Crosley CG34700ADD Owner's Manual

Owner's Guide
-_ Gas Range with
Self-Cleaning Oven
Read all instructions before using this appliance.
Thank You forpurchasingourcooking
appliance.Tohelpyouobtainthemaximumincooking WARNING: If the information in this satisfaction,we offerthesesuggestions: manual is not followed exactly, a fire or
explosion may result causing property
[]_=Readthismanualbeforeusingtheappliance, damage, personal injury or death. lETReviewallsafetyandcautioninstructions.
- Do not store or use gasoline or other
lE_ ReviewtheTroubleshootingCharton flammable vapors and liquids in the
pages30 and31 ifservicebecomesnecessary, vicinity of this or any other appliance.
[]S_Includethemodelandserialnumbersofyour - WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS:
Proofofpurchasesuchassalesreceipt Donot try to light any appliance.
will beneededforwarrantyservice.
Do not touch any electricalswitch; do
lET'Youcancontactusat: notuseany phone in yourbuilding.
CustomerAssistance Immediately call your gas supplier %Maytag CustomerService from a neighbor's phone. Follow the
P.O. Box 2370
Cleveland,TN 37320-2370 gas supplier's instructions. 1-800-688-1120 If you cannot reach your gas supplier,
In our continuingeffortto improvethe quality and callthe fire department. performanceofour cookingappliances,it may be necessaryto make changesto the appliancewithout
revisingthis manual. - Installation and service must be
performedby a qualifiedinstaller,service agencyor the gas supplier.
___1_) WARNING:Toreducethe riskof tippingof the
WARNING appliancefromabnormalusageor by excessiveloading
i ofthe oven door, theappliance mustbe secured by a
ALLRANGESCANTIPAND properlyinstalledanti-tipdevice. CAUSEINJURIESTOPERSONS. Ifthe rangeis movedfromthewall,besurethe anti-tip
deviceisengagedwhen the rangeisreplaced.Look
INSTALLANTI-TIPDEVICES underneathrangetoverifythatoneof the rearleveling
PACKEDWITHRANGE. legs isproperlyengagedinthe bracketslot.
FOLLOWALLINSTALLATION The anti-tipdevicesecurestherearlevelinglegtothe
INSTRUCTIONS. floorwhenproperlyengaged.Also,besuretherangeis
Thefollowing instructionsare based onsafety Turn offapplianceand ventilatinghoodtoavoidspreadi considerationsand mustbestrictlyfollowedto eliminate the flame.Extinguishflamethen turn on hoodto remow thepotentialrisks offire,electricshock, or personal injury. -smokeandodor.
Haveyour applianceinstalledand properlygroundedby a Usedry chemicalorfoam-typeextinguisheror baking . qualifiedinstalleraccordingto the installationinstructions, sodato smotherfire or flame.Never usewateron a Havethe installershow you the location of the gas shut off greasefire. valveand how to shut it off in an emergency.
Iffire is inthe ovenor broilerpan, smother byclosing
Alwaysdisconnectpowertoappliancebeforeservicing, oven door. Toensureproper operationand avoidpossibleinjuryor Iffire is ina panon the surfaceburner,cover pan. New
damageto unitdo not attemptto adjust, repair,service, or attemptto pick up or movea flamingpan. replaceany part ofyour applianceunless it is specifically recommendedinthis book.All otherservicingshould be referredto a qualified installeror servicer.
NEVERleave children aloneor unsupervisednearthe
appliancewhen it is in useor isstill hot. NEVERallow
_ _ childrento sit or stand onany partof the appliance.
Besure allpackingmaterialsareremovedfromthe Childrenmustbe taughtthat the _
appliancebefore operatingit. applianceand utensilsin it can be
II ]
hot. Let hot utensilscool in a safe
Keep area aroundapplianceclearand freefrom place, out of reachof smallchildren.
combustiblematerials,gasoline, andother flammable Childrenshouldbetaught that an vaporsand materials, applianceis nota toy. Children
should notbe allowedto play with
If applianceisinstalledneara window,properprecautions controlsor other parts of the unit. shouldbe takento preventcurtainsfrom blowingover
burners. CAUTION:NEVERstoreitemsof
interestto childrenin cabinets above
NEVERleaveanyitemsonthe cooktop.The hotair from an applianceoron the backguardof
the vent may igniteflammable itemsand may increase a range.Childrenclimbingonthe
pressureinclosed containerswhich maycausethemto applianceor onthe appliancedoor burst, to reach itemscouldbe seriouslyinjured.
