1 2 3
P/N 7101352
Ver. G A.Y.
The GBD-PLUS is the ultimate answer for all those tired of false alarms. It listens f or sounds of breaking glass, whic h produc e two sequential signals of dif f erent frequencies. The unique phased frequency detection circuitry of this det ector allows detection of both shock signal and the strong signal of glass breakage creating a “fals e al arm free” glass break detector. The detector does not need to be attached to the window, providing volume protection, and allowing you to protect several windows with one detector.
Shock and/or break age selectable
Analyzes two frequencies
Unique signal analysi s ignores
environmental disturbances
Memory LED
Sensitivity adjustment
New ultra compact design
Flush mount i nstallation (option)
Outstanding detect i on range and reliabilit y
The detector offers flexible ins tallation. It can be either ceiling mounted or wall m ounted as shown in the figure above.
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I f heavy blinds or curtains cover the glass, you must locate the det ector behind the blinds on the window frame or above it, otherwise the blinds might block the sound. Make sure to test the uni t thoroughly for proper detection.
I nstall the detector in a direct l i ne of sight with the protected glass.
Do not mount the unit in front of air duc t s, or close to bells (measuring 0.5m (or larger) in diameter).
For a few protected glasses in one room, locate the detector in optimal distance from them to achi eve t he best detection.
Note: for symmetrical cover of the detection
area it is recommended to place the detector on the ceiling.
1. Use a small screwdriver to push the prong on top of the case and open the case.
Snap out the detector PCB.
3. Insert the wires through the wiring hole (B).
4. Use the mounting holes (A) to mount the
5. Connect the wires to the termi nal . (See Terminal Connections)
6. Reinstall the detector P CB .
7. Close the case.
JP1 - Shock / Glass selec tor for detection calibration.
JP2 – Memory LED control.
JP3 - Reduces the sensitivity of sound
detection by 50%.
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Connect to ground of the control panel.
Terminal 2 - Marked + ( +12V )
Connect to the positive Volt age output of 9-16 Vdc
source (usually from the alarm control unit)
Terminals 3 & 4 - Marked TAMPER
If a Tamper function is required connect these terminals to a 24hour normally closed protective zone in the control unit. If the front cover of the detector is opened, an immediate alarm signal will be sent to the control unit.
Terminals 5 & 6 - Marked RELAY
These are the output relay contacts of the detector. Connect to the control at zone input.
The Simulator/Tester & Calibration tool is especially designed to check phased frequency glass break detect o rs. Since the detector will react to the high frequency breakage sound only when it comes sequentially after a low frequency SHOCK sound, this device i s necessary to check for proper operation of the GB D-P LUS without actually breaking the glass .
Manual mode: In this mode, the Simulat or will emit the high frequency sound of breaking glass f o r " Gl ass" adjustment.
Automatic mode: In order to simulate breaki ng gl ass, place the Simulator on the surface of the protected glass, and gently hit it with your hand. T he Simulator will then emit the sound of breaking glass. Be careful not t o break the glass while testing the detector.
It is recommended to use simulator CROW
P/N: 0040011
First use the Sim ul at or i n manual mode to simulate the noise of gl ass breaking. Check that the yellow LED is ON. If it does not light, the sensitivity cali b rat i on i s necessary (See Sound Calibration). Now use your hand or a padded object to carefully strike the glass. If the green LED does not light, adjust as necessary (See Shock Calibration). Now use the Simulator in automatic mode and check that the red LED light s. If the red LED is ON, your detector is worki ng properl y. Otherwise try adjusting the sound and shock setting until the red LED lights.
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To adjust the glass break s etting (increase/decrease sensi tivity) place the jumper JP1 according the GLASS marking (connecting the middle pin with the upper pin)
- (See Fig. 4) Green LED is const ant l y ON. Now you can adjust the sensitivit y by rotating the upper potentiometer (marked as GLASS CAL. - see Fig. 4). Operate the Sound Break Simulator and rotate the potentiometer clock-wise to increase sensitivit y, and counter-clock-wise to decrease sensitivity unt i l the Yellow and Red LED’s are illuminating for each glass break sound. Remember that rotating the potentiometer will have no effect upon the settings if the m i ddl e pi n of JP1 is not connected to the upper pin.
When the jumper is set for GLASS adjustment, only the hi gh frequency sound of breaking glass is detec ted.
To adjust the shock setting (increase/decrease sensi tivity) place the jumper JP1 according the SHOCK marking (connecting the middle pin with the lower pin)
- (See Fig. 4) Yellow LED is const antly ON. Now you can adjust the sensitivit y by rotating the lower potentiometer (mark ed as SHOCK CAL. - see Fig. 4). Hit gently on the protected glass and rotate the potentiometer clock-wise to increase sensitivity, and count er-clock-wise to decrease sensitivity unt i l t he Green and Red LED’s are illuminating for each hit. Remember that rotating the potentiometer will have no effect upon the settings if the middle pin of JP1 is not connected to the lower pin.
When the jumper i s set for SHOCK adjustment, only the l ow frequenc y of the shock signal prior to glas s breakage is detected.
The alarm memory function allows the identification of an alerti ng detector out of multiple detectors connected to one (or the same) zone of the control panel. To enable this function, S et ON jumper JP2 (MEM) (connected on both pins - See Fig. 4)
In case of an alarm, the Red LED will stay ON until memory function is reset.
To reset the memory function, switch OFF (disconnect) the voltage wire (+12V) from the TERMINAL BLOCK for minimum 15 seconds then switch on (reconnect) voltage wire (+12V). (The control panel key ON/OFF can be used for this application if i t control the voltage (+12V).
