he Crown® PCC®-160 (Phase Coherent
Cardioid®) is a surface-mounted half-
supercardioid microphone intended for
professional applications on stage fl oors, lecterns,
conference tables, and news desks—wherever
improved gain-before-feedback and articulation
are important.
Similar to the Pressure Zone Microphone
(PZM®), the PCC is designed to be used on a
relatively large boundary surface. Unlike the PZM,
the Phase Coherent Cardioid uses a subminiature
supercardioid mic capsule. Its directional polar
pattern improves gain-before-feedback, reduces
unwanted room noise and rejects sounds from the
rear. Surface-mounting creates a “half-supercardioid” polar pattern and increases directivity 3 dB.
Since the microphone capsule is placed on a
boundary, direct and refl ected sounds arrive at
the diaphragm in-phase. This coherent addition
of direct and refl ected waves increases sensitivity
6 dB and prevents phase cancellations. The mic
capsule is small enough to ensure phase coherency up to the highest frequencies in the audible
spectrum, resulting in a wide, smooth frequency
response free of phase interference. Clarity and
reach are also enhanced.
Self-contained electronics eliminate the need
for an in-line preamp box. The PCC-160 can be
phantom powered directly from the console or
other remote power source providing 12 to 48
volts. If battery power is required, a battery supply
unit can be inserted anywhere in the mic line right
up to the console or mixer. A “bass tilt” switch
allows the user to tailor the low-end response for
particular applications.
Thanks to its low profi le and black fi nish, the
microphone becomes almost invisible in use. A
side-mounted connector complements the form
factor of the PCC-160, allowing the unit to be
placed effectively at the stage edge, at the top of a
lectern or in other tight spots. If desired, the cable
can be hard-wired for bottom entry.
The PCC-160W is fi nished in off-white to blend
with church altars and other surroundings where
lighter color is appropriate.
The heavy-gauge, all steel body protects the unit
from accidental abuse. Permanent mounting is
enabled by screw holes in the base. Engineering
attention-to-detail has assured years of troublefree use from this reliable microphone.
Capable of withstanding up to 120 dB SPL without distorting, the PCC-160 will never overload
in practical use. Its electret condenser capsule
provides a wide, smooth frequency response from
50 Hz to 18 kHz. RFI suppression is included.
Self-noise is low, and sensitivity is very high to
override mixer noise in distant-miking applications. Output impedance is 150 ohms, balanced.
Industry-standard stage fl oor microphone
Phase Coherent Cardioid design prevents color-
ation from surface sound refl ections
High output overrides mixer input noise
Specifi cations
Type: Phase Coherent Cardioid.
Element: Electret condenser.
Frequency response (typical): 50 Hz to 18,000 Hz at
30 degrees incidence to surface. See Fig. 1.
Polar pattern: Half-supercardioid (supercardioid in the
hemisphere above the primary boundary).
See Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.
Impedance: 150 ohms nominal (85 ohms actual),
balanced. (Recommended load impedance 1000
ohms or greater.)
Open-circuit sensitivity: 22mV/Pa* (–33 dB re 1
Power sensitivity: –31 dB re 1 milliwatt/Pa*/–123
dBm EIA.
Equivalent noise level (self noise): 22 dB typicaL (0
dB = .0002 dyne/cm
S/N ratio: 72 dB at 94 dB SPL.
Maximum SPL for 3% THD: 120 dB SPL.
Polarity: Positive pressure on the diaphragm pro-
duces positive voltage on pin 2 with respect to pin
3 of output connector.
Cable: 15-foot, black, two-conductor shielded cable
with Switchcraft TA3F connector and A3M connector.
Operating voltage: Standard phantom power: 12 to
48 volts DC positive on pins 2 and 3 with respect
to pin 1.
Safe Operating Temperature: –10° to +50° C or
+14° to +122° F.
Current drain: 4 mA nominal.
Materials: All steel body construction.
Finish: PCC-160: black. PCC-160W: off-white.
Net weight: 11.5 oz. (326 g).
Dimensions: See Fig. 5.
