Cryo-con 24C User Manual

User's Guide
Model 24C
Cryogenic Temperature Controller
P.O. Box 7012 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 Tel: (858) 756-3900 Fax: (858) 759-3515
Copyright 2010- 2014 Cryogenic Control Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Printing History
Edition 3e.
Cryogenic Control Systems, Inc. (Cryo-con) certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment. Cryo-con further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
This product is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. During this period Cryo-con will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to be defective.
For products returned to Cryo-con for warranty service, the Buyer shall prepay shipping charges and Cryo-con shall pay shipping charges to return the product to the Buyer.
However, the Buyer shall pay all shipping charges, duties, and taxes for products returned to Cryo-con from another country.
Warranty Service
For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facility designated by Cryo-con.
Limitation of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by the Buyer, Buyer supplied products or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance.
The design and implementation of any circuit on this product is the sole responsibility of the Buyer. Cryo-con does not warrant the Buyer's circuitry or malfunctions of this product that result from the Buyer's circuitry.
In addition Cryo-con does not warrant any damage that occurs as a result of the Buyer's circuit or any defects that result from Buyer­supplied products.
Information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Cryo-con makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Cryo-con shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, electronically transferred, or translated to another language without prior written consent.
Trademark Acknowledgement
CalGen® and Cryo-Con® are registered trademarks of Cryogenic Control Systems, Inc. All other product and company names are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
The Model 24C does not contain any user serviceable parts. Do not open the enclosure. Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the product. For service or repair, return the product to Cryo-con or an authorized service center.
Cryo-con Model 24C
Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................. 1
Sensor Inputs.......................................................................................1
Control Loops....................................................................................... 2
User Interface...................................................................................... 2
Remote Control....................................................................................4
Preparing the controller for use..................................................................7
Supplied Items..................................................................................... 7
Verify the AC Power Line Voltage Selection.........................................7
Apply Power to the Controller...............................................................8
Initial Setup and Configuration.............................................................11
A Quick Start Guide to the User Interface...................................................17
Specifications, Features and Functions......................................................21
Specification Summary........................................................................ 21
Performance Summary........................................................................27
Input Channel Characteristics..............................................................30
Control Loop Outputs...........................................................................34
Remote Interfaces................................................................................ 36
Rear Panel...........................................................................................37
Mechanical, Form Factors and Environmental.....................................38
Front Panel Operation................................................................................41
The Keypad.......................................................................................... 41
The Front Panel Display.......................................................................46
Front Panel Menu Operation......................................................................51
Instrument Setup Menus......................................................................51
Basic Setup and Operation.........................................................................73
Configuring a Sensor........................................................................... 73
Using NTC Sensors............................................................................. 74
Using PTC resistor sensors.................................................................76
Downloading a Sensor Calibration Curve.............................................77
Temperature Ramping.........................................................................85
Cryocooler Signature Subtraction.........................................................88
Using an external power booster..........................................................91
Using CalGen....................................................................................... 91
Using Thermocouple Sensors..............................................................95
System Shielding and Grounding Issues....................................................99
Instrument Calibration................................................................................101
Cryo-con Calibration Services.............................................................. 101
Calibration Interval...............................................................................101
Remote Operation......................................................................................102
Remote Interface Configuration...........................................................102
Remote Programming Guide...................................................................... 105
General Overview................................................................................ 105
An Introduction to the SCPI Language................................................. 106
Cryo-con Model 24C
Remote Command Tree....................................................................... 115
Remote Command Descriptions..........................................................119
Code snippet in C++............................................................................ 138
EU Declaration of Conformity..................................................................... 139
Appendix A: Installed Sensor Curves..........................................................141
Factory Installed Curves.......................................................................141
User Installed Sensor Curves...............................................................142
Sensor Curves on CD..........................................................................143
User Calibration Curve File Format......................................................143
Appendix B: Updating Instrument Firmware...............................................147
Discussion............................................................................................ 147
Updating unit firmware.........................................................................148
Appendix C: Troubleshooting Guide...........................................................151
Error Displays....................................................................................... 151
Control Loop and Heater Problems......................................................152
Temperature Measurement Errors.......................................................153
Remote I/O problems...........................................................................154
General problems................................................................................ 156
