Critikon Dinamap ECG Modul Service manual

This area contains component information about the ECG Module (also referred to as the EKG Module). The singlewide module provides electrocardiographic waveforms in either 3-electrode (Model 7322) or 6-electrode (Model 7324) configurations. The 3-electrode configuration derives waveforms for leads I, II, or III. It includes a waveform cascade feature and can display one waveform as the primary lead. The 6-electrode configuration derives waveforms for leads I, II, III, AVR, AVL, AVF, VA, and VB.
When 4 electrodes are connected to the patient, waveforms I, II, III, AVR, AVL, and AVF are available simultaneously to view and/or to record. When 5 electrodes are connected to the patient, waveforms I, II, III, AVR, AVL, AVF, and a single V lead (chest lead) are available simultaneously to view (maximum of 6 to display) and/or to record. When 6 electrodes are connected to the patient, waveforms I, II, III, AVR, AVL, AVF, and two V leads (chest leads) are available simultaneously to view (maximum of 6 to display) and/or to record.
Breath rate is calculated by measuring the thoracic impedance between two electrodes. As the patient breathes, the movement of the chest changes the measured impedance to produce the respiration rate.
Heart rate values are also calculated as straight or weighted averages over the previous 5 or 10 seconds.
The temperature port of the module allows continuous monitoring of patient temperature using a YSI temperature probe.
As shown in FO-8B, the module consists of the analog PWA, ECG/temp flex assembly, digital PWA, defib sync flex assembly, card guides, and an enclosure, including front and rear face plates and other metallic hardware. The enclosure and front and rear face plates are grounded metal. The front and rear panels are held in place by long bolts, running from end to end. Insulating guides hold the circuit boards into position in the enclosure, and provide insulation from the enclosure bolts. Sidewall insulators, necessary to maintain patient safety requirements, insulate the module wall.
Front panel connections include a _” stereo jack for YSI 400 Series temperature probes, an ECG connector compatible with the recommended ECG cables, and a 3.5 mm stereo jack connector used for defib sync.
Isolated Circuits
A functional block diagram of the ECG Module is shown in FO-8A. The diagram is divided into isolated circuitry and non-isolated circuitry. The isolated circuitry includes the ECG flex connector PWA, and either the 3-lead ECG Analog PWA 315­547 (Model 7322) or the 6-lead ECG Analog PWA 315-548 (Model 7324). The isolated (ISO) interface and DC-to-DC converter isolate this circuitry from the non-isolated core logic.
The core logic provides communication between the Module and the Monitor through the PNet synchronous serial interface. It also controls data acquisition and data processing functions for the ECG monitoring channel.
Isolated circuits are shown in the top half of FO-8A,
sheets 1 and 2. ECG data is filtered by ECG front
end and amplified by differential amplifiers to provide four outputs (ECG1 through ECG4) shown on sheet
1. These ECG signals are filtered by bandpass
filters and applied to the multiplexer.
The ISO control and power block serially reads ECG data back to the CPU through the isolated interface. An asynchronous communication channel between the CPU and the ISO control is implemented with a UART. Commands are decoded with control converter U10, which sets the state of multiplexers and switches in the isolated circuitry.
Temperature sensor circuits provide an excitation to the YSI thermistors through a precision resistor bridge. These signals are filtered and amplified and sent to the A/D converter. Temperature is then derived ratiometrically from these signals.
Non-Isolated Circuits
The isolated interface shown on sheet 2 provides an isolated asynchronous serial communication channel between the non-isolated core logic CPU and the ECG isolated front end.
Respiration circuits provide an AC excitation signal through two electrodes. The signal is modulated by thoracic movement during normal breathing. The signal is then demodulated, amplified, and filtered, and sent to the A/D converter, and breath rate is derived.
The isolated power block, consisting of isolated +VAI (+8V nominally), -VAI (-8V nominally), +5VI, -5VI, and +5VID power supplies, provides isolated power to the ECG Module and the sensor connected circuitry.
