with MCNRCD. Skip all modem
references in this manual.
• External module that connects to one of the PC’s COM ports.
• Requires device driver LDVSLTA.SYS to be loaded by your PC’s
CONFIG.SYS file (see section 5).
All other HIB modules (‘xxx’ is 200 or greater):
• Support both local and remote operation with MCNRCD.
• External module that connects to one of the PC’s COM ports.
• Requires device driver CTIHIB.SYS to be loaded by your PC’s
CONFIG.SYS file (see Section 5).
PCLTA Interface:
• Support only local operation with MCNRCD. Skip all modem
references in this manual.
• Internal interface card that plugs into an ISA bus slot in the PC.
• Requires device driver LDVPCLTA.SYS to be loaded by your PC’s
CONFIG.SYS file (see Section 5).
1.2 System Hardware Requirements
Two components are required for the MCN RCD system.
1. Host Computer Interface Module (HIB) or PCLTA interface card
2. A PC to run the MCNRCD software with the following minimum
system configuration:
• 25 MHz 386 DX PC for 1 to 9 Comparator I/O Modules
50 MHz 486 DX PC for 10 to 20 Comparator I/O Modules
• EGA or VGA adapter and monitor
• 2 MB RAM (if running from DOS)
• 2 MB free disk space for program and support files
• 5 to 100 MB additional free disk space if logging Status data
• 5 to 10 MB addtional free disk space if logging Errors
• Microsoft or Logitech mouse (optional)
• One open serial port (for HIB use)
• One open full-size ISA slot (for PCLTA use)
• MS-DOS 5.0 or higher
UART Requirements
For applications using the HIB module with a PC serial port, CTI Products
recommends that you have a 16550 type UART. This UART has a 16 byte FIFO
(First In First Out) buffer for the receiver that is used to prevent UART overrun
errors. If your COM port uses a 16450 or 8250 type UART, then you may not be
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayIntroduction & Overview
CTI Products, Inc.
able to operate the MCNRCD software at the highest baud rate (38400 bps). You
may have to run at either 14400 bps or 9600 bps.
If your COM port uses a 16450 or 8250 type UART, and you are running at 38400
bps, and you get the HIB communication error screen (see section, try
running the MCNRCD software at 1400 bps or 9600 bps (remember to change the
HIB’s baud rate selection switches to match the new data rate and then reset the
HIB module).
Modem Requirements
Modems may be used to create a remote comparator display system. CTI
Products, Inc. recommends the following:
• V.34 (28.8 K) modems with V.42bis or MNP 5 data compression for
best system performance in systems with 10 or more Comparator I/O
• V.32bis (14.4 K) modems with V.42bis or MNP 5 data compression
for better system response in systems with 1 to 9 Comparator I/O
• V.32 (9600) modems with data compression for normal system
response in systems with 1 to 9 Comparator I/O Modules.
See section 10 for additional modem information, including specific modems that
have been tested and verified to operate with MCNRCD.
1.3 Reference Documents
1. Monitoring and Control Network System Manual
Part Number S2-60425
2. Host Computer Interface Module Hardware Reference Manual (HIB)
Part Number S2-60427
3. TSAM Interface Module Hardware Reference Manual (TIB)
Part Number S2-60469
4. PCLTA Interface Card Hardware Reference Manual
Part Number S2-60648
5. I/O Control Module Hardware Reference Manual (IOB)
Part Number S2-60630
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayTheory of Operation
CTI Products, Inc.
2. Theory of Operation
This section describes the operation of the MCN Remote Comparator Display
software in an MCN comparator display system.
2.1 Comparator Status
The Comparator I/O Module (such as an AIB or CIB) accepts the VOTE,
RECEIVE, DISABLE, and FAIL receiver status indicators from the comparator.
It sends status messages to the HIB or PCLTA. The HIB or PCLTA passes the
messages over the PCs serial port to the MCNRCD software. The MCNRCD
software controls the VOTE, RECEIVE, DISABLE, and FAIL status display for
each receiver on the screen.
2.2 Controlling the Comparator
The MCNRCD software monitors the mouse and/or keyboard for VOTE and
DISABLE commands. When a VOTE or DISABLE command is activated, the
MCNRCD software sends a FORCE VOTE or DISABLE command to the
Comparator I/O Module. The Comparator I/O Module will then generate the
proper FORCE VOTE or DISABLE/ENABLE signal to control the comparator.