For some installat i ons you may find that GBD­plus is too sensiti ve. Use JUMPER JP3 to decrease sensitivity t o 50%. JP3 OPEN - 100% sensit i vity JP3 CONNECTED - 50% sensi t i vi ty
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Make sure to disconnect the j umper at JP1. When the j umper is disconnected, the detector will detect both shock and sound frequencies.
To ensure maximum protec tion against false alarms, ac tivate any device in the area, which might automati cally cycle pumps, generators, heati ng/ ai r conditioning units, etc . If the cycling devices trigger an alarm, mount the unit in a different location.
FIG. 4 - PCB Layout
Use #22 AWG (0.5mm) or wires with a larger diameter. Use the foll owing table to determine required wire gauge (diameter) and length of wire between the detector and the control panel.
Wire Length m 200 300 400 800 Wire Diameter mm .5 .75 1.0 1.5 Wire Length ft 800 1200 2000 3400 Wire Gauge # 22 20 18 16
16 17 18
Power Input
9 - 16 Vdc
Current Consumption
Standby: 22mA at 12Vdc
Active: 25mA at 12Vdc
Detection Range
10m (33ft), Adjustable
78mm x 51mm x 21mm
(3.07 `` x 2.01`` x 0.83) Mounting
Ceiling or Wall
Alarm Output Relay
N.C 50mA/24Vdc with
27 Ohm in line resistor Tamper Switch
N.C 50mA 24Vdc with
10 Ohm in line resistor
Operating Temperature -20°C to 50°C Range (-4°F to 122°F)
Operating Humidity 95% max relative humidity Range non condensing
Storage Temperature -30°C to 70°C Range (-22°F to 158°F)
Electro condenser
microphone RFI Protection 30V/m 10 -1000MHz EMI Protection 50,000V electrical
interference from lightning
CROW reserves the rights to change specifications
without prior notice
This Warranty Certi ficate is given in favor of the purchaser (hereunder the "Purchaser") purchasing the products directly f rom Crow or from its authorized distributor. Crow warrants these produc t s t o be free f rom defec ts in m aterial s and work mans hip under normal use and service for a period of 24 months from the last day of the week and year whose numbers are printed on the printed circuit board inside these products (hereunder the "Warranty Period"). Subject to the provisi ons of t his Warranty Certifi cate, during the Warranty Period, Crow undertakes, at its sole dis cretion and subject t o Crow's procedures, as suc h procedures are form time to t ime, to repair or replace, free of charge for material s and/ or labor, produc ts prov ed to be defect iv e in materials or workmanship under normal use and servic e. Repaired product s shal l be warranted for the remainder of the original Warranty Period. All transportation cos ts and in-trans it risk of loss or damage related, directly or indirect ly, to products returned to Crow for repair or replacement shal l be borne solely by the Purchaser. Crow's warranty under this Warranty Certificate does not cov er products that is defec tive (or shall become defective) due t o: (a) alteration of the product s (or any part thereof) by any one other than Crow; (b) accident, abuse, negligence, or im proper maint enance; (c) f ail ure caus ed by a produc t whi ch Crow did not provide; (d) failure caus ed by s oft ware or hardware which Crow did not provide; (e) use or storage other than in accordance with Crow’ s specified operating and storage instructions. There are no warranties, expressed or impl ied, of merchantability or fitness of the products for a particular purpose or otherwise, whi ch extend beyond the description on t he face hereof. This limited Warrant y Certificate i s the Purchaser's s ole and exclusive remedy against Crow and Crow's sole and exclusive liability toward the Purchaser in connection with the products , including without limitation - for def ects or malfunc tions of the produc ts. This Warrant y Certificate replaces all other warranties and liabilities, whether oral, written, (non-mandatory) statutory, contrac tual, in tort or otherwise. In no case shall Crow be liable to any one for any consequenti al or incidental damages (inc lusive of loss of profit , and whether oc casioned by negligence of t he Crow or any third party on its behalf) f or breach of this or any other warranty, expressed or implied, or upon any other bas is of liability whatsoever. Crow does not represent t hat these product s can not be com promised or circ umvented; that these products will prevent any person injury or property loss or damage by burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise; or that these produc ts will in all cases provide adequate warning or protection. Purchaser understands that a properly instal led and maintained product may in some c ases reduce the risk of burglary, fire, robbery or other events occurring without providing an alarm, but it is not insurance or a guarantee that such will not occur or that there will be no personal injury or property loss or damage as a result. Consequently, Crow shall have no l iability for any personal injury; property dam age or any other loss based on claim that these produc ts failed to give any warning. If Crow is held liable, whether di rectly or indirectly, for any loss or damage with regards to these products, regardless of caus e or origin, Crow’s maximum liability shall not in any case exceed the purchase price of these product s, which shall be the complet e and exclusive remedy against Crow.
CROW ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING LTD. 12 Kineret St. Airport City, 70100 Israel Tel. +972 3 9726000 Fax. +972 3 9726001
CROW LATIN AMERICA USA INC. 7200 NW 19 st. Suite 307 Miami FI 33126, USA Tel. +305 513 4001 Fax. +305 513 4005
ARROWHEAD ALARM PRODUCTS 344B, Rosedale Road Park Farm Industrial Estate Albany, Auckland New Zealand Tel. +64 9 414 0085 Fax. +64 9 414 0088
These instructions supersede all previous issues in circulation prior to February 2012.