Crown SR-I, SR-II, Studio Reference I, Studio Reference II Specifications

Studio Reference I
Studio Reference II
he stunning realism you will experience when listening to a Crown
ence™ amplifi er will redefi ne your expec­tations. The evolution of this studio standard ushers in a new era of powerful, ultraquiet amplifi ers capable of faithfully reproducing the most demanding of signals. This kind of sonic integrity does not happen accidentally. It demands the leadership and technical excel­lence for which Crown has long been known.
With the best transfer function in the industry, ultra-high dynamic range and extraordinary damping factor, your Studio Reference amplifi er comes closer to the ideal “straight wire with gain” than any other amplifi er. As you listen, it will become apparent—the amplifi er’s low­frequency transient response is the standard by which all others must be judged.
Studio Reference amplifi ers integrate several cutting edge technologies that make them the most accurate reference amplifi ers available. For example, in Stereo mode each channel can actually be treated as a separate amplifi er because of its separate high-voltage power sup­plies and ultra-low crosstalk.
Crown’s unconventional Grounded Bridge™ cir­cuitry delivers incredible voltage swings with­out using stressful output transistor confi gu­rations like other more traditional amplifi ers. This results in signifi cantly lower distortion and superior reliability.
For more details about the Studio Reference I and Studio Reference II, contact the Crown Technical Support Group at 800-342-6939 or 574-294-8200. Also, visit the Crown Audio website at
Specifi cations
The following apply to units in dual mode with both channels driven into 8 ohm loads and an input sensitivity of 26 dB gain unless otherwise specifi ed.
Output Power: See power charts below.
Studio Reference I
4 ohm Stereo (per channel)
8 ohm Stereo (per channel)
8 ohm Bridge-Mono
16 ohm Bridge-Mono
2 ohm Parallel-Mono
4 ohm Parallel-Mono
*1 kHz Power: refers to maximum average power in watts at 1 kHz with 0.05% THD.
Studio Refer-
*1 kHz Power
780W 2,220W 1,580W 2,315W
• Patented ODEP® (Output Device Emulation Protection) circuitry detects and compen­sates for overheating and overload to keep the amplifier working when others would fail.
(Input/Output Comparator) circuitry
• IOC immediately alerts you of any distortion that exceeds 0.05% to provide dynamic proof of distortion-free performance.
• PIP™ (Programmable Input Processor) con­nector accepts accessories that tailor your amplifi er to suit specifi c applications.
• Extremely wide dynamic range.
Frequency Response: ±0.1 dB from 20 Hz to
20 kHz at 1watt. Phase Response: +5 to –15 degrees from 20
Hz to 20 kHz at 1 watt.
Signal-to-Noise (A-weighted) below rated full bandwidth power: Studio Reference I: 120 dB.
Studio Reference II: 117 dB. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): Less than
0.1% at full bandwidth power. Intermodulation Distortion (IMD): (60 Hz and
7 kHz 4:1)
Studio Reference I: < 0.005% from full bandwidth power to 78 watts, rising linearly to 0.025% at 78 milliwatts.
Studio Reference II
4 ohm Stereo (per channel)
8 ohm Stereo (per channel)
8 ohm Bridge-Mono
16 ohm Bridge-Mono
2 ohm Parallel-Mono
4 ohm Parallel-Mono
*1 kHz Power: refers to maximum average power in watts at 1 kHz with 0.05% THD.
*1 kHz Power
555W 355W
• Ultra-high damping factor delivers superior loudspeaker motion control for the cleanest, tightest bottom end you’ve ever felt—or heard.
• Super-low harmonic and intermodulation distortion give your amplifi er the best transfer function in the business.
• Two mono modes (Bridge-Mono and Parallel­Mono) for driving a wide range of load imped­ances.
• Custom-designed, tape-wound, low-noise toroidal supplies with extremely high power density.
Studio Reference II: < 0.005% from full
bandwidth power to 36 watts rising linearly to 0.025% at 36 milliwatts.
