Crown PZM-20R, PZM-20RW User Manual

4.58 in.
11.63 cm
3.42 in.
8.69 cm
.187 in.
.475 cm
.250 in. .635 cm
1.1 in.
2.695 cm
4.58 in.
11.63 cm
3.42 in.
8.69 cm
he PZM-20R is a Pressure Zone Microphone
nent flush-mounting in tables, lec­terns, pulpits, and judicial benches. Its un­obtrusive appearance and hemispherical pickup pattern make it ideal for conference table use. The microphone fits into a
4.59-in. (11.659-cm) square hole or in a standard 4.0-in. x 4.0-in. (10.16-cm x 10.16­cm) electrical outlet box.
Electronics in the base of the 20R adapt the microphone for phantom powering. No ex­ternal power-supply interface is required. The microphone plugs directly into a phan­tom power supply providing 12 to 48 volts.
The wide-range frequency response of the 20R is emphasized at high frequencies for clarity and articulation. Low frequencies be­low the voice range are filtered out to reduce rumble.
Three small guard-posts prevent papers from sliding underneath the cantilever arm and altering the frequency response.
Like other Pressure Zone Microphones, the 20R utilizes the Pressure Recording Pro­cess in which a miniature condenser mi­crophone capsule is arranged very close to a sound-reflecting plate or boundary, The cap­sule is mounted in the Pressure Zone just above the boundary, a region where sound coming directly from the sound source com­bines in-phase with sound reflected off the boundary. The benefits are a wide, smooth frequency response free of phase interfer­ence, excellent clarity and reach, a hemi­spherical polar pattern, and uncolored off-axis response.
Suggestions For Use
The PZM-20R differs from other PZMs in that it is a stationary microphone, generally not moved from one location to another. Be­fore installing it, first check that the pickup will be adequate by testing a regular PZM placed where you plan to install the 20R.
Avoid areas where items might be placed on top of the microphone. Once youve decided on the microphone position, rout a recessed hole according to the dimensions in Fig. 2B on the reverse side.
designed for perma-
Type: Pressure Zone Microphone®. Element: Electret condenser. Frequency response (typical): 80 Hz to 20 kHz (see
Fig. 1).
Polar pattern: Hemispherical on an infinite plane. Open circuit sensitivity: 7 mV/Pa* (–43 dB re 1
Power sensitivity: –43 dB re 1 mW/Pa. EIA sensi-
tivity –135 dBm.
Impedance: 240 ohms balanced. Recommended
minimum load impedance 1000 ohms.
Equivalent noise level: 20 dB SPL (0 dB = 0.0002
dyne/cm2), A-weighted.
S/N ratio: 74 dB at 94 dB SPL. Maximum SPL: 150 dB SPL at the microphone pro-
duces 3% THD.
Polarity: Positive pressure on the diaphragm pro-
duces positive voltage on terminal 2 with respect to terminal 3 of the output terminal strip.
Operating voltage: Phantom power, 12 to 48 volts
DC, positive voltage on terminals 2 and 3 with respect to terminal 1 of the output terminal strip.
Current drain: 1.1 mA. Color: Black. Connector: Screw terminals. #1 shield, #2 audio in-
polarity, #3 audio return.
Cable: None supplied; use 2-conductor shielded
microphone cable.
Weight: 8.1 ounces (230 grams). Dimensions: See Figs. 2A and 2B. Optional accessories: Crown PH-1A phantom
power supply (single channel, battery or AC adapter powered), Crown PH-4B phantom power supply (4 channels, AC powered).
*1 pascal = 10 dynes/cm2 = 10 microbars = 94 dB SPL.
Fig. 1
+15 +10
dB 0
5 10 15
20 25 30 35
20 100 1K
Low frequency response depends on size of surface.
Frequency Response
Frequency in Hz
Fig 2A
Fig. 2B
0.25 in. (0.635 cm) RADIUS
4.094 in.
10.399 cm
(USE 0.5 in. (1.27 cm) ROUTER BIT)
4.59 in. (11.659 cm) SQUARE
0.188 in. (0.476 cm) ROUTER DEPTH
4.094 in.
10.399 cm
2.75 in. (6.985 cm) SQUARE
For small conference tables seating up to eight people, mount the 20R in the center of the table. For larger tables, use one 20R in the middle of every four to six people. Ide­ally no person should be more than 3 feet from the nearest microphone. For maximum clarity hold the conference in an acoustically dead room with carpeting, acoustic-tile ceiling and drapes.
Operating Instructions
Using two-conductor shielded microphone cable, connect the output of the 20R to a mixer microphone input that provides 12-48 volts phantom powering. This cable may be of any length because the microphone out-
put is balanced low impedance. The 20R has three screw terminals. Connect
screw #1 to the cable shield, #2 to the audio in-polarity lead, and #3 to the audio-return lead. On the equipment end of the cable, sol­der the cable to the XLR-type connector as follows: pin 1 – shield, pin 2 – audio in­phase lead, pin 3 – audio return lead.
If your mixer or recorder does not provide phantom powering, youll need a micro­phone power supply. Crown offers a model PH-4B power supply for powering up to four PZMs. Also available is a single channel AC/ battery supply, Crown model PH-1A. Con­nect the 20R output to the power-supply in­put; connect the power-supply output to your recorder or mixer mix input.
Architects’ and Engineers’ Specifications
The microphone shall be the Crown Model PZM-20R or equivalent. The microphone shall be a Pressure Zone, electret condenser type, designed for permanent flush-mount­ing in a 4.59-in. (11.659-cm) square hole or in a standard 4.0-in. x 4.0-in. (10.16-cm x
10.16-cm) electrical outlet box. A smooth
frequency response from 80 Hz to 20,000 Hz shall be obtained. The microphone shall have a sensitivity of –43 dBV/Pa (measured on an infinite boundary). The microphone shall accept a 150 dB SPL input while pro­ducing no more than 3% THD (open-circuit termination). Equivalent noise shall be typi­cally 20 dBA (0 dB = .0002 dyne/cm
). The
Crown model PZM-20R is specified.
Crown professional microphones are guar­anteed unconditionally against malfunction from any cause for a period of three years from date of original purchase. Please refer to the enclosed full warranty sheet for more detail.
If the microphone does not function prop­erly, replace or repair mic cables and con­nectors, check the power supply. If service is required, return the microphone in its original packaging to: Crown Service De-
partment, Plant 2 SW, 1718 W. Mishawaka Road, Elkhart, IN 46517. For further assis-
tance or technical support call 800-342-
PZM-20R Schematic
R2 R3
Crown International, Inc. P.O. Bo x 1000 Elkhart, IN 46515-1000 TEL: 219-294-8000
Specifications subject to change without prior notice. Crown registered trademarks of Crown International, Inc. Pressure Recording Process™ is a trademark of E. M. Long Associates.
3/99 102362-2
FAX: 219-294-8FAX
1999 Crown International, Inc.
, PZM® and Pressure Zone Microphone® are