Important Safety Instructions .........
If Your Electricity Goes Off ............
Installing Your Freezer ...................
Freezer Features ............................ 4
Defrosting Your Freezer .................... 6
Cleaning Your Freezer ...................... 6
Troubleshooting ................................. 7
Energy Saving Tips ........................... 8
Vacation & Moving Tips .................... 8
i,ii i ,11111111111i
Installation Requirements ....... 3
Picking a Location ................. 3
Starting the Freezer ............... 4
Temperature Control ............. 4
Cool Down Period .................. 4
Interior Light ........................... 4
Sliding Basket ........................ 4
PowerLight ............................ 5
Built-in Lock ............................ 5
Defrost Drain .......................... 5
If you need service orcall with a question, have this information ready,
We advise you to keep this Owners Manual and your sales slip in your possession,
Serial Number:
Date of Purchase:
TabledesMati6res 9
Indice 18
1-36009-001 Rew O0

'11111'1111'11 "1'1111 I1'"111 I' [' I
Warning: Risk of Child Entrapment
allow children to operate, play with, or crawl inside a
ifyou are storing a refrigerator or freezer: -.
1, Blockthe dooropen: Glue thickwooden blocks
tothedoorso,t n c,cso.Besurstoussstrong I
freezer or refrigerator.., i//_ I__
glue and place the blocks high, out of children's react _
Leave onlyenough room to a!towventilation to keep _X_....._] _
appliance from collecting mildew.
2. Band, tape or secure the door shut: Use strong tape and wrap it atlthe
way around the appliance several times or pass a heavy dutychain
around the appliance and through the handle(s) and then padlock it
ensuring it cannot slide loose.
Before you throw away your old refrigerator or freezer:
!. Take off the lid or door: The hinge of chest type freezers are under
spring tension, instructions for removal ofthe hinges are found on the back of the
2. Cut off any electrical wires: Ordinary householdtoolsare all you need.
3. Leave the shelves in place: so that children my not easily climbinside.
Talk to your children about the dangers of playing around or inside any
container that might shut them In.
WHY all these precautions?
Each year children die because they climb inside an old refrigerator or freezer,
the door closes and they are trapped inside and suffocate _.. usually in less
than I0 minutesl Please take a few minutes and prevent such a needless tragedy,
If you are selling your old appliance or giving it away, put this manual inside
so the new owners will know what to do when they discard or store the uniL
iii iiiJiiiiijiiii jlJli1,1iii1,1,1iiiiii ii i1,111, iii I i
• Destroy carton, plastic bags, and any exterior wrapping material immediately after the
freezer is unpacked. Children should never usa these items for play. Cartons covered
with rugs, bedspreads, plastic sheets or stretchwrap may become airtight chambers
and can quickly cause suffocation.
• Extreme caution should be used when removing the lid of the freezer° The hinge of
chest type freezers are under spring tensionl Before attempting to remove hinges, see
instruction label on the back of the cabinet.
• Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable items in the area of this or any
appliance, as the fumes can create a fire hazard or explosion.
° This freezer isdesigned for free-standing installation only; it shouldnot be recessed or

° Replace or repair all electric service cords that have become damaged or frayed.
° Never unplug your freezer by pulling onthe power cord° Always grip plug firmlyand pull straight out
from the outlet
• Be careful not to roll over or damage the cord, when moving the freezer°
• Unplug you rfreezer before making repairs or cleaning, itisour recommendation that servicing be
done by a qualified technician.
• Unplug your freezer or turn power off at the circuit breaker or fuse box tnorder to avoid touching a live
wire, when replacing a burned-out light bulb. Turning the control to OFF turns off the compressor,
but does not disconnect power to other electrical components.
• Do not pinch, knot, or bend power cord in any manner.
if your electricity goes off follow thte procedure:
• Call your power company to see how long the power will be out,
• If service is to be interruptedfor less than 24 hours, keep freezer closed. This witl hetp food stay
• If service is to be interrupted for more than 24 hours, either remove food and store in frozen food
locker or another freezer.
Your dealer is responsible for unpacking your freezer properly. Should any evidence
of mishandling be present, contact him immediately.
