Crown BCA, CE-4000, CTS2000, CTS3000, K1 Supplementary Manual

Tech Made Simple
So what is Class I?
Class I or BCA (Balanced Current Amplifi er) is Crown’s patented, cutting-edge technology that gets more power out of an amplifi er with less wasted power than was ever before possible. It’s a switch­ing power amplifi er design that is totally original.
Which Crown amps use Class I technology?
K series, CE 4000, CTs 2000 and CTs 3000.
What are the features of Class I? And how do they benefi t me?
• A BCA amp generates one-tenth the heat of conventional ampli­fi ers. So it can work with much less air movement. This reduces fan noise, fi lter maintenance, and contamination of the unit in normal use. In addition, the amp is more reliable because it is not subjected to excessive heat.
• A BCA amp with fans can use smaller heatsinks, making the amp smaller and lighter (as in the CTs 2000 and 3000).
• A BCA amp handles reactive (inductive) speaker loads easily and gracefully. It re-uses the energy returned from the speaker rather than dissipating it as heat or forcing the amp into premature current-limiting. This ability makes BCA models extremely resilient
- especially at low, 2-ohm impedances. You can attach 2-ohm loads without worrying whether the amp will overheat and shut down ­it won’t!
• BCA has a very high effective switching frequency which allows the use of lowpass fi lters with almost no phase shift in the audio band. Result: better sound.
• High effi ciency: High power output to the speakers, low power requirement from the wall outlet. Since the amp needs only a little AC power to operate, you’ll have smaller AC power bills over the life of the amplifi er. And you can plug several BCA-type amps into a 20-amp circuit.
What is effi ciency?
Effi ciency is output power divided by input power, where the output power is the power delivered to the speakers, and the input power is the power drawn from the AC mains. The highly effi cient BCA amp draws very little power from the AC outlet.
What kind of amplifi er design is Class I (BCA)?
Class I (BCA) is a type of switch-mode power amplifi er design. We think it’s a particularly clever and unique implementation of a switch-mode amplifi er.
Is a switch-mode power amplifi er the same as an ampli­fi er with a switch-mode power supply?
No, they are two different things. A switch-mode power amplifi er processes the signal; a switch-mode power supply processes the AC mains power. (The terms “Switch-mode” and “Switching” are used interchangeably.) A switching power amp is very effi cient and produces little heat. A switching power supply reduces the weight and size of the amplifi er. Some amplifi ers, such as the CTs 2000 and 3000, have both.
Would you repeat the benefi ts?
• Smooth, open highs with low phase shift.
• Much less air movement. This means less fan noise and less fi lter cleaning. The amp is less sensitive to dust, smoke, stage fog and spilled liquids.
• A Class I amp with fans can use smaller heatsinks, making the amp smaller and lighter (as in the CTs 2000 and 3000).
• Handles any load easily - even 2-ohm and reactive loads.
• Very reliable - unlikely to overheat.
• Lower AC power bills.
• More amps can be plugged into a single 20-amp AC circuit, reducing installation costs.
Go to the Crown website at Once there, select Amps > Info & How To > BCA articles.
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