Crestron SIMPL Windows Symbol Guide

Crestron SIMPL™ Windows® Symbol Guide
Crestron Electronics, Inc.
15 Volvo Drive
Rockleigh, NJ 07647
All brand names, product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
©2002 Crestron Electronics, Inc.
Crestron SIMPL™ Windows® Software
Symbols 1
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................1
Device Symbols......................................................................................................................... 2
Cresnet Control Modules ................................................................................................... 2
Cresnet Audio Modules....................................................................................... 2
Cresnet Camera Controllers ..............................................................................11
Cresnet I/O & Other Modules ...........................................................................13
Cresnet Power Control Modules .......................................................................17
Cresnet Sensing Modules .................................................................................. 18
Cresnet Video Modules.....................................................................................19
Cresnet Remote Processing...............................................................................23
Ethernet Control Modules ................................................................................................ 29
Ethernet Modules (Crestron) ............................................................................. 29
Ethernet Modules (Generic) .............................................................................. 36
Ethernet Remote Processing..............................................................................42
Lighting............................................................................................................................ 43
Lighting (CLX-Series) ......................................................................................43
Lighting (Other) ................................................................................................45
Lighting (X-Series Compatible)........................................................................46
Plug-in Control Cards....................................................................................................... 46
Cards (2-Series Y Bus)......................................................................................46
Cards (2-Series Z Bus) ...................................................................................... 47
Cards (X-Series)................................................................................................ 47
Cards (DPA)...................................................................................................... 52
Built-in Control Cards...................................................................................................... 52
2-Series Built-in Cards......................................................................................52
X-Series Built-in Cards ..................................................................................... 55
CNXRMC/CNXRMCLV.................................................................................. 58
CN-TVAV/CEN-TVAV ...................................................................................61
Touchpanels .....................................................................................................................62
Cresnet Touchpanels .........................................................................................62
TPS Touchpanels ..............................................................................................62
Wireless One-Way Touchpanels ....................................................................... 63
Wireless Two-Way Touchpanels ......................................................................64
Poll Manager ..................................................................................................... 64
Touchpanel Sleep/Wake Manager..................................................................... 65
Wired Keypads................................................................................................................. 65
CNPI-16 ............................................................................................................65
CNPI-48 ............................................................................................................66
CNWM-8 ..........................................................................................................67
CNWMBG-10A ................................................................................................ 68
CNWMBG2-34A .............................................................................................. 69
CNWM-LU12 ...................................................................................................70
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CNWP-32.......................................................................................................... 72
CNWP-64.......................................................................................................... 73
CNWPBG2-32 ..................................................................................................74
CNWPBG2-64 ..................................................................................................74
CNX-B2 ............................................................................................................75
CNX-B4 ............................................................................................................76
CNX-B6 ............................................................................................................77
CNX-B8 ............................................................................................................79
CNX-B12 ..........................................................................................................80
Serial Drivers ...................................................................................................................82
Wireless Receivers ........................................................................................................... 83
Wireless Receivers (IR) ....................................................................................83
Wireless Receivers (RF)....................................................................................83
Wireless Remotes............................................................................................................. 84
Wireless Remotes (IR) ...................................................................................... 84
Wireless Remotes (RF) .....................................................................................87
TPS Series Touchpanels................................................................................................... 90
TPS Standard Joins............................................................................................90
TPS-XGA Reserved Joins.................................................................................90
Product Reserved Joins ...................................................................................104
RF Reserved Joins........................................................................................... 106
Discontinued ..................................................................................................................106
Cresnet Control Modules (Discontinued)........................................................ 106
Plug-in Control Cards (Discontinued)............................................................. 107
Wired Keypads (Discontinued) ....................................................................... 114
Local Control Panels (Discontinued) ..............................................................116
Wireless Remotes (Discontinued) ................................................................... 117
Wireless Receivers (Discontinued) .................................................................119
Logic Symbols....................................................................................................................... 120
Analog Operations.......................................................................................................... 120
Analog 2's Offset Converter............................................................................ 120
Analog Buffer..................................................................................................120
Analog DivMod ..............................................................................................121
Analog Equate.................................................................................................121
Analog Flip .....................................................................................................122
Analog Initialize..............................................................................................123
Analog Integral................................................................................................123
Analog Min/Max Scaler .................................................................................. 124
Analog Preset ..................................................................................................125
Analog Ramp ..................................................................................................125
Analog Rate Limiter........................................................................................ 126
Analog Scaler .................................................................................................. 126
Analog Scaler without Zero Pass ....................................................................127
Analog Scaling Buffer..................................................................................... 127
Analog Scaling Buffer about 50%................................................................... 128
Analog Step.....................................................................................................128
Analog Sum..................................................................................................... 128
Analog to Digital.............................................................................................129
Analog to Floating Point .................................................................................129
Analog to Indirect Text ...................................................................................130
Analog Value Sample......................................................................................130
Analog Variable Preset....................................................................................131
Decade............................................................................................................. 132
Digital Sum .....................................................................................................132
Digital to Analog............................................................................................. 132
Digital to Scaled Analog .................................................................................133
Floating Point to Analog .................................................................................133
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Multiple Analog Preset....................................................................................134
Numeric Keypad .............................................................................................134
Text Append.................................................................................................... 135
Conditional..................................................................................................................... 136
Analog Compare .............................................................................................136
Analog Comparison (Full Set) ........................................................................137
Binary Decoder ...............................................................................................138
Buffer ..............................................................................................................139
Exclusive NOR................................................................................................139
Exclusive OR ..................................................................................................140
NAND ............................................................................................................. 141
Negative Transition Gate ................................................................................141
NOR ................................................................................................................142
NOT ................................................................................................................142
Multiple NOT.................................................................................................. 143
OR ................................................................................................................... 143
Transition Gate................................................................................................144
Truth Table...................................................................................................... 144
Counters ......................................................................................................................... 145
Binary Counter ................................................................................................ 145
Ring Counter ................................................................................................... 146
Ring Counter with Seed ..................................................................................146
Debugging...................................................................................................................... 147
Analog Debugger ............................................................................................147
Digital/Analog/Serial Force ............................................................................147
Message to Computer Port ..............................................................................148
Serial Binary to Hex........................................................................................148
Serial Debugger (ASCII)................................................................................. 148
Serial Debugger (Hex) ....................................................................................148
Memory.......................................................................................................................... 149
Analog Non-Volatile Ramp.............................................................................149
Analog RAM...................................................................................................149
Analog RAM from Database........................................................................... 150
D Flip Flop ...................................................................................................... 151
Digital RAM....................................................................................................151
FIFO Queue..................................................................................................... 152
Interlock ..........................................................................................................153
JK Flip Flop ....................................................................................................154
Memory Interlock............................................................................................154
Serial Memory Search.....................................................................................155
Serial Queue.................................................................................................... 155
Serial RAM .....................................................................................................156
Serial RAM from Database ............................................................................. 157
Set/Reset Latch................................................................................................157
Toggle .............................................................................................................158
Interlock-Toggle.............................................................................................. 158
Serial ..............................................................................................................................159
Analog to Serial...............................................................................................159
ASCII Keypad.................................................................................................161
ASCII Serial Decoder......................................................................................162
Duple Encoder................................................................................................. 162
Duple Decoder ................................................................................................163
Serial/Analog One-Shot ..................................................................................164
Serial Buffer....................................................................................................164
Serial Concatenation .......................................................................................165
Serial Demultiplexor .......................................................................................165
Serial Demultiplexor (Special)........................................................................166
Serial Gather....................................................................................................167
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Serial I/O ......................................................................................................... 167
Make String Permanent...................................................................................168
Mouse Simulator ............................................................................................. 169
Serial Memory Dialer...................................................................................... 169
Serial Multiplexor (Special) ............................................................................ 170
Serial Substring ............................................................................................... 171
Serial Pacer......................................................................................................172
Serial Send ......................................................................................................173
Serial to Analog...............................................................................................173
Telephone Dialing Keypad.............................................................................. 175
Telephone Dialing Keypad w/o Backspace.....................................................175
Sequencing Operations................................................................................................... 176
Button Presser .................................................................................................176
Stepper ............................................................................................................176
Time/Date....................................................................................................................... 176
Clock Driver.................................................................................................... 176
Extended Clock Driver.................................................................................... 177
Set System Clock ............................................................................................178
Astronomical Clock.........................................................................................178
Time Offset .....................................................................................................180
Serialize Date ..................................................................................................180
When ............................................................................................................... 182
Timers ............................................................................................................................ 182
Delay ............................................................................................................... 182
Debounce ........................................................................................................183
One Shot.......................................................................................................... 183
Multiple One Shots..........................................................................................184
Pulse Stretcher................................................................................................. 185
Retriggerable One Shot ................................................................................... 185
Variable Delay ................................................................................................186
Variable Oscillator ..........................................................................................186
Logic Wave Delay........................................................................................... 187
Logic Wave Pulse ...........................................................................................187
Lighting.......................................................................................................................... 188
Set Lighting Level Cutoff................................................................................188
Signal Routing................................................................................................................ 188
Crosspoint Symbols.........................................................................................188
System Control............................................................................................................... 193
Intersystem Communications..........................................................................193
Intersystem Communications w/Status Req....................................................197
Hard Reset....................................................................................................... 198
Soft Reset ........................................................................................................ 198
Message to CPU..............................................................................................198
Software License Agreement................................................................................................. 200
Return and Warranty Policies................................................................................................ 202
Merchandise Returns / Repair Service ........................................................................... 202
CRESTRON Limited Warranty .....................................................................................202
iv Crestron SIMPL
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Crestron SIMPL™ Windows® Software


