Critikon Dinamap SPO2 Modul Service manual

This area contains service information about the Model 7310 Pulse Oximetry Module. The SpO2 Module monitors functional oxygen saturation of arterial blood by calculating the ratio of oxygenated hemoglobin to hemoglobin that is capable of transporting oxygen. It provides continuous, noninvasive measurements of SpO2 and can display a plethysmographic waveform. Heart rate values are also derived from the pulse oximetry signal.
The SpO2 module, shown in FO-32B, is enclosed in a single wide module enclosure. The module consists of two rigid PWAs, a front sensor flex connector, interconnect cabling, and the mechanical enclosure components. The digital PWA, with its PNet interface connector, occupies the left slot in the module enclosure (when viewed from the sensor connector end of the module), and the OEM PWA, with shield/mounting assembly, occupies the right slot in the module enclosure.
Isolated Circuits
A functional block diagram of the SpO2 Module is shown in FO-32A. The diagram is divided into isolated circuitry and non-isolated circuitry. The isolated circuitry includes the SpO2 sensor, the flex PWA, and the OEM PWA. The isolated (ISO) interface and DC-DC converter isolate this circuitry from the non-isolated core logic.
The core logic provides communication between the system host and Module through the PNet synchronous serial interface. It also includes an asynchronous data channel to the OEM PWA and controls the isolated DC-to-DC convertor.
Isolated circuits are shown in the top half of FO-32A. Signals from the SpO2 sensor are conditioned, digitized, and processed on the OEM PWA. The SpO2 sensor is connected to the OEM PWA through a 9-pin D connector on the module front panel and flex PWA 313-112.
Non-Isolated Circuits
The isolated interface provides an opto-coupled asynchronous serial communication channel between the core logic and the OEM PWA.
The isolated power block consists of a monolithic DC-DC converter that provides +15V, +5V, and -15V to the OEM PWA.
Non-isolated circuits are shown in the bottom half of
FO-32A. Functional blocks include the PNet
interface, isolated power control, reset/failsafe, 68302 CPU, 128Kx8 data memory, 128Kx8 program memory, the model and serial number EEPROM, and logic analyzer/test interface.
Power (+12V and +5V), is received through J1. The +12V is applied to DC-to-DC converter PM100, which powers the isolated circuitry. ISO power control
controls PM100 power-on after the CPU is reset and shuts down PM100 if a failsafe condition occurs.
The Module will not be damaged when plugged into a live slot. Core logic power inputs to a Module are limited to a peak inrush current during hot-plugging. Within 2 seconds the Module responds to identification and wakes up in a minimized power state until registered with the system.
The PNet interface allows asynchronous and synchronous data transfer between the core logic and the external devices. Synchronous operation is always used in MPS systems. Asynchronous operation is for test and development only. The reset/failsafe logic provides power-on reset, processor reset and halt, and failsafe if a problem occurs with the microprocessor. The microprocessor controls and transfers data within the core logic. The program memory is a FLASH device that can be loaded with program information from the PNET interface or the logic analyzer interface. Data memory temporarily stores status and monitoring data for processing.
SpO2 Front End
Schematic diagram of the SpO2 Digital PWA. The
first sheet of the schematic shows an overall block diagram of the SpO2 digital PWA.
EMI filtering at the front end is provided on the flex circuit and the OEM PWA. The PWA is also shielded. Signals are sent and received through front end connector J102 with the following pin-out:
1 RCAL 6 GND 2 +LED 7 SGND 3 -LED 8 Not Used 4 Not Used 9 CATHODE 5 ANODE
The transducer plug shield is connected to shield ground (SGND).
Isolated Power
The OEM PWA supplies power to light the sensor LED. A waveform generated by the sensor photo­diode is applied to the PWA where it is conditioned, digitized, processed and sent to the isolated interface shown on sheet 7 of the schematic.
The isolated power section provides patient isolation from earth ground by isolating the power for the patient connected circuitry. The isolated power supply is shown on sheet 7 of the schematic.
Isolated Interface
Power (+12V) is applied to DC-to-DC converter PM100 at +VIN and returned at -VIN. After the CPU is reset, ISO_PS-0 goes LOW and turns off Q102. This turns on Q100 and applies power to PM100. For reduced power operation when the Module is not in use, the program allows ISO_PS-0 to float, turning off the isolated power supply.
If a failsafe condition occurs, FS-1 will go HI, turn on Q103, turn off Q100, and shut down power to PM100. It will remain in the state until the failsafe is cleared.