2.3 Transmitter Status Monitoring and Control
To provide transmitter status monitoring and control, your MCN system must also
include CTI Product’s Transmitter Steering Audio Matrix (TSAM) device along
with the MCN TIB Module (TSAM Interface Module) (see reference 3).
The MCNRCD software can display transmitter status information along with the
corresponding receiver’s status information. You can simultaneously view the
receiver’s current status along with the current state of the corresponding
transmitter (whether it is selected or not).
The MCNRCD software can also force a particular transmitter to be the active
transmitter by FORCE VOTING the receiver associated with that transmitter.
MCNRCD will display a status of
currently being FORCE VOTED and that the transmitter is active.
for that receiver to indicate that it is
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayQuick Start
CTI Products, Inc.
3. Quick Start
We recommend that you first set up the entire system, including PC, modems,
HIB or PCLTA, Comparator I/O Device, and any other equipment in the same
room to verify system cabling and operation. After the system is up and running,
install the individual items at their proper locations.
To install the system, do the following steps in order:
. Read section 4 of this manual.
. Install the MCN Remote Comparator Display software on the computer,
modify your CONFIG.SYS file to load the proper device driver, and re-boot
the computer. See section 5.1 of this manual.
. Modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file if required. See section 5 of this manual.
. Install the HIB or PCLTA. Connect the PC to the HIB. Refer to the hardware
reference manuals of the HIB (reference 2) or PCLTA (reference 4) and the
MCN system manual (reference 1) for details about module installation.
Connect the HIB or PCLTA to the Comparator I/O Module using the MCN
network cable. Refer to the hardware reference manuals of the Comparator
I/O Module, as well as the MCN system manual (reference 1) for details about
module installation.
. Run the MCN Remote Comparator Display (RCD) program using the pre-
built screen and module set files to verify the proper software and hardware
installation. The command line to execute is:
. If you have dial-up modems, install them now and test them with your files.
Make sure your modems are configured properly. See section 10 for
more details.
Connect the HIB modem to the HIB. See sections 10.2.1 and 10.4 for
connection information.
Connect the PC modem to the PC.
Connect the modems to the phone lines. See the Testing Local Back to
Back Modems part of section 10 for more details.
. Run the MCNCFG program to configure the MCN Group Configuration Files
and MCN Screen Files for your system and test the system with your custom
files. Refer to section 6.2 for more details.
After testing your system locally, finish the permanent installation of your
If you move a PC with a dial-up modem to a phone line with a different access
code (like Dial 9 for an outside line), you will have to change the dialing string in
the MCN Screen File.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayMCNRCD & MCNCFG Basics
CTI Products, Inc.
4.1 Using Menu Commands
To access the menu commands, click the menu item with the left mouse button.
To use the keyboard to access menu commands, press the A key and the
highlighted letter for the menu command.
For example, to access the File menu, click the mouse cursor on the File option on
the menu bar or press
Some menu commands may not be valid at certain times. When a command is
inactive, its text appears as dark gray text on the light gray menu background.
key combination on the keyboard.
When choosing a file from a file list box, highlight the file and then press
double-click on the filename with the mouse.
4.2 Configuration Files
A number of configuration files are used by the MCN Remote Comparator
Display runtime program (MCNRCD) and configuration program (MCNCFG).
Before you begin, read the following sections which describe the purpose of these
4.2.1 M CN Group Configuration Files <filename>. GCF
An MCN Group contains up to 16 different MCN modules (Module numbers 0
through F), as defined in the
1. The MCN Group Configuration File (.GCF extension) defines all receivers
contained in a single MCN Group.
MCNRCD only supports the first 8 receivers (bank 0) of any Comparator I/O
Module, so a single GCF file supports a total of 128 receivers (8 receivers x 16
modules) in a single Group.
When a GCF file is created, a Group number must be assigned to the file (the
default is Group 0). The Group number must correspond to the MCN Group
number assigned to the Comparator I/O Modules that will be monitored and
controlled by MCNRCD.
MCN Comparator Display System Manual
, reference
Each receiver in the GCF file is defined by a receiver name and a channel name.
The MCNCFG program allows you to create as many Group Configuration Files
as are needed.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayMCNRCD & MCNCFG Basics
CTI Products, Inc.