The intent of this Symbol Guide is to assist SIMPL™ Windows® users become familiar with the functional details of the device and logic symbols used in SIMPL programs.
The information in this guide was previously contained in the latest revision of the SIMPL™ Windows® Installation & Operations Guide (Doc. 5728). As Crestron engineers continually develop and improve the SIMPL Windows program, more and more symbols are added. The number of symbols is now such that they require this separate volume to simplify the process of locating desired information and keeping the guide current.
As new symbols are added to the SIMPL program, they will be included in the program’s Help file. Subsequently, they will be included in periodic updates of this guide.
NOTE: Many of the topics in this guide include one or more “See also” references to other topics that provide more detail on the subject being discussed. The references are hot-linked to the topics either through the topic name or through a page number location. Simply click on the link to jump directly to the topic.
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Device Symbols

Cresnet Control Modules

Cresnet Audio Modules

The CNAMPX-2x60 is a 2-channel, 60 watts per channel audio amplifier, typically used with the CNX-BIPAD8 and Crestron's room solution boxes for audio distribution via CAT5.
The CNAMPX-12x60 is a 12-channel, 60 watts per channel amplifier, typically used with the CNX-PAD8A in audio distribution systems.
The CNAMPX-7x200 is a 7-channel digital surround sound amplifier delivering 200 watts per channel into 8 ohms, or 300 watts per channel into 4 ohms.
The CNAMPX-7x40S120 is an 8-channel digital surround sound amplifier with 7 channels at 40 watts per channel, plus one subwoofer channel at 120 watts.
Digital inputs: <Main_Power>, <Enable_Temp_Rpt>, <Temp_Format>
Digital output: <OverRide_F>
Analog output: <Temp(x10)>0
The <Main_Power> input activates the main operating power to the CNAMPX circuitry for as long as <Main_Power> remains high. When the signal goes low, main power shuts off.
The <OverRide_F> output goes high whenever the override button on the back of the CNAMPX unit is pressed. This button manually turns on the unit's main power as well as all channels.
The <Temp(x10)> output reports the temperature inside the CNAMPX enclosure and updates that value every two seconds whenever the <Enable_Temp_Rpt> input is high. The temperature is displayed in the format specified by the <Temp_Format> input. If this signal is high, the temperature will be displayed in degrees Celsius; if low, degrees Fahrenheit.
See also CNX-BIPAD8 on page 3, CNX-PAD8A on page 4
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Digital inputs: <Main_Power>, <Rm1_En> through <Rm8_En>
Digital output: <OverRide_F>
The <Main_Power> input activates the main operating power to the CNAMPX circuitry when high. When the signal goes low, main power shuts off. After startup, the <Rm_En> signals activate the audio outputs of the corresponding room for as
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long as the input remains high. When the input goes low, the room amplifier is deactivated.
The <OverRide_F> output goes high whenever the override button on the back of the CNAMPX unit is pressed. This button manually turns on the unit's main power as well as all channels.
Digital input: <Enable_Temp_Rpt>, <Temp_Format>
Analog output: <Temp(x10)>
The <Temp(x10)> output assumes the value of the temperature inside the CNAMPX enclosure and updates that value every two seconds whenever the <Enable_Temp_Rpt> input is high. The temperature is displayed in the format specified by the <Temp_Format> input. If this signal is high, the temperature will be displayed in degrees Celsius; if low, degrees Fahrenheit.
Analog input: <Rm_To_Monitor>
Analog outputs: <LeftSigLevel> and <RghtSigLevel>
The <Rm_To_Monitor> input works with the <SigLevel> outputs to sample and display audio levels for a given room. For example, to display the audio levels for room seven, <Rm_To_Monitor> must be initialized to seven. The <SigLevel> outputs will then periodically sample the room's audio levels.
NOTE: The <Rm_To_Monitor> and <SigLevel> signals are intended for diagnostic purposes only, since <SigLevel> is updated intermittently and thus is not suitable for continual "real-time" display of audio levels. The default value for <Rm_To_Monitor> is zero, which means no room is monitored.
Digital outputs: <Rm1_Amp_Fault> through <Rm8_Amp_Fault> and <Rm1_Wire_Fault> through <Rm8_Wire_Fault>
The <Amp_Fault> outputs go high whenever there is an over-current or over temperature fault in the corresponding amplifier. The <Wire_Fault> outputs go high whenever there is a fault in the wires (or cables) of an amplifier.
When a fault occurs, all audio to the amplifier is cut and the CNAMPX unit will attempt to reset after a short period. Of course, if the reset fails the problem must be resolved manually before audio can be restored.
The CNAMPX-16x60 is a 16-channel, 60 watts per channel audio amplifier, typically used with the CNX-PAD8A in audio distribution systems.
See also CNX-PAD8A on page 4
Analog inputs: <src for rm1> through <src for rm8>
Digital inputs: <mute1> through <mute8> and <room-1-on> through
The <src for rm> analogs select the audio source for the specified room. For example, to distribute audio from input 3 to room 2, <src for rm2> must be set to 3 (typically via an Analog Initialize symbol). If <src for rm> equals 0, then no audio will be sent.
The following table gives the valid range of values for the <src for rm> analogs:
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Input Valid <src for rm> values
RCA 0 - 16
CAT5 0, 17 - 24
A room will continue to receive audio for as long as the corresponding <room-on> input is high. The <mute> inputs cut sound to a room for as long as <mute> remains high.
Digital inputs: <loudness1> through <loudness8>, <mono-mode-1> through <mono-mode-8>
Analog inputs: <volume1> through <volume8>, <min vol1> through <min vol8>, <max vol1> through <max vol8>
The <loudness> input activates the loudness function that is commonly available on stereo amplifiers. Similarly, <volume> controls the audio level for each room. Asserting a <mono-mode> input will change the room's audio setting from stereo to mono.
The <min vol> and <max vol> inputs represent scaling factors. That is, if <min vol> equals 20% and the corresponding <max vol> equals 80%, then the distributed output will be scaled accordingly.
Analog inputs: <balance1> through <balance8>, <bass1> through <bass8>, <treble1> through <treble8>, and <comp-src1> through <comp-src24>
