Do This First
! !
(for existing sleeve)
N_te _he_r coP_tienerdi_ c_n_a_e 24 _w_:_e,
4Y__';high_and i9' dee# (wi_h(>u_iron_). _nSt_! Air
©o_#i_lSre_ _irg 1o hose _nSlai_a_;oRins_r_c;Jons
_c_eve _e best _erferma_ce. Save ihe_e i
_e as _r #Jtufe refer-eeoc.
Items in Kit
Yo_ may act need a_ pa.rr[_s i_ _;e _;_t.Di _n_sed
Tap Sp_c_ BI;ocks
Con dS_J e
Plss_ic D ¢
S_er Sea!
Tt_m Fram_ (side i
T¢_mFrame (top & bet__em_egs}
G_O_un_ (green,)
NI4t te_ g_'[_u s{::¢ew
G_ S
G[i!_ A£_mi_um
_CrSW @r
4Y;_"X 3rx ' X i:_S"
!/8" × 4/½"_Xi4>Y_'
t"x 1S.9'_× 25
CAUT!ON: When ins_ai!a_ie_is co_e_e_ repi_cemen:t
ua_ MUST have a rearward
2. Remove e_dAir Ca er wall sleeve aa_}
re wa_! e _s fei_lews:
-- Clean riot (_e not #isturb se_{_s).
-- :sle_e mus_:be ee¢_ure;_y _ed _ wall before
ia_a!_ A_r CoadiiioP>e_, me_e or sc_s
shfeugh s _into waq if e
-- air #aia_ i_r_eede_
3 & If ne_ existing, ddl_ a 3il@'clearar_e hole _ergro_#d-
2 i_ _er'ew 'Lh_u_gh_fl _ S e, _na a_ea
3 about 3 _i ma,×i_um (_0Suit)_)ack _r0#[ _
2 elsl as shown be_w. h g_O_# wire m
2 sleeve, asmg grounding Sc_ew_ nu_ washer _ bose
2 _ of @teun_ v#re eJ_ lron_ of _1 _and le rar_iy
bend g:de,we aad d !ower edge of s I
slee,ze to _ait
How to Install
• _i_>, _h_ w_ll-el b_d f_ yo_ installation,
_h.echa_ below_
Sl_ve D_n_eas
!5% !60 _! 7>s
CaF_ (5£F Sedes}
Ge#e_ Biectrid
_r 23
27 1& ,_v°
or 19_
Ca:_rrie_ (5!S Sodas) 18X,
i 8_<, I 6_4
E: A!_we!! s uee_ to m_Jn_ _he new Nr
Cen@,ierer mus_:be i_ :soua_ s_r_Jc_ura!eo_ier_ an_
have a _ea,£_i:_}e fha_ secufe:ly a_es _,esle_e0 e[
rear flange _ha_se_es _ a step fo_ the A;,r Coadiaen÷e_.
4, re _hewaif @ er #n n ef the _ew _m_t
pe_ the _e!!o Bran_ ins ens,
#! Emezse_
#2 Fedde_'s
#3 Fed or Fne@_h
#4 Genc_al El etpeir_
#5 Soars o_C (818 as)
#8 WB!_ S_:_ngh,[}_SdF[!_gdSi_d
Came,_ (SZF " i "
#'9 Whi_e-We_aghouSe/Fr_g_dai_e
& !aslaii e,ew _i_ i_:_waii sleeve,
& _o a_tach gtea_d wi_e to _heae_ _ai_ remove _e
screw #era _e lea ,_ide #ea_
7. Asse_!e arid :_r_a!: _he
Tr_m_tame (see _s_ac{ 0_)1

This un_t:"s in€teased #efformance characteristics result from having _wo _ea_ air i_akes,
It is vep/im£o_ant that _hese installation ns[ructions are fo_owed so your un_ can o#erat:e at maximum
i_ there _san exist n# sleeve, and there _san existi_ng rear g[ii_e it meeds to be _eplaced by one !:hal has
been shl with the unit in 1he ace _ kit,
1, Remove the e×iistmg ,gd_ie,
2, Place the included aluminum g_ille towards the rea_ of the unil,
3, Ma_k _hrough _he hole positions,
4, Dril! through the sleeve flanges with a 1/8 _ ddiI bit,
5, Attach the new g[i_le with seIFthreading screws and washers (_o_:_inc_uded),
6, _ is VERY IMPORTANT _ha_ _he gdlle is p_aced exactly as shown,

Wall Sleeve Brands: ,#1 Emerson
1, Remove existing rear grille as shown on Page 2 of this
manual and replaoe with provided [ouvered rear panel.
Instal[ as shown here.
2, h (i) 1" × 3/8" x 25" long seal in the center at the
top of the sleeve, Remove the backing t3aper and press
into position,
3, h (2) ! _ x 3/8" x 14" seals to fl_e left and righ_ sides
of Me sleeve.
4, Cut (2) ! _x 3/8!' x 25" long _als to !4 '_long each
and attach to the vertical sections of the grille as shown,
5, h (2)4 W' x 3 W°x I W' centering/support blocks
one on each side wall. Place in center of side wall with
the tapered end facing Me opening,
6, Gently slide unit into sleeve,
7, Before sliding al!-th_way back, remove 2nd from
front on left side of unit,
8, Remove 'the plastic washer the screw,
9, and attach the o_e_ end of _e ground wire to
the uni_ as shown in picture, Make sure that the ed
washer is against the cabinet:,
10, Slide 'the unR completely to the rear to ensure a good
seal, making sure the ground wire d_es not become
1!, Seal & Frame the unit as described on the last page of
these inst_udions,

Wall Sleeve Brands: #2 F_s 19_,
i, Remove existing rear gr;ile ,as shown on P_g_ 2 of _his
ma_U_ and roplace p[ovided b teat panel,
Install as show_! here.
2. A_ach (2) 4 Vz"x 3 _4_÷× i W' conscript's blocks one
on each side wall. Pla_ i# center d s_e wall w_h _e
red: end facing the op#ing,
3, Cut (2) !7" Tapered Spa_ BI as _low i_
4. The 4° section _splaced i_ fro_ of 1he rib on with #}e
_ed e_o facing the ba_ of _e sl , The femai_hhg
peAion will be placed _#_nd _e _b agai_ sloping t rdi
#'_erear o_the sl . _is helps i_duce a rd slo_
the uR[t,
5, A_ch ,fl_ 1 × 3/8 × 25, long _al i_ the _n_er at the
lop of the sleeve, Re_ve the b ng p a_d press
i;nto position,
6, {2) 1" x 3/8" × 14" _als !o _e leftand right si_s
of the sl ,
7, Cut (r2) ! _ X X 25 _'long IStO !4' long h
and a to _he s o! the g_ille as shown.
8, Gently sli_ ur_i_,into sleeve,
9, re sliding all-_e_ay back, remove 2nd _few
on le_ of u_it.
! 0. R the plastic washe_ _he scr_,
11, Screw and the o&er e_'_do_the g_eu_d to
the unff as shown in re, Make sure that the t_thed
washe_ is against the cabinet,
!2. SI_{_ the unit letely to _e to e_s_;re a go_ _al,
m_k_ng sure _e nd w_re _es not me tangled.
! 3. Seal & _he uait as described oe the last page ef
these instructions.