Installation Requirements:
• A 115 Volt, 60 Hz, AC 15 or20 ampere fused and properly
grounded electrical supply(for personal safety) is required.
• Refer to the serial plate for the correct electrical rating.
• A separate circuit used only by this appliance is recommended.
• To prevent the freezer from being turned off accidentally,
do not plugunit intoan outlet controlled bya wall switch or pull cord.
• Ifvoltage varies by t0 % or more, the performance of the freezer may be affected. Operating the
freezer with insufficientpowercan damage the motor. The warranty does not cover this damage. If
you suspect your household voltage is high or low, consult your powercompany for testingo
Picking a Location:
• Locate thefreezer so that extension cords are not necessary and the freezer is away from any
flammables such as gasoline,
• Make sure that the flooryou choose to place your freezer on will support the weight of the freezer
when it is full.
• Due to the lid and hinge arrangement, it is impossible to install the freezer directly against the wall.
The spacing on the back is essential for maintaining proper air circulation around the freezer. It is
recommended thatyou leave a 3inch (75 mm) space on all sidesof the freezer.
• Locate the freezer where it will be convenient to use and away from direct suntight or heat
sources such as the range, dishwasher, laundry equipment or furnace. Freezers are designed to
operate efficiently between 4°C to 32°C (40°F to 90°F). Temperatures above or below this range
will cause the freezer to operate less efficiently. Additional compressor heaters are not
• If the place selected for your freezer is damp or moist, as in some basements, place freezer on
wooden blocks_ (Two or three boards under entire length will assure adequate support.)
• The freezer shouldnever be placed on a carpeted floor.
• In order for your freezer to work properly, it must be level with the floor. Ifnot, you mayadd metal or
wood shims between feet pads and floor.
Note: the floor must bestrong enough to support a fully loaded freezer,
• Ifthere istape residue on the freezer, remove with a mixture of warm water and mild detergent or
touch the residue with the sticky side of tape already removed.
r°iT u

StartingandOperatingthe Freezer
Mechanical Temperature Control (some models)
* The freezer isreadytooperatewhen you receive it. Connect thecordto the power outlet.
• Ensure the temperature controlknob(located at the lower righthandsideofthe cabinet)to No.4. This
setting is normalfor providingsafe longterm freezing° Atsetting No. 4, the temperature will be at or near
0°F (-17°8°0) under normal operating conditions. _,__
• Turning the temperature control all the way to the left or past "0"until it !',__,_:',
clicks will switch off power to the compressor,
oTo adjust thethermostat control: turncontrol to higher number for colder 111_-_
temperatures, lower number for less cold temperatures_ It is recommended _:t._.l,_'_
that youadjust byone numerical increment ata time, allowing several hours IH._
for temperatures to stabilize between increments.
• NOTE: Some models have a preset temperature and nocontrol knob.
. Some models may have the temperature control mounted on cabinet rear. I"
Electronic Temperature Control Center (some models)
° Theelectroniccontrollercomeswitha battery alarm systemo Afresh battery I "
the power cord. To install the battery, open the battery cover (located at the
lower right hand side of the cabinet) by pushing the tabs to the right. Connect _.
the battery to the terminals and push the battery inside the enclosure. Ensure _======
has been supplied in your literature package_ Please install before connecting _ -======_
the wires will not interfere withthe cover when installed. Snap the battery cover "======_
into the enclosure.
. Connect the power cord to the wall outlet.
. Depress the Power Button _ located on the Electronic Control Center mounted onthe lid. (Fig. 1, Pgo5)
. The electroniccontrolhas beenpreset atposition 5. At setting No. 5,the temperature will be at or near
0°F (-17,8°C) under normal operating conditions providing safe long term freezing. The temperature can be
adjusted by use ofthe controller buttons. Refer to operation on page 5,
° As an added product safety feature, there is aten minute time delay for the compressor to start built
into the electronic controller.
Coo! Down Period (all models)
To ensure proper food storage, allow 6 to 8 hours for thefreezer tocoolclowncompletely. The freezer
will run continuously for the first several hours° Already frozen foods may be placed in the freezer after
the first few hours of operation. However you should allow the freezer to cool completely before placing
any unfrozen food in the freezer, During this period, the lidshould remain closed.
