CRMET CH1788-ET, CH1788-3ET, CH1788-3, CH1788 Datasheet

Surface Mount PLCC 2400bps Modem
2003 Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc. Page 1 Document No. 607-0018 Revision A2 (07/03)
The CH1788 modem has the smallest footprint and lowest profile of any commercially available full function, FCC Part 68 approved 2400bps modem. Utilizing a 68 pin PLCC form factor and requiring a minimum amount of PCB space (0.95”x0.95”x
0.255”), the CH1788 affords the design engineer maximum flexibility. The CH1788 provides two external interfaces: a CCITT V.24 standard 5 volt serial interface for routing directly to a UART; and a TIP and RING interface for connection to the PSTN telephone line. The CH1788 is compatible with available industry communication software or may be controlled with software commands via an embedded microcontroller.
The CH1788 modem supports asynchronous operation at 2400bps, 1200bps, and 300bps to both Bell and CCITT standards. Each device is FCC approved and Canadian DOT approvable. An FCC label is supplied. The CH1788 also meets UL 1950 Edition 3 requirements.
The CH1788 family of modems operate from a 5 volt DC supply (3.3 volt devices are available by special order). The combination of low power operation, zero power standby mode and small form factor make the CH1788 an ideal choice for portable equipment applications.
Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram of CH1788.
Supports data rate standards, CCITT V.22bis,V.22, Bell 212, and Bell 103, Bell 202, V.23.
Fast connect handshaking.
FCC Part 68 approved and DOT CSA CS-03 Part I
UL 1950 and CSA C22.2 950 Listed.
AT Command structure.
Speed buffered operation at: 9600, 2400, 1200
and 300bps.
Call progress tone detection.
Caller ID information.
Line In Use and Priority Pick Up 911 feature
support with external circuitry.
DTMF generation and detection resident on CH1788.
5 volt operation/ 3.3 volt operation available.
Low power operation with automatic reduced
power idle and zero power standby modes.
Low profile PLCC surface mount packaging; fits standard 68 pin PLCC socket.
Size: 0.95” x 0.95” x 0.255”(nominal).
CH1788 Operating Temperature:
0°C to +70°C
CH1788ET Operating Temperature:
-40°C to +85°C
CH1788-3 3.3 volt Operation Operating Temperature:
0°C to +70°C
CH1788-3ET 3.3 volt Operation Operating Temperature:
-40°C to +85°C
Figure 1 contains a functional block drawing of the CH1788. The CH1788 is a highly integrated, full­function modem, comprised of a modulator/ demodulator, controller, and an FCC Part 68 approved telephone line interface.
Modulation/Demodulation and Modem Controller.
This function is provided by a monolithic modem integrated circuit. The function is performed to CCITT standards thereby making the CH1788 compatible
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with all modems. The ability to execute AT commands is consistent with industry standards.
Telephone Line Interface or DAA. The CH1788 is designed to meet 1500VAC RMS isolation and provide 2122V peak surge protection. Consequently, the CH1788 satisfies North American and some international requirements. Note that supplemental protection is required for FCC Part 68 conveyed approval (see Figure 3 of this document). This supplemental protection also improves field reliability and facilitates FCC part 15 approval.
AT Command Set. Internal to the CH1788 is an AT
command interpreter. AT commands and their associated S-registers provide macro functionality. These commands are summarized in this document and are detailed in Cermetek publication CH1788 AT Command and S-Register Reference Guide.
The CH1788 supports command concatenation. A maximum of 63 characters (excluding AT) may be included on each command line. S-registers provide added programmability by allowing key parameters to be configured for a specific application.
Serial Host Interface. The serial interface is a standard TTL V.24 5V DC interface. It is functionally similar to an RS232 interface.
Do not use RS232 interface voltage levels on the serial pins. Damage may result. Adhere to the TTL V.24 5V DC interface standard. See Schematic 7 for a suggested circuit to interface RS-232 logic to the CH1788 TTL V.24 logic.
Command Characters. Each data byte or command character consists of ten bits: 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, and eight data bits. The data bits can be either eight bits with no parity or seven odd or even with 1 parity bit. The start bit is LOW going. RXD and TXD data is non-inverted. See the pin descriptions in Table 2.