The <balance>, <bass> and <treble> inputs specify levels for these settings relative to the 50% mark. That is, a <balance> input with a value of 50% indicates that audio is distributed evenly between the left and right speakers. Likewise, 50% indicates a neutral level for <treble> and <bass>.
The <comp-src> inputs are also measured relative to 50%. These signals represent source gain compensations that allow for normalization of audio levels for different sources. For example, the volume range of a VCR can be made equal to that of a CD player.
NOTE: The <balance>, <bass>, <treble> and <comp-src> signals each have a default value of 0%, which will lead to undesirable results if these signals are undefined. Thus it is necessary to use an Analog Initialize symbol to set these values to 50% in applications where these settings will not be controlled via SIMPL logic.
The CNX-BIPAD8 is an audio switcher that selects audio sources, and then distributes the audio to up to eight room amplifiers.
The CNX-BIPAD8 provides 16 RCA left/right input pairs (numbered 1-16) and 8 RCA outputs. In addition, the CNX-BIPAD8 provides 8 bi-directional RJ45 ports that enable CAT5 cabling to Crestron's CNX-RMCLV room solution boxes. The CAT5 connections are numbered 17-24.
4 Crestron SIMPL
Digital inputs: <mute1> through <mute8> and <room-1-on> through <room-8-on>
Analog inputs: <src for rm1> through <src for rm8>
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The <src for rm> analogs select the audio source for the specified room. For example, to distribute audio from input 3 to room 2, <src for rm2> must be set to 3 (typically via an Analog Initialize symbol). If <src for rm> equals 0, then no audio will be sent.
The valid range of values for the <src for rm> analogs is 0 through 16.
A room will continue to receive audio for as long as the corresponding <room-on> input is high. The <mute> inputs cut sound to a room for as long as <mute> remains high.
Digital inputs: <loudness1> through <loudness8>
Analog inputs: <volume1> through <volume8>, <min vol1> through
<min vol8>, <max vol1> through <max vol8>
The <loudness> input activates the loudness function that is commonly available on stereo amplifiers. Similarly, <volume> controls the audio level for each room.
The <min vol> and <max vol> inputs represent scaling factors. That is, if <min vol> equals 20% and the corresponding <max vol> equals 80%, then the distributed output will be scaled accordingly.
Analog inputs: <balance1> through <balance8>, <bass1> through <bass8>, <treble1> through <treble8>, and <comp-src1> through <comp-src8>
The <balance>, <bass> and <treble> inputs specify levels for these settings relative to the 50% mark. That is, a <balance> input with a value of 50% indicates that audio is distributed evenly between the left and right speakers. Likewise, 50% indicates a neutral level for <treble> and <bass>.
The <comp-src> inputs are also measured relative to 50%. These signals represent source gain compensations that allow for normalization of audio levels for different sources. For example, the volume range of a VCR can be made equal to that of a CD player.
NOTE: The <balance>, <bass>, <treble> and <comp-src> signals each have a default value of 0%, which will lead to undesirable results if these signals are undefined. Thus it is necessary to use an Analog Initialize symbol to set these values to 50%, in applications where these settings will not be controlled via SIMPL logic.
The CNX-PAD8A is an audio switcher that selects audio sources, and then distributes the audio to up to eight room amplifiers. It provides 8 sets of 4 RCA inputs (numbered 1-8), and 8 RCA outputs. (The PAD8A is an upgrade to the PAD8; both units have the same symbol detail.)
Digital inputs: <Up>, <Dn>, <Func>, <AM>, <FM>, <WX> and <TV>
Digital outputs: <Up-B>, <Dn-B>, <Func-B>, <AM-F>, <FM-F>, <WX-
F> and <TV-F>
The <Up> and <Dn> inputs advance or reverse the radio or TV station setting with each rising edge of the signal. If either of the <Up> or <Dn> inputs remains high
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for a period of time (as the result of a prolonged button press) the station settings will continue automatically changing for as long as the signal remains high.
The <AM>, <FM>, <WX> (weather) and <TV> inputs set the ST-TUNE unit to the corresponding band on the rising edge of the signal. Alternatively, the <Func> input will cause the ST-TUNE to cycle through the AM, FM, WX, and TV bands (in that order) with each rising edge of <Func>.
The interlocked <B> (button) and <F> outputs provide the corresponding feedback for each band.
Digital inputs: <Mode>, <Pre>, <Tune>, <Srch>, <Sense-High> and <Sense-Low>
Digital outputs: <Mode-B>, <Pre-F>, <Tune-F>, <Srch-F>
The <Pre> (preset), <Tune> and <Srch> inputs set the ST-TUNE unit to the corresponding mode on the rising edge of the signal. The <Pre> mode allows preset radio or TV stations to be selected on the rising edge of <Up> or <Dn>. In <Tune> mode, <Up> and <Dn> will increment or decrement settings by one unit.
In <Srch> mode, the setting jumps to the next available station on the rising edge of <Up> or <Dn>. To improve the search function, the <Sense-High> and <Sense- Low> inputs set the sensitivity of the ST-TUNE unit. <Sense-High> enables the ST-TUNE to pick up weaker stations.
The <Mode> input will cause the ST-TUNE to cycle through the preset, tune, and search modes (in that order) with each rising edge of the signal.
The interlocked <F> signals provide the corresponding feedback for each mode.
Digital inputs: <Mono>, <Mono-On> and <Mono-Off>
Digital outputs: <Mono-B>, <Mono-On-F>, <Mono-Off-F> and
The <Mono-On> and <Mono-Off> signals set the ST-TUNE to FM stereo or mono on the rising edge of the signal. Alternatively, the <Mono> input toggles between FM stereo and mono with each rising edge of the signal. The <Stereo-Detect> signal is high whenever the current FM station is being received in stereo.
The interlocking <B> and <F> signals provide the corresponding feedback for each mode.
Digital input: <Disable-Lcl-Btns>
When this input is high, the local functionality of the front panel buttons is disabled.
Analog inputs: <AM-Station>, <FM-Station>, <WX-Station> and <TV­Station>
Analog outputs: <AM-Station-F>, <FM-Station-F>, <WX-Station-F>, <TV-Station-F> and <Sig-Strength>
The <AM-Station> input sets the AM frequency of the ST-TUNE. Valid AM values increment by ten only and range from 530d through 1710d.
6 Crestron SIMPL
The <FM-Station> input sets the FM frequency of the ST-TUNE. Valid FM values increment by five only and range from 8950d through 10790d, with an implied decimal point two digits from the end. Thus, to specify FM station 102.7, <FM- Station> must be set to 10270d.
The <WX> input sets the weather station frequency of the ST-TUNE. Valid weather radio values increment by one only and range from 16240d through
