This document has information on discontinued Crown Pressure Zone
Microphones, taken from the Crown Mic Memo newsletter. All these PZMs
(except the PZM-20RM and PZM-20RMG) have an XLR output in which one pin
is ground, another pin is B+, and another pin is high-impedance unbalanced
audio out. In order to operate, these PZMs required a PZM interface (described
The models described are:
PZM-30GP 5”x 6” boundary mic with emphasized high frequencies
PZM-6LP 2” x3” boundary mic with emphasized high frequencies
PZM-2LV lavalier mic
PZM-20RM flush-mounted mic with built-in interface, black finish
PZM-20RMG flush-mounted mic with built-in interface, gold finish
PZM-31S 5” x 6” boundary mic with flat frequency response
PZM-3LV lavalier mic
PZM-3LVR redundant lavalier mic
PZM-2.5 directional PZM with the capsule mounted in a plexiglass corner
PZM-12SP early version of the Sound Grabber
The specifications given for the PZM-2LV and PZM-20RMG apply to the other
This document also covers the PZM interfaces. Each PZM interface had these
• Convert the high-impedance unbalanced PZM output to low-impedance
• Convert phantom power to +/- 18VDC for powering the PZM, or supply
+/- 18VDC from two 9V batteries.
PA-18 active interface with battery/phantom powering
PX-18 passive transformer interface with battery/phantom powering
PX-T passive transformer interface in a tube
PX-TL passive transformer interface in a tube, with a mini XLR connector for
PZM-2LV, PZM-3LV, and PZM-3LVR microphones.
Sept. 1980
Ken Wahrenbrock, Senior Editor
The PZM microphones have now been re-engineered at Crown for quantity production, and in the
process have undergone quite a face lift. They are handsome looking products!
Two models, in a choice of black or gold, are now available; and two more are moving towards an
early release date.
Crown Model 3OGP [now PZM-30D] is designed as a general purpose PZM with a 5 x6 inch plate and
an XLR connector.
Crown Model 6LP [now the PZM-6D] is a smaller PZM with a 2 x 3 inch plate and an XLR connector
at the end of a cable. The 6LP is suitable for all applications but is most useful where minimum size
may be required for aesthetic or practical reasons.
Crown Model 2LV [discontinued] is a lavalier or clip-on PZM and will be available from production
about January 1, 1981.
Crown Model 2ORM [now the PZM-20RG] is intended for recessed mounting, with the XLR connector
beneath the plate. Small stubs surround the cantilever to prevent sheets of paper from slipping underneath the transducer . This model is now in R&D and will be handled on a special order basis. This
special order policy will continue until demand for the model increases. Also available from Crown are
two power supplies for the PZM system, an active (PA-18), and a transformer (PX-18) version [discontinued]. Both versions can be used in phantom or battery modes.
Fig. 1. Crown PZM-30GP
Fig. 2. Crown PZM-6LP
Fig. 2. Don Eger (left), Crown PZM Project Manager, and Ken Wahrenbrock check out the PZM test facility
prior to the tour by the representatives.
Crown has added the PZM 31S [now the PZM-30D] to its line, offering a somewhat ditterent frequency
response curve to users. The new mike offers deeper bass response, as well as a warmer high end
(in contrast to the 3OGP and 6LP, which have a bright, crisp high end). Suggested applications include piano and kick drum miking, as well as close miking situations.
The 31S is now in production, and is available in a silver and black color scheme. The plate ot the 315
is 15cm x 13cm (6x5in.).
NOTE: Some of the news items in this issue may have reference to experimental models of the PZM
microphone which have not yet been completely engineered for production. We do encourage your
consideration and evaluation of these developmental models, but not all of them may result in production models available for general sale. Watch these columns for notice of new PZM models available
from Crown.
The oldest jazz club in the USA was the scene of an interesting demo by T.S. Taylor. The pianist was
using a three mike setup which provided adequate sound. He insisted that the lid of his Steinway be
left off.
T.S. crawled under the piano, used some duct tape for mechanical isolation on one of the horizontal
support members and mounted a PZM about 2½ inches away from the sounding board. He wanted to
test the location.
The piano tuner came in, saw no microphones and proceeded to tune the piano. He was unaware that
the PZM was feeding the monitor system, but not the house system at the moment T.S. was chatting
with him and smiled at his comment that “old Betsey” was sounding especially good that day. The
humidifier and all were finally matched.
T.S. went back and clicked off the PZM. It created a “howl to awake hibernating bears.” Richard, the
tuner, yelled, “T.S. what are you doing to me?” He forgot all about the Steinway for 45 minutes while
T.S. took him step by step through PZM technology and applications. After the education, Richard’s
response was, “Turn it back on; I’ll never be able to get it tuned without it now.”
August, 1982
Ken Wahrenbrock, Senior Editor
Two new PZM mikes have been added to the Crown line, both clip-on versions.
The 3LVR [now replaced by the CM-10], a redundant mike, has been designed by Crown to be used
particularly in broadcasting situations. The 3LVR includes two separate PZM microphones mounted
on a clip-on bar, 5.0cm long by 1.0cm wide. The mike is available in either black or champagne and
includes separate cabling for each mike, carried in a common sleeve.
The power supply for the 3LVR is also new and includes two separate active supplies with separate in
and out connections for each mike.
A discussion of the Pressure Recording Process by Ed Long and Ron Wickersham at a Syn-Aud-Con
Seminar in the San Francisco area in January, 1978, tnggered the development of PZM’s.
The prototype PZM first saw the light of day in May, 1978, so with this issue of the PZMemo we celebrate a 4th anniversay. From a very primitive beginning with the models roughly assembled, the
acceptance has been phenomenal. The universal enthusiasm and reaction to something quite different by recording engineers in reinforcement, radio and television has been delightful to observe.
When we realize that there has been more than fifty years of exploration, use and study of free field
microphony with much literature including textbooks on the basics of microphone construction and use
even with particular instruments, we realize there are many interesting and exciting research and
writing projects ahead.
Who will explore the best way to mike particular instruments with PZM’s? Who will research the most
realistic symphony or opera recording methods with PZM’s? Who will test and report objectively on
the difference between free field M-S classical recording and PZM M-S recordings?
Who will find the breakthrough to use the clarity of PZM’s with parabolic reflectors for distance recording for sports? The youngster is forty-eight months old and still developing. Can anyone prognosticate
where it will be in another year? Help it grow by sharing what you have learned.
The 3LVR, as with all PZM microphones, is based on all the principles of the Pressure Recording
Process developed by Long and Wickersham. In this configuration, a small precision calibrated pressure capsule is mounted facing a boundary plate. The invention practically eliminates problems
caused by comb filtering and results in remarkably increased sensitivity and reach. The design also
provides a hemispherical pickup pattern, based on the boundary, with no off-axis decrease in sensitivity.
The 3LV, a companion introduction to the 3LVR. is a single-mike version of the 3LVR and is an efficient investment for voice reinforcement in situations where the redundancy of the 3LVR may not be
necessary. The 3LV is also available in black or champagne and can be used with existing PZM “L”
type power supplies. active or passive. or with optional L” adapter into any Crown PZM supply.
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