Manyplasticsare vulnerableto heat.Keep plasticsaway
frompartsof theappliancethat may becomewarmor hot.
Donotleave plasticitemson the cooktop as they may
meltor soften if/eft too close tothe ventor a lighted NEVERuseapplianceas ,- - II_ _d I_1- --
surface burner, a space heaterto heat or . ; w_ ,_
warma roomto prevent _,,.._.. _.
Manyaerosol-typespray cansare EXPLOSIVEwhen potentialhazardto the exposedto.heatand may behighlyflammable.Avoid their user anddamagetothe useor storage near anappliance, appliance. Also, do not
usethe cooktop or oven
Toeliminatethe hazardof reachingover hot surface as a storageareafor food
burners,cabinetstorageshouldnot be provideddirectly orcookingutensils. " abovea unit. Ifsuch storage is provided,it shouldbe
limitedto itemswhichare used infrequentlyand which are Do not obstructthe flowof combustionandventilati< safelystored inanarea subjectedto heatfrom an by blockingtheoven vent or air intakes.Restriction appliance.Temperaturesmaybeunsafe for some items, flow tothe burnerpreventsproper performanceand
suchasvolatileliquids, cleanersor aerosol sprays, increasescarbon monoxideemissionto unsafeleve
Avoidtouchingovenvent area whileovenison and for NEVERheat an unopenedcontaineron thesurface severalminutesafterovenisturnedoff,Somepartsofthe burnerorinthe oven.Pressurebuild-upmaycause ventandsurroundingareabecomehotenoughtocause containerto burstresultinginseriouspersonalinjuryor
burns.Afterovenisturnedoff,do nottouchtheovenvent damagetothe appliance. orsurroundingareasuntiltheyhavehadsufficienttimeto
cool. Usedry,sturdypotholders.Damppotholdersmaycause
, burnsfromsteam.Dishtowelsorothersubstitutesshould
appliancedoorordrawer,if neverbeusedas potholdersbecausetheycan trail equipped,asa stepstoolor acrosshotsurfaceburnersandigniteorgetcaughton seatasthismayresultin applianceparts. possibletippingofthe
appliance,damagetothe _ Alwaysletquantitiesofhotfatusedfordeepfatfrying appliance,andserious coolbeforeattemptingtomoveor handle.
accumulateinornear theappliance,hoodorventfan.
Donottoucha hotovenlightbulbwitha dampclothas Cleanhoodfrequentlyto preventgreasefrom
thebulbcouldbreak:Shouldthe bulbbreak,disconnect accumulatingonhoodorfilter.Whenflamingfoodsunder
powertotheappliancebeforeremovingbulbto avoid thehoodturnthe fanoffas thefanmayspreadtheflame. electricalshock.
NEVERweargarments _'2,_ _-_ madeofflammablematerial
orloosefittingorlong Alwaysplacea panona surfaceburnerbeforeturningit hanging-sleevedapparel on. Besureyouknowwhichknobcontrolswhichsurface whilecooking.Clothingmay burner.Makesurethe correctburneristurnedonandthat igniteor catchutensil
theburnerhasignited.Whencookingiscompleted,turn handles. burneroffbeforeremovingpanto preventexposureto
ovenis cool.Slideovenrackouttoaddor removefood,
extendbeyondthe bottomedgeofthepan.An excessive usingdrysturdypotholders.Alwaysavoidreachinginto
flameishazardous,wastesenergyandmay damagethe theovento addorremovefood.If a rackmustbe moved appliance,panorcabinetsabovetheappliance, whilehot,usea drypotholder.Alwaysturntheovenoffat
NEVERleavea surface theendofcooking.
cookingoperationunattended__when / /
especially usinga high / I'_ Usecarewhen openingtheoven door.Let hotair or
heatsettingor when deepfat steamescapebefore remQvingor replacingfood.
smokingandgreasyspillovers PREPAREDFOODWARNING:Followfood mayignite.Cleanup greasy manufacturer'sinstructions.If a plasticfrozenfood
spillsas soonaspossible.Do containerand/oritscoverdistorts,warps,orisotherwise
notusehighheatfor extended damagedduringcooking,immediatelydiscard the food cookingoperations, and its container.The food could be contaminated.