Appendix D: Tuning Control Loops.............................................................157
Introduction.......................................................................................... 157
Various methods for obtaining PID coefficients....................................157
Manual Tuning Procedures..................................................................158
Appendix E: Sensor Data...........................................................................159
Cryo-con S700 Silicon Diode................................................................159
Cryo-con S900 Silicon Diode................................................................160
Cryo-con R500 Ruthenium-Oxide Sensor............................................161
Cryo-con R400 Ruthenium-Oxide Sensor............................................162
Sensor Packages.................................................................................163
Appendix F: Configuration Scripts.............................................................. 167
Script File Structure ............................................................................. 167
Script File Example..............................................................................170
Appendix G: Sensor Data Tables................................................................173
Silicon Diode........................................................................................173
Platinum RTD....................................................................................... 175
Rhodium-Iron....................................................................................... 175
Cryogenic Linear Temperature Sensor (CLTS)....................................175
Appendix H: Rear Panel Connections........................................................181
Sensor Connections............................................................................. 181
Control Loop #1 Connections...............................................................183
Control Loop #2 and Relay Connections.............................................183
Ethernet (LAN) Connection..................................................................184
IEEE-488.2 Connections...................................................................... 184
RS-232 Connections............................................................................184
Index........................................................................................................... 185
Cryo-con Model 24C
Index of Figures
Figure 1: 4122-030 Rack Mount Kit............................................................9
Figure 2: 4034-032 Rack Mount Kit............................................................10
Figure 3: Model 24C Rear Panel Layout.................................................... 37
Figure 4: Model 24C Front Panel Layout...................................................41
Figure 5: Thermocouple Module.................................................................95
Figure 6: Thermocouple Switches.............................................................. 95
Figure 7: Proper Assembly of the Input Connector ....................................181
Figure 8: Diode and Resistor Sensor Connections.....................................182
Figure 9: RS-232 Null Modem Cable..........................................................184
Cryo-con Model 24C
Index of Tables
Table 1: Model 24C Instrument Accessories...............................................14
Table 2: Cryogenic Accessories..................................................................15
Table 3: Loop #1 Output Summary.............................................................18
Table 4: Control Type Summary..................................................................19
Table 5: Supported Sensor Types...............................................................21
Table 6: Accuracy and Resolution for PTC Resistors..................................22
Table 7: Minimum and Maximum Resistance vs. Bias Voltage...................23
Table 8: Resolution for NTC Resistors........................................................24
Table 9: 10mV Constant-Voltage Accuracy Specifications..........................24
Table 10: Supported Sensor Configurations...............................................30
Table 11: PTC Resistor Sensor Configuration...........................................31
Table 12: Loop 1 Heater output ranges.......................................................34
Table 13: Loop 2 Heater output ranges.......................................................35
Table 14. AC Power Line Fuses..................................................................38
Table 15: Keypad key functions..................................................................45
Table 16: Temperature Units.......................................................................47
Table 17: Input Channel Configuration Menu..............................................52
Table 18: Control Loop Setup Menus..........................................................55
Table 19: User Configurations Menu..........................................................59
Table 20: System Configuration Menu........................................................ 60
Table 21: Over Temperature Disconnect Configuration..............................62
Table 22: Network Configuration Menu.......................................................64
Table 23: PID Table Edit Menu................................................................... 66
Table 24: Sensor Setup Menu....................................................................67
Table 25: Calibration Curve Menu...............................................................68
Table 26: Auto Tune Menu..........................................................................69
Table 27: digital output Status Indicators....................................................71
Table 28: Digital Output Modes...................................................................71
Table 29: Recommended Sensor Configuration Data.................................78
Table 30: Autotune Menu............................................................................ 83
Table 31: Autotune States...........................................................................84
Table 32: First CalGen Menu, Diode Sensor..............................................92
Table 33: CalGen Menu, 2-point Diode Sensor...........................................93
Table 34: CalGen New Curve Menu...........................................................94
Table 35: Thermocouple Polarities.............................................................97
Table 36: GPIB Host Setup Parameters.....................................................103
Table 37: BB Package Specifications.........................................................164
Table 38: Input Connector Pin-out..............................................................181
Table 39: Sensor Cable Color Codes.........................................................182
Table 40: Loop 1 Connections....................................................................183
Table 41: Loop #2 and Digital Output Connections....................................183
Table 42: RS-232 DB-9 Connector Pinout.................................................184
Cryo-con Model 24C Introduction
The Model 24C is a four-input, four-control loop cryogenic temperature controller designed for general purpose laboratory and industrial use. Each input is independent and capable of temperature measurement to <100mK with an appropriate temperature sensor. The Model 24C supports virtually any cryogenic temperature sensor produced by any manufacturer.
The four-output control loop circuits feature a primary 50W heater, a secondary heater of 25W and two 10-Volt non-powered outputs. All control modes are supported by all outputs.
The 24C front panel incorporates a large high resolution graphics TFT type Liquid Crystal Display with an exceptionally wide viewing angle. With it's bright white LED back-light, complete instrument status can be seen at a glance, even from across the room.