IMPORTANT: Freeze approximately 22 pounds (10 kg) of fresh room temperature food at one time.
There is no restriction for adding already frozen food. Distribute packages to befrozen evenly throughout
the freezer. When freezing food, it is not necessary to setcontrol knob to colder setting.
Temperature Monltor Alarm - Mechanical Control (some models)
Some models feature atemperature monitorthat providesan audible alarm. The temperature monitoralarm
islocated abovethetemperature control. The alarmsounds ifthe temperaturein thefreezer rises 10°For more
above normal forselected setting_ Alarm may sound ifthe tem peratu recontrol dial is turned to a much lower/
colder setti ngor if ala rgeamount of unfroze nfood isadded at one time. Alarm iscontrolled bya three position
• 0or OFFprevents alarm from sounding when freezer iswarm, such
as during initial start-up or defrosting.
- ,f or TESTsounds alarm regardless of temperature, Alarm system
should be tested at least once a month.
• 1or ONis proper setting for normal freezer use, Return switch to 1
after defrosting.
0 _/ I
Temperature Monitor Alarm - Electronic Control Center (some models)
The electronic contmtcontinuouslymonitorstheinterior temperatureofthe freezerand can notbeturnedoff.
The userdoes havethe optiontoturnofftheaudible alarm. This isusefulduringdefrosting orextended periods
when thelidisopen. Depress the Alarm buttontoturn the audible alarm ON or OFF, When the alarm isturned
OFF, the Yellow Temperature Monitor Indicator will be illuminated. (see Figure 1, page 5)
The alarm sounds if the temperature inthe freezer rises above normal for selected setting. The alarm may
sound if the temperature control isset to a much lower/colder setting or if a large amount of unfrozen food is
added at onetime. - 4 -

Electronic Control Center Operation (some models)
Figure1 TemperatureMonitor
PowerOn TemperatureSetting
Indicator Display HighTemperature QuickFreeze
Indicator Indicator BatteryIndicator
oo,I'; ooZ,oo
Power Button Temperature SettingButtons Alarm
Power Button
Depress the Power Buttonto turnthe freezer'ON'. The green Power On Indicator lightwillbeilluminate&
Depressing the Power Buttonagain turnsthefreezer OFF.
Temperature SetUng Buttons /Child Lock-Out Buttons
The electrcniccontrolhasbeen presetat position& This setting isnormalfor providingsafe longterm
freezing° Settings range from I to 9. Depress "<:_" tc make freezer interior warmer_ Depress "J;>"
to make the freezer interior colder.
To activate the Chlld Lock-Out (recommended), depress both temperature setting buttons atthe same
time and hold for 3secondsto Iockthe control, The letter"L" will be displayed nexttothe temperaturesetting,
to indicate the function isON. To deactivate the Child Lock-Out, depress and hold both buttons fcr 3
seconds° The letter"L" will no longer be displayed indicating the lock function has been disabled.
Hlgh Temperaturelndlcator
The indicatorwill be illuminated(Red) when theinteriortemperature of thefreezer istoo warm_The indicator
will be illuminated when the freezer isinstalledor after defrosting until the freeze rcools. (refer to page 4
Starting and Operating the Freezer)
Temperature Monitor Alarm Button
Depress the button to turn the audible alarm 'OFF'. The yellow Temperature Monitor Indicator will be
illuminated when audible alarm is 'OFF', Depress button to turn the audible alarm 'ON'. Refer to
Temperature Monitor Alarm-Electronic Control section on previous page for further details.
Quick Freeze Button
Depress the button, to turn Quick Freeze function 'ONL The yellow Quick Freeze Indicator willbe
illuminated. The freezer willautomaticallyresetto'OFF' afterthe function has completed. The Quick
Freeze function can be manuallyturned'OFF' by depressing button again.
The Quick Freeze function causes thefreezer to runcontinuously,drivingthefreezer to thecoldest
possibletemperature. Usethisfeature just before adding large amounts of unfrozenfoods.