Use panswithflatbottomsand handlesthatare easily Turn offall controlsand waitforappliancepartstococ
graspedandstaycool.Avoidusingunstable,warped, beforetouchingor cleaningthem.Do nottouchthebu
easilytippedorloosehandledpans.Alsoavoidusing gratesorsurroundingareasuntiltheyhavehadsuffici
pansespeciallysmallpans,withheavyhandlesasthey timetocool. couldbeunstableandeasilytip.Pansthatareheavyto
movewhenfilledwithfoodmay also be hazardous. Cleanappliancewithcaution.Use careto avoid stearr
burnsif a wet spongeor clothis usedto wipe spillson
Be sureutensilislargeenoughto properlycontainfood hotsurface.Somecleanerscan producenoxiousfume and avoid boilovers.Pansize isparticularlyimportantin appliedto a hot surface.
deep fat frying. Besurepan will accommodatethe volume
of foodthat isto be addedas well asthe bubbleaction of fat.
Cleanonly partslistedin this manual. Do notcleando_
Tominimizeburns,ignitionofflammable materialsand gasket.Thedoor gasketisessentialfor a goodseal. C spillagedue to unintentionalcontact withthe utensil,do should betaken notto rub, damage,or movethe gask
not extend handles t , Do notuseovencleanersofany kindin or aroundany
overadjacentsurfaCeburners.Alwaysturn _.:_%j_ _ partofthe self-cleanoven.
pan handlestoward "-CL_XJ/_> Before serf-cleaningthe oven,removebroilerpan,ove
thesideor backof the _ racks,andother utensils,and wipe offexcessive
appliance,not out into spilloversto prevent excessivesmokeorflare ups.
the roomwherethey CAUTION:Do not leave food or cookingutensils,etc. i
areeasily hitor theoven duringthe self-clean cycle. reachedby small
Children. It is normalfor the cooktopofthe rangeto becomehot
during a self-cleancycle.Therefore,touching or lifting1
Neverlet a pan boildryasthiscoulddamagethe utensil cooktopduringa clean cycle shouldbeavoided. andthe appliance.
Followthe manufacturer'sdirectionswhen usingoven cookingbags.
TheCaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater andToxic Enforcerr
Onlycertaintypes of glass, glass/ceramic,ceramic,or Act of 1986(Proposition65)requiresthe Governorof
glazedutensilsare suitablefor cooktop or oven usage Californiato publisha listof substancesknownto the without breakingdue tothe suddenchange in Stateof Californiato cause canceror reproductivehare temperature, and requiresbusinessesto warn customersof potential
exposuresto such substances.
Thisappliancehasbeen testedforsafe performance
usingconventionalcookware.Do not useany devicesor Usersofthis applianceare herebywarnedthat the accessoriesthat arenotspecificallyrecommendedinthis burningofgas can resultin low-levelexposureto some
manual.Donot useeyelidcoversfor the surface units, the listedsubstances,includingbenzene,formaldehyde stovetop grills,or add-on oven convectionsystems.The and soot, due primarilytothe incompletecombustionof
useofdevicesor accessoriesthat are not expressly naturalgasor liquidpetroleum(LP)fuels. Properly
recommendedinthis manual can createserioussafety adjusted burnerswill minimizeincompletecombustion.
hazards,result inperformanceproblems,and reducethe Exposureto these substancescan also beminimized b,
lifeofthe componentsofthe appliance, properlyventingthe burnersto the outdoors.
._I_ or pressand holdthese pads
........... toentertime,oventemperatureor
C_ to select HI orLO broil.
-- Pressthis padto cancelallopera- tionsexceptthe TIMER.The time of daywill reappearin the display.
1.PressCLOCKpad. 1. PressBROILpad.
2. Pressor pressand hold 2. Press or padto
or paduntil correct select.HIor LO broil. timeofday appearsin display.
Seepage 17 for additionalinformation.