4.2.2 MCN Screen Files <filename>.M SF
Each screen that you want to display requires a MCN Screen File (.MSF). The
MCN Screen Files include the following:
• Module address of the HIB
• Which MCN Groups to display (up to 4)
• Screen Name
• Channel Title information
• Receiver Placement on the screen
You can make multiple MCN Screen Files that all use the same GCF
configuration files if all your receivers won’t fit on one screen. You can use
multiple screens to break down the receivers into a logical grouping of channels
(Police, Fire, Maintenance, etc.).
The program will handle up to 50 MCN Screen Files.
4.2.3 M odule Configuration Files <filename>. MCF
Each module in a GCF file has variable information associated with it. This
module information is entered using the Module Config command under the
menu. The Module Configuration File includes the following:
• Module descriptions
• Status text categories assigned to each module
The MCF file is automatically created when a GCF file is saved. The filename
used for the MCF file is the same as the GCF filename.
4.2.4 M odem Configuration File (MODEM .INI)
The Modem Configuration File includes commands specific to the particular
modem being used. This file and its entries are described in section 10.
4.2.5 Remote Comparator Di splay Configuration File (MCNRCD.INI)
This file holds the Error Logging settings that are selected in the MCNRCD
program. The MCNRCD program reads this file on start-up and uses those error
logging options. MCNRCD automatically updates this file whenever you change
Logging options (Status/Error).
4.2.6 M CN Error Log File (MCNERR.LOG)
This file holds Error log entries in ASCII text form. Selectable file size range of 1
to 10 MB via the command line option switch: /En ( n = 1 to 10). Default size is
1 MB. Each error log entry uses 107 bytes. A warning indication is given on each
log when the MCNERR.LOG file reaches 90% full. At 100% capacity, the error
log file will automatically be rebuilt down to 50% of the command line option
switch (/En) file size The most recent error logs will make up this reduced file.
See section 7.6.1 for more details.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayMCNRCD & MCNCFG Basics
CTI Products, Inc.
4.2.7 M CN Stati s ti cs Log File (MCNSTAT.LOG)
This file contains the statistics log entries in an ASCII text form. See section
7.6.2 for more information about statistics logging.
4.2.8 M CN Text Configuration File (MCNRCD. CFG)
This file holds the receiver status text messages that are displayed for the VOTE,
RECEIVE, DISABLE and FAIL states. This file can be changed so that you can
customize the displayed status messages. See section 9 for more information.
4.2.9 HIB Confi gur ation Program (HIBCNFG.EXE)
This file allows you to program a modem initialization string into the HIB.
Whenever the HIB is reset, and configured for remote operation, it sends this
string to the modem. See section 10.2.1 for more information.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayInstallation
CTI Products, Inc.
5. Installation
5.1 Installing the Remote Comparator Display Software
To Install the Remote Comparator Display Software
1.C:> MD CTI
2.C:> CD CTI
4.C:\CTI> COPY A:*.*
5. Modify your CONFIG.SYS file as shown in section 5.2 of this manual.
6. Modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file as shown in section 5.4 of this manual.
7. If you are using transmitter steering (your system includes TIB modules),
8.Re-boot to have the changes take effect.
CTI MCN Remote Comparator Display
copy the file TXSTEER.CFG to MCNRCD.CFG so that you have the
transmitter steering status messages. The standard configuration file,
NORMAL.CFG does not include the transmitter steering information.
5.2 Loading the Device Driver
A device driver file must be loaded by your CONFIG.SYS file before the runtime
comparator display software MCNRCD.EXE can be run. The command line for
the device driver should have been edited into your CONFIG.SYS file when the
MCN network interface module (either the HIB or the PCLTA card) was installed
in the system. If you have not loaded the device driver, modify your
CONFIG.SYS file to add the appropriate command line and then re-boot your PC.
disk in A:
Refer to the HIB or PCLTA hardware reference manual of the MCN network
interface device you are using for instructions on loading the device driver. Each
type of network interface device uses a different device driver file. You may be
able to load the device driver in high memory to conserve conventional memory.
If you attempt to run MCNRCD.EXE without loading this device driver,
MCNRCD will show an error when a screen file is loaded and then will exit back
to DOS.