Data Encoding. The data encoding is user configurable. The ATB command sets the decoding. The following CCITT standards are supported: V.22bis, V.22, Bell 212A, 103, Bell 202 or V.23.
Speed Buffered Mode. Speed Buffering allows the serial data interface or DTE speed (i.e., the speed between the host microcontroller and the CH1788) to be fixed regardless of the connect or DCE speed (i.e., the speed between the CH1788 and the remote modem).
The option exists to disable Speed Buffering by using the ATY0 command. If Speed Buffering is disabled,
the data connection DCE speed will be equivalent to the originating modems serial connection DTE speed. In other words, disabling Speed Buffering forces the answering modem to connect with a DCE speed equivalent to the serial DTE speed of the originating modem.
Data Transmission Speed. The CH1788 allows the DTE speed to be set to 300, 1200, 2400, or 9600bps. The DCE speed can be set to 2400, 1200, or 300bps. A connect message will appear on RXD indicating the connected data rate.
General Operation. By definition, the originating modem initiates the PSTN connection and the answering modem accepts the incoming call. The connectivity speed (i.e., DCE speed) is determined by the originating modem.
The originating modem’s DTE speed is established, in turn, with an initializing AT command issued by the application’s host controller. Speed Buffering allows the CH1788 to communicate with the host controller at a DTE speed that is greater than the connect DCE speed.
Assuming that the default configuration of the CH1788 has not been modified with the ATB or ATY0 commands, the answering modem will attempt to connect to the originating modem at the highest possible data rate supported by the originating modem. The connection rate can be less than the maximum of 2400bps, for example, if the PSTN line is impaired in some way.
By default upon power up, the CH1788 DTE speed is set to 9600bps and Speed Buffering is enabled.
Typical Implementation. In a typical implementation, the CH1788 has a DTE speed of 9600bps and will connect to the remote modem at a DCE speed of 2400bps. Speed Buffering allows the CH1788 to negotiate the DCE speed independent of the DTE speed. Data transfer to the host will be at the DTE Speed Buffered rate of 9600bps. In this case, flow control is not required.
It is possible for the DTE speed to be slower than the DCE speed. For example, a serial interface DTE speed of 1200 bps and a data rate DCE speed of 2400 bps. In this case, flow control must be employed by the host to prevent buffer overflow and lost data.
The CH1788 has two power down modes: idle power standby and zero power standby.
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Idle Power Standby. In idle power standby mode, power is switched off automatically by the CH1788 after a period of no activity and is restored automatically by the CH1788 when activity is again detected. Activity is defined as a change of status on DTR, TXD, RST or on any of the other input pins or an Incoming Ringing signal on TIP/RING. Idle power mode transitions are transparent to the user.
Zero Power Standby. In applications requiring near zero power during standby periods, the power may be switched completely off to the CH1788. This is done by issuing the AT@Z command or by toggling DTR after the ATR5 command has been executed. Normal operation is resumed by performing a 50 msec (minimum) hardware reset on the RST pin.
The CH1788 produces a low going 80 msec pulse on the RI Pin when a valid Incoming Ring signal is detected. By default, a valid ring signal must fall within the 10-75 Hz range and have a cadence of 2 seconds on and 4 seconds off. Alternate frequency ranges and ring cadence’s may be programmed.
The CH1788 may be reset using any of the following methods. Delay sending commands to the CH1788 for a period of 500 msec after reset has been completed to allow the CH1788 time to properly reconfigure.
Hardware Reset. Upon power-up or when power cycling, the CH1788 will automatically generate an internal reset pulse. However, if the power supply comes up too slowly, or has a rise time greater than 50 msec, the internal reset detection circuitry may not generate the hardware reset.
RST Pin. Initiate a reset externally anytime after the power supply has stabilized by applying a 50 msec TTL high reset pulse to the RST pin.
Software Reset. Execute the ATZ command while in command mode.
DTR Pin. Toggle the DTR pin after executing the ATR3 command while in command mode.
