Double click on
setup.exe to launch
software installation
Select the installation
language, this will also
set the Crouzet Touch
soft language
Crouzet Automation - Crouzet Touch Quickstart
Select the destination
path and folder for
Crouzet Touch software
Installing Crouzet Touch software
Select - Create a
desktop icon
Crouzet Automation - Crouzet Touch Quickstart
Click on Install to start
Installing Crouzet Touch software
Files will be copied to
the selected folder
Crouzet Automation - Crouzet Touch Quickstart
At the end of the
installation process
click on Finish
Crouzet Automation - Crouzet Touch Quickstart
Connecting the hardware for program transfer
• Program can be transferred to the Crouzet Touch using a USB-microUSB cable (Crouzet Touch
Essential) or an ethernet cable (Crouzet Touch Performance).
• Program transfer with USB does not require any further settings as the USB driver is installed
during the Crouzet Touch soft installation.
• Program transfer with ethernet requires the configuration of the IP addresses of the PC and
Crouzet Touch. The following pages show how to set the IP addresses of both devices for
Windows 7.
Crouzet Automation - Crouzet Touch Quickstart
Setting the IP addresses for Ethernet connection
• Setting the IP addresses of the Crouzet Touch and PC
In order to allow the Crouzet Touch and a PC to communicate, they have to be in the same local network.
Certain IP address ranges are reserved for local networks.
In our example we will use:
IP address Crouzet Touch -
IP address PC - 192.168. 100.10
Subnet mask - 255.255.255. 0
Gateway - 192.168. 100 . 0
Subnet mask and Gateway have to be the same in the Crouzet Touch and the PC !
Crouzet Automation - Crouzet Touch Quickstart
Setting the IP address on Crouzet Touch
• Setting the IP address of the Crouzet Touch for CTP104-E and CTP107-E*
Click on the tool icon on the
home page of the CTP104-E
or CTP107-E
*CTP110-E on LAN 2 is already set to IP by default,
Crouzet Automation - Crouzet Touch Quickstart
Click on Open hardware settingdialog button
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