General Description
1080P DVR mirror is the updated vers ion of 720P DVR mir ror. It has a front
cam era w ith w ide angle which i s 40% w ider than no rma l one. And you ca n
rec ord HD vid eos i n screen size o f 108 0P. When taking p hot os, i t can reac h
5 million pixels. When record ing videos , it ca n be 2 mi llion pixel s, 30
fra mes p er second. The image is cle ar an d smooth.
It has a built-in 4 .3 in ch high brig htn ess L CD mo nitor. Bri ght ness of
monitor automatically kee ps ch anging wit h amb ient light. The mirror is
defaul ted to be eq uip ped with a remote.(power-t urn o n/o ff sc ree n;
menu-turn on/off, sw itc h menu; mode-sw itc h mod e; re c-b egin/s top
rec ording ; up/ down.
DVR m irror pa sses E-MAR K / FCC / C -TI CK certifications and i s ROH S
com pliant.
Image sensor
Vid eo
192 0x1080、128 0x720
ese/Italy/Russian /Ge rma n/ Spanish
Display 4.3″ 16:
Foc us
Wo r k i n g
-30o- 70
Cable, user manual,
A2 S60