Although any standard 5 volt DC supply is acceptable, the user should be aware that during the course of normal operation the CH1788 decodes analog data signals from the PSTN line that are in the millivolt range. Steps must be taken by the user to insure that power supply noise on all supply lines, including ground, does not exceed 50 mV peak to
peak. Any frequency between 20 kHz and 150 kHz must be less than 500 micro volts peak. If necessary, use dedicated power and ground planes. Failure to provide such operating conditions could cause the CH1788 to malfunction or to function erratically.
Recommendation. To reduce the effects of supply noise, it is recommended that by-pass capacitors be placed on the power supply as close to the CH1788’s supply input (i.e., Pin 20) as practical. A 10 µF Tantalum capacitor in parallel with a 0.01 µF ceramic is recommended.
The CH1788 is capable of detecting DTMF tones without external hardware.
Setup. Detection will only occur when the CH1788 is Off-Hook and in the command mode.
DTMF Decoding. The ATJ6 command enables DTMF decoding. Register S65 will contain the decoded DTMF result. The S65 register must be continuously interrogated by the host controller because the decoded DTMF decimal value is only present in S65 when the DTMF tones are present on the PSTN line.
The full range of decoded DTMF decimal values are listed in Table 1. If the S65 register contains zero, it indicates that no DTMF tones are present. Note, the S65 register will contain zero between DTMF tones.
Recommendation. Sample the S65 register at a rate at least twice (2X) the fastest DTMF tone periodic rate. DTMF tones typically have a cadence of 70 msec on and 70 msec off. In this case, the S65 register should be sampled at least every 35 msec.
Table 1. DTMF Tone Conversion.
1 129 2 130 3 131 4 132 5 133 6 134 7 135 8 136 9 137 0 138
* 139
# 140
No Tone 0
The CH1788 is capable of generating DTMF tones without external hardware. DTMF tone generation is
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useful for signaling and is supplemental to the DTMF dialing capability.
Setup. Generation will only occur when the CH1788 is Off-Hook, in the command mode and prior to carrier generation.
DTMF Encoding. By default, the CH1788 generates DTMF tones at a 70 msec on/off cycle The cycle can be modified with register S11. Issuing an ATDT command string with the desired DTMF digits and terminating the command string with a semicolon (;) will cause the CH1788 to immediately enter command mode after dialing. Alternatively, the command mode may be entered from the data mode by issuing the escape sequence (+++) to the CH1788.
Enter: ATDT1234567890*#;<CR> Result: Sends the DTMF tones and returns to
command mode. DO not exceed 63 characters on the command line.
DTMF Tones may also be sent using external circuitry via the voice injection port. See Schematic
The CH1788 will detect Caller ID (i.e., CID) information. CID data, when supplied by the local telephone service provider, is present between the first and second ring signals. Valid CID data is preceded by the “CID” designation. This feature is enabled via register S95.
Setup. CID requires additional external circuitry. An RC network must be added to the CH1788 V+ and V­pins. See Schematic 4 for details. Register S95 must be set to 8 (the default value) to receive the CID information. Other caller ID options are available. See the details of register S95.
Operation. Using the circuit in Schematic 4, monitor the RI pin for the period between the first and second ring signal. The decoded CID data will appear on RXD.
The Line In Use (i.e., LIU) feature allows the CH1788 to signal the host when a shared PSTN line is in use. When in use, the LINE IN USE status message will appear on RXD and the CH1788 will NOT go Off­Hook. This feature is enabled via register S110.
Setup. The LIU feature requires additional external circuitry. See Schematic 5. Additionally, register S110 must be set to 243.
The Parallel Pick-Up (i.e., PIU) feature allows the termination of a CH1788 modem call in progress, and then allows a standard phone instrument sharing the same PSTN line to seize the line and obtain a dial tone. When terminating the modem call, DCD will go high, if enabled. The PPU-V status message appears on RXD.
Setup. The Parallel Pick-Up feature requires external circuitry. See Schematic 6.
Operation. The Parallel Pick-Up circuit detects the incremental change in Off-Hook voltage on the PSTN line when a parallel connected phone instrument goes Off-Hook.