Displaywill flashwhen powerissuppliedto unit. PressCLOCKpadto recalltime of daywhen another
functionis displayed. Clocktime cannot bechangedif oven issetfor timed 1. PressCOOKTIME pad
bakeor delayedclean operation.Canceltheoperation andenter desired -- beforesettingthe clock, cookingtime, then
2. Press BAKEpadand
1. PressTIMER pad. enter oventemperature, then
2. Pressor pressand hold
or pad untilcorrect timeappearsindisplay. 3. To delay the start of
Thetimerfeaturedoesnotoperatetheoven. PressSTOP TIME pad then
Thetimercanbesetfrom1 minute[OHR:01]upto99 wishtheoventoturnoff. hoursand59minutes[99:59].
Ovenwillautomaticallyturnonandoffatthe preselected
Thetimerwillstartautomatically.Flashingcolonindicates times.Beepswillsignaltheendofcooking.See page16 thatthe timeris inuse.Onelongbeepsignalsthe endof foradditionalinformation. thetimeroperation.
Tocanceltimer: PressandholdTIMERpadfor 3 seconds.Timeof daywill reappearinthedisplay.
2. PressSELF-CLEANpad.
1. PressBAKEpad. 3. Ovenwillautomatically then cleanfor3 hoursor,
2. Press or paduntil press or padand
correctoventemperature then select2to 4 hours. appearsindisplay. Beepswill sound and"door" will flash in display if oven
See page 12for additionalinformation, door isnot properlylocked.See.page19for additional
Youhavea choiceofthree "endof timer" reminderbeeps. Youhave a choiceofthree"end ofcooking"reminder
Option 1: One beepthen onebeep every 30seconds beepsfor the Automatic OvenTimerfeature. forthe next5 minutesor untilcanceled. Option 1: Fourbeepsthenonebeepevery30 secoJ
Option 2: One beep thenone beepevery minutefor forthe next 5 minutesor untilcanceled, thenext 12hours oruntilcanceled.
Option 3: Onebeep.Thereare nootherbeeps. Option2: Fourbeepsthenonebeepevery minutef
(Defaultoption.) thenext 12 hours oruntilcanceled.
Howto selectthe desiredoption: Option3: Fourbeeps.Thereare nootherbeeps.
1. Pressand holdboth How to select the desiredoption:
TIMERandCANCEL padsfor 3 seconds. -- and 11Pressandholdboth
A singlebeepwillsound. COOKTIME and and CANCELpadsfor 3
Displaywillshowcurrentoption, seconds.
2. Press or padto A singlebeepwillsound. selecttheoptionnumber
youwish.The currenttime Displaywillshowcurrentoption. ofdaywill reappearinthe 2. Press or padto
displayafter4 seconds, selecttheoptionnumber
youwish.The currenttime ofdaywillreappearinthe
displayafter4 seconds.
TheControlLock-Outfeature preventsthe ovenfrom beingturned on.
1. Pressand heldboth STOPTIME and and The 12 HourEnergySaverfeatureautomaticallyturn
CANCELpadsfor 3 theovenifitwas accidentlyleft onfor12hours.To seconds, deactivatethisfeaturesotheovenwillNOTturnoff
automaticallyattheendof 12 hours:
2. LOCKindicatorwillappearindisplaywhenthis featureisactivated. 1.PressandholdCLOCKpad
Repeatstep1todeactivate, for 3 seconds.
2. Press or paduntil hen 8888appearsinthedisplay,
Currenttime ofdaywill reappearinthedisplayafter
If you preferthatthe time of day is notdisplayed: 4 seconds.
1. Pressandholdboth CLOCKandCANCEL Repeatsteps1 and 2 to reactivatethefeature,12 wi
padsfor 3 seconds. -- and appearin displaytOindicatethe EnergySaver featur
Whenclockdisplayis reactivated. disabled,pressCLOCKpad
torecalltimeof dayinthedisplayfor4 seconds,Display willthenblank.
If a powerfailureoccurswhentheclockhas been disabled,thedisplaywillnotflashwhenpoweris restored.
Repeatstep 1toreactivateclockfeature.
