his is treasure island United Kingdom,
100,000 square miles of ground where
millions of people have lived their daily lives
over thousands of years and the last 4000 of
those years they have been making things
- in massive quantities - where has it all gone? A little of
it is still in use, of course. There are plenty of metal ob-
jects around from the last few hundred years, but what
about before that? Some will have been melted down
to be used again, some is lost under the concrete of our cit-
ies and roads, some has already been found; but the vast
majority of those tons of metal coins and artefacts from
long ago remains in the ground, waiting to be discovered
by today’s treasure hunters.
Every ancient road over every mountain, every footpath
through every forest, every eld and pasture where people
once lived contains the treasures of long ago. People lose
things, sometimes quite valuable things and one man’s loss is
another man’s gain in the world of treasure hunting. People
throw things away - it’s rubbish to them, but treasure to the
nder a thousand years later. Houses and entire villages once
stood in places where now there are open elds. There would
have been markets, money changing hands, and of course the
losses which, unfortunately, can happen at any time. Battles have
raged in countryside which is now tranquil and safe, arrows and
spears, buttons, badges, buckles and money lie in the ground
where they fell all those years ago. Cut-throats and thieves were
about, your valuables were always at risk. The safest thing to do
was bury your money and some of it, for whatever reason, is still
right there where it was hidden hundreds of years ago.
This is what our hobby is all about - If you like to get out into
the countryside, if it’s a thrill for you to discover the past, you
are going to be hooked on treasure hunting. These serious
C.SCOPE metal detectors make the hobby easy to follow for
everyone. C.SCOPE metal detectors have no learning curve.
We have designed these professional quality detectors so that
anyone can set o on the treasure trail in as much time as it
takes to t the batteries.
of metal - money, jewellery, tools, weapons,
the thrill of
treasure hunting
This Edward III Gold Double Florin was found by a detectorist in the south
of England. Issued in 1343, it was estimated to fetch around £150,000.
It is only the third example to be found (the other two are in the British
Museum), so it is also the only one in private hands. The coin was
auctioned by Spinks and achieved a record breaking price of £460,000 !!
This is a part of the Reigate Hoard found by Roger Mintey. It consisted of
several thousand coins - arguably the best metal detector coin nd ever.
Cli Bradshaw found this Bronze Age
Gold Cup in a eld near Sandwich
using his C.Scope metal detector.
It was a tremendously important nd
which sold for £170K - shared with
the landowner.
The treasures are waiting to be found and all you need to
get started is a C.SCOPE METAL DETECTOR.
Reconstruction photo of Ringlemere Gold Cup courtesy
of British Museum. The original nd was badly damaged,
possibly by a plough.