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16255d, with an implied decimal point two digits from the end. Thus, to specify weather station 162.43, <WX> must be set to 16243d.
The <TV-Station> input sets the TV channel of the ST-TUNE. Valid values for TV channels differ depending on the mode of the ST-TUNE. Channel numbers increment by one.
The interlocked <F> outputs correspond to the current frequency of each band.
The <Sig-Strength> output is a stepped signal that indicates the strength of the FM station frequency. The steps are decimal 0, 8191, 16382, 24573, 32764, 40955, 49146, 57337 or hexadecimal 0, 1FFF, 3FFE, 5FFD, 7FFC, 9FFB, BFFA, DFF9. This signal applies only to FM frequencies.
NOTE: The <Srch> function described earlier works best when <Sig-Strength> reads 24573d (5FFD hex) or above for low sensitivity (<Sense-Low>), or 40955 (9FFB hex) or above for high sensitivity (<Sense-High>).
The following table lists program numbers, channels, and corresponding frequencies for international TV reception:
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The STI-TUNE is the international version of Crestron's AM/FM/weather radio and television tuner.
Digital inputs: <Up>, <Dn>, <Func>, <AM>, <FM>, <WX> and <TV>
Digital outputs: <Up-B>, <Dn-B>, <Func-B>, <AM-F>, <FM-F>, <WX-
F> and <TV-F>
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The <AM>, <FM>, <WX> (weather) and <TV> inputs set the ST-TUNE to the corresponding band on the rising edge of the signal. Alternatively, the <Func> input will cause the ST-TUNE to cycle through the AM, FM, WX, and TV bands (in that order) with each rising edge of <Func>.
The <Up> and <Dn> inputs advance or reverse the radio or TV channel with each rising edge of the signal. If either of the <Up> or <Dn> inputs remains high for a period of time (as the result of a prolonged button press) the channel will continue to change automatically for as long as the signal remains high.
The interlocked <B> (button) and <F> outputs provide the corresponding feedback for each band.
Digital inputs: <Mode>, <Pre>, <Tune>, <Srch>, <Sense-High> and <Sense-Low>
Digital outputs: <Mode-B>, <Pre-F>, <Tune-F>, <Srch-F>
The <Pre> (preset), <Tune> and <Srch> inputs set the ST-TUNE unit to the corresponding mode on the rising edge of the signal. The <Pre> mode allows preset radio or TV stations to be selected on the rising edge of <Up> or <Dn>. In <Tune> mode, <Up> and <Dn> will increment or decrement settings by one unit.
In <Srch> mode, the setting jumps to the next available station on the rising edge of <Up> or <Dn>. To improve the search function, the <Sense-High> and <Sense- Low> inputs set the sensitivity of the ST-TUNE. <Sense-High> enables the ST­TUNE to pick up weaker stations.
The <Mode> input will cause the ST-TUNE to cycle through the preset, tune, and search modes (in that order) with each rising edge of the signal.
The interlocked <F> signals provide the corresponding feedback for each mode.
Digital inputs: <Mono>, <Mono-On> and <Mono-Off>
Digital outputs: <Mono-B>, <Mono-On-F>, <Mono-Off-F> and <Stereo-
The <Mono-Off> and <Mono-On> signals set the ST-TUNE to FM stereo or mono on the rising edge of the signal. Alternatively, the <Mono> input toggles between FM stereo and mono with each rising edge of the signal. The <Stereo-Detect> signal is high whenever the current FM station is being received in stereo.
The interlocking <B> and <F> signals provide the corresponding feedback for each mode.
Digital inputs: <SAP-On> and <SAP-Off>
Digital outputs: <SAP-On-F> and <SAP-Off-F>
The <SAP> inputs turn television SAP (Second Audio Program for foreign language) reception on or off on the rising edge of the signal, with the interlocked <F> signals providing the corresponding feedback.
Digital input: <Disable-Lcl-Btns>
When this input is high, the local functionality of the front panel buttons is disabled.
Digital inputs: <Off-Air>, <STD>, <IRC> and <HRC>
These are four modes for United States TV reception. In each mode, the channels map to different frequencies. The mode changes on the rising edge of the next frequency change.
Analog inputs: <AM-Station>, <FM-Station>, <WX-Station> and <TV­Station>
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Analog outputs: <AM-Station-F>, <FM-Station-F>, <WX-Station-F>, <TV-Station-F> and <Sig-Strength>
The <AM-Station> input sets the AM frequency of the ST-TUNE. Valid AM values increment by ten only and range from 530d through 1710d.
The <FM-Station> input sets the FM frequency of the ST-TUNE. Valid FM values increment by five only and range from 8950d through 10790d, with an implied decimal point two digits from the end. Thus, to specify FM station 102.7, <FM- Station> must be set to 10270d.
The <WX> input sets the weather station frequency of the ST-TUNE. Valid weather radio values increment by one only and range from 16240d through 16255d, with an implied decimal point two digits from the end. Thus, to specify weather station 162.43, <WX> must be set to 16243d.
The <TV-Station> input sets the TV channel of the ST-TUNE. Valid values for TV channels differ depending on the mode of the ST-TUNE. Channel numbers increment by one.
The interlocked <F> outputs correspond to the current frequency of each band.
The <Sig-Strength> output is a stepped signal that indicates the strength of the FM station frequency. The steps are decimal 0, 8191, 16382, 24573, 32764, 40955, 49146, 57337 or hexadecimal 0, 1FFF, 3FFE, 5FFD, 7FFC, 9FFB, BFFA, DFF9. This signal applies only to FM frequencies.
NOTE: The <Srch> function described earlier works best when <Sig-Strength> reads 24573d (5FFD hex) or above for low sensitivity (<Sense-Low>), or 40955 (9FFB hex) or above for high sensitivity (<Sense-High>).
The ST-TUNE is an AM/FM/weather radio and television tuner.
Four digital inputs: <mutea> through <mutec>, and <muteall>
Nine analog inputs: <volA> through <volC>, <trebA> through <trebC>,
and <bassA> through <bassC>
The ST-VC is a three-channel audio attenuator with settings for volume, tone (bass/treble) and muting. Each channel (A through C) can have discrete ramp times, scaling factors, preset levels, and so forth. Alternatively, multiple channels can have the same settings to support stereo applications.
Each channel also has a corresponding muting relay with 104 dB attenuation. That is, when any of the <muteA> through <muteC> inputs goes high, the muting circuit provides a 104 dB drop from the current volume level. When a <mute> input goes low, the volume setting returns to its previous level.
10 Crestron SIMPL
The <muteall> input mutes all channels for as long as <muteall> remains high. When <muteall> goes low, all channels return to their previous settings.
Windows® Symbol Guide – DOC. 6120
Crestron SIMPL™ Windows® Software