Sensor Inputs
The Model 24C has four identical input channels, each of which implements a ratiometric AC resistance bridge. This bridge uses separate, balanced circuits to simultaneously measure both the voltage drop across the temperature sensor and the current flowing through it. By measuring current with a higher accuracy than it can be set, precision resistance measurements are obtained, even at low excitation levels.
Negative-Temperature-Coefficient (NTC) resistors are often used as low temperature thermometers, especially at ultra-low temperature. Examples include Ruthenium­oxide, Carbon-Glass, Cernox™, Carbon-Ceramic, Germanium and several others. Their resistance and sensitivity increase dramatically at low temperature but their sensitivity is usually poor at warmer temperatures.
The Model 24C provides robust support for NTC resistor sensors by using constant­voltage AC excitation. In the warm region where the sensor has low resistance and low sensitivity, constant-voltage will apply a high excitation current to improve measurement accuracy. At low temperature where the sensor has high sensitivity and high resistance, measurement errors are dominated by sensor self-heating. Constant-voltage excitation reduces this error by reducing power dissipated in the sensor as temperature decreases.
A common source of error at ultra-low temperature is sensor self-heating due to DC offsets in the measurement electronics. The Model 24C resistance bridge measures the actual current flowing through the sensor to actively cancel DC offsets by using a feedback loop to offset it's excitation source.
Ultra-low temperature systems can be negatively affected by coarse steps in excitation current. The Model 24C prevents this by using a step-less, continuously variable excitation source.
Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) resistor sensors including Platinum, CLTS and Rhodium-Iron RTDs use the resistance bridge in a constant-current, AC mode. Platinum RTD sensors use a built-in DIN standard calibration curve that has been extended to 14K for cryogenic use. Lower temperature use is possible with custom calibrations.
Cryo-con Model 24C Introduction
Silicon diode sensors are supported over their full temperature range by using the bridge in a DC, constant-current mode.
Thermocouple sensors are supported by using an optional thermocouple module that plugs into any of the Model 24C's input channels. Up to four modules can be connected to a single instrument.
For all sensor types, conversion of a sensor reading into temperature is performed by using a Cubic Spline interpolation algorithm. In addition to providing higher accuracy than conventional linear interpolation, the spline function eliminates discontinuities during temperature ramps or sweeps by ensuring that the first and second derivatives are continuous.
Control Loops
There are four independent control loop outputs:
1. Loop #1 heater output is a linear, low noise RFI filtered current source that
can provide up to 1.0 Ampere into 50 resistive loads. Three full-scale
ranges are available in decade increments down to 500mW full-scale.
2. Loop #2 is a linear heater with two output ranges of 25-Watts and 2.5-Watt
full-scale into a 50 load.
3. Loop #3 and #4 are a non-powered analog voltage output intended to control
an external booster power supply. Output is selectable at 10 or 5 Volts full
User Interface
The Model 24C’s user interface consists of a large, bright TFT type Liquid Crystal Display and a full 21-key keypad. In this user-friendly interface, all features and functions of the instrument can be accessed via this simple and intuitive menu driven interface.
The Home screen projects four user configurable zones that allow the real-time display of all input channel, control loop and instrument status information. From this screen, accessing any of the instrument's configuration menus requires only the press of a single key. As always, convenient names can be assigned to input
1A:Sample Holder 2B:First Stage
251.445K 123.845K
300.000K 1-Off-Low 100.000K 2-Off-Low C:Second Stage D:Rad Shield
15.445K 4.845K
RO-600 RuOx 10mV R500 RuOx 1.0mV
Cryo-con Model 24C Introduction
Cryo-con's innovative instrument configuration menus show real-time status information so the user can instantly view the results of any changes made.
On the control loop menu, the controlling source temperature, heater range and power output level can be observed while tuning a loop.
Loop 1A:Sample Holder Set Pt:300.000K Pgain: 6.000 Igain: 60.00S Dgain: 7.500/S Pman: 5.0000% Type: RampT Input: ChA
A: 123.456K Ramp 42% of Mid
Range: MID PID Table index: 2
Htr Load: 50W Next2
An essential feature for debugging system software is the Network Configuration Menu's ability to show remote commands as they
Network Configuration Menu Dev: M24C1234 DHCP Ena: On Msk:
00:50:C2:6F:40:3C IP: GWy:
are sent and received to the instrument.
>input a:temp?;units?;name?;sys:time? <0.5321;K;Sample Holder;14:37:25.
Sensor Curves: The Model 24C includes built-in curves that support most
industry standard temperature sensors. Additionally, eight user calibration curves are available for custom or calibrated sensors. Each user curve may have up to 200 entries and are entered from the front panel, or transferred via any of the available remote interfaces.