Failure To Detect. The detection circuit in the CH1788 may not detect the Off-Hook condition for select phone instruments because these phone instruments do not change the Off-Hook voltage sufficiently to allow detection.
There is also the possibility that two devices going Off-Hook simultaneously may defeat the PPU detection circuitry.
Recommendation. To avoid a Failure To Detect condition, use of a prioritized scheme such as that employed in the 911 Priority Pick-Up application circuit described below is strongly suggested.
The Parallel Pick-Up feature should only be used in non-critical applications and never used as a substitute for the 911 Priority Pick-Up circuit.
The 911 Priority Pick-Up (i.e., 911 PPU) feature allows the CH1788 to give Off-Hook priority to any telephone sharing the PSTN line with the CH1788.
Setup. The Parallel Pick-Up feature requires external circuitry. See Schematic 6.
Operation. If a parallel connected phone instrument goes Off-Hook while the CH1788 is Off-Hook, the CH1788 will immediately disconnect to give priority to the phone instrument.
To ensure that the 911 PPU feature works reliably in all applications, the CH1788 must be the first device on the installation’s PSTN line. All other phone or higher priority instruments must be down the line from the CH1788.
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Figure 2. CH1788 Pin Configuration. See Table 2 for detailed Pin Descriptions.
Table 2. CH1788 Pin Descriptions.
Optional Input. Active high. Used when implementing the 911 Priority Pick-Up circuit or the Line In Use circuit.
Off-Hook. Active low. OH Indicates when the CH1788 is Off-Hook. Used in Line In Use, 911 Priority Pick-Up applications and for Audio Control.
Request To Send. Active low. Used for optional flow control. Used in conjunction with the Clear to Send (CTS) pin as a handshaking signal. See the details of register S90.
Ring Indication. Active low. For each occurrence of a valid ring signal, this pin will pulse low for 70 ms. This output signal follows the frequency of the ringing signal and is typically in the 20 to 40 Hz range with a cadence of 2 seconds on with 4 seconds off.
Clear to send. Active low. Used for optional flow control. Used in conjunction with the Request To Send (RTS) pin as a handshaking signal. See the details of register S90.
Data Set Ready. Active low. A low indicates that handshaking with the remote modem is in progress and/or the carrier of the remote modem has been detected and a valid connection is imminent as measured by DCD being active. This feature is enabled with the N command.
Data Carrier Detect. Active low. This output must be enabled with the C command. When enabled, it will become active when both the originated and answering modems are connected and a data carrier has been detected.
NOTE: 1. All unused pins should be left unconnected when not required in a specific application,
unless specifically directed otherwise.
2. See DC characteristics before attempting to drive an LED directly from the output of any pin.
Used for LIU/911/Audio Control
Top View
1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8
15 14 13 12
22 21 20 19
9 10 11
DTE Signal
Power Input +5V
Optional S1/S2 Audio Monitor/Tone/Voice
V+/V- Optional CID Input Telephone Line Input
h Voltage Section
Used for LIU/911/General IO
Used for LIU/911/Detection
tional High Reset Input
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Table 2. CH1788 Pin Descriptions (Continued).
Data Terminal Ready. Active low. The response to this input is controlled by the Rn command where n specifies the desired options and includes: returning the
modem to the command state, hanging up the modem, resetting the modem, and placing the modem in zero power mode.
Optional Input. Active low. Used when implementing the 911 Priority Pick-Up circuit or the Line In Use circuit.
Transmit Data. Serial transmit data input. Data starts with a high to low transition. Mark or binary 1 condition is indicated by HIGH.
Reset. Active HIGH. This input must be asserted HIGH for at least 50 ms to reset the modem. The RST pin must be returned LOW for normal operation to commence. If a system reset is not available, let this pin float to enable the internal reset circuitry.
Ring. Telephone connection requires an active public switched telephone line (PSTN) for normal operation. This line should be routed to the RJ-11C jack through the recommended protection circuitry.
TIP. Telephone connection requires an active public switched telephone line (PSTN) for normal operation. This line should be routed to the RJ-11C jack through the recommended protection circuitry.