5.3 Additional CONFIG.SYS File Changes
In addition to the device driver additions, be sure your C:\CONFIG.SYS file
includes the following minimum Files and Buffers:
If you use a MOUSE.SYS mouse driver, make sure its entry is in CONFIG.SYS.
If you use a serial mouse, be sure its COM port does not conflict with the serial
port for the HIB. Be sure to re-boot the computer after any changes.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayInstallation
CTI Products, Inc.
5.4 Modifying the AUTOEXEC.BAT File
If you use a MOUSE.COM mouse driver, make sure its entry is in
AUTOEXEC.BAT. If you use a serial mouse, be sure its COM port does not
conflict with the serial port for the HIB. Be sure to re-boot the computer after any
5.5 Netw ork Interface Installation & Cabling
The physical installation of the HIB module is covered in the HIB’s hardware
reference manual, reference 2. If you are using a PCLTA card instead of the HIB
module refer to the PCLTA manual (reference 4) for installation and cabling
5.6 Modem Setup
We recommend using a Practical Peripherals PM144MT II modem for dial up
applications or a UDS V.3229 modem for leased line applications. Modem
configuration sheets are provided in section 10 for various modems that have been
See the modem manual for instructions on how to configure the modem.
See the
description of level setting and how to connect the modems in a back to back
configuration for testing.
When connecting the modem to your PC, make sure the modem is connected to
the PC’s COM port that is specified on the CTIHIB.SYS driver command line in
Testing Local Back to Back Modems
5.6.1 Internal Modem Support
If you are using an internal modem in the PC, configure the modem so that it uses
the same COM port specified on the CTIHIB.SYS driver command line.
section of section 10 for a
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayConfiguring a System
CTI Products, Inc.Using MCNCFG
6. Configuring a System -- Using MCNCFG
A basic remote comparator display system consists of a PC connected to a HIB or
PCLTA and one or more Comparator I/O Modules (see Figure 1).
An MCN Group Configuration file (.GCF extension) contains all of the receiver
information for MCN Comparator I/O Modules addressed into a single MCN
MCN Screen Files (.MSF extension) contain a list of receivers to be displayed on
the current CRT screen and where they will appear on the screen. Up to four
different MCN Groups can be monitored and controlled from the same MCN
screen file.
Up to 88 receivers can appear on the PC display. For many systems this will
allow an operator to view all of the receivers in a voting receiver system. On
larger systems as many as 50 screens can be created to display a system’s
You will use the MCN Remote Comparator Display Configuration Program
(MCNCFG) to create and edit these files when you install or change your system.
6.1 Configuration Steps
To custom configure the MCN Remote Comparator Display software for your
radio system do the following:
1.Build an MCN Group Configuration File (GCF) for your
Comparator I/O Module(s):
a) Use Files New Group Configuration menu command to open a new
MCN Group Configuration File.
b) Enter Receiver Names and Corresponding Channel Name/Notes for
each receiver.
c) Use Edit Group Number to assign the two digit number (00-FE) of
the MCN Group that these receivers are located in (the default Group
number is 00). This number comes from the Group number of the unit
address assigned to the Comparator I/O modules. Refer to the MCN
system manual (reference 1) for information about module address
d) Use Edit Module Config to enter the descriptions for each module
and change, if needed, the MCNRCD.CFG status text category that
will be used by the modules for their status message display.
e) Use the Files Save menu command to save the GCF file.
f) If you have more than one MCN Group in your system, repeat the
above procedure for each MCN Group.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayConfiguring a System
CTI Products, Inc.Using MCNCFG
2.Build a MCN Screen File (SCF):
a) Use the Files New Screen menu command to open a new MCN
Screen File.
b) The Active Group Files dialog box will appear. Press E to pop up a
list of GCF files. Select the GCF file(s) that you want to display on the
screen. Tab to <OK> and press
c) The Select Active Group File dialog box will be displayed. Select
the Group Configuration File you wish to work with first.
d) Enter Channel Titles using the Insert key.
e) Place receivers on the screen using the
receiver list.
f) If your MCN HIB module has a model number S2-60081-xxx where
‘xxx’ is the number 200 or greater (this number is found on the rear of
the module), set the GROUP and MODULE rotary switches to the unit
address you defined for the HIB (these switches are found on the rear
of the module. Skip to step h.
g) If your MCN HIB module has a unit number where ‘xxx’ is less than
200 or if you are using a PCLTA card, you must execute the Edit HIB
Address command to specify the MCN address of the HIB module or
PCLTA card that will be connected to this PC.