Cresnet Camera Controllers

Speed Key Name: cami2
Serial input: <tx$>
Digital inputs: <RTS>, <Iris>, <BREAK> and <Mode Set>
Analog inputs: <foc_set>, <zoom_set>, <foc_rate>, <zoom_rate>,
<iris_rate> and <iris_set>
Serial output: <rx$>
Analog outputs: <foc_pos> and <zoom_pos>
The CNXFZ controls the focus, zoom and iris (aperture) settings of a video camera lens, in either position or rate mode. In position mode, the <set> inputs specify the exact focus, zoom and iris settings. Whenever a <set> input changes value, the camera will adjust to the new setting at maximum speed.
In rate mode, the <rate> inputs adjust these parameters at speeds relative to the 50% mark. That is, whenever a <rate> input equals 50% the corresponding setting will hold steady and the camera lens will remain fixed. If a <rate> input goes above or below 50%, the lens will adjust at a proportional speed until <rate> once again equals 50% (or the lens has reached its limit). This means that in most applications <rate> values of 25% and 75% represent half-speed, while values of 0% and 100% represent the maximum speed of the lens.
NOTE: The position and rate modes can override each other; the "controlling" mode is determined by whichever <set> or <rate> input last changes.
The <pos> outputs represent the current values for each setting (regardless of whether the lens is in position or rate mode). These values can be stored and used to define analog presets.
The <Iris> input opens or closes iris control contacts. This signal is similar to a relay contact, and on most lenses can be used to toggle between automatic (programmed) and manual control of the iris.
The <Mode Set> input is used only with Canon KTS or Fujinon MD, BMD series lenses, which have an input that allows switching between rate and position modes.
Serial Data
Some cameras have serial COM ports that enable serial communication. For these applications, <tx$> and <rx$> transmit data to and from the camera in whatever protocol is specified for the camera in Configuration Manager. (This protocol will be described in the manufacturer's documentation.)
The <RTS> (request to send) input is a hardware handshaking signal, and is enabled only if the Hardware Handshake setting in Configuration Manager is set to None. The <BREAK> signal is required by some devices, and interrupts serial transmission by driving the transmit pin of the associated COM port low.
See also CPC-CAMI on page 12
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Software Crestron SIMPL™ Windows
Eight analog outputs: <pan_joy>, <tilt_joy>, <zoom_joy>, <foc_joy>, <pan_spd>, <tilt_spd>, <zoom_spd> and <foc_spd>
The CPC-2000A is a joystick-camera controller that consists of a touch screen with dual joysticks and adjustable speed knobs. The outputs of the symbol must be routed through an Analog Scaling Buffer about 50% symbol to drive the inputs of a CPC-CAMI.
The <joy> outputs specify the pan (horizontal) and tilt (vertical) position of the camera, as well as the focus and zoom settings. The <spd> outputs specify the speed of the camera movement.
See also Analog Scaling Buffer about 50%, CPC-CAMI on page 12
Serial input: <tx$>
Digital inputs: <RTS>, <Iris>, <BREAK>, <Mode Set>
Analog inputs: <tilt_set>, <pan_set>, <foc_set>, <zoom_set> and
Analog inputs: <tilt_rate>, <pan_rate>, <foc_rate>, <zoom_rate>, <iris_rate> and <speed_limit>
Serial output: <rx$>
Analog outputs: <tilt_pos>, <pan_pos>, <foc_pos> and <zoom_pos>
The CPC-CAMI enables control of a video camera, in either position or rate mode. In position mode, the <set> inputs specify the exact pan (horizontal) and tilt (vertical) position of the camera, as well as the exact focus, zoom and iris (aperture) settings. Whenever a <set> input changes value, the camera will adjust to the new setting at maximum speed.
In rate mode, the <rate> inputs adjust these parameters at speeds relative to the 50% mark. That is, whenever a <rate> input equals 50% the corresponding setting will hold steady and the camera (or lens) will not move. If a <rate> input goes above or below 50%, the camera will move at a proportional speed until <rate> once again equals 50% (or the camera has reached its limit). This means that in most applications <rate> values of 25% and 75% represent half-speed, while values of 0% and 100% represent the camera's maximum speed.
The <speed_limit> input permits the scaling of the pan/tilt speed. Speed limit does not affect lens action.
12 Crestron SIMPL
The position and rate modes can override each other; the "controlling" mode is determined by whichever <set> or <rate> input last changes.
The <pos> outputs represent the current values for each setting (regardless of whether the camera is in rate or position mode). These values can be stored and used to define analog presets.
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Crestron SIMPL™ Windows® Software
The <Iris> input opens or closes iris control contacts. This signal is similar to a relay contact, and on most lenses can be used to toggle between automatic (programmed) and manual control of the iris.
The <Mode Set> input is used only with Canon KTS or Fujinon MD, BMD series lenses, which have an input that allows switching between rate mode and position mode.
Serial Data
Some cameras have serial COM ports that enable serial communication. For these applications, <tx$> and <rx$> transmit data to and from the camera in whatever protocol is specified for the camera in Configuration Manager. (This protocol will be described in the manufacturer's documentation.)
The <RTS> (request to send) input is a hardware handshaking signal, and is enabled only if the Hardware Handshake setting in Configuration Manager is set to None. The <BREAK> signal is required by some devices, and interrupts serial transmission by driving the transmit pin of the associated COM port low.