New calibration curves may be generated using the CalGen feature to fit any existing diode, Platinum or NTC resistor calibration curve at up to three user specified temperature points. This provides an easy and effective method for obtaining higher accuracy temperature measurements without expensive sensor calibrations.
Data logging is performed by continuously recording to an internal 1,365 entry
circular buffer. Data is time stamped so that the actual time of an event can be determined. Non-volatile memory is used so that data will survive a power failure.
Input Channel Statistics: The Model 24C continuously tracks temperature
history independently on each input channel and provides a statistical summary that indicates the channel's minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation. Also shown are the slope and the offset of the best-fit straight line of temperature history data.
Alarms: Visual, remote and audible alarms are independently programmed to
assert, or clear based on high or low temperature condition, or a detected sensor fault. Latched alarms are asserted on an alarm condition and will remain asserted until cleared by the user.
Cryo-con Model 24C Introduction
Relays: The Model 24C has two 10-Ampere dry-contact relays. These can be used
to control a refrigerator system or other external equipment. Each relay can be asserted or cleared based on the temperature reading of a
selected input channel. High and low setpoints may be set from the front panel or a remote interface. Furthermore, the relays can be manually asserted ON or OFF.
Remote Control
Standard Remote Interfaces include Ethernet and RS-232. IEEE-488.2(GPIB) and USB are optional.
The Model 24C connects directly to any Ethernet Local-Area-Network (LAN) to make measurements easily and economically. TCP/IP and UDP data port servers brings fast Ethernet connectivity to all common data acquisition software programs including LabView. An ASCII text based command language identical to those commonly used with GPIB or RS-232 interfaces is implemented. This is the primary way that user software interfaces to the instrument.
Using the Ethernet SMTP protocol, the controller will send e-mail based on selected alarm conditions. E-mail is configured by using the web page interface.
Using the Ethernet HTTP protocol, the instrument’s embedded web server allows the instrument to be viewed and configured from any web browser.
Cryo-con Model 24C Introduction
Cryo-con Model 24C Introduction
In order to eliminate ground-loop and noise pickup problems commonly associated with IEEE-488 systems, the Model 24C moves the internal IEEE-488 circuitry to an optional external module that interfaces directly to the electrically isolated and low noise Ethernet interface. This compact module is completely transparent to the IEEE­488 system and does not require changes to customer software or LabView drivers.
Remote Command Language: The Model 24C's remote command language
is SCPI compliant according to the IEEE-488.2 specification. SCPI establishes a common language and syntax across various types of instruments. It is easy to learn and easy to read.
The SCPI command language is identical across all Cryo-con products so that the user's investment in system software is always protected.
Command Scripts can be used to completely configure an instrument including
setting custom sensor calibration curves and PID tables. Further, scripts can query and test data. They are commonly used in a manufacturing environment to set a baseline state and test a target product. In the laboratory, scripts can be used to save and restore configurations for various experiments.
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is used for the structure and format of script files. XML can be generated and edited with a standard text editor. Further, it is easy to read and understand.
Firmware updates: Instrument firmware updates may be installed by using the
Ethernet connection. Cryo-con provides firmware updates, on request, via e-mail. They are free of charge and generally include enhancements and new features as well as problem fixes. Send e-mail to
Ethernet API: An Applications Program Interface (API) package is supplied that
facilitates communication with the instrument using the TCP/IP and UDP protocols. It is supplied as a Microsoft Windows DLL that is easily linked with C, C++ or Basic programs.
Cryo-con Model 24C Preparing the controller for use
Preparing the controller for use
The following steps help you verify that the controller is ready for use.
Supplied Items
Confirm that you have received the following items with your controller. If anything is missing, contact Cryogenic Control Systems, Inc. directly.
Model 24C Cryogenic Temperature Controller. This User’s Manual. Cryo-con software CD. Input connector kit (4024-016) consisting of four screw-in DIN-6 input
connectors (PN 04-0414).
Output connector kit (4124-018) consisting of a 10-pin detachable
terminal block (04-0007) and a dual banana plug(04-0433).
Detachable 120VAC USA Line Cord (04-0310), or universal Euro cord. Certificate of Calibration.
Verify the AC Power Line Voltage Selection
The AC power line voltage is set to the proper value for your country when the controller is shipped from the factory. Change the voltage setting if it is not correct. The settings are: 100, 120 220, or 240 VAC. For 230 VAC operation, use the 240 VAC setting.
On the rear panel of the instrument, the AC voltage selection is on the power entry module. If the setting is incorrect, please refer to section Fuse Replacement and
Voltage Selection to change it.