Crosstalk (below rated full bandwidth power):
Studio Reference I: >100 dB from 20
Hz to 400 Hz and >70 dB at 20 kHz. Studio Reference II: >100 dB from 20 Hz to 400 Hz and >65 dB at 20 kHz.
Damping Factor: >20,000 from 10 Hz to 400 Hz.
Voltage Gain (at the maximum level setting):
Studio Reference I:
103:1 ± 6% or 40 dB ±0.5 dB at
0.775 volt sensitivity. 57:1 ± 6% or 35 dB ± 0.5 dB at
1.4 volt sensitivity. 20:1 ± 6% at 26 dB gain ± 0.5 dB.
Studio Reference II:
69:1 ± 6% or 37 dB ± 0.5 dB at
0.775 volt sensitivity. 38:1 ± 6% or 32 dB ± 0.5 dB at
1.4 volt sensitivity. 20:1 ± 6% at 26 dB gain ± 0.5 dB
Load Impedance: Safe with all types of loads. 4-8 ohms in Stereo mode, 8-16 ohms in Bridge-mono mode, and 2-4 ohms in Parallel­Mono mode.
AC Line Voltage and Frequency Confi gurations Available (± 10%): 50 or 60 Hz; 100, 120, 200,
220 or 240VAC. Power draw at idle is 90 watts or less.
CAUTION: To prevent electric
shock do not remove the top or bottom covers. There are no user serviceable parts inside. Please refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Disconnect the power cord before removing the P.I.P. module to access the input sensitivity switch inside the amplifier.
ATTENTION: Débrancher avant
WARNING: To reduce the risk
of fire or electric shock, do not expose this equipment to rain or moisture.
Registered with the U.S. Patent Office.
4,330,809 4,611,180
Designed and constructed by
the Professional Audio Division
of Crown International, Inc.
1718 West Mishawaka Rd.
Elkhart, Indiana 46517 U.S.A.
CAUTION: Turn off the amplifier
before changing this switch!
CH-2 CH-1
Programmable Input Processor (P.I.P.)
This amplifier is equipped with a selectable input sensitivity. Remove the P.I.P. module to access the sensitivity switch.
CH-2 CH-1
CH-2 CH-1
Class 1 output wiring is required.
Turn the amplifier off.
Set the Stereo/Mono switch to Bridge-Mono.
Output across the “+” terminals only. Ch-1 is positive.
Turn the amplifier off.
Set the Stereo/Mono
switch to Parallel-Mono.
Add jumper (14+ gage)
across “+” terminals.
Output across the Ch-1 terminals only.
Model: Reference 1
50/60 Hz AC Volts: 120 Current: 17.8 Amps Maximum Output: 1,160 watts per channel into 4 ohms at 1 kHz with no more than 0.02% THD (in Stereo mode).
Model: Reference 2
50/60 Hz AC Volts: 120 Current: 8.8 Amps
Maximum Output: 560 watts per channel into
4 ohms at 1 kHz with no more than 0.02% THD
(in Stereo mode).
Studio Reference I
Studio Reference II
Power: A two-position front panel pushbutton
on/off switch. Four-second turn-on delay. Level: An independent 31-position detented
front-panel level control for each channel. Reset Switch: This back panel switch can be
used to trip and reset the AC mains circuit breaker.
Stereo/Mono Switch: Back-panel switch selects between Stereo, Bridge-mono, and Parallel-mono modes.
Ground Lift Switch: The input signal ground may be isolated from the AC ground with this back-panel switch to help prevent unwanted ground loops. It affects only the phone jacks. It has no effect on the PIP module’s XLR connectors. Activating the switch inserts an impedance between the sleeve of each phone input jack and the circuit ground.
Input Sensitivity Switch: The three-position input sensitivity switch inside the amplifi er can be accessed by removing the PIP module. Settings include 0.775 volts and 1.4 volts for rated output, and 26 dB voltage gain.
Meter Switches: Two switches behind the front panel can make the output meters dis­play either the dynamic range of the output signal in dB (factory default), or the output level in dB.
Signal Presence: The green front panel indi-
cator for each channel fl ashes synchronously with the channel’s output signal to indicate its presence.