The Battery Indicator Lightwill n_o_tbe illuminated when the battery is good. When the battery is low, the
IndicatorLight will 'flash', When the battery isdead ornot connected, the Indicator tJght will be illuminated
'solid red'. To replace the battery refer to Starting and Operating the Freezer on the previous page.
• Number of baskets can vary withdifferent models.
• Use your sliding basket(s) to keep frequently used food withi
easy reach.

Interior Light ( some models)
• Turns on whenever you open the lid to your freezer.
• When changing the interiorlight,disconnect freezer from power supply, replaceold bulb with
newappliance bulb with similar wattage and re.,connect freezer topowersupply°
Power Light (some models)
• The power light normally willbe "on".
o Its purposeisto warnyou when there is a power
absence. If for any reason the power to the freezer is
interrupted(blownfuse, loose plug,etc.) the indicator
lightwill be "off".
• WARNING; The presence ofthe lightdoes not
indicate proper food temperatures, or proper operation
of the refrigeration system.
• Flickering light indicates faulty or burned out light.
Built-In Lock ( some models)
° A builtqn lock allows you to keep your food supply secure ifnecessary.
• An excellent tool tohelpreduce the hazard ofchildentrapment.
• This type of lockis spring loaded, preventing the keyfrom being left in the lock, To lock or unlock the
freezer, you must holdthe key inthe lockwhileturning.
Defrost Drain (some models)
The outer cabinet drain plug is located on the outside of the freezer at thefront bottom left hand comer. The
interiorplug is located on the inside of thefreezer onthe left side of the floor. The drain hose adaptor can be
located in the plastic bag with the Use & Care Guide. The purpose of the defrost drain is to allow quicker
and more convenient clean up of water.
Power Ught
Step 1. Remove the outer cabinet drain plug by twisting and pulling.
Step 2, Insert the drain hose adaptor intothe drain hole and connect the hose
to the adaptor. Run the hose down towards a suitable drain.
Step, 3. Remove the interior drain plug by twisting and pulling, When the
water inthe freezer has been drained, replace the parts removed eariier.

• Do not place electrical devices intoyour freezer. Personal injurycan occur.
• Do not use sharp objects to defrost yourfreezer. Personal injuryand/or
damage to your freezer can occur.
° Do not use abrasive cleaners, waxes, concentrated detergents or bleaches
on your freezer, Damage can occur.
After you have used your freeze rfor some time, frost will accumulate inside mostly on the upper part of
the foodtiner. This is due to warm, moist air entering the freezer when the door is open and is normal. If
this frost becomes thicker than 1/4", itshould be removed as itwill become less energy efficient due to
longer running times. Under normal circumstances, defrosting will not be necessary more than once a
year. To defrost your freezer properly, follow these instructions:
1. Unplug freezer°
2. Quickly remove all frozen food and store in baskets, cartons or other suitable containers. Keep
them well covered with blankets to avoid excessive temperature rise°
3. Place pans of hot waterin freezer with lid open to speed melting.
4_ Using a wooden spatula or plastic scraper, remove the frost and ice off the foodliner walls as soon
as it becomes loose (approximately !5 minutes from start),
5 A cloth or towel soaked in hot water will help speed up the process. Remove ice from freezer as
soon as it becomes loose, Allowing itto melt will only make cleaning it more difficult.
& You are now ready to clean your freezer.
Oleanlng the Inside
We recommend the following cleaning method: sprinkle baking soda on the sides and bottom of the freezer,
thiswill helpin cleaning and odor removal Inorder to retainthe finish ofthe freezer cabinet, inside and outside,
wash painted and plastic parts only with warm water and mild soap, then rinse and dry. Do not use, under
any circumstances, a gritty soap or a scouring pad as they will scratch the finish,
During the defrosting operation, some watermay have dripped from the backflange ofthe lid cover. This is
quite normal, Ice has built-up on the lid insulation during normal operation and this ice will melt during
defrosting. You will probably have to fold over and dry the gasket on the hinge side ofthe lid tocomplete ths
cleaning process.
Oleanlng the Outside
Wash the cabinet with warm water and mild liquid detergent. Rinse well and wipe dry with a clean soft cloth.

