The Class-I Amplifier
Class-I, also known as BCA (Balanced Current Amplifier) is Crown’s patented, cutting-edge technology that
gets more power out of an amplifier with less waste than
was ever before possible.
Class-I technology offers several key advantages. It
provides unprecedented efficiency, requiring less power
from the AC supply than other designs and that can add
up to significant cost savings over the life of the amplifier. Class-I handles reactive loudspeaker loads easily
and gracefully, by reusing energy returned from the
loudspeaker rather than dissipating it as heat or forcing
the amp into premature current limiting. This characteristic means class-I amplifiers run better and longer—
especially at lower impedances. It also makes them
more reliable, since they are not constantly stressed to
their limits or subjected to excessive heat. Best of all, as
proud owners can attest, amplifiers with class-I technology sound great, with a powerful, accurate sound that
stands out from the competition.
The Class-I Amplifier
Class-A Operation
on and conduct all the time. Class-A amplifiers are
generally considered to be the most accurate of all
classes in low to moderate power ranges and are useful
for applications such as preamp stages; however, they
create tremendous amounts of heat due to their very low
efficiency, making them impractical for high-power amplification. Other amplifier classes have been developed over time to overcome the class-A efficiency
Crown’s class-I “switching” technology is a completely
new adaptation of switching (PWM) amplifier design.
This paper provides a simplified overview of Class-I, but
before we explore its inner-workings, we need to look at
the foundation of all previous high-power amplifier designs in order to fully appreciate how class-I stands
To understand the different amplifier classes, it helps to
understand a little about how transistors operate. Bias is
a technical term referring to the static operating condition of an electronic device, such as a transistor. In other
words, bias defines how much conduction takes place
in the transistor with no dynamic signal input. Transistors
may operate in three possible states: cutoff, saturation,
or somewhere in between. The cutoff state is when there
is not enough signal present to cause the device to
conduct. Saturation refers to when the device has reached
maximum conductivity. Amplifiers referred to as “dissipative” control their output by operating in the region
between cutoff and saturation.
Class-A amplifiers are the simplest in design, and can
be the most distortion-free of all amplifier classes. In
class-A, the output devices are biased on all the time
with a current large enough to produce the largest
output signal.
Class-B was invented as a solution to the efficiency
problem with class-A. The invention of class-B is significant in that with it came the concept of time alternation,
which has been the foundation of virtually all power
amplifier designs used for audio reproduction and industrial power since about 1931 to the present. While
many incremental improvements have been brought to
market since that time, none have varied from the basic
time-alternation paradigm.
The basic class-B amplifier implements two devices in
the output stage in a “push-pull” arrangement, with each
amplifying half of the waveform, and the devices operate in strict time alternation. When the signal goes
positive, the positive device conducts while the negative
Some class-A amplifiers may employ both a positive
and negative device in a push-pull arrangement to
increase output power, but both devices still are biased
Class-B Operation

The Class-I Amplifier
device is biased off. In turn, when the signal goes
negative, the positive device biases off while the negative device turns on and conducts the negative portion
of the signal.
This configuration provides much greater efficiency
than class-A. The problem with class-B is that it can
create distortion at the zero-crossing point of the waveform, making it unsuitable for precision amplifier applications. Improvements to and variations of class-B have
been developed to solve the crossover-distortion problem, and many are in common use today; however, all
operate under the push-pull and time-alternation paradigms.
All amplifier classes have theoretical limits to their efficiency, meaning they all waste a portion of the energy
they draw from the AC mains supply. Dissipative designs such as class-A, class-B and other variations,
have theoretical limits well below those of “switching”
designs since they operate in that region between cutoff
and saturation. This lower efficiency may not be a
particular problem with lower power applications; however, it can be a major factor in large amplifiers, and
when several amplifiers are being used in an application. AC mains power may be limited and/or expensive
to supply, and excessive heat created by dissipative
amplifiers can also be inconvenient and costly to deal with.
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) has been used for years
in non-precision amplifiers to achieve very high efficiency. A PWM converter modulates the analog signal
onto a fixed-frequency carrier wave, creating pulses
The primary drawback to using previously existing
(class-D) PWM technology in a precision, high-power
audio amplifier output stage has been that in order to
keep distortion sufficiently low, accurate timing circuitry
is absolutely critical. Even the slightest variation in timing
can cause both positive and negative switching devices
to be on at the same time, allowing high “shoot-through”
current to destroy the output circuitry. In essence, the
time-alternation paradigm works well for dissipative
amplifiers, but not so well for switching ones.
Crown invented a highly reliable PWM amplifier output
stage that produces very little audible distortion, and
solves the reliability challenge. This was made possible
by adapting, for the first time in amplifier design, the very
opposite of time alternation.
The push-pull paradigm is part of class-I but the timealternation paradigm is not. In class-I, two sets of
switching output devices are arranged in a “parallel”
fashion and operating balanced in time, with both sets
sampling the same input waveform. One set is dedicated to the positive current portion of the waveform,
and the other to the negative current portion. When there
is no signal applied, or when a signal varying in amplitude reaches the "zero crossing" between positive and
negative, the switching devices are being turned on and
off simultaneously with a 50% duty cycle. The result is
the formation of two balanced and canceling highfrequency output currents with no net output at the nosignal condition. The two output currents are said to be
“interleaved,” and class-I is named from this interleaved
PWM Sampling of an Analog Waveform
that vary in width depending upon the amplitude of the
signal's waveform. This creates a “sampling” of the
signal, which is then converted back to analog to drive
the load. The output devices “switch” between fully on
(saturation) and fully off (cutoff) states, so they waste
very little energy.
To produce a positive output signal, the output of the
positive switching device is increased in duty while the
negative switching device is decreased by the same
Class-I Switches, Signal at Zero Amplitude