Programming Instructions
For the XP2i Digital Test Gauge

Introduction ..............................................................1
Communication Format ....................................................2
Query Instructions .........................................................2
Commands ..............................................................5
General Commands .......................................................5
Acknowledgment of a Command ...........................................7
Support ..................................................................8
Troubleshooting the Digital Interface .......................................8
Eects of Password Protection on Commands ...............................9
Programming Tips .........................................................9
Bootloader Signature .................................................... 10
Contact Us .............................................................. 10

Thank you for choosing the XP2i Digital Test Gauge from Crystal Engineering Corporation. Your XP2i is a combination of leading edge technology and rugged
industrial design.
Your XP2i can be congured through the use of CongXP™ software available from Crystal Engineering. Your personal computer can disable, enable, or
modify a variety of features of your XP2i. Look for the
A user dened pressure scale, and/or disable unused pressure units
Password protection to prevent unauthorized changes
Disable keypad recalibration, peak button, and/or units button
Expand or decrease allowable Zero range
Set the gauge to a dierent density of water factor (4°C, 60°F, or 68°F)
Store a 12 digit ID or tag number in non-volatile memory
Adjust calibration values
We hope your XP2i meets your expectations, and we’re interested in any comments or suggestions you may have.
You can send us a note at: crystal@ametek.com Many features in this and our other products are a direct result of your comments!
logo for programmable features, like:
Overview 1
he XP2i can be connected to a personal computer via RS-232, using an ordinary DB9 extension cable (male DB9 for the XP2i connection, female DB9 for the
PC side). The interface lets you record displayed readings and recorded peaks. The data string always includes the pressure units.
The XP2i can be operated remotely, as if you were pressing the buttons. You can use a simple terminal program to send the commands, or, you can incorpo-
rate them into your own software program.
I/O Settings
The serial interface settings are:
Baud Rate Data Bits Parity Stop Bits Flow Control
9600 8 None 1 None
XP2i Programming Instruction Manual

Input is case-sensitive; all instructions should be sent in UPPERCASE. Instructions must be terminated with a single carriage return (CR) character followed by
an optional linefeed (LF) character. Note that while the XP2i expects either CR or CR/LF as command termination on its input, it always appends a CR/LF pair to
its output. For reference, CR is ASCII value 13 decimal, while LF is ASCII character 10 decimal.
You have 30 seconds to complete an instruction. After 30 seconds, the XP2i will evaluate whatever it has received and try to match it to its table of commands.
If the command is incomplete, it will fail to match and the XP2i will return: N,Ø. (Negative acknowledgment with no reception errors, so syntax is wrong.)
All queries start with a question mark (?). Any pressure values returned are split across two lines; the rst contains a oating-point value, and the second
contains the name of the measurement unit. Each line is right-justied in a xed width 10 character eld. (Since each line is terminated with a CR-LF pair, this
means the total length of the response to a measurement query is 24 bytes.) A decimal point will always be included with the pressure value (for clarity) even
if it is not displayed on the XP2i. For example, a pressure query of a 300 PSI XP2i on the mbar scale could return a reading like this:
If low batteries cause the low battery message to be displayed, then any pressure query will replace the pressure value with the letters “BATT”.
Overview 2
Message Store
?MSG . . . . . . . .Retrieve the data (usually tag# or ID) from the message store.
?MOD . . . . . . . .Return the model name, up to 20 characters long. For example, a 100 PSI XP2i would return the following:
?P,U . . . . . . . .Pressure returns the pressure value, followed by the pressure unit on the second line.
XP2i Programming Instruction Manual