Introduction: A 22.5mm modular design
Chronos 2 Timers - 22.5mm
• The new 22.5mm is close to identical to the
profile of the 17.5mm Chronos 2:
– Same position of term inal blocks for a perf ect
alignment between the 17.5mm and 22.5mm
timer versions.
– Same appearance in design than the 17.5mm
Launch Note - Chronos 2 22.5 mm
– A 45mm “nose height” on the front of the
product to allow the mounting of the 22.5mm
versions in modular panels.
– Slightly longer than the 17.5mm versions to
allow the 2 relays SP DT 8A / 250VAC.

New Models’ Cross-reference
Obsolete Models
22.5 mm
Old P/N Type New P/N Type
88 865 175 TQR1 88 866 175 RQR1
88 865 176 TQR6 88 866 176 RQR6
88 865 215 TA2R1 88 866 215 RA2R1
88 865 300 TU2R4 88 866 300 RU2R4
88 865 303 TU2R3 88 866 303 RU2R3
88 865 305 TU2R1 88 866 305 RU2R1
88 865 385 TX2R1 88 866 385 RX2R1
New Models
22.5 mm
• 7 new part numbers directly replace 7 old Chronos 2 22. 5 mm models
• The nomenclature is now 88 866 instead of 88 865
Launch Note - Chronos 2 22.5 mm

New Chronos 2 Part Numbers
• A total of 7 redesigned timers (22.5 mm) with:
– Same rated supply voltage as old versions
– Same electrical specifi cations as old versions
• 88 865 265 (function K) will not suffer any change in nomenclature and
will remain available
Launch Note - Chronos 2 22.5 mm