84 870 104
84 870 103
84 870 102
84 870 101
84 870 004
84 870 003
84 870 002
84 870 001
Relay for controlling level of conductive liquids EN / END
Operating principle
Control of maximum and/or minimum levels of conductive liquids (tap
water, sea water, waste water, chemical solutions, coffee etc).
The principle is based on measurement of the apparent resistance of the
liquid between two submerged probes.When this value is lower than the
preset threshold on the unit front face, the output relay changes state.To
avoid electrolytic phenomena, an AC current runs across the probes.
Applications found in environmental, chemical industries and food
technology etc.
Regulation of two levels : Minimum / Maximum
The output relay changes state when the level of liquid reaches the
maximum electrode, with the minimum electrode submerged.It returns to
its initial state when the minimum probe is no longer in contact with the
Note : If the power break ∆T lasts for 0.5 seconds or more, the relay re-
energises instantly if in "UP" mode and is de-energised if in "DOWN"
Supply voltage Un 230 V , 110 V, 48 V ,
24 V a, 50 / 60 Hz
Operating range 0.85 • 1.15 x Un*
Maximum power
3 VA
Adjustable sensitivity 5 kΩ to 100 kΩ
Measurement accuracy
0 • + 30%
(at maximum sensitivity)
Electrode voltage
24 V a (50 / 60 Hz)
Electrode current
1 mA (50 / 60 Hz)
Maximum cable
10 nF
Response high level 300 ms
time low level 500 ms
Output relay (according 1 AgCdO changeover
to AC1, resistive load) 8 A a max.
Galvanic isolation via
transformer (4 kV, 8 mm Class II VDE 0551
creepage distance)
Isolation of contacts and
2.5 kV a
electrodes from power supply
Temperature use - 20 °C to + 60 °C
stored - 30 °C to + 70 °C
Weight 140 g
The probe cable (maximum 100 metres) does not have to be screened,
but avoid mounting it in parallel with the power supply cables.A screened
cable can be used, with the screening connected to the common.
* Voltage limited to Un + 10% if other products are mounted adjacently
on the same DIN rail.
230 V a
120 V a
48 V a
24 V a
"UP" filling control
"DOWN" emptying control
Part numbers (and voltages)
Technical specification
■ Regulation of two levels :
- Minimum
- Maximum
■ Monitoring of filling "UP" or emptying "DOWN"
selected by a switch on the front face
■ Probes use an AC current
■ Sensitivity adjustment on front face via potentiometer
■ Sensitivity adjustable from 5 kΩ to 100 kΩ
Other information
Standard products,
non stocked
To order,specify :
Part numbers
Example : Relay for controlling level of
conductive liquids EN - 84 870 004
For connections, see page 3/29
For conformity, common characteristics, see page 3/35
For dimensions, see page 3/36