Yourrangeisequippedwithpilotlessignition.Be sureall Topreventdamagetothecooktoporpan, neveroperate surfacecontrolsareset in theOFF positionpriorto surfaceburnerwithout a pan in place,never allowa pan
supplyinggastothe appliance, to boildry and neveroperate a surface burneron HIGH
for extendedperiodsoftime.
IMPORTANT:Whentheapplianceis first installed,the To light surfaceburner: surfaceburnersmaybe difficulttolightduetoairinthe 1. Placea panon theburnergrate
NOTE:The burnerflame mayliftoffthe burner head
disconnectedfromthe main gassupply or if it hasnot beenusedfor several days orweeks, and a"roaring" sound may be heardif a panis not
placedonthe gratebefore lightingthe burner.
To removethe air inthe gas line, holda lightedmatch 2. Push in andturn knobto the LITEposition.
nextto the burner head and turn the knobon. When
theburner lights,eitheradjustthe knobto the desired flame size orturn the burneroff.
Pilotlessignitionuses a sparkfromthe ignitorto light the burner.There are two ignitorsfor conventionalsurface burners.Each sealedburnerhas itsown ignitor.Oncethe burnerlights,turnthe knobto the desiredsetting.The clickingsoundwill not stopuntilthe knob is turned from theLITE position.
3. Afterthe burnerlights, turnthe knobto thedesired
flamesize.The ignitorswillcontinueto sparkuntilthe
Ignitor knobisturnedfromtheLITEposition.
CAUTION: Iftheflameshouldgo outduringa cooking
operation,turn theburneroff.If gashasaccumulated
NOTE:The surfaceburnerwill not lightif the ignitor is and a stronggasodoris detected,wait 5 minutesfor
damaged,broken,soiled or wet.Also, the burnerwill not the gasodor to disappearbefore relightingburner. lightifthe smallportbeneaththe ignitorisblocked.See
page23for cleaninginstructions.
Tolight surfaceburnerduring a powerfailure:
1.Be sureall controlsare intheOFF position.
2. Holda lightedmatchtothedesiredsurfaceburner head.
3. Pushinandturnknobtothe LITEposition.The burner willthenlight.
4. Adjusttheflametothe desiredflamesize.
CAUTION:When lightingthesurfaceburner,be sure
allofthe controlsare in theOFF position.Strikethe matchfirstandholditin positionbeforeturningthe knobtothe LITEposition.
Usea HIGHflame settingto quicklybringliquidsto a boil A properlyadjusted burnerwithclean ports willlightwi orto begina cooking operation.Then reduceto a lower afew seconds.
settingto continuecooking. Neverleave food
unattendedwhen usinga HIGH flame setting. On naturalgas,theflamewillbe bluewitha deeperbh
core;thereshouldbe notraceofyellowintheflame.
_ __. A yellowflame indicatesan impropermixture of air/ga.,
Thiswastesfuel, so havea servicemanadjustthe mi_ ifa yellow flameoccurs.
on LPgas, someyellowtipping isacceptable.This is
__ normaland adjustmentis not necessary.
An intermediateflamesize isusedto continuea cooking You mayheara "popping"sound on sometypes of ga.'
operation.Foodwill not cook any faster when a higher whenthesurfaceburneristurnedoff.Thisisa normal flamesettingis usedthan neededto maintain a gentle operatingsoundofthe burner. boil. Remember,waterboilsatthe sametemperature whetherboilinggentlyorvigorously.
Use LO to simmeror keep foodsat servingtemperatures. Adjusttheflame size so it
does not extend beyond /,Fv
the edgeof the cooking
_ ' utensil"Thisisfor pers°nal __L_
safetyand to prevent possibledamageto the appliance,pan,or cabinets
abovethe appliance.This
also improvescooking
efficiency. Somecookingmaytake placeon the LO setting ifthe cookingutensil iscovered.Iffood does boil onthe LO NOTE: Ifa knobisturned very quicklyfrom the HIto tl" setting,itis possibleto reducethe heat byrotatingthe LOsetting,the flame may go out, particularlyif the bur= knobtoward theOFF position, iscold. Ifthis occurs, turn the knobtothe OFFposition
Waitseveralseconds,then light the burneragain.
Besuretoadjustthe knobso there isan adequatesupply
of gas to maintaina stableflame onthe burner.Checkto be sure burnerislit andthe flame is stable.
