The Monitor, interchangeable modules and storage batteries
are described below. Refer to the table below for
DINAMAP MPS™ Select ™ Portable Monitor

General Description
The DINAMAP Multi Parameter System (DINAMAP
MPS™) is designed for patient monitoring in acute
care settings such as critical care, emergency room,
radiology, labor and delivery, and operating room. It
allows the clinician to view, record, and recall clinical
data derived from each parameter. This data
includes heart rate, end tidal CO2, respiration rate,
oxygen saturation, invasive pressure, noninvasive
blood pressure, and temperature. Alarm limit
conditions are also detected.
The optional recorder provides numeric and
waveform printouts of monitored data. Up to 2
waveforms can be traced simultaneously. Each
monitor can monitor one patient at the bedside.
Indicators for external DC operation (from AC
mains), battery operation, and battery charging are at
the front of the unit.
DINAMAP MPS™ Select ™ Portable Monitor

The DINAMAP MPS™ Select™ Portable Monitor
provides a rack with six slots for modules.
Patient sensor connections are made at the side of
the unit, and network and device connectors are at
the rear.
With Typical Modules, Side View