Clockwise rotation of the control knob closes switch
contacts within the timer to: a) energise the drive motor,
and b) energise the full sequence flame controller.
The timer switch controlling the drive motor and the timer
motor, remains closed until the timer motor mechanism
returns the control knob to the ‘O’ position. The timer
switch controlling the full sequence flame controller opens
12 minutes earlier to provide a cool-down period.
The full sequence flame controller opens the tandem
solenoid gas valves after a delay time of about 8 seconds
and operates the pulsing spark ignition. If the flame is not
detected by the flame failure electrode within 10 seconds
then the valves are closed. The system must then be reset by switching the machine off and re-starting.
The heat selector switch provides options for either 60°C,
or 50°C, exhaust thermostat control. This results in the
burner cycling on and off giving longer than anticipated
drying times. Drying times vary depending on the weight
and size of the articles, type of fabric, dampness etc.
These thermostats turn off the heating towards the end of
the cycle and so avoid waste of energy. The lower
temperature thermostat prevents delicate fabrics from
getting too hot with possible risk of damage.
An inlet thermostat is fitted in the ducting at the back of
the dryer. It may operate under certain conditions of
restriction of the air-flow, for example, an overloaded drum
or blocked lint filter. This thermostat switches off the
Flame Controller. This will result in the burner cycling on
and off giving longer than anticipated drying times. Drying
times vary depending on the weight and size of the
articles, type of fabric, dampness etc. Should the
thermostat fail there is an inlet cut-out connected in circuit
with the gas valves. After operation, the cut-out must be
re-set to restore heating but a service call may be
required to correct the initial fault.
The conditions of failure of the air flow, blow-back, or of
gas interruption are detected by the flame failure
electrode and the system is shut-down.
Both drum rotation and heater control are switched off
when the door is opened and switched on when the door
is reclosed.
For programme times see chart on dryer control panel.
Drying times depend on the weight and size of the
articles, the type of fabric, how damp they are and how
dry they are required.
Note: Re-assembly should be done in reverse
sequence to these instructions.
Terminal Block (28), Control Unit (10), Timer (211),
Heat Switch (235), Neon (213), Micro-Switch
Assembly (248), Control Panel (353).
Withdraw 3 screws from the back flange of the Table Top
Assy. (386) and lift and move it forwards for removal.
This gives access to the 2-screws securing the Control
Unit Bracket (11) to the top flange of the Cabinet.
Pull off the Timer Knob (352) by means of a loop of thin
insulating wire inserted behind it, to expose the 2-screws
securing the Timer (221) to the control Panel (353).
To remove the Neon (213) disconnect the faston
connectors and push the neon out of the Control Panel.
To remove the Control Panel (353), disconnect the faston
connectors from the Timer, Neon, and Heat Switch.
Withdraw 3-screws securing the Control Panel lugs to the
Cabinet top rail. Tilt the Control Panel so that the bottom
lugs can be freed from the top flange of the Front Panel
To remove the door Micro-Switch Assy. (248), withdraw
the 3-screws securing the Control Panel lugs to the
Cabinet top rail and free the Control Panel Assy. from the
top flange of the Front Panel. Open the door and
withdraw 2 screws securing the Micro-switch Assy, to the
Front Panel, unclip the wires from the top flange of the
Front Panel, lift out the Assy, and disconnect the faston
Exhaust Thermostats (229, 250), Motor Assembly
(101), Fan Assembly (446), Capacitor (112).
Withdraw the 6 screws securing the Cover Plate (19) to
the Back Panel (24) and remove it. Pull out the Exhaust
Tube (30).
This gives access to the Exhaust Thermostats (229, 250),
which are each secured to the Banjo (440) by a screw.
Note: The 50°C thermostat is identified by a red spot on
the face.