Non-isolated circuits are shown in the bottom left of
FO-8A, sheet 1 and the bottom half of sheet 2.
Functional blocks shown on sheet 2 include the PNet interface, DC-DC converter, ISO power control, reset/failsafe, 68302 CPU, 256Kx16 data memory, 256Kx16 program memory, the model and serial number EEPROM, and logic analyzer/test interface.
Power (+12V and +5V), is received through J1. The +12V is applied to the DC-DC converter, which powers the isolated circuitry. ISO power control does not allow the DC-DC converter to power-on until after the CPU is reset and shuts down the DC­DC converter if a failsafe condition occurs.
The Module will not be damaged when plugged into a live slot. Core logic power inputs to a Module are limited to a peak inrush current during hot-plugging. Within 2 seconds the Module will respond to identification and wake up in a minimized power state until registered with the system.
The PNet interface allows asynchronous and synchronous data transfer between the core logic and the external devices. Synchronous operation is always used in MPS systems. Asynchronous operation is for test and development only. The reset/failsafe logic provides power-on reset, processor reset and halt, and failsafes if a problem occurs with the microprocessor. The microprocessor controls and transfers data within the core logic. The program memory is a FLASH device that can be loaded with program information from the PNET interface or the logic analyzer interface. Data memory temporarily stores status and monitoring data for processing.
Schematic diagrams SC313-108, SC313-109,
SC315-546, and SC315-548 are here. The first sheet of the SC315-546 schematic shows an overall
block diagram of the ECG Digital PWA. The first
sheet of the SC315-548 schematic shows an overall
block diagram of the ECG Analog PWA.
Isolated Power Block
The isolated power block is shown on sheets 8 and
9 of ECG digital PWA schematic 315-546. Power
converter PM1 converts non-isolated +12V to isolated +VS and -VS. This power is isolated for patient safety requirements. U101, U102, and U103 on the digital PWA are the opto-couplers that provide isolation for communications data and the clock. PM1 is controlled by ISO_POWER_ON from the CPU via Q103. This signal disables PM1 if a failsafe condition occurs. The +VS and -VS (unregulated) voltages from PM1 are filtered by L100 and applied to regulators U105, U106, U107, U108, and U111.
Isolated Control Circuits
These regulators supply isolated power to ECG analog PWA 315-548. The voltages are:
+5 VID for digital circuits +5 VI for analog circuits
-5 VI, +VAI (+8 VDC), -VAI (-8 VDC)
Error outputs from positive regulators U105, U106, and U111 are OR'ed together to provide PWR_OK. If a power supply output drops 5% below the regulated output, PWR_OK goes low, which causes the CPU to shut down the isolated supply.
The isolated control circuits are shown on sheets 14
and 15 of ECG analog PWA schematic 315-548.
Field programmable gate array (FPGA) U103 contains the state machine, which provides an interface between the isolated analog circuitry and the main CPU on the non-isolated circuitry of digital PWA 315-546. Communication is achieved through a UART, which provides a full duplex asynchronous serial communication channel between the CPU and the isolated circuitry. On power up, the non­volatile program data for the FPGA is loaded from serial EPROM U105 into U103. After several hundred milliseconds, the FPGA is configured and ready to run. CLOCK for the state machine is a 5.9 MHz signal provided from the CPU via opto-couplers located on the digital PWA.
Commands are sent serially (via opto coupler for isolation) through DATA_IN. Data is sent back to the CPU by DATA_OUT and is also optically isolated (on the digital PWA).
The state machine responds to commands to perform A/D conversions or to change the states of multiplexers or switches. It provides the control for the serial A/D interface, a 1.5 MHz clock to the A/D (ADC_SCLK), and proper control signals AD_CNVST to initiate a conversion.
Digital signals are also read back on command to provide the CPU with status information. Board configuration (single lead, part number 315-547 or multi lead, part number 315-548) is determined by the PWA_CFG bits located on sheet 15 of analog PWA schematic 315-548, and provided to the CPU on command. Pacer detection status is another status that the CPU monitors.