Cresnet I/O & Other Modules

One digital input: <unlatch>
Five digital outputs: <unlatched>, <PanelPresent>, <Charging>,
<ChargeDone> and <ChargeFault>
The BB/DA-1550CW is a docking assembly for the STX-1550CW compact color touchpanel. On the rising edge of <unlatch>, the back box that supports the touchpanel disengages for five seconds. (If the touchpanel is not physically removed from the back box within that time, it will reattach to the docking assembly.) The <unlatched> output is high whenever the back box is unlatched.
The <PanelPresent> output is high whenever the touchpanel is docked, and low when the touchpanel is not docked.
The <Charging> output is high whenever the touchpanel is docked and charging. The <ChargeDone> output is high whenever the touchpanel is docked and fully charged.
The <ChargeFault> output goes high whenever there is a charge fault, i.e., a problem with the hardware, contacts, or network voltage.
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Windows® 13
Software Crestron SIMPL™ Windows
Two serial inputs: <data> and <keyout>
The CNMK is a mouse/keyboard wedge, so called because it "wedges" between the mouse or keyboard and the computer console. In this way, it allows the control system to send commands to the PC, which the PC accepts as if it were coming from the mouse or keyboard. The CNMK is typically used to facilitate boardroom or classroom presentations. Both the <data> and <keyout> serial inputs are issued from the control system to the PC.
The <data> input controls mouse functions and is usually driven by the CNWM (wireless mouse) remote controller. This controller has customizable buttons for right and left clicks, as well as a pressure sensitive thumb pad that is used to position the cursor.
The <keyout> input controls the keyboard. Here the buttons on the CNWM can be programmed to trigger keyboard functions.
The PC interface is designed to allow maximum flexibility in defining certain keyboard operations. This is accomplished by having the keyboard return scan codes rather than ASCII codes. Each key generates a "make" scan code when pressed and a "break" scan code when released. The computer system then interprets the scan codes to determine what operation to perform.
As shown below, each key on the keyboard is assigned a "Find" number that corresponds to the Make and Break scan codes.
The following table lists the scan codes that apply to each key. For example, the "S" key corresponds to the number 32. Thus, the Make scan code for this key is \x1B and the Break scan code is \xF0\x1B.
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Crestron SIMPL™ Windows® Software
See also CNWM on page 88, Mouse Simulator
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Software Crestron SIMPL™ Windows
Five digital inputs: <pwr>, <fwd>, <rev>, <foc+> and <foc->
Six digital outputs: <i1> through <i5> and <(AC) i6>
The CNSC-1A is a slide projector interface. The <pwr> input sends main power to the projector, while the <fwd> and <rev> inputs advance and reverse the projector's slide mechanism. The two <foc> inputs adjust the focus settings.
The CNSC-1A also accepts five input closures. The <(AC) i6> input goes high whenever the AC OUT switch on the front of the unit is pressed.
One serial input: <TX$>
One serial output: <RX$>
The CNTV is used in SchoolNet or stand-alone applications to control TVs and other devices. The serial protocol that the CNTV requires differs depending on the application. This protocol must be custom-programmed into the firmware by Crestron.
The ST-COM provides two serial COM ports (A and B) that enable RS-232, RS­424, and RS-485 communication.
Each port has a built-in serial driver with communication settings that must be specified in Configuration Manager. These settings define the protocol that a controlled serial device expects, and include the speed of data transmission (baud rate), error checking (parity), and the number of data bits and stop bits. In addition, a device might require hardware or software handshaking, which controls the flow of data between two devices. The exact protocol will be described in the manufacturer's documentation.
The Crestron database includes numerous serial devices, with default logic and pre­configured communication settings, that are compatible with the ports on the ST-
COM. These devices are identified in Configuration Manager by a Simply drag the serial device to one of the ports on the ST-COM and click Yes when prompted to replace the built-in serial driver for that port. In most cases, the default logic should be loaded as well.
The ST-COM symbol detail requires no programming.
16 Crestron SIMPL
To program a serial driver expand the ST-COM by clicking the plus sign in Program View. Then drag the desired serial driver to Detail View.
See also Serial Drivers
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Crestron SIMPL™ Windows® Software
ST-LT is an interface to Lutron's GRAFIK EYE™ system. It provides two serial COM ports (A and B) with built-in serial drivers. Port A (Lutron Port) connects directly into the Lutron Mux Link, whereas Port B (9600 Port) is an RS-232 port (set to a baud rate of 9600) for interfacing to a PC running Lutron control software.
The ST-LT symbol detail requires no programming.
To program a serial driver expand the ST-COM by clicking the plus sign in Program View. Then drag the desired serial driver to Detail View.
See also Serial Drivers
Eight digital inputs: <relay1> through <relay8>
Four digital outputs: <i1> through <i4>
The ST-IO provides eight isolated relays for controlling low voltage contact closure devices such as drapes, screens and lifts. It also provides four local digital outputs.
When a <relay> signal goes high, the corresponding relay closes for as long as the signal remains high. When the signal goes low, the relay opens. If a signal is undefined, the relay is open.
The four local <i> outputs can function in either closure or voltage mode. In closure mode (the default setting), an <i> signal goes high whenever the interface detects the presence of a switch or relay closure to ground. In voltage mode, the <i> signal goes high when it detects the presence of an active voltage (voltages > 2.5V = logic 1, and voltages < 1.5V = logic low).

Cresnet Power Control Modules

Four digital inputs: <relay1> through <relay4>
Eight digital outputs: <i1> through <i8>
The CNECI-4A is a wall-mounted interface for controlling low voltage contact closure devices such as drapes, screens and lifts. It provides four isolate relays, typically driven by a CT-3000 touchpanel, and eight local digital outputs.
When a <relay> signal goes high, the corresponding relay closes for as long as the signal remains high. When the signal goes low, the relay opens. If a signal is undefined, the relay is open.
The eight <i> outputs can function in either closure or voltage mode. In closure mode (the default setting), an <i> signal goes high whenever the interface detects the presence of a switch or relay closure to ground. In voltage mode, the <i> signal goes high when it detects the presence of an active voltage (voltages > 2.5V = logic 1, and voltages < 1.5V = logic low).
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Software Crestron SIMPL™ Windows
Two digital inputs: <pwrA> and <pwrB>
Two digital outputs: <pressA> and <pressB>
The ST-PC incorporates two independent AC sockets into one unit. The <pwr> inputs supply power to a device; the <press> outputs go high whenever the corresponding push button on the ST-PC is pressed.