Undernocircumstancesarethe surfaceburner The porcelainon the burner is durablebut over timeand
assembliesto be taken apartfor cleaning.The surface with usemay graduallylose itsshine.
burnerassemblycan be removedto cleanthe burner box
area. Thesealed surfaceburnersare securedto the cooktop Thetwo surface burnerassembliesare securedin place and are NOT designedto beremovedby theconsumer.
during transportationwithscrews. Oncethe rangeis
installed,thesescrews may be removedto allow quick Select modelsfeatureone or two special SUPERHIGH andeasy removalof the burner assemblies. SPEEDsealedburnerslocated at the right-frontand
left-rear.Usethese burnersto quicklybringwaterto a boil and when using largerpans. See informationon rating
plate, locatedon the lower rangefront frame behindthe broiler door or lower panel,to determine if your appliance featuresthese burners.
Clean burnercapaftereach use especially if a spillover occurs.A soiled burnermayresult in improperignitionor an unevenflame.Whencleaningthe sealedsurface
burner,use careto preventdamageto the ignitor.If a
_j/_ cleaning clothshouldcatch the ignitor,it could be
_- damaged or broken.
Toremove:Allowthe burnerassemblyto cool. Liftup _- __ Lip cooktop.Graspthe burner assemblyand rotate it slightly /" \ j Ports towardthe leftto releasethe two tabs onthe assembly.
Then lift the assembly and pulltowardthe back of the (_.____ Ignitor cooktopuntilthe airshutter endson the assemblyrelease
fromthe valves. _ _ Portdirectlybelow ignitor TOreplace: Insertthe air shutterends onthe burner
assemblyoverthe valvesand lowerthe assemblyinto place.Be sureto secure thetwotabs on theburner assemblyintothetwo slotson the burnersupportbracket Thesurface burnerwill not light if the ignitoris damaged,
which is mountedto theburner boxbottom.(NOTE: If the broken,soiledor wet. The burnerwill also notlight if the tabsare not properly insertedintothe slots,the assembly ports, especiallythesmall 3ortlocateddirectlybelow the
mayrockand the burners maynot lightproperly.) ignitor,are blocked.
Cookwarewhichextendsmorethan two inchesbeyond Thepan materialdetermineshowevenlyand quickly h_
the grate,rests on two grates,or touchesthe cooktopmay isconductedfrom the heatsource to thefood. Some
causea build upof heat whichmay result in damageto widely usedpan materialsare:
thethe burnergrate, burneror cooktop.
Aluminum - excellentheatconductor.Somefoods will
Cookware,such asa wok with a support ring,which
causeit todarkenor pit.Often usedas a bottomcoatin
restrictsaircirculation aroundthe burnerwillcause heat
to improvethe heatingof other pan materials.
to build upand may resultin damageto the burner grate,
burneror cooktop. Copper- excellentheatconductor.Discolorseasily, Foodscookfasterwhenthecookwareis coveredbecause requiresconstant polishing.Often usedas a bottom
moreheat is retained. Lowerthe flame size when coatingto improvethe heating ofother panmaterials. cookwareiscovered.
Stainless Steel - slowconductor-ofheat. Developsho
The cookingperformanceisgreatly affectedby the type of spotsand producesunevencookingresults. Durable,
cookwareused.Proper cookwarewill reducecooking attractive,easy to clean and stain resistant.Will distrib_ times,use less energyand producemoreeven cooking heatbetter if other metals(aluminumor copper)are
results.For best resultsuse a heavygauge metal pan combinedor sandwichedtogetheras a bottom coating. with asmoothflat bottom,straight sidesand atight fitting
lid. CastIron - slowheat conductor.Cooksevenly once Cookwarewith uneven,warped, or grooved bottomsdo temperatureis reached. Heavy.Needsseasoningto m
notmakegoodcontactwith the heatingsurface,will cleaningeasierand to preventstickingand rusting. reduceheatconductivityand resultin slower,lesseven
Glass- slow heatconductor.Easyto clean. Sometyp_
heating, mayonly be used in the oven.