The state machine also derives the respiration clock signals (RESP_CLK and DM_CLOCK) and switched capacitor filter clock (LPF_CLK) as divided down versions of the main 5.9 MHz clock.
Three lead (3-electrode) and six lead (6-electrode) cables are available for ECG. The 3-electrode cable provides a single lead configuation with Leads I, II or III available. The 6-electrode cable provides multiple leads with up to 8 leads available: I, II, III, AVR, AVL, AVF, VA and VB. The 6-electrode cable may be used with 3, 4 , 5, or 6 electrodes. (Refer to the EKG section of the Operation Manual for a description of which leads are available with the number of electrodes connected.) In single lead (3-electrode cable), signals RA, LL, and LA are used. In multi lead (6-electrode cable), signals RA, LL, LA, RL, C1, and C2 are used.
The cables recommended by JJMI are shielded and provide 1k ohm series (safety) resistors internal to the cable which is part of the current limiting defibrillator protection circuitry.
The signals are input to the flex PWA 313-108. Gas surge arrestors located on the PWA provide lead-to­lead defibrillator protection. In addition, a passive R/C network located on this PWA provides the first stage of high frequency filtering for EMC and ESU interference rejection.
RESP Input
The signals are then applied to analog PWA (part number 315-548 for multi lead, or part number 315­547 for single lead) via J101.
The RESP input is shown on sheet 10 of ECG analog PWA schematic 315-548. Of the ECG signals, RA, LA, and LL are also used by the respiration circuit. Respiration is achieved by coupling an excitation signal (61.5 kHz, well outside the bandwidth of normal ECG signals) onto two of these signals. When respiration is using Lead I, the excitation is coupled onto RA and LA. When respiration is in Lead II, the signal is coupled onto RA and LL.
The excitation signal is coupled onto the EKG leads through coupling capacitors C179, C180, and C200. The coupling capacitors isolate the ECG signal from being loaded down by the respiration circuit. Photo relay U121 determines which lead is selected. T100 provides a differential excitation source. CR108, CR112, and CR113 provide clamping protection for transients.
The ECG_RESP_INPUT is shown on sheet 2 of ECG analog PWA schematic 315-548. The ECG signals are passively filtered by R/C network R314, R315, R316, R372, R373, R374, C201, C257, C258, C259, C221, and C222 at 5 kHz for interference rejection of high frequency noise and ESU. Also, the excitation signal for respiration signal is attenuated and kept out of the ECG channel circuitry and pace detection circuitry. Protection diodes CR114-116 and CR125-127 protect against transients during both defibrillation and ESU events. R368 through R371 and R310, R212, and R213 are light pullup resistors which limit DC current through the electrodes and are used to determine when an electrode has become disconnected from the patient.
ECG Front End
The ECG front end is shown on sheet 3 of ECG analog PWA schematic 315-548. The filtered ECG signals LA_FLT, RA_FLT, LL_FLT, RL_FLT, C1_FLT and C2_FLT are buffered at U122 and U138 and then multiplexed at U132 to be read by the A/D. These signals are used to help determine which electrodes are connected to the patient. These signals (or sums of these signals in the case of chest leads) are also differentially applied to the instrumentation amplifiers U119, U126, U133, and U134 with gains of X10, and create the first stage of the four ECG channels.
The signals also generate a common mode nulling signal by summing all the necessary leads at U127 and U136 for a given mode, inverting the sum, and amplifying and applying the null signal at the selected reference or driven signal at U137. The signals selected at U127 to generate the common nulling signal depend on which electrodes are available and which mode the module is in - single lead or multi lead.
Additionally, U128 provides the means to make ECG instrumentation amplifier U119 selectable between LEAD I, II, or III. U135 and U122-8 provide the means for applying various test signals to the ECG channels and the pacer detection circuit. Signals at U127-5,6,7 are also used in various test modes using the Service Mode facility.
