Your purchase and who is C. R. Plastic Products Inc.?
C. R. Plastic Products Inc. is an environmentally conscious Canadian company. Our “Generation Line” of recycled
plastic furniture will give you years of comfort, style and maintenance free enjoyment. You will find your furniture to
be waterproof and durable. By choosing this product you are saving generations of trees and are reducing the burden
on our landfill sites. Thank you for purchasing from C. R. Plastic Products Inc.
A) Legs 1. Drill
B) 2 Tapered square stringers
C) Round stringer
D) Seat
E) Back
1 Bag of screws (21 - 2½”, four 2" and six 1¼”)
1a) 1b)
3a) 3b)
4a) 4b)
1a) Begin by taking the leg (A) and the round stringer (C).
Align the bottom of the round stringer with the bottom of the
lower leg brace on the front leg. Attach using 2 ½” screws.
1b) Next, align the square stringer (B) with the lower brace
on back leg (opposite the round stringer). The square
stringers are tapered, so the front of the chair will be wider.
Attach the square stringer (B) with 2 ½” screws. Repeat
these steps for the other leg (A).
3a) Now place the seat (D) in the frame with the back of the
seat resting on the stringer (B). Position the front of the seat
so that the top is lined up with the scribe marks on the inside
of each leg (8 3/8” below armrest). Attach the front of the
seat using 2 ½” screws. Use the holes on the outside of the
leg to screw into the seat frame. 3b) Attach the rear of the
seat using 2" screws. Use the holes on the inside of the seat
frame to screw into the seat frame into the leg.
2) Install the second square stringer (B) at the back of the
frame. Position it so the top of the stringer is aligned with the
scribed line. Attach using 2 ½” screws. This completes the
seat frame.
4a) To attach the back (E), place it on the top of the seat.
First attach the top of the back. Keep the back cross brace
flush with the underside of the armrest, and secure with 2 ½”
screws. 4b) Secure the bottom of the back to the seat using
1 ¼” screws. Use the holes on the underside of the seat (D)
to screw into the bottom of the back .
2. #2
(Square) or
Phillips drill bit