Optional accessories: Crown PH-1A phantom
power supply (one channel, battery or AC-adapter
*1 pascal = 10 dynes/cm2 = 10 microbars = 94 dB SPL.
), A-weighted.
Half-supercardioid polar pattern rejects the
pit orchestra and offers high gain-beforefeedback
Very rugged
Low profi le
Fig. 1 Frequency Response
Frequency in Hz
Fig. 2 Vertical Plane Polar Response
Fig. 3 Horizontal Plane Polar Response
1 kHz
200 Hz
4 kHz
1 kHz
200 Hz
4 kHz

Operating Instructions
Unbalanced operation: If you are using a phantom
power supply that does NOT include an isolation
transformer, and you desire an unbalanced output,
use pin 2 as hot and pin 1 as ground. This procedure prevents distortion in the PCC circuit. Do not
unbalance the output of the supply by connecting
pin 3 to pin 1. If you are using a phantom supply
containing an isolation transformer (such as the
Crown PH-1A AC/Battery Supply), then you can
unbalance the output by connecting pin 3 to pin 1
in the cable feeding the mixer. This results in 6 dB
more sensitivity.
The PCC includes two keyhole slots in its base to
accept mounting screws. To screw the PCC to a
surface, refer to Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.
Note: The porous foam liner in the housing must
go toward the front of the microphone; the dense
foam liner goes toward the rear. Otherwise the
frequency response and polar pattern will be
Placement suggestions for the PCC-160 are in the
Crown Boundary Microphone Applications Guide
and Speech Sound Reinforcement Application
Guide, available online at http://www.crownaudio.
BASS TILT SWITCH: On the bottom of the microphone is a bass-tilt switch which allows the user to
tailor the low-end response for particular applica-
tions. In general, use the FLAT position. Use the
CUT position to reduce room rumble and air-handler noise. Use the BOOST position to compensate
for low-frequency losses when the PCC is placed
on small boundaries such as lectern shelf-tops.
Architects’ & Engineers’ Specifi cations
The microphone shall be the Crown Model
PCC-160 (black) or PCC-160W (off-white). The
microphone shall be a half-supercardioid electret
condenser type, utilizing a subminiature transducer of rugged construction. A smooth frequency
response from 50 Hz to 18,000 Hz shall be obtained, with a uniform off-axis response, over 20
dB down at the rear nulls. The microphone will
exhibit excellent off-axis response and gain-before-feedback.
The microphone shall employ the principle of
phase coherency achieved by mounting a smalldiameter element very near a boundary, thus
eliminating comb fi ltering in the audible spectrum.
A 15-foot (4.6-m), two-conductor shielded cable
with TA3F and A3M connectors shall be supplied
with the microphone.
The microphone shall have a sensitivity of 22
mV/Pa*. The microphone shall accept a 120
dB SPL input while providing no greater than 3
percent THD (open-circuit termination). Equivalent
noise shall be 22 dBA typical. The Crown Model
PCC-160 is specifi ed.
Crown professional microphone products are
guaranteed against malfunction for a period of three
years from date of original purchase. Please refer to
the enclosed full warranty statement for more detail.
If the microphone does not function properly,
check to verify that it is aimed correctly and is
connected as described in the Operating Instructions. If there is hum or no signal, repair or
replace the cable.
If you determine the microphone product(s)is
defective, return the complete product in its
original packaging to: Crown Factory Service,
1718 West Mishawaka Road, Elkhart, IN 46517-
9439. A Service Return Authorization (SRA) is
required for product being sent to the factory
for service. An SRA can be completed on line at
www.crownaudio.com/support/factserv.htm. For
further assistance or technical support call 800342-6939.
Fig. 5 Dimensions
Fig. 4 Removing the Cover
Crown International, Inc.
1718 W. Mishawaka Rd.
Elkhart, IN 46517-9439
TEL: 574-294-8000
FAX: 574-294-8FAX
2008 Crown Audio®, Inc.
Specifi cations subject to change without prior notice.
Latest information available at www.crownaudio.com.
PCC, Phase Coherent Cardioid, PZM, Pressure Zone
Microphone, Crown and Crown Audio are registered
trademarks of Crown International.
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