Pace Detector
The pace detector and filter are shown on sheets 4
and 9 of ECG analog PWA schematic 315-548.
Pacer signals present on ECG waveforms are detected by the pacer detection circuitry. Any of the 4 ECG channels (outputs of the instrumentation amps) may be used to detect pacers. The channel is selected at U125, sheet 4. When a paced ECG waveform is present and pace detection is enabled, the pace detector circuit will detect the presence of a pacer pulse and blank the ECG channels during the pacer pulse to suppress pacer spikes in the ECG channels.
The detector on sheet 9 consists of a high gain bandpass filter at U113 (200Hz to 5kHz) which rejects both respiration excitation remnants, and 60 Hz and is sensitive mainly to waveforms with pacer signals present. When a pacer pulse is present, the output goes above or below the limits set by the window comparator at U108 and causes PD_TRIGGER to go true to indicate the presence of a pacer.
ECG Channel Filters
When enabled, the detection of a pacer causes the ECG channels to be blanked. This is achieved by the opening of the channels at U124 and the channel hold capacitors, C189,188, 165, 194 (sheets 5 through 8). The channels are blanked during the entire duration of a pacer pulse.
ECG channel filters are shown on sheets 5 through
8 of analog PWA schematic 315-548. The circuits for
the ECG bandpass filters are duplicated for the four channels on sheets 5 through 8. The description of channel 1 (on sheet 5) is similar for the other three channels.
The bandpass filtering is achieved mainly through 8­pole switched capacitor filter U110, which has a cutoff at 115 Hz and through integrator circuit U111­12,13,14, which strips off the DC component of the ECG waveform. This is the MAIN anti-aliasing filter for the ECG channels. (Sampling frequency in normal use is 1200 Hz.) The cutoff frequency of the swithed capacitor filter is determined solely from its input clock frequency (LPF_CLK, 11.5kHz). This clock signal divided by 100 gives the 115 Hz lowpass response. The resulting frequency response of the entire bandpass filter section is approximately 0.05-115 Hz with a gain of 12. With the earlier instrumentation amplifier stage this give an approximate ECG channel gain of 120. The filtering stage prior to the switched capacitor filter at U111 provides low pass filtering and anti-aliasing prior to the switched capacitor filter and has an approximate 3dB point at 1kHz and a gain of 5. The filtering stage after the switched capacitor filter at U111-8,9,10 also has a 1kHz 3dB point for eliminating any clock noise from the previous filter stage and has gain of 2.4. Thus the X5 and X2.4 give the gain of 12 in this stage.
Q103 and R218 provide a means to quickly charge the integrator stage (0.05 Hz high pass stage) to reestablish a new baseline during lead switching or new lead attachment. The output of the channel at ECG1_OUT is then routed to main mux U102 to be used by the A/D converter.
Respiration and Filters
The ECG respiration circuits and filters are shown on sheets 10 and 11 of ECG analog PWA schematic 315-548. The respiration clock RESP_CLK controls the analog switch U114 providing an excitation signal of 61.5kHz from quiet reference U120 to buffer U115, where it is filtered and then drives transformer T100 where the signal driven differentially on the two selected respiration leads RA_RESP and LA_RESP or LL_RESP. RESP_LEAD_SEL selects the respiration leads through U121 (LEAD I or LEAD II). DM_CLOCK, slightly off phase from RESP_CLK, is used to provide a synchronous demodulator with U114 and U115. The demodulator rectifies the waveform and the signal is then filtered through a bandpass filter (sheet 11) with a frequency response of 0.1-5 Hz.
As the patient's chest rises and falls due to breathing, the impedance of the chest typically changes by several ohms. The excitation is a constant current source so a change in impedance causes a change in amplitude of the voltage which is sensed at T100-1. Essentially the carrier (excitation signal) is slowly AM modulated by thoracic movement. The demodulation allows the slow respiration signal to be detected. The filter eliminates the 61.5kHz carrier signal and leaves the respiration signal. The filter is implemented in several stages at U109 with a total gain of x600. RESP_OUT then goes to the main mux where it is read through the A/D converter. Similar to the ECG channel, Q102 allows the integrator to quickly charge to a new baseline during lead switching and new lead attachment.