• Freezer may not be plugged in, Make sure plug issecure.
• Perhapsoutletisnotworkingpropedyorfuseisburnedout. Try plugging ina small appliance to
check outlet.
• Package may be holding lid open.
• Bsskets may beoverlapping atcorners°
• Package may be holding lid open.
• Opening lid excessively or left open for too Iong_
• Freezer may not be plugged in.
• OuUet is not working properly or fuse is burned out,
• Package is holding lid open or lid is being opened excsssively orfor too long.
• Extended hot, humid weather.
• Not properly wrapped or sealedo
• Temperature control set too high_ Adjust and wait several hours for temperatureto stabilize.
• Temperature control set too IowoAdjust and wait several hours for temperature to stabilize.
o Ud is being open too often ortoo long.
• Large amount of warm or hot food has been stored requiring time for cool down again
• Freezertid is open slightly.
° Freezer had recently been disconnected and needs time to cool down again.
° Package holding lid open, lid open toooften ortoo Iong_
• Temperature control seton too high a setting.
• Freezer may be maintaining auniform tempe rature.
• Room or outside temperature is hot. A freezerwould normally work harder under these conditions.
• Freezerhad recentlybeendisconnectedandneedstimetocooldownagaino
• Large amount of warm or hot food hss been stored requiring time for cool down again
• Lid is being open too often ortoo long.
• Freezer lid is open slightly,
• Gasket is dirty, worn, cracked, or poorly fitted. Clean or change gasket. Leaks in the door seal will
cause fraezer to run longer in order to maintain desired temperature.
• Built in ovedoad protection at work.
• lntedor needs to be cleaned°

• The exterior freezer walls can be as much as 30°F (16.6°C) warmer than room temperature° This is
. Ftoorweakness, freezer may vibrate ifcompressor is on
° Cabinet is not positioned solidly. Shim to even freezer.
• When the surrounding noise level is low, you may hear the compressor running. This isnormal as
freezers require high efficiency compressors°
• During the start ofthe 'ON' cycle, the freezer operates at higher pressures. This is normal. Sound
will level off or disappear as the freezer continues torun.
• This is normal The metal parts within the freezer expand and contracL The sound should level off or
disappear as the freezer continues to run.
• When refrigerant is circulating throughout the system this type of sound may be heard. This is
• Freezer is not level°
° Flooris uneven orweak.
° Be careful notto leave the lidopen. Always make sure thatthe lid isclosed properly.
• Try not to open the lid more than is necessary especially in hot, humid weather.
• Arrange frozen food systematically so you can quickly find what you need.
• The location ofyour freezer is very important. Don't situate itin a warm, unventilated room, next to
your range orheating vent or where it is in direct contact with the sun.
• If you turn the temperature control to the coldest setting for quick freezing, don't forget to turn itback
to the normal setting,
• Defrost the freezer whenever the frost become 1/4" thick.
• A full freezer stays cold longer than a partly filled one. A freezer full of meat stays cold longer than a
freezer full of baked goods.
• Let hot foods cool to room temperature before placing inthe freezer. Overloading the freezer forces
the compressor to run longero Foods that freeze too slowty may lose quality or spoil.
• Be sureto wrap foods properly and wipe containers dry before placing them inthe freezer, This
cuts down on frost build-up inside the freezer,
• Freezer shelves and baskets should not be lined with aluminum foil, wa_xpaper, or paper towelingo
Liners interfere with cold air circulation, making the freezer less efficient.
Short Vacations (less than 3 weeks): Leave thefreezer operating.
Long Vacations: if the freezer will not be used for several months, remove all food and unplugthe
powercord, Clean and dry the interiorthoroughly, To preventodorand mold growth,leave thefreezer
door openslightly,blockingitopen ifnecessary,
Moving: Disconnectthe powercordplugfromthewalloutleL Remove food, defrostand clean freezero
Secure at! loose items such as base panel, baskets and shelves bytaping them securely in place to
preventdamage. Inthe moving vehicle, securethe freezerto prevent movement and protect the outside
of the freezer with a blanket or similar item°