CSL Safe Electronic Lock
Our Ref: ML-K620M -02-201507
Contactless Card lock K620M-C1005
Operating Instructions
1. Initialization
Load batteries into the battery holder, and insert the plug of the rear panel into the socket of the front panel, and then
press the RE-SET Button until a beep, red light on and melody music sound, the lock is initialized. After initialization,
all the programmed cards are deleted.
(All the locks are already initialized when the locks leave the factory)
2. Owner Card (1 pc only)
Program Owner Card: After initialization, scan the first Mifare card near the inductive area, green light on and music
sound, the programmed card is Owner card.
Change Owner Card: Operate Step 1 Initialization, and scan the Mifare card near the inductive area, green light on and
music sound, the owner card is changed.
Note: Only one owner card is allowed for each lock, but can be programmed the same owner card for different
mifare card lock. The owner card is used to program or delete master card(s) and service card, and can not be
used to lock or unlock.
3. Master Card (5 pcs allowed)
Program Master Card: Scan the owner card near the inductive area, music sound and red & green light blink (6
seconds); Scan a mifare card during the lights blink period, after the music sound (and the lights off), the programmed
card is Master card. During the red & green lights blink period, some more master cards can be programmed until
maximal 5 pcs.
Delete Some Master Card: Scan the owner card near the inductive area, music is sounded and red & green lights blink,
then scan the master card, another music is sounded (and the lights off), the master card is deleted. (This function seldom
Delete All Master Cards: Scan the owner card near the inductive area 3 times (Details:Scan the owner card once and
twice, music is sounded and red & green lights blink, scan the card the third time, another music is sounded (and the
lights off)), all the master cards and the other cards (except the owner card) are all deleted.
Master Card Unlocking: Scan the master card near the inductive area, music sound and red & green lights blink 6
seconds, a beep sound and green light on, the lock is unlocked (and the user cards are deleted after unlocked by the
master card ).
Master Card Locking: Scan the master card near the inductive area, music sound and red light on, the lock is locked.
Note: Master card is used to program or delete user card; and also used to lock or unlock. All the user cards are
deleted after unlocked by the master card.
CHANNEL SYSTEMS LTD 全 通 系 統 有 限 公 司地址:香港九龍新蒲崗大有街 2 號旺景工業大廈七樓 H室
Add: Flat H. 7/F., Wong King Ind Building, 2 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 852- 2699 9001 Fax: 852- 2329
8393 E-mail: info@channel-sys.com Website: www.channel-sys.com P. 1
CSL Safe Electronic Lock
4.User Card (1pc or 5 pcs)
User Card Quantity Confirmation: 1 pc or 5 pcs
A. User card 1 pc only: after initialization, the default is one user card only.
B. User cards 5 pcs allowed: Scan the master card 4 times, then scan the owner card once, after music sound, the user
cards can be programmed 5 pcs.
Program User Card: (In locked status), Scan the master card near the inductive area, music sound and red & green light
blink, scan the card again, music sound and green light blinks, scan a Mifare card, music sound and green light blinks
(and then off), the programmed card is User card. (During the green light blink period, some more user cards can be
programmed until maximal 5 pcs on condition that the function is set in the 5 pcs card status.
Delete Some User Card: Scan the master card, music sound and red & green light blink, scan the card again, music
sound and green light blinks, scan the user card, another music sound and green light blinks (and then off), the user card
is deleted. (This function seldom used)
Delete All User Cards: Scan the master card, music sound and red & green lights blink 6 seconds, a beep sound and
green light on, the lock is unlocked, and the user cards are deleted.
User Card Unlocking
Scan the user card, music sound and green light on, the lock is unlocked.
User Card Locking:In unlocked status, scan the user card, music sound and red light on, the lock is locked.
Note: User card is used to unlock or lock.
After unlocked by the master card, the user card(s) are deleted
5. Setting of Locking Mode
A. Auto-locking Mode: After unlocked by scaning the user card near the inductive area, the lock is automatically locked
when the green light change to red light 5 seconds later.
Note: the default is in auto-locking mode after the cards program.
Setting method: Scan the master card on the inductive area, then scan the owner card once, music is sounded, the lock
changes to auto-locking mode from manual-locking mode.
B. Manual-locking Mode:
Setting method: Scan the master card on the inductive area, then scan the owner card once, music is sounded, the lock
changes to manual-locking mode from auto-locking mode.
After unlocked by scaning the user card, the lock is in passage (unlocked) status, the lock can be locked by scanning the
user card again.
Light Indication in Locked Status
When the lock is in locked status, red light flashes every 6 seconds to indicate the lock in use.
Illegal Card Alarm
Scan any illegal card 6 times, the lock emits alarms 20 seconds. (During the alarm period, scan the opening card can
terminate the alarm).
CHANNEL SYSTEMS LTD 全 通 系 統 有 限 公 司地址:香港九龍新蒲崗大有街 2 號旺景工業大廈七樓 H 室
Add: Flat H. 7/F., Wong King Ind Building, 2 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 852- 2699 9001 Fax: 852- 2329
8393 E-mail: info@channel-sys.com Website: www.channel-sys.com P. 2