Temperature Circuits
RESP_BL_OUT (respiration baseline) on sheet 10 is a signal derived from the diode-rectified carrier (asynchronous demodulation) signal at CR111. The impedance of the chest movement during breathing is a small dynamic change of several ohms riding on top of a relatively large impedance or baseline (typically 100-2000 ohms). The RESP_BL_OUT gives an indication of this baseline impedance. If this signal becomes too large, it is an indication that a respiration electrode has fallen off or is dried out and has become too large of an impedance.
U114-2,9 and R152,C139, R196 and R236 and Q104 provide the means to test the respiration circuitry. Using the Service Mode facility, a test can be commanded to run which uses these components to stimulate the respiration circuit with a dynamic impedance (approximately 10 ohms) that is square wave in nature.
The temperature circuits are shown on sheet 12 of ECG analog PWA schematic 315-548. The temperature circuit is used to monitor YSI 400 series temperature probes. It works by determining the ratio of the YSI probe resistance to that of a precision reference resistor. This is accomplished through a voltage divider circuit. An excitation voltage (TEMP_EXC, 0.385 volts nominally) at U107-1, is generated across the reference resistor (R154) and the probe thermistor (in series with the reference resistor). The excitation voltage and the voltage across the thermistor are filtered and amplified with a gain of 5.44 at U106, 107 and measured by the A/D converter. The ratio of the reference resistor to the thermistor resistor can be determined from the measured voltages.
Once the resistance of the YSI probe is determined, the temperature is found, by means of a look up table, from the thermistor's electrical resistance versus temperature relationship. The electrical thermistor data is provided by YSI.
Relay K100 allows a test resistor (R153) to be switched in to verify the temperature circuitry. When the relay is de-energized the excitation is applied to the external probe at TEMP_HI. In the energized state the excitation is applied to the test resistor. The voltage at U106-9 at R153 is also monitored to verify the correct operation of the relay contacts.
TEMP_HI and TEMP_RET via J101 reach the front panel of the ECG module at the 1/4" stereo jack by Flex PWA 313-108. This flex circuit contains bypass caps which help filter out high frequency interference in the temperature signal path.
At U106-7,-10,-11,-12, other inputs included are scaled versions of the power supply voltages. The voltages are sent to the A/D converter, and are used to monitor the analog supply voltages. Using the Service Mode facility, the self-test mode can be initiated and resistor values and derived temperatures can be observed.
Multiplexer and A/D Converter
The multiplexer and A/D converter are shown on
sheet 13 of ECG analog PWA schematic 315-548.
These circuits sample analog ECG data and provide this data serially to the CPU. EMUX, ECG1 through ECG4, TMUX and respiration outputs are applied to analog multiplexer U102. The multiplexer output is selected by MUX (2:0), and the multiplexed output is applied to buffer U100. This signal is clamped at +/­5VI by CR100. The buffer output is applied to A/D converter U101, which is clocked by ADC_SCLK_0 (1.5 MHz). The digital data (ADC_DATA) is clocked out of the A/D converter serially by ADC_CLK and sent to the CPU. The A/D converter also provides a stable reference voltage (3.0V VREF) for the temperature circuit on the analog PWA.
Defibrillator Synchronization Interface
The defibrillator synchronization interface is a non­isolated signal input/output meant only for connection to another medical device that is compliant with UL 2601/IEC 601-1. Connection to a non-compliant device could result in a safety risk by exceeding current limits.
The defib sync connector provides an analog ECG waveform output. It also accepts a synchronization signal (marker input) from defibrillators that provide this feature. If a synchronization signal is detected a marker is placed on the primary lead waveform displayed by the Monitor. The analog ECG waveform signal is a high level (1V/mV) representation of the primary lead.