Todeterminethe flatnessofthe bottomof a pan, placethe
edgeofa ruleracrossthe bottomofthe utensil.Hold it up Porcelain Enamel - glass-likesubstancefused to me1
to the light.Littleor no light should be visible underthe Heatingcharacteristicsdependon basematerial.Easy
ruler, clean.
beoversizedand shouldnot rest on two burner grates.
They shouldalso haveflat bottoms. WhenCanning,usethe HIsettingjust untilthe water
comesto a boilor pressureis reached ina pressure
canner,thenreducetoa settingthat maintainsthe
pressureor a boil. Prolongeduse ofthe HI setting,the useof incorrect
canningutensils,or the useof improper canning
techniquesmay produce excessiveheatand result in
, permanentdamage to the appliance.
NOTE:Foradditional canninginformationcontactyour localCounty ExtensionOffice.Or, contactAIItrista ConsumerProductsCompany,marketerof Ball brand homecanningproductsat800-240-3340or write:
Ailtrista Corp., ConsumerAffairs Dept., P.O.Box 2729,
Besureovencontrolisset inthe OFF positionpriorto Theoven ventis locatedat the baseof the backguard. supplyinggasto the appliance. Whenthe oven is in use,this area mayfeel warm or hotto
thetouch. Topreventbakingproblems,do notblockthe
Yourappliancefeaturespilotlessignition.A globarwill ventopeninginanyway.Also, do notplaceplasticsnear
lighttheoven burner.With this type of ignitionsystem,the the vent openingas heatfrom the vent could distortor ovenwill not operateduring a power failureor ifthe oven meltthe plastic.
isdisconnectedfromthe wall outlet. No attempt should be madeto operateovenduring a powerfailure.
Do notlockovendoorduringa bake orbroiloperation.
- If dooris locked,beepswillsoundand "door"will flashindisplaywhentheBAKEorBROILpadis
Thesizeand appearanceofa properlyadjustedoven pressed.
burnerflameshouldbe as shown:
i._-- - Ifdoor is locked duringa cookingoperation,the
Coneincenterissmaller operationwill be canceledand, ifoventemperature
is above 400°F,the internal lockingmechanismwill engage.The door can not beunlockedand opened
untiltheoven has cooled.
- Coneapprox.1/2-inch The oven burner cycleson and off to maintainthe oven
temperaturefor baking.The broilburnerturns on for broilingand cycleson and off to maintainthe broil
Theoven temperatureismaintainedby cyclingthe burner If you press BAKEor BROIL pad anddo not set an on andoff.Afterthe oventemperaturehasbeenset,there oventemperatureor broilsettingwithin30seconds,the willbe abouta 45 seconddelaybeforethe burnerignites, programwill automaticallycancel.Thetime ofday will Thisis normaland nogas escapesduringthisdelay, reappearinthedisplay.
Duringthe clean cycle,and someextended ovencooking Tochange oventemperatureduring operations,you may heara "popping"soundwhen the cooking, press or pad to select burnercyclesoff.This is a normaloperatingsoundofthe newtemperature.
1.Press BAKEpad.
2. Pressor pressand hold or padto select oven temperature.
350°will lightwhen eitherpad is pressed.
Oventemperaturecan beset from 100°to 550°.
3. There will bea 4 seconddelaybeforethe oven turns on.When the oven turnson: PREHEAT BAKE
PREHEATindicatorwill light inthe display. INDICATOR SYMB(
The BAKEsymbolwill light in display.
100° or the actual oventemperaturewill appearin
The temperaturewill increaseby5°untilthe oven
reachesthe preselectedtemperature.
Pressthe BAKEpadto recall the preselected
temperatureduring preheat.
4. Allow8to 15minutesfor the ovento preheat.
A single beep willindicatethatthe oven has
The PREHEATindicatorwillturn off.
5. Placefood in the oven.
6. Check cookingprogressat the minimumcooking NOTE:See pages 13, 14,and 15for additional time.Cooklonger if needed, informationon bakingand roasting.
7. PressCANCELpadand removefoodfrom the oven.
Timeof day willreappear in display.
b .'-Ii-!.ZIU
NOTE:If you forgetto turn off the oven,it will
automaticallyturn off at the end of 12hours. If
youwishtodeactivatethisenergysavingfeatur see page6.
+ 28 hidden pages