Cryo-con Model 24C Preparing the controller for use
Status: Self Test
Apply Power to the Controller
Connect the power cord and turn the controller on by pressing the Power key for a minimum of 2 Seconds. The front panel will show a Power Up display with the model number and firmware revision.
While the Power Up display is shown, the controller is performing a self-test procedure that verifies the proper function of internal data and program memories, remote interfaces and input/output channels. If an error is detected during this process, the controller will freeze operation with an error message display. In this case, turn the unit off and refer to Appendix C: Troubleshooting Guide.
Caution: Do not remove the instrument’s cover or attempt to repair the controller. There are no user serviceable parts, jumpers or switches inside the unit. Further, there are no software ROM chips, trim pots, batteries or battery-backed memories. All firmware installation and instrument calibration functions are performed externally via the remote interfaces.
Cryogenic Control Systems, Inc. Model 24C SN:209999 Rev: 1.23B IP: Static Port: 5000 MAC: 00:50:c2:6f:40:3E Calibration: Testing NVRAM: Testing Device Name: NewCryocon Connecting GPIB Adrs: 012 RS232: 9600
After about fifteen seconds, the self-test will complete and the controller will begin normal operation.
Cryo-con Model 24C Preparing the controller for use
The Model 24C can be used as a bench top instrument, or mounted in an equipment rack. In either case, it is important to ensure that adequate ventilation is provided.
Cooling airflow enters through the side holes and exhausts out the fan on the rear panel. It is important to allow at least ½" of clearance on the left and right sides and to ensure that the exhaust path of the fan is not blocked.
Rack Mounting
You can rack mount the controller in a standard 19-inch rack cabinet using the optional rack mount kit. Instructions and mounting hardware are included with the kit.
4122-030 Single instrument 2U rack mount kit.
4034-032 Single instrument shelf rack mount kit.
4034-031 Dual instrument shelf rack mount kit.
Figure 1: 4122-030 Rack Mount Kit
Cryo-con Model 24C Preparing the controller for use
Using the one- or two-instrument shelf rack mount kit, additional equipment may be mounted on the shelf space next to the controller. Note that these rack mount kits extends the height of the controller from 2U (3½") to 3U (5¼"). Since the controller is an industry standard size, it is possible to mount any similar size instrument next to it in the rack.
Figure 2: 4034-032 Rack Mount Kit
Warning: When using the shelf type rack mount kits, do not use screws that protrude into the bottom of instrument more than ¼". Otherwise, they can touch internal circuitry and damage it.
Cryo-con Model 24C Preparing the controller for use
Initial Setup and Configuration
Before attempting to control temperature, the following instrument parameters should be checked:
1. The Loop #1Heater resistance setting should match the actual heater resistance that you are going to use. Choices are 50 and 25. A heater resistance of less than 25 should use the 25 setting. Using the 50 setting with a heater resistance much less than 50 may cause the instrument to overheat and disengage the control loops.
Set the heater resistance by pressing the Loop 1 key and refer to the Loop
Configuration Menu section.
2. The Loop #1 heater range should be set to a range where the maximum output power will not damage the equipment. To set this parameter, press the Loop 1 key and refer to the Loop Configuration Menu section.
3. The controller has an over-temperature disconnect feature that monitors a selected input and will disconnect both control loops if the specified temperature is exceeded. This feature should be enabled in order to protect your equipment from being over heated. To enable, press the System key and refer to the System Functions Menu section.
i NOTE: Factory defaults may be restored at any time by use of the following sequence: 1) Turn AC power OFF. 2) Press and hold the Enter key while turning power back ON. This sequence will restore factory defaults including resetting user supplied sensor calibration curves and saved user configurations. However, it will NOT erase the instrument’s internal calibration data.
Cryo-con Model 24C Preparing the controller for use
Model Identification
The model number of all Cryo-con controllers is identified on the front and rear panel of the instrument as well as in various instrument displays.
Ordering Information
Standard Description
Model 24C
Controller with four standard multi-function sensor input channels.
Controller includes: User's Manual, Cryo-con software CD, four input connectors, heater connector, terminal block plug, detachable power cord and a certificate of calibration.
Specify AC Line Voltage when ordering:
-100 Configured for 90 - 100VAC with detachable USA power cord.
-110 Configured for 110 - 120VAC with detachable USA power cord.
-220 Configured for 220VAC with detachable universal Euro (Shuko) line cord.
-240 Configured for 240VAC with detachable universal Euro (Shuko) line cord.
Options Description
Thermocouple Input Module. Field installable. Supports all thermocouple types. Controller supports up to 4 modules.