Program the Group and Module numbers that you defined for the HIB.
h) Use the Edit Screen Name menu command to add a screen name.
i) If you use a dial-up modem, use the Edit Dialing String menu
command to enter a dialing string (the phone number of the remote
j) Use the Files Save menu command to save the MSF file.
The remainder of this section will walk you through the above steps. There are
some additional menu commands that will be covered later.
key and selecting from the
6.2 Starting the MCNCFG configuration program
1.Exit any application software you are running.
2.Change the current directory to C:\CTI
3.Type: MCNCFG
This will Start the MCNCFG configuration program and display a screen similar
to the one in Figure 3, but with just the menu bar.
6.3 Using the M CNCFG Menu Commands
The MCNCFG program commands are accessed through the programs pull-down
menus. These function similarly to the pull-down menus in many popular DOS
and Windows programs.
The Menu Bar is the top line of the screen. The Menu Bar is always visible. Each
item on the bar is the name of a pull-down menu. Press the H key to activate the
Menu Bar. The File Menu Name is now selected.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayConfiguring a System
CTI Products, Inc.Using MCNCFG
To get a complete list of the File Menu commands, press the f key. This displays
the pull-down File Menu as in Figure 3. Each of the pull-down menus has a short
cut activation key. This key is the intensified character in the menu name.
Pressing the H key + the intensified letter of the menu will activate menu.
Figure 3 - MCNCFG File Menu
With the mouse, each menu can be activated by clicking on the menu name. Once
the menu is activated, individual commands can be activated by clicking on them
with the mouse or by pressing the appropriate intensified shortcut key for that
When choosing a file from a file list box, highlight the file and then press
double-click on the filename with the mouse.
6.4 Creating a New MCN Group Configur ation File
This is the first step in creating the configuration files for a new system. Select
the Files New Group Configuration menu command with the keyboard or
mouse. The MCNCFG program will bring up a blank module set configuration
screen with just the receiver numbers in the left hand column, as shown in Figure
4. A single MCN Group contains 16 unique Module numbers (0 through 9 and A
through F). The maximum number of receivers for a given module is 8.
Currently MCNRCD can only monitor and control receivers 1 through 8 (bank 0)
of any Comparator I/O Module. Section 6.4.2 gives more details about assigning
the group number.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayConfiguring a System
CTI Products, Inc.Using MCNCFG
If you were working on a module set or screen file and had not yet saved it when
you selected the Files New Group Configuration menu command, the program
will give you a chance to save it.
Figure 4 - New Group Configuration Screen
6.4.1 Group Configuration Screen Description
The Group Configuration screen has entries for a total of 128 receiver (8 receivers
x 16 different modules). It includes a Receiver Name field and a Channel Name /
Note field.
The configuration screen has entries for the modules within that MCN Group.
The receiver number shown in the left column of the Group Configuration Screen
is made up of three parts (Grp:Mod:Rx).
is the MCN Group number (00-FE) assigned to the Comparator
I/O Module(s) that you will be monitoring. This number can be
changed by using the Edit Group Number command.
is the MCN Module number (0-F) assigned to the Comparator
I/O Module(s) that you will be monitoring. All 16 modules of a single
MCN Group are supported by a single Group Configuration File.
is the number of the receiver (1-8) for that Comparator I/O Module.
The MCN Remote Comparator Display software supports 8 receivers
(bank 0) per MCN Comparator I/O Module.
NOTE: The Group and Module numbers must match the address of the
Comparator I/O Module being configured.
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CTI Products, Inc.Using MCNCFG
6.4.2 Defining a Group Number
Using the Edit Group Number menu command, you can define the MCN Group
for the Comparator I/O Modules being monitored. Figure 5 shows the pull-down
Edit Menu during Group Configuration.