Caller ID. Used to connect an external RC network to enable caller ID operation. See the application circuit in the Schematic 4.
Caller ID. Used to connect an external RC network to enable caller ID operation. See the application circuit in the Schematic 4.
Audio Port. Optional audio port input. Allows the internal DAA to be shared with external voice, tone injection or call progress monitoring applications. See the application circuits in the Schematic 2 and 3. Note that the CH1788 is FCC approved for data applications only. Inclusion of voice or other audio functions may require additional certification by the FCC.
Audio Port. Optional audio port input. Allows the internal DAA to be shared with external voice, tone injection or call progress monitoring applications. See the application circuits in the Schematic 2 and 3. Note that the CH1788 is FCC approved for data applications only. Inclusion of voice or other audio functions may require additional certification by the FCC.
Power Supply. 5 Volt DC +/- 5%. Supply noise should be less than 50 mV
. Also
available at for 3.3 volt DC operation, upon special request.
Ground. Circuit ground. Use recommended bypass capacitors between GND and VCC.
Receive Data. Serial receive data output. Data starts with a high to low transition. Received mark or binary 1 condition is indicated by HIGH.
NOTE: 1. All unused pins should be left unconnected when not required in a specific application,
unless specifically directed otherwise.
2. See DC characteristics before attempting to drive an LED directly from the output of any pin.
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Call Progress Monitoring allows a call to be monitored during the dialing sequence. This feature becomes active when the CH1788 goes Off-Hook and automatically disables when DCD is detected. It is also inactive if a connection attempt should fail and the CH1788 goes back On-Hook. To enable this feature, the DCD line must be activated with the
ATC1 command.
Setup. This feature requires additional external
circuitry. See Schematic 2. Although the circuit in Schematic 2 uses a variable resistor to adjust the speaker volume, a fixed value resistor may be substituted.
Alternate Setup. Control of the speaker can alternately be performed under command control. To implement this alternate control method, modify the circuit in Schematic 2 by connecting resistor R5 to A1 instead of DCD. This allows register S101 to be used to turn the speaker on or off. Set S101 to 1 to turn the circuit on, set S101 to 0 to turn the circuit off.
The CH1788 supports a fast handshaking (often called “quick connect”) feature. This feature is controlled via the L3 command.
Typically, the initial handshaking sequence takes between 10 and 20 seconds to complete. When fast handshaking is selected, the handshaking sequence will take between 4-8 seconds. Fast Connect Handshaking will work with any compatible modem.
The long space disconnect signal is used to force the CH1788 to release the PSTN line and go back On­Hook.
Setup. To enable this feature, bit 7 of register S110 most be set to 1. See the details of register S110.
It is possible to share the CH1788’s internal DAA with external applications. This allows one PSTN line to be shared between an external voice application and the CH1788 modem. This feature is controlled via register S101.
Setup. This feature requires additional external circuitry. See Schematic 3. This application implements Voice Injection via the S1 and S2 pins and requires a two to four wire converter and a relay circuit. Set S101 to 1 to activate Voice Inject and set S101 to 0 to deactivate Voice Inject.
Operation. The two to four wire converter circuit provides for simultaneous voice in and voice out (with respect to ground). This circuit must be capacitor coupled (i.e., C7) to the CH1788 and isolated from ground (i.e., C6). Voice/data switching is controlled by setting register S101 appropriately.
During Voice Injection, the voice signal must not exceed 2.187 V
(i.e., zero dB) per FCC maximum permissible limits. When sending data, the voice circuit must be fully disconnected from the line (i.e., Voice Inject deactivated) or data corruption will occur.
When utilizing the Voice Injection circuit, it is necessary to submit the end product containing the CH1788 Voice Injection feature to an FCC approved testing facility for re-approval of the end product per FCC Part 68 requirements.
The CH1788 may be controlled with ASCII AT commands sequences. The commands are sent to the CH1788 serially via the TXD pin. After execution of a received command string, the CH1788 returns a serial status message on RXD.