IEEE-488.2 (GPIB) Option. Field installable.
USB Option. Serial Port Emulation. Field installable.
Cryo-con Model 24C Preparing the controller for use
Technical Assistance
Troubleshooting guides and user’s manuals are available on our web page at Technical assistance may be also be obtained by contacting Cryo-con as follows:
Cryogenic Control Systems, Inc. PO Box 7012 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067-7012
Telephone: (858) 756-3900x100 FAX: (858) 759-3515 e-mail:
For updates to LabView drivers, Cryo-con utility software and product documentation, go to our web site and select the Download area.
Current Firmware Revision Level
As of July, 2014 the firmware revision level for the Model 24C series is 2.52. Instrument firmware can be updated in the field via the LAN port. Updates are available on the Internet.
Current Hardware Revision Level
As of July, 2014, the hardware revision level for the Model 24C
Relay contact rating
Non-powered outputs
Loop 2 output
A B, C
2.0A, 30W 10.0A, 150W
10W or 1.0W-
Volt full-scale
Selectable 10V or 5V
full scale.
25W or 2.5W-Volt full-
series is C.
Returning Equipment
If an instrument must be returned to Cryo-con for repair or recalibration, a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must first be obtained from the factory. This may be done by Telephone, FAX or e-mail.
When requesting an RMA, please provide the following information:
1. Instrument model and serial number.
2. User contact information.
3. Return shipping address.
4. If the return is for service, please provide a description of the malfunction.
If possible, the original packing material should be retained for reshipment. If not available, consult factory for packing assistance.
Cryo-con’s shipping address is:
Cryogenic Control Systems, Inc. 17279 La Brisa Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067-7012
Cryo-con Model 24C Preparing the controller for use
Instrument Accessories
Cryo-con Part # Description
4034-032 One instrument shelf rack mount kit
04-0317 AC Power Cord, Cont. European (Shuko)
04-0007 Ten-pin detachable terminal block for Loop 2 and relay connections.
4042-040 8' Sensor cable, four wire, wired to DIN-6 connector.
Two instrument shelf rack mount kit
Shielded IEEE-488.2 Interface Bus Cable, 6'6"
AC Power Cord
Din-6 Sensor Input Connector, Amphenol T3400 001
Dual banana plug for Loop 1 connection.
Additional User’s Manual/CD
Table 1: Model 24C Instrument Accessories
Cryo-con Model 24C Preparing the controller for use
Cryogenic Accessories
Cryo-con Part # Description
S900 series Silicon diode Temperature Sensors. Temperature range: 1.4 to 500K
Cryo-con R400 Ruthenium-Oxide temperature sensor.
Temperature range: 2.0K to 273K. Optimized for use in Liquid Helium systems including superconducting magnets.
Cryo-con R500 Ultra-low temperature Ruthenium-Oxide temperature sensor. Temperature range: <100mK to 40K.
CP-100 series Ceramic Wound RTD, 100
GP-100 series Glass Wound RTD, 100
XP-100 series Thin Film Platinum RTD, 100
XP-1K series Thin Film Platinum RTD, 1,000
Cartridge Heater, Silicon free, 25 / 25 Watt, 1/4" x 1 1/8". Temperature range to 1,600K
Cartridge Heater, Silicon free, 50 / 50 Watt, 1/4" x 1 1/8. Temperature range to 1,600K
Pre-cut Nichrome wire heater w/connectors, 25
Pre-cut Nichrome wire heater w/connectors, 50
Bulk Nichrome Heater Wire, 32AWG, Polyamide insulation, 100’
Table 2: Cryogenic Accessories
Cryo-con Model 24C A Quick Start Guide to the User Interface.
A Quick Start Guide to the User Interface.
Pressing the Power key will toggle the controller's AC power on and off. This key must be pressed and held for two seconds before power will toggle.
Pressing the Stop key will immediately disengage both control loops. Pressing the Control key will engage them.
Use the ESC key to exit an erroneous entry.
Home Status Display
Pressing the Home key will return the screen to the Home Display from anywhere in the sub-menus. The Home Display is the primary display for instrument status information.
The Home Status display consists of four zone quadrants. Each zone has 4 lines, containing 20 characters each, and can be individually configured to show useful information with minimum clutter.
To configure zone displays, press the Display key.
Accessing the heater setpoint
To instantly access the setpoint for either control loop, press the Set Pt key.
Configuring a temperature sensor
Configuring an input sensor from the front panel is performed by using the Input Channel Configuration Menu. First, press input channel key ChA , ChB , ChC , or ChD to select the desired channel for configuration.