Figure 5 - Group Configuration Edit List
Figure 6 shows the dialog box that appears when the Group Number menu
command is executed. Enter a new Group number in the range shown on the
screen. Again, this Group number is the Group number assigned to the
Comparator I/O Modules that will be defined in this Group Configuration File.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayConfiguring a System
CTI Products, Inc.Using MCNCFG
Figure 6 - Group Number Editing
6.4.3 Entering Receiver Names
Enter a descriptive name for each receiver controlled by the Comparator I/O
Modules. This will usually be a site name. The receiver name will be displayed
on the PC screen to identify the receiver. It is a 13-character alphanumeric field.
Typical entries may be "Comm Center", "North Union", "East Bend" and the like.
The Channel Name/Description is used to enter additional information about each
receiver. Entering text in this field is optional.
The Receiver Name will be used along with the Channel Name/Note and
Comparator I/O Module’s unit address in error logging printouts to identify a
particular receiver.
Note: When you are finished entering the Receiver Names or the Channel
Name/Note fields, be sure to hit E or move your cursor to another field. This will
enter the last entry into the database. If you save the file without doing this, you
may lose your last entry.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayConfiguring a System
CTI Products, Inc.Using MCNCFG
6.4.4 Entering Channel Name/Note Field
The Channel Name/Note field is a 39 character alphanumeric field used to
identify the channel for each receiver. When you build your Group Configuration
Files, enter a channel name or number for each receiver so you can identify the
channel for each receiver at a common site.
The Channel Name/Note field is also used for error logging printouts to identify
which channel on a Comparator I/O Module has a disabled or failed receiver.
You may find it helpful to include telephone circuit numbers or microwave
channel numbers in this field.
A typical radio system may have multiple RF channels that have receivers at
common sites, see the system configuration in Figure 12. This system has a
Comm Center
confusing if you haven’t uniquely identified the receiver with a Channel
Description in the Group Configuration File.
NOTE: If transmitter steering information is being monitored, your receiver
names could be over written by the status display messages whenever a receiver is
not in the idle state. When the receiver returns to the idle state, the entire receiver
name will be redisplayed.
receiver on both the East and West Police channels. This can be
6.4.5 Enteri ng Module Configuration Informati on
The status text category determines how the I/O lines on the I/O modules (CIBs
and IOBs) will be displayed on the PC. You will use the DEFAULT category
(Vote, Rx, Dis, and Fail) for most comparator applications. Other general purpose
I/O applications will need custom status text categories to display status messages
such as On/Off, Up/Down, etc.
Each CIB or IOB module can have its own status text category. These categories
are assigned to the module using the Edit Module Config menu command.
Using the Edit Module Config menu command, you can edit the configuration
information for each of the I/O Modules being monitored. Figure 5 shows the
shows the edit screen that appears for the
Menu that gives the
Module Config
Module Config
menu option. Figure 7
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayConfiguring a System
CTI Products, Inc.Using MCNCFG
Figure 7 - Module Configuration Editing
When moving around this screen without a mouse, you must use the T key to
moved between selections. To exit the screen, press the T key until the cursor is
on the OK or CANCEL button and then press E. Defining the Module’s Status Text Category
From this screen you can program in the status text category that you want used
for the Comparator I/O Module. This entry can be up to 10 characters long. The
category name entered must be a category name that you created in the
MCNRCD.CFG file. Section 9 provides details about the MCNRCD.CFG file
and status text categories. The category names entered are stored in the MCF file
that is created when you save the Group configuration.
If you are only going to use the default status text category for comparators (you
will not be creating any additional categories in the MCNRCD.CFG file), then
you will not have to edit this field for any module. When MCNCFG.EXE creates
the MCF file, it assigns the category name DEFAULT to all modules. Entering a Module Description
From the
Module Config
screen you can also enter a description for each
module. This description can be up to 20 characters long. For example, you
might enter the building or rack location of each module. This information can
then be used as a troubleshooting aid to help locate modules quickly. The
descriptions entered are stored in the MCF file that is created when you save the
Group configuration.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayConfiguring a System
CTI Products, Inc.Using MCNCFG
6.4.6 Group Confi gur ation File Editing Keys
The table below lists the editing key commands available to edit the Group
Configuration File.
character position to the right in the field.
R key moves the cursor non-destructively one
When the cursor reaches the end of the field, the
the cursor to the beginning of the next field.
Q key moves the cursor non-destructively one
character position to the left in the field.
When the cursor reaches the beginning of the field, the
key moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous field
Z key moves the cursor to the same column of the
previous line (field).