The defib sync connector is a three-conductor 3.5 mm stereo jack that mates with a 3.5 mm stereo plug (Shogyo SPY 1011, Shogyo SPY 1012, or equivalent). Cable construction should be shielded, 3 conductor with PVC insulation or equivalent insulating material.
Pin Out:
Tip Marker input Ring ECG analog output Sleeve Signal return
ECG Analog output specifications, implemented with 10-bit DAC U104 and filter circuit of U110, on the digital PWA:
Scale Factor 1V/mV Output
Impedance/Short Circuit Protection
Bandwidth 0.5 Hz-100Hz
1k ohm
The sync marker input is compatible with the HP defibrillators. The marker signal is active when the input is driven below ground. A pullup resistor allows this input to be driven by an open collector output. The input must be driven below -1V to be detected as a marker. The input is pulled up to +5V by a 20k ohm resistor. Therefore, the output impedance of the driving device must be such that the input can be driven below -1V.
Marker input specifications, implemented at U100 on the digital PWA:
Input Range +5V to -12 V Trip Voltage Range 0V + 1V Minimum Marker
Pulse Duration
Protection diodes clamp any input to +5V on the high side or to -12V on the low side. A 1k series resistor limits current during any over voltage condition.
10 ms
The stereo jack provides two shunting contacts for sync cable detection. When a plug is inserted, the contacts separate. One of these floating contacts is used to sense a connected plug. CONNECTED-0 indicates to the CPU that a plug has been inserted into the front panel connector.
Isolated Interface
Core Logic
Opto-couplers U101 and U102 shown on sheet 8 of ECG digital PWA schematic 315-546 provide a full duplex, isolated serial channel between the non­isolated core logic and the isolated circuitry. The isolated control block, located on sheet 14 of ECG analog PWA 315-548 receives data through opto­coupler U101 and transmits on U102. Opto-coupler U103 transmits the baud clock, which provides the
5.9 MHz clock (ISO_CLK) to the Isolated Control State Machine. Q100, Q101, and Q102 buffer the signals to the opto-couplers. Q102 is pulled up to +5V to speed up the rising edge of TX_CLK.
The core logic is shown on sheets 2 through 6 and
sheet 8 of ECG digital PWA schematic 315-546. The
core logic provides communication between the system host and the ECG Module through the PNet synchronous serial interface. The Module is a 16-bit version of the core logic with two 128K x 8 RAM and two 128K x 8 ROM devices. The microprocessor runs at 23.646 MHz.
PNet Interface
The PNet interface, shown on sheet 2 of the schematic, provides the following functions:
• RS485 diffeential drivers (U7 and U8) for serial data and clock,
• Module select and presence detection (U2),
• Module synchronization.
Core signals are received on PNet connector J1 (sheet 1) with the following pin-out:
1A,1B +5V 6B M_SELECT 2A DATA+ 7A M_PRESENT 2B DATA- 7B TXOC-0 3A,3B +3.3V 8A M_SYNC-0 4A CLK+ 8B -12V 4B CLK- 10A,10B +12V 5A,5B GROUND 1,2 GROUND 6A M_RESET
The ECG Module is designed to be hot-plugged, or inserted and removed from powered systems. Ground pins 1 and 2 are longer than the other connector pins, thus they make first and break last to protect circuitry. Protective impedance located on the system backplane, in series with the Module’s +5V and +12V power, limits inrush current during live insertion. Also series impedance on PNet control lines limits inrush current and protects logic devices from excessive currents during a hot-plug power up.
The PNet protocol defines two modes of operation: synchronous and asynchronous. The normal mode of operation is synchronous, with half duplex transmitted and received data on differential signals DATA+ and DATA-. As shown on sheet 2 of the schematic, the device transmitting the serial data also generates differential clock signals CLK+ and CLK-. Transceiver direction for data and clock are controlled by the 68302 processor-generated TX_EN­0 (low true transmit enable) signal through U2. In the synchronous mode, both data and clock transceivers U7 and U8 are set to receive (i.e., transmit disabled) when fail-safe signal FS-0 is asserted.