The first line of the Input Channel Configuration menu is used to change the sensor units. It shows the selected input channel, the current temperature (in real time) and the current units. An example is shown here.
To change the sensor units, use the + and 0 keys to scroll through the available options. When the desired units are shown, press the Enter key to make the selection. The display will now show the current temperature with the new units.
Next, go to the sensor selection field by pressing the down arrow navigation key. This field is used to select the actual sensor type. In the example shown below, the input channel is currently configured for a standard Cryo-con S900 diode sensor. Use the + and 0 keys to scroll through the available sensors including user sensors. When the desired sensor is shown, press the Enter key to make the selection. A complete listing of selectable sensors is given in Appendix A.
Before one of the user-supplied sensors can be used, the sensor’s calibration curve and configuration data must be installed. This is best done by using Cryo-con’s utility software.
This completes the process of configuring an input channel. Press the Home key to return to the Home Status display.
+ --
+Sen: 1 Cryocon S900
Cryo-con Model 24C A Quick Start Guide to the User Interface.
Configuring the Control Loops
Before using the Loop #1 (main heater) control output, it is essential that the proper load resistance and output range be selected. This is done using the Control Loop Setup menu as follows:
Press the Loop 1 key. In the Control Loop Configuration menu, Use the up, down, right and left
keys to scroll to the Htr Resistance field. An example is shown here:
Use the + and 0 keys to select between a 50-
Ohm and a 25-Ohm heater and then press the Enter key.
Use the navigation keys to scroll to the Range
field and then select the desired heater range. Be sure to select a range that does not exceed the ratings of your cryostat. A summary of full-scale output power for the various ranges is given here:
Max. Output Power
25 50
25 Watts 50 Watts
2.5 Watts 5.0 Watts
0.25 Watts 0.50 Watts
Table 3: Loop #1 Output Summary
Next, the control type should be set by scrolling to the Type field and selecting the desired loop operating mode.
Cryo-con Model 24C A Quick Start Guide to the User Interface.
A summary of control types is given here:
Type Description
Control loop is disabled.
Manual control mode. Here, a constant heater output power is
applied. The Pman field selects the output power as a percentage of full-scale.
PID control mode where the PID coefficients are generated from a stored, user supplied PID table.
Standard PID control.
Temperature ramp control. Uses PID control to perform a temperature ramp.
Temperature ramp control using a PID table. Uses PID control to perform a temperature ramp.
Table 4: Control Type Summary
Caution: The Model 24C has an automatic control-on-power-up
feature. If enabled, the controller will automatically begin controlling temperature whenever AC power is applied. For a complete description of this function, please see the Auto Ctl function in the
System Functions menu section.
Restoring Factory Defaults
Factory default settings may be restored with the following simple procedure:
1. Turn AC power OFF by pressing the Power key.
2. Press and hold the Enter key while turning AC power back ON. Keep the
key pressed until you see the power-up display indicating that defaults have been restored.
i NOTE: Factory defaults may be restored at any time by use of the following sequence: 1) Turn AC power OFF. 2) Press and hold the Enter key while turning power back ON. This sequence will restore factory defaults including resetting user supplied sensor calibration curves and saved user configurations. However, it will NOT erase the instrument’s internal calibration data.
Cryo-con Model 24C Specifications, Features and Functions
Specifications, Features and Functions
Specification Summary
User Interface
Display Type: 40 character by 8 line TFT LCD with LED backlight. Number of Inputs Displayed: Four. Keypad: Sealed Silicon Rubber. Temperature Display: Six significant digits, autoranged. Display Update Rate: 0.5 Seconds. Display Units: K, C, F or native sensor units. Display Resolution: User selectable to seven significant digits.
Input Channels
There are four input channels, each of which may be independently configured for any of the supported sensor types.
Sensor Connection: 4-wire differential. Screw-in type DIN-6 circular.
Connections are described in the Sensor Connections section.
Supported Sensors Include:
Type Excitation
Silicon diode
Platinum RTD
Cernox™ Constant-Voltage AC 100mK to 420K Lakeshore, all types
Rhodium-Iron Constant-Current, 1mA AC 1.4 to 800K Oxford PHZ 0002
Germanium Thermistor Silicon Thermistor
CLTS Constant-current, 100uA AC 4 to 325K Vishay CLTS-2B
Constant-Current, 1mA AC 14 to 1200K
10mA DC
Constant-Voltage AC 100mK to 273K SI RO-600, SI RO-105
Constant-Voltage AC 1.0K to 300K TMi-A1
Constant-Voltage AC 100mK to 100K AdSem, Inc.
Constant-Voltage AC 1.0K to 400K AdSem, Inc.