Y key functions identically to
, except it
moves the cursor to the next line.
(Forward) T key selects the next field. If you are
positioned at the bottom of the screen, It will scroll the screen up one
line and move to the first column of the next line.
key functions identically to the Forward Tab,
except it selects the previous field.
R key moves
O will display the previous screen of receivers.
N will display the next screen of receivers.
Pressing the
Key will move the text cursor to the beginning of
the current field.
This Key moves the text cursor to the end of the current field.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayConfiguring a System
CTI Products, Inc.Using MCNCFG
IF you press
at the same time the cursor is moved to the
beginning (receiver #1) of the receiver list.
moves the text cursor to the last receiver (receiver #152) of
the receiver list.
+D (D
copies the text (either a receiver name or a channel
description) from the line above to the current line. This editing key is
useful when your receivers or channel descriptions have common text.
Instead of having to re-type the common text for each line, you simply
enter it once and the use the
key to copy the text from the
line above to the current line. Then, you simply edit the variable text
on the new line. If the cursor is on the top line of the screen, the
When the
key does nothing.
key is used to toggle between Insert and Overtype mode.
key is pressed, the cursor toggles between a blinking
underscore (overtype mode) and a blinking block (insert mode).
= Key
erases one character at the current cursor position. This differs
from the Backspace key which deletes a character to the left of the
current cursor position.
This Inserts a blank entry at the current receiver number location and
moves all of the following receivers down one row. All receiver
numbers following the new entry are incremented by one and pushed
down the list.
The current receiver entry is deleted and all the receivers numbers
following the deleted entry are decremented by one, thereby moving
them up the list.
X key (Escape) allows the operator to exit out of the current
function and return to the preceding command menu.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayConfiguring a System
CTI Products, Inc.Using MCNCFG
6.4.7 Inserting and Deleting Receivers
If you make a mistake by skipping or duplicating a receiver when entering your
receivers, you can insert or delete a receiver at the current position of the database.
Use the following editing keys to Insert or Delete receivers:
This inserts a blank entry at the current receiver number location and moves all of
the following receivers down one row.
The current receiver entry is deleted and all the receivers following the deleted
entry are moved up the list.
6.4.8 Saving the Group Confi gur ation File
When you are finished building your Group Configuration File, use the File Save
menu command.
If this is a new Group Configuration File, the File Save As dialog box will come
up and you will be prompted for a file name. Enter a standard DOS file name
without the extension. The program will save the file with an .GCF extension.
You will get an error message if you enter the wrong extension.
Figure 8 - Saving a New Group Configuration File
When the GCF file is saved, MCNRCD automatically saves the MCF file to store
your module configuration information.
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayConfiguring a System
CTI Products, Inc.Using MCNCFG
6.4.9 Example
Figure 9 - MCN RCD Group Configuration Example
In this system, assume that the four MCN modules have the following unit
addresses assigned to them:
• CIB #1 (connected to comparator 1) is Group 00, Module 0
• CIB #2 (connected to comparator 2) is Group 00, Module 1
• CIB #3 (connected to comparator 3) is Group 00, Module 2
• HIB is Group 80, Module 0
These addresses were assigned during system installation so that all of the CIBs of
the system were addressed to the same MCN Group. Therefore, only one Group
Configuration File needs to be created for the system. If the CIBs were addressed
into three different MCN Groups, then three Group Configuration Files would
have to be created, one for each CIB.
To create a Group Configuration File for this system, do the following:
1. Execute the Files New Group Configuration command
2. Execute the Edit Group Number command
3. Enter 00 as the new Group number
4. Select the OK box or press
5. Enter receiver names and channel names/notes for the following
receivers (see Figure 10 and Figure 11):
• 00:0:1 through 00:0:8 (receivers for CIB #1)
• 00:1:1 through 00:1:8 (receivers for CIB #2)
• 00:2:1 through 00:2:8 (receivers for CIB #3)
6. Execute the File Save command
7. Enter the file name SYSTEM1
MCN Remote Comparator DisplayConfiguring a System
CTI Products, Inc.Using MCNCFG
Figure 10 - Example Group Configuration
Figure 11 - Example Group Configuration (continued)
Figure 10 and Figure 11 show an example of the receiver names entered for this
system. Notice that the
field, entered in step 3 above, of the receiver names
is 00.
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