Product: TB11 (17"), TB12 (29"), TB13 (37") Pedestal Leg
Your purchase and who is C. R. Plastic Products Inc?
A Feet (Pair) Drill
B Table Braces (Pair) #2 Phillips or Robertson (Square) bit
C Pedestal
D Screw Pack
C. R .Plastic Products Inc. is an environmentally conscious Canadian company. Our "Generation Line" of
recycled furniture will give you years of comfort, style and maintenance free enjoyment. You will find your
furniture to be waterproof and durable. By choosing this product, you are saving generations of trees and are
reducing the burden on our landfill sites. Thank-you for purchasing from C. R. Plastic Products Inc.
STEP 1: Press the Feet (A) and Table Braces (B)
together as shown.
STEP 2: Press the Feet (A) into one end of the
Pedestal ( C), and the Table Top Braces (B) into the
other end of the Pedestal ( C).
STEP 3: Using the short screws (1-1/4" long), fasten
the Pedestal ( C) to the Feet (A) and the Table Braces
(B). There are 3 screws to be placed between each
individual foot and brace, 24 total screws.
STEP4: Fasten the Table Top Braces (B) to the
selected Table Top using the long screws (2" long)
going upwards into the Table Top bottom.