Enable Indicator: This indicator lights when the amplifi er has been “enabled” or turned on, and AC power is available.
ODEP Indicators: During normal operation of the amplifi er, the ODEP (Output Device Emu­lation Protection) indicators glow brightly to show the presence of reserve thermodynamic energy. They dim proportionally as energy reserves decrease. In the rare event that energy reserves are depleted, the indicators turn off and ODEP proportionally limits the output drive so the amplifi er can safely continue operating even under severe conditions. These indicators also help to identify more unusual operating conditions.
Input/Output Comparator: The red Input/Output Comparator (IOC) indicator for each channel fl ashes if any type of distortion reaches 0.05%.
Dynamic Range/Level Meters: A fi ve-segment output meter is provided for each channel. The meters are factory-set to show dynamic range of the signals in dB, which is computed as the ratio of peak to average output power. Also, the meter can optionally be set to show output levels.
Input Connectors: Balanced ¼-inch (6.35-mm)
phone jack for each channel. Balanced three­pin female XLR connector on the PIP-FX for each channel.
Input Impedance: Nominally 10 k ohms, bal­anced. Nominally 5 k ohms, unbalanced.
Input Sensitivity: Confi gurable for 26 dB gain,
0.775 volt sensitivity, or 1.4 volt sensitivity. Output Connector: Two pairs of versatile 5-way
binding posts are provided for the output of each channel so multiple loudspeakers can be connected easily. They accept banana plugs, spade lugs or bare wire.
Output Impedance: <10 milliohms in series with 2.5 microhenries.
DC Output Offset: ± 2 millivolts.
Output Signal
Dual: Unbalanced, two channel. Bridge-Mono: Balanced, single channel. Chan-
nel 1 controls are active; channel 2 controls should be turned down.
Parallel-Mono: Balanced, single channel. Channel 1 controls are active; channel 2 con­trols should be turned down.
Studio Reference amplifi ers provide extensive protection and diagnostics capabilities. Protec­tion systems include ODEP, standby mode, an AC circuit breaker and transformer thermal pro­tection. These systems will prevent amplifi er damage in virtually any situation. A four-second turn-on delay prevents power-on thumps.
Durable black fi nish on aluminum chassis. Dimensions: EIA Standard 19-inch (48.3-cm)
rack mount width (EIA RS-310B), 7 inches (17.8 cm) high and 16 inches (40.6 cm) deep behind mounting surface and 2.75-inch (7-cm) protrusion in front of mounting surface
Net Weight:
Studio Reference I: 60.7 lb (27.6 kg) Studio Reference II: 56.1 lb (25.5 kg).
Shipping Weight:
Studio Reference I: 74.2 lb (33.7 kg) Studio Reference II: 69.6 lb (31.6 kg).
Cooling: Flow-through ventilation from front to
sides. On-demand proportional speed fan.
Crown’s Three-Year, No-Fault, Fully Transferable Warranty
Crown offers a Three-Year, No-Fault, Fully Transferable Warranty for every new Crown ampli­fi er—an unsurpassed industry standard. With this unprecedented No-Fault protection, your new Crown amplifi er is warranted to meet or exceed original specifi cations for the fi rst three years of ownership. During this time, if your amplifi er fails, or does not perform to original specifi cations, it will be repaired or replaced at our expense. About the only things not covered by this warranty are those losses normally covered by insurance and those caused by intentional abuse. And the coverage is transferable, should you sell your amplifi er.
See your authorized Crown dealer for full warranty disclosure and details. For customers outside of the USA, please contact your authorized Crown distributor for warranty information or call 574-294-8200.
Crown International P.O. Box 1000 Elkhart, IN 46515-1000 TEL: 574-294-8200 FAX: 574-294-8FAX
Specifi cations subject to change without prior notice. Latest information available at
Grounded Bridge, PIP, and Studio Reference are trademarks, and Crown, ODEP, and IOC are registered trademarks of Crown International. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Printed in U.S.A.
© 2003 Crown Audio, Inc.
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