Cresnet Sensing Modules

The CNTS-N detects and measures ambient room temperature. Typically, the temperature reading is transmitted to a touchpanel via an Analog Scaler symbol. The various gauge objects available in VT Pro-e can then display the value in a number of formats.
One analog output: <temp>
Four digital outputs: <Full Sense 1>, <Full Sense 2>, <Partial Sense 1> and <Partial Sense 2>
The ST-CS incorporates two independent current sensors in one unit. The <Full Sense> outputs go high whenever the average current drawn by a monitored device
exceeds the upper threshold that is specified for that device.
The <Partial Sense> outputs go high when the current drawn by the device exceeds an intermediate threshold.
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Digital outputs: <sense1> through <sense4>
The ST-VS detects the presence of up to four discrete base band video signals. Whenever a video signal is detected from a monitored device, such as a VCR or television tuner, the corresponding <sense> output goes high. This signal can then trigger a relay to lower a screen, for example, or turn lights on or off in a room.
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Crestron SIMPL™ Windows® Software

Cresnet Video Modules

3 levels of 8 analog inputs: <Src-For-Out-1-Level-N> through <Src-For- Out-8-Level-N>
3 levels of 16 digital outputs: <Sense-In-1-Level-N> through <Sense-In- 16-Level-N>
The CNX-PVID8x3 is a video matrix switcher that selects video sources and distributes the video to up to 8 outputs. It provides 3 levels, or tiers, of 16 RCA inputs and 3 levels of 8 RCA outputs. It also provides 8 RJ45 connectors that enable CAT5 cabling to Crestron's CNXRMC and CNXRMCLV room solution boxes.
The <Src-For-Out-M-Level-N> analogs select the video source for an output as follows: the signal is set (typically via an Analog Initialize symbol) to a value that corresponds to the video source. This value can range from 1-32, depending on the hardware configuration. If a signal is set to 0, no video is sent. <Out-M> specifies the output (1-8), while <Level-N> gives the level (1-3).
The following tables give the valid range of analog values for three different hardware configurations.
Standard Configuration (maximum 16 sources)
Level Allowable range of analog values
1 0 - 16
2 0 - 16
3 0 - 16
J13 Configuration (Levels 1 and 3 are jumpered together - maximum 32 sources)
Level Allowable range of analog values
1 0 - 32 (17-32 represent inputs on Level 3)
2 0 - 16
3 unused
J13S Configuration (Level 3 is split - maximum 24 sources)
Level Allowable range of analog values
1 0 - 24 (17-24 represent inputs on Level 3)
2 0 - 16
3 0, 9 - 16
Example 1 (Standard Configuration): A component video source is connected to input 3 (Levels 1, 2, and 3). To distribute video to output 5, the following analogs must be set to 3:
<Src-For-Out-5-Level-1> = 3 <Src-For-Out-5-Level-2> = 3 <Src-For-Out-5-Level-3> = 3
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Software Crestron SIMPL™ Windows
Example 2 (Standard Configuration): A composite video source is connected to input 15 (Level 1). To distribute video to outputs 2, 5, and 7, the following analogs must be set to 15:
<Src-For-Out-2-Level-1> = 15 <Src-For-Out-5-Level-1> = 15
<Src-For-Out-7-Level-1> = 15
Example 3 (Standard Configuration): An S video source is connected to input 12
(Levels 1 and 2). To distribute video to outputs 1 and 4, the following analogs must be set to 12:
<Src-For-Out-1-Level-1> = 12 <Src-For-Out-1-Level-2> = 12 <Src-For-Out-4-Level-1> = 12 <Src-For-Out-4-Level-2> = 12
Example 4 (J13 Configuration): A composite video source is connected to input
27. To distribute video to outputs 2 and 3, the following analogs must be set to 27 (16 + 11):
<Src-For-Out-2-Level-1> = 27 <Src-For-Out-3-Level-1> = 27
The CNX-PVID provides 16 built-in video sensors that can be used for synchronization or diagnostics. The <Sense-In> outputs will go high whenever the presence of a video signal is detected at the corresponding input and level.
4 levels of 8 analog inputs: <Src-For-Out-1-Level-N> through <Src-For- Out-8-Level-N>
4 levels of 16 digital outputs: <Sense-In-1-Level-N> through <Sense-In- 16-Level-N>
The CNX-PVID8x4 is a video matrix switcher that selects video sources and distributes the video to up to 8 outputs. It provides all the functionality of the CNX­PVID8x3, with the additional capability of distributing digital audio.
The CNX-PVID8x4 provides 4 levels, or tiers, of 16 RCA inputs and 4 levels of 8 RCA outputs. It also provides 8 RJ45 connectors that enable CAT5 cabling to Crestron's CNXRMC and CNXRMCLV room solution boxes.
The <Src-For-Out-M-Level-N> analogs select the video source for an output as follows: the signal is set (typically via an Analog Initialize symbol) to a value that corresponds to the video source. This value can range from 1-32, depending on the hardware configuration. If a signal is set to 0, no video is sent. <Out-M> specifies the output (1-8), while <Level-N> gives the level (1-4).
20 Crestron SIMPL
The following tables give the valid range of analog values for three different hardware configurations.
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Crestron SIMPL™ Windows® Software
Standard Configuration (maximum 16 sources)
Level Allowable range of analog values
1 0 - 16 2 0 - 16 3 0 - 16 4 0 - 16
J13 Configuration (Levels 1 and 3 are jumpered together - maximum 32 sources)
Level Allowable range of analog values
1 0 - 32 (17-32 represent inputs on Level 3)
2 0 - 16
3 unused
4 0 - 16
J13S Configuration (Level 3 is split - maximum 24 sources)
Level Allowable range of analog values
1 0 - 24 (17-24 represent inputs on Level 3)
2 0 - 16
3 0, 9 - 16
4 0 - 16
Example 1 (Standard Configuration): A component video source with digital audio is connected to input 3 (Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4). To distribute video and digital audio to output 5, the following analogs must be set to 3:
<Src-For-Out-5-Level-1> = 3 <Src-For-Out-5-Level-2> = 3 <Src-For-Out-5-Level-3> = 3 <Src-For-Out-5-Level-4> = 3
Example 2 (Standard Configuration): A composite video source with no digital audio is connected to input 15 (Level 1). To distribute video to output 2, the following analogs must be set to 15:
<Src-For-Out-2-Level-1> = 15
Example 3 (Standard Configuration): An S video source with digital audio is
connected to input 12 (Levels 1, 2 and 4). To distribute video and digital audio to output 1, the following analogs must be set to 12:
<Src-For-Out-1-Level-1> = 12 <Src-For-Out-1-Level-2> = 12 <Src-For-Out-1-Level-4> = 12
Example 4 (J13 Configuration): A composite video source with digital audio is connected to input 27. To distribute video and digital audio to output 3, the following analogs must be set to the corresponding values:
<Src-For-Out-3-Level-1> = 27 <Src-For-Out-2-Level-4> = 11
The CNX-PVID provides 16 built-in video sensors that can be used for synchronization or diagnostics. The <Sense-In> outputs will go high whenever the presence of a video signal is detected at the corresponding input and level.
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Windows® 21
Software Crestron SIMPL™ Windows
The CNX-RMC room solution box is typically used in video distribution applications with the CNX-PVID8. The CNX-RMC receives video and digital audio via CAT5 cabling and then distributes these inputs to local outputs. It also provides a current sensor, 4 infrared (IR) ports and 1 RS-232 port for controlling local devices.
The CNX-RMC symbol detail requires no programming.
To program a control card or device driver, expand the CNX-RMC by clicking the plus sign in Program Manager, then drag the device to Detail View.
The CNX-RMCLV room solution box contains an 8x8 video matrix switcher, and is typically used with the CNX-PVID8 in video distribution applications.
The CNX-RMCLV receives video and digital audio from the CNX-PVID8 via CAT5 cabling. It can also receive analog audio via CAT5 from a CNX-BIPAD8. And it can receive video/digital audio and analog audio from local sources via standard RCA connections. The built-in Audio/Video Matrix Control module distributes these inputs to local outputs.
The CNX-RMCLV also provides 4 current sensors, 4 infrared (IR) ports and 1 RS­232 port for controlling local devices. Finally, it provides outputs for directing video and digital audio back to the head end.
The CNX-RMCLV symbol detail requires no programming.
To program a control card or device driver, expand the CNX-RMCLV by clicking the plus sign in Program Manager, then drag the device to Detail View.
The CNXVGA enables the display of RGB video on Crestron VT-3500(L) touchpanels.
The CNXVGA accepts RGB video in most standard formats (VGA, SVGA, MAC, etc.) and outputs either composite or S video.
Digital inputs: <RGB>, <Video> and <out_disable>
Digital outputs: <RGB_on>, <Video_on>
The <RGB> and <Video> inputs select the video format of the source, on the rising edge of the signal, with the <on> outputs providing the corresponding feedback. The <out_disable> signal cuts off the video output for as long as the signal is high.
Digital inputs: <in_adj> and <out_adj>
22 Crestron SIMPL
Digital inputs: <up>, <down>, <left>, <right>, <width+>, <width->,
<height+>, <height-> and <save_settings>
Digital inputs: <in_recenter> and <out_recenter>
The <in_adj> input enables the user to position and size the RGB image on the touch screen. The <out_adj> input is used to define the viewing area for applications where the target device is not a VT-3500(L) touchpanel. When either of these inputs is high, the positional inputs (<up>, <down>, <left>, <right>,
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Crestron SIMPL™ Windows® Software
<width> and <height>) will adjust the display in single steps with each rising edge of the input.
Once the desired dimensions are obtained, a rising edge of the <save_settings> input will store the parameters into a preset memory location. (This location is specified by the <preset#> output, discussed later.)
During adjustment of the dimensions, the <in_recenter> input re-synchronizes the CNXVGA with the input signal, should the image move out of the viewing area. The input triggers a "best guess" adjustment based on the detected incoming signal. The <out_recenter> input simply restores the <out_adj> factory settings for the VT-3500.
Digital input: <autodetect_off>
By default, the CNXVGA is set to auto detect all incoming signals. In the case of a stand-alone application this is needed to sense the incoming signal and adjust to its parameters on the fly. If an application requires discrete preset selections, the <autodetect_off> input should be set to 1.
Digital inputs: <preset_1> through <preset_25>, and <clear_preset>
Digital output: <preset_empty>
To use discrete preset selections, the <autodetect_off> input must be low. The <clear_preset> input can be used to erase all of the settings in the selected preset memory. The <preset_empty> output goes high whenever the presets have been cleared.
Analog outputs: <preset#>, <vfreq> and <hfreq>
The <preset#> output gives the value of the currently selected preset memory location, while the <freq> outputs report the values of the current horizontal and vertical input frequencies.