The CH1788 must be initialized before the CH1788 will recognize commands. Initialization is a two step activity consisting of:
1. Hard Reset. This is accomplished by applying a
hardware reset pulse to pin RST for 50 ms. The internal reset may be used by cycling the power. The modem should not be accessed for 500 msec after a reset has occurred.
Delay the sending commands to the CH1788 for a period of 500 msec after reset has been completed to allow the CH1788 time to properly reconfigure.
2. Initial CH1788 Training. This will establish the
word bit length and type for communication with the host. The word size should not be more than 10 bits including start and stop bits and is typically: 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, 8 data bits and with no parity. The CH1788 is trained by the host with the AT<CR>. The serial data rate (i.e., the DTE speed) at which the host sends the AT<CR> command initializes the modem DTE Speed.
3. The CH1788 S registers must be re-configured to
their required settings after a soft reset, hardware reset, or power loss.
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4. Cermetek recommends issuing the following setup string ATS13=39S73=176<CR> for best performance.
Typical commands consist of three elements: the attention sequence, the commands themselves, and a terminating carriage return.
AT[commands]<CR>. Where: AT represents attention sequence.
[Commands] represents command strings. <CR> represents carriage return (ASCII 13
or HEX 0D).
Training the Modem. The CH1788 must be trained to set the DTE speed (i.e., to match its host’s speed and parity) so that the CH1788 is able to recognize serial asynchronous commands sent to it by the host’s UART. The host must retrain the CH1788 each time a reset is performed.
Modem Training Command Sequence. The CH1788 is trained by sending it the AT sequence: Enter: AT<CR> Result: OK Where: A and T may be either upper or lower case
but must be the same case. <CR> represents carriage return
The AT sequence is referred to as the attention sequence. When received, the CH1788 will respond with one of the following status messages, depending on whether the CH1788 is optioned for Terse (abbreviated) or Verbose (English) status messages.
Result: 0<CR> (Terse) or Result: <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> (Verbose) Where: <CR> represents carriage return (ASCII 13
or HEX 0D). <LF> represents line feed (ASCII 10 or HEX 0A).
After responding, the CH1788 will be in command mode and ready to accept additional commands. An alternate attention sequence A/ may be sent. This command causes the previously entered command string specified with the AT prefix to be executed.
AT Command Set. The available commands are summarized in Table 5. Note that each command may have several options and the options may be influenced by various S-Register values. It is recommended that the designer review Cermetek publication CH1788 AT Commands and S-Registers Reference Guide.
AT Command Structure. When issuing commands to the CH1788, the backspace character-control-H (ASCII 8 or HEX 08) may be used to perform character editing.
Multiple commands may be placed on the command line as long as the command line does not exceed 63 characters, excluding the letters AT. By way of example, the command string below instructs the CH1788 to configure itself to suppress character echoing when in command mode E0 and then put itself in the answer state A.
Enter: ATE0A<CR> Result: OK
The CH1788 is in either of two states: command mode or data mode. The CH1788 will only respond to AT commands when it is in command mode. When the modem is idle, by default it is in command mode.
When data transmission is in progress, the CH1788 is in data mode and will not recognize/respond to AT commands. To cause the CH1788 to recognize commands when in data mode, the host must send an escape sequence to the CH1788 forcing the CH1788 out of data mode and into command mode. Only then will the CH1788 respond to AT commands.
If the CH1788 is Off-Hook, connected to a remote modem and placed in command mode by its host, the CH1788 will not transmit any commands received from its host to the remote modem. However, when in this state, the CH1788 will not receive data from the remote modem.
Result Codes. After execution of an AT command and at the completion of each dial attempt, the CH1788 will deliver a status message on RXD. Referring to Table 3, the message can be a Terse (numeric) or Verbose (English) message. The message type is controlled via the V command. Various combinations of the listed result codes can be selected with the W and X commands.
Escape Sequence. The escape sequence consists of a “guard time” of one second (a period where no characters are sent to the modem), followed by 3 escape characters (typically +++), followed by another guard time of one second. The escape character code is set in register S2. by default, the escape character is set as “+.” There is no required delay between characters. When the escape sequence has successfully been sent, the escape characters will not be transmitted to the remote modem.
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