PM100 provides isolated, regulated power outputs of ±15VDC (ISO_+15V and ISO_-15V) and +5V (ISO_+5V) to the OEM PWA. Q101 turns on the +5V supply after the +15V supply is up.
As shown on sheet 7 of the schematic, opto­couplers U100 and U101 provide a full duplex, isolated serial channel between the non-isolated core logic and the isolated circuitry. Q105 and Q106 buffer the signal to the opto-couplers.
Core Logic
The core logic is shown on sheets 2 through 7 of the schematic. The core logic provides communication between the system host and Module through the PNet synchronous serial interface. It also controls data acquisition and data processing functions for the SpO2 sensor. The Module is an 8-bit version of the core logic with one 128Kx8 RAM and 128Kx8 ROM device. The microprocessor runs at 9.416 MHz.
PNet Interface
The PNet interface, shown on sheet 2 of the schematic, provides the following functions:
• RS485 drivers (U7 and U8) for serial data and clock,
• Module select and presence detection (U2),
• Module synchronization.
Core signals are received on PNet connector J1 (sheet 2) with the following pin-out:
1A,1B +5V 6B M_SELECT 2A DATA+ 7A M_PRESENT 2B DATA- 7B TXOC-0 3A,3B +3.3V 8A M_SYNC-0 4A CLK+ 8B -12V 4B CLK- 10A,10B +12V 5A,5B GROUND 1,2 GROUND 6A M_RESET
The SpO2 Module is designed to be hot-plugged, or inserted and removed from powered systems. Ground pins 1 and 2 are longer than the other connector pins, thus they make first and break last to protect circuitry. This is partially because of protective impedance located on the system backplane, in series with the Modules +5V and +12V power. Also series impedance on PNet control lines limits inrush and protects logic devices from excessive currents during a hot-plug power up.
The PNet protocol defines two modes of operation: synchronous and asynchronous. The normal mode of operation is synchronous, with half duplex transmitted and received data on differential signals DATA+ and DATA-. As shown on sheet 2 of the schematic, the device transmitting the serial data also generates differential clock signals CLK+ and CLK-. Transceiver direction for data and clock are controlled by the 68302 processor-generated TX_EN­0 (low true transmit enable) signal through U2. In the synchronous mode, both data and clock transceivers U7 and U8 are set to receive (i.e., transmit disabled) when fail-safe signal FS-0 is asserted.
The alternate serial mode, full duplex asynchronous, is entered by asserting processor generated control bit ASYCH_EN. This mode transmits data onto the differential signals CLK+ and CLK-, and receives data from the differential signals DATA+ and DATA-. The transmitter in the Module is disabled unless the Module has been commanded to transmit per the PNet protocol. The Module transmitter is immediately disabled after the last character of a transmission has been sent.
The Module select input (M_SELECT, hi true) instructs the Module to respond to identification requests. When both M_SELECT input and M_RESET input (hi true) are asserted, a Module performs a hardware reset.
The Module present output, M_PRESENT is connected to M_SELECT through diode CR1 to allow a means of determining if the Module is plugged into an instrument. When M_SELECT is asserted (pulled hi) M_PRESENT is hi true.
Module transmitter open collector signal TXOC-0 from Q1 signifies the Module transmitter is enabled. Serial data is then transmitted in the synchronous mode.
M_SYNC is used for timing of shorter latency periods than supported by the serial data protocols. A Module only asserts M_SYNC when enabled by the host.
Reset Logic
The reset logic is shown on sheet 3 of the schematic. Reset logic U9 generates a power-on­reset when power is applied. RESET-0 AND HALT-0 signals remain low for minimum of 130 msec after all logic voltages are in specification.
External reset, processor reset, and halt signals are low for minimum of 24 clocks when external reset asserted. Power monitoring, processor reset, and halt signals low if logic voltages drop below specification. They remain low for minimum of 130 msec after logic voltages return to the specified range.
The reset circuit (U6-4,5,6; U6-11,12,13) provides open drain outputs to the processor bi-directional reset and halt signals.
Fail-Safe Logic
Fail-safe latch (U6-1,2,3; U6-8,9,10) ensures that the Module enters a safe state if the processor fails to operate correctly. The latch is set by a low true output from the processor watchdog timer (WDOG-0). The data transmitter is disabled, isolated power is shut down, and the Module remains in a safe state until the latch is cleared by a power on or external reset.
The core logic design is based around the 68302 microprocessor (U10) shown on sheet 4 of the schematic. The 68302 combines a 68000 core with a three channel communication processor, and system integration circuits.
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