CRU 31030-1577-0000 User Manual

CRU® WiebeTech
Ditto® Network Tap Module
User Manual
Adds network tap functionality to the Ditto and Ditto DX Forensic FieldStations
Captures Internet and VOIP traffi c with virtually no packet loss*
Captures sustained 10/100 Mbps network traffi c and short burst gigabit network traffi c*
Filter and capture network traffi c to a tcpdump/Wireshark-compatible PCAP fi le
Optional live capture stream (rpcap) interface for Wireshark
Fail-safe design continues passing through network traffi c if power is lost
*Packet loss is a function of the type and saturation level of traffi c on the tapped network
Ditto Network Tap Module User Manual
1 General Information 2
1.1 Package Contents 2
1.2 Identifying Parts 2
1.3 How to Use the Network Tap Module 3
2 Setup 3
3 Network Tap Functionality 3
3.1 Home Screen 3
3.1.1 PCAP Network Capture 3
3.1.2 Live Network Capture 4
3.1.3 Simultaneous PCAP and Live Network Capture 5
3.2 Confi gure Screen 5
3.2.1 System 5
3.2.2 Network 6
3.3 Network Capture 6
3.3.1 Network Capture Settings 6
3.3.2 Live Capture Settings 7
3.3.3 Advanced Settings 7
3.4 Using and Confi guring Network Capture Filters 7
3.4.1 Filter Creation Via Web Browser 7
3.4.2 Manual Filter Creation 8
3.5 Using the Front Panel Interface in Standalone Mode 9
4 Technical Specifi cations 10
The following list contains the items that are included in the
complete confi guration for this device. Please contact CRU if
any items are missing or damaged:
Item Quantity
Network Tap Module 1
Ethernet cable (RJ45) 2
User Manual 1
Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the parts of the
product. This will help you to better understand the following
USB 2.0 Port
Protecting Your Digital Assets
RJ45 Gigabit
Ethernet Connection
RJ45 Gigabit
Ethernet Connection
Expansion Module
USB 2.0
Ditto Network Tap Module User Manual
Use the Network Tap Module with the Source Inputs side of your Ditto or Ditto DX to intercept network
traffic that travels between the target computer and the network it is connected to. The available con
nections include two RJ45 gigabit Ethernet ports and a USB 2.0 port for use with USB storage devices, a
keyboard, or a wifi adapter. Both RJ45 ports are direction agnostic, so it doesn’t matter which port is used
to connect to the network and which is used to connect to the target computer.
CRU recommends that you switch the power off to your Ditto product when you add or remove a device from it in order to avoid disk damage and data corruption.
a. With your Ditto product powered off, insert the Network Tap Module into the Source Inputs side of your
Ditto product.
b. Connect an Ethernet cable connected to your network into one of the RJ45 gigabit Ethernet ports on the
expansion module.
c. Connect another Ethernet cable to the remaining RJ45 gigabit Ethernet port on the expansion module and
connect the other end to your computer.
d. Turn your Ditto product on.
You are ready to start using your Ditto product with the Network Tap Module! You may access its settings
via the Browser Interface (see your Ditto product’s user manual) or via the Front Panel (see Section 3.5).
The Network Tap Module adds several new actions and functions to the Ditto and Ditto DX browser interface
and Front Panel. They are listed below:
The Network Tap Module adds a “Network Capture” action to Action panel on the “Home” screen of the
Browser Interface. Click on the Home tab to access the “Home” screen from any other area of the Browser
The “Network Capture” action provides two methods of capturing network traffic that can be combined and
used simultaneously if you wish. The first method captures network traffic and stores it in a series of incre
mented PCAP files on the local target destination. The second method captures network traffic in real-time
and outputs it to a remote monitor that uses a third-party Wireshark network protocol analyzer. Instructions
for both methods as well as instructions for using them simultaneously can be found below.
3.1.1 PCAP Network Capture
a. Using the Browser Interface, select Network Capture from the “Action to Perform” drop-down
b. Select the network capture filter from the “Network Capture Filter” drop-down box or type in the
ports you wish to capture in the text box directly below. Use the syntax “port ## or ##” without
quotes (e.g. port 80 or 81 or 443).
c. Select “Network Tap” from the “Interface” drop-down box.
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Ditto Network Tap Module User Manual
d. Select the media from the “Destination” drop-down box that you want Network Tap Module to save
your captured data.
e. Select the partition on the destination media you want to capture to from the “Partition” drop-down
f. Bypass “Live Network Capture” and leave it disabled.
g. Click the Start button to begin capturing network data. When you are fi nished, click the Stop
You can view the log of the network capture action by scrolling down to the “System Log” panel on
the “Home” screen. Find and click on the latest link, which will be denoted by a fi lename with a date/
timestamp format: “S_yyyymmddhhmmss”. Alternatively, you can click on the Logs button from the
top menu bar.
You can view the data retrieved from the network capture action by examining the destination media,
which will contain a folder named with the same data/timestamp format: “S_yyyymmddhhmmss”. This
folder includes the PCAP fi les containing the captured data, an XML fi le containing the log information of
the network capture, and—if hashing is enabled—a TXT fi le that contains each of the generated PCAP
fi les’ MD5 or SHA-1 hash value (see Section 5.1.2 to enable hashing).
3.1.2 Live Network Capture
a. Using the Browser Interface, select Network Capture from the “Action to Perform” drop-down
b. Select the network capture fi lter from the “Network Capture Filter” drop-down box or type in the
ports you wish to capture in the text box directly below. Use the syntax “port ## or ##” without
quotes (e.g. port 80 or 81 or 443)
c. Disregard the “Interface” and “Destination” drop-down boxes.
d. Ensure your third party Wireshark network protocol analyzer is standing by to receive data. If you
need help in confi guring Wireshark itself, click the
ture” for a link to Wireshark’s remote capture documentation.
e. Click the Enable button next to “Live Network Capture” to turn live network capture on. When you
are fi nished capturing network traffi c, click the Disable button.
Do NOT click the Start button! This button actually enables the PCAP network capture function that captures network traffi c to your local destination media. It does NOT enable live network capture.
Figure 1. The “Action” section on the “Home” screen, showing
the options available for the “Network Capture” action.
Information icon next to “Live Network Cap-
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