Constant-Voltage AC 193 - 523K Measurement Specialties
None 1.4 to 1500K All thermocouple type
1.4 to 475K
Cryo-con S900 SI-440, 430, 410 Lakeshore DT-670, 470
Cryo-con CP-100 Cryo-con GP-100 Cryo-con XP-100 Cryo-con XP-1K
Table 5: Supported Sensor Types
Cryo-con Model 24C Specifications, Features and Functions
Sensor Selection: Front Panel or remote interface. There are no internal
jumpers or switches.
Sample Rate: 15Hz per channel in all measurement modes.
Digital Resolution: 24 bits.
Measurement Filter: 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 Seconds. Calibration Curves: Built-in curves for industry standard sensors plus eight
user curves with up to 200 entries each. Interpolation is performed using a Cubic Spline.
CalGen: Calibration curve generator fits any diode or resistor sensor curve at
1, 2 or 3 user specified temperature points.
Sensor Performance Specifications:
Diode Sensors
Configuration: Constant-Current mode, 10mA ± 0.05% DC excitation.
Note: Current source error has negligible effect on measurement accuracy.
Input voltage range: 0 to 2.00VDC. Accuracy: ±(80mV + 0.005% * reading) Resolution: 2.3mV Drift: 25ppm/ºC over an ambient temperature range of 25ºC± 5ºC.
PTC Resistor Sensors
Configuration: Constant-Current AC resistance bridge mode.
Ratiometric measurement cancels any error in excitation current.
Drift: 20ppm/ºC over an ambient temperature range of 25ºC± 5ºC. AC Excitation Frequency: 7.5Hz bipolar square wave.
Table 6: Accuracy and Resolution for PTC Resistors
100mA 1.0mW
Resolution Accuracy
± (0.004 + 0.01%)Ω
± (0.05 + 0.02%)Ω
Note: The Model 24C is calibrated with AC excitation. User selection of DC excitation will introduce offset errors in temperature measurement.
Cryo-con Model 24C Specifications, Features and Functions
Thermocouple Sensors
Thermocouple devices are supported by using an optional external module.
Measurement Drift: 25ppm/ºC Input Range: ±70mV Accuracy: ±1.0µ V ± 0.05%. Resolution: 0.0003%
Installed Types: K, E, T and Chromel-AuFe (0.07%). Input Connector: Isothermal, Screw-type terminals.
NTC Resistor Sensors
Type: Constant-Voltage AC resistance bridge with excitations
of 10mV, 3.0mV, 1.0mV and 300µV RMS. Fixed or auto-ranged.
Excitation Current: 2.5mA to 10nA.
Four ranges of 2.5mA, 250uA and 25uA full-scale.
Excitation Frequency: 7.5Hz bipolar square wave. Drift: >10W and <10KW: 15ppm/ºC
<10W or >10KW: 25ppm/ºC
over an ambient temperature range of 25ºC± 5ºC.
DC Offset Current: <8nA by active cancellation. Resistance Range: 0.5W to 1.0MW.
Resistance 10mV 3.0mV 1.0mV 300µV
Table 7: Minimum and Maximum Resistance vs. Bias Voltage
1.0MW 100KW 100KW 33KW
1W 0.5W 0.5W 0.16W
Cryo-con Model 24C Specifications, Features and Functions
Resolution: Shown below are typical RMS resistance noise values measured at 50% of full-scale on a room-temperature resistor with a 3-Second analog time-constant.
Range 10mV 3.0mV 1.0mV
Table 8: Resolution for NTC Resistors
1.0mA 255µW
1.0mA 255µW
Accuracy: Accuracy for the 10mV bias setting is specified in ranges according to the following table. The formulas apply from the maximum to the minimum resistance shown below.
1.0mA 1 - 4Ω ±0.02Ω ± 0.05% * Rdg
1.0mA 4 - 40Ω ±0.02Ω ± 0.05% * Rdg
100µA 40 - 400Ω ±0.2Ω ± 0.05% * Rdg
10µA 400 - 4KΩ ±2.0Ω ± 0.05% * Rdg
10µA 4K - 40KΩ ±20Ω ± 0.05% * Rdg
10µA 40K - 100KΩ ±50Ω ± 0.1% * Rdg
Accuracy at 25C
Table 9: 10mV Constant-Voltage Accuracy Specifications
While it is possible to measure resistance above100KΩ, accuracy is not guaranteed.
The 1.0mV and lower bias settings are provided for use in very low temperature applications (<~1K) where errors are often dominated by sensor self heating rather than the accuracy of resistance measurement. In the
1.0mV range, the Model 24C will have an accuracy of ± 0.5% over the resistance range of 40 to 10.0KΩ.
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