The alternate serial mode, full duplex asynchronous, is entered by asserting processor generated control bit ASYCH_EN. This mode transmits data onto the differential signals CLK+ and CLK-, and receives data from the differential signals DATA+ and DATA-. The transmitter in the Module is disabled unless the Module has been commanded to transmit per the PNet protocol. The Module transmitter is immediately disabled after the last character of a transmission has been sent.
The Module select input (M_SELECT, hi true) instructs the Module to respond to identification requests. When both M_SELECT input and M_RESET input (hi true) are asserted, the Module performs a hardware reset.
The Module present output, M_PRESENT is connected to M_SELECT through diode CR1 to allow a means of determining if the Module is plugged into an instrument. When M_SELECT is asserted (pulled hi) M_PRESENT is hi true.
Module transmitter open collector signal TXOC-0 from Q1 signifies the Module transmitter is enabled. Serial data is then transmitted in the synchronous mode.
M_SYNC is used for timing of shorter latency periods than supported by the serial data protocols. A Module only asserts M_SYNC when enabled by the host.
Reset Logic
The reset logic is shown on sheet 3 of the schematic. Reset logic U9 generates a power-on­reset when power is applied. RESET-0 and HALT-0 signals remain low for minimum of 130 msec after all logic voltages are in specification.
External reset, processor reset, and halt signals are low for minimum of 24 clocks when external reset is asserted. Power monitoring, processor reset, and halt signals are low if logic voltages drop below specification. They remain low for minimum of 130 msec after logic voltages return to the specified range.
The reset circuit consisting of U6b and U6d provides open drain outputs to the processor bi-directional reset and halt signals.
Fail-Safe Logic
Fail-safe latch (U6a and U6c) ensures that the Module enters a safe state if the processor fails to operate correctly. The latch is set by a low true output from the processor watchdog timer (WDOG-0). The data transmitter is disabled, isolated power is shut down, and the Module remains in a safe state until the latch is cleared by a power on or external reset.
The core logic design is based around the 68302 microprocessor (U10) shown on sheet 4 of the schematic. The 68302 combines a 68000 core with a three channel communication processor, and system integration circuits.
The left side of the CPU contains clock interfaces to/from the PNet, port A, and port B to various circuits in the core logic, reset, and halt interface. The IRQ ports are not used. The right side of the CPU contains address lines, data lines, and chip select outputs. The 68302 operates with a statically defined 8-bit wide bus. The following resources are used for specific Module functions:
Program Memory
Program memory consists of two 8-bit flash ROMs U5 and U11 shown on sheet 5 of the schematic. The ROM is configured for 128Kx16 (2048k bit). The ROM is not socketed and can not be removed for programming. The ROM can be flash-programmed via the logic analyzer interface or the PNET connector.
Data Memory
Data is stored in two 8-bit static RAMs U3 and U12 shown on sheet 5 of the schematic. These RAMs are configured as 128Kx16. This RAM is cleared when power is removed.
Non-Volatile Memory
Serial EEPROM U1 shown on sheet 5 of the schematic is a 128-byte PROM that provides non­volatile storage for model and serial number information and parameter user interface data which must travel with the Module. The 68302 synchronous communication port (SCP) is used to access the EEPROM.
Logic Analyzer/Test Interface
The logic analyzer/test interface is shown on sheet 6 of the schematic. The core logic includes an interface to bring signals required for external ROM access, logic analyzer interface, and a debug serial channel to a single connector.
The external ROM access allows an off board ROM (8 bit) or ROMs (16 bit) to replace the FLASH devices at address 0. Address, data, and control signals required for this function are included on the LA/T connector.
All signals needed for a Hewlett Packard model 16500 logic analyzer or equivalent to perform bus state analysis and disassembly are included on the LA/T connector.
The 68302 SCC2 serial transmit and receive data signals are included on the LA/T connector.
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