Cresnet Remote Processing

The CN-TVAV controls devices such as TVs, VCRs, DVD players, and switchers in one of three processing modes: local, remote, or mixed.
In local processing mode, the CN-TVAV operates as an independent control system, uploaded with a SIMPL Windows logic program to control network devices.
In remote processing mode, the CN-TVAV operates in a master/slave arrangement whereby the unit is controlled by another control system, typically a CNMSX-Pro. Here the CN-TVAV is a peripheral device within the program of the host control system. Thus all the functionality of the unit is accessed via the host control system, with no programming in the CN-TVAV itself. Remote processing makes five slots available on the CN-TVAV.
Mixed processing mode, as the name suggests, combines local processing and remote processing. That is, some functionality is programmed into the unit whereas other commands come from a host control system. For example, the Versiports might be used to control equipment via the program in the CN-TVAV, while the IR Port might be accessed by the host control system (with no IR driver in the CN­TVAV). Mixed processing makes three slots available on the CN-TVAV.
The CN-TVAV symbol detail requires no programming.
To program a built-in card or device driver expand the CN-TVAV by clicking the plus sign in Program View. Then drag the device to Detail View.
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Software Crestron SIMPL™ Windows
Digital inputs: <dig-o1> through <dig-o999>
Analog inputs: <an_o1> through <an_o254>
Serial inputs: <serial-o1> through <serial-o127>
Digital outputs: <dig-i1> through <dig-i999>
Analog outputs: <an_i1> through <an_i254>
Serial outputs: <serial-i1> through <serial-i127>
The CN-ISC symbol is an Intersystem Communications (ISC) symbol that enables communication between a CN-TVAV and another control system.
Processing Modes
The CN-TVAV controls devices such as TVs, VCRs, DVD players, and switchers in one of three processing modes: local, remote, or mixed. The CN-ISC symbol is available when the CN-TVAV operates in either local or mixed processing mode; it is not needed when the unit operates in remote processing mode.
In local processing mode, the CN-TVAV operates as an independent control system, uploaded with a SIMPL Windows logic program to control network devices. Depending on the application, the CN-TVAV may or may not have to communicate with another control system. If it does need to communicate with another control system, then 16 discrete symbols (channels) are available on slot 05 of the unit.
In remote processing mode, the CN-TVAV operates in a master/slave arrangement whereby the unit is controlled by another control system, typically a CNMSX-Pro. Here the CN-TVAV is a peripheral device within the program of the host control system. Thus all the functionality of the unit is accessed via the host control system, with no programming in the CN-TVAV itself. As described previously, the CN-ISC symbol is not needed in remote processing mode, since in this instance the CEN­TVAV is simply another controlled network device.
Mixed processing mode, as the name suggests, combines local processing and remote processing. That is, some functionality is programmed into the unit whereas other commands come from a host control system. For example, the Versiports might be used to control equipment via the program in the CN-TVAV, while the IR Port might be accessed by the host control system (with no IR driver in the CN­TVAV). In these applications, the host must communicate with the CN-TVAV via the CN-ISC symbol that is built into slot 05 of the device. The 16 channels will be visible in Program Manager.
Symbol Description
An ISC symbol can have practically any number and combination of digital, analog, and serial inputs and outputs. Whenever any of its inputs changes value, the symbol transmits this information across the network. On the receiving end, the data comes into a second ISC symbol, which drives its outputs to the corresponding values.
24 Crestron SIMPL
The inputs of an ISC symbol are mapped to the outputs of another ISC symbol as follows: all signals are internally numbered by position, starting at 0. Thus the index of the first defined signal is 0, the index of the second is 1, the third, 2, and so forth. Since signals are mapped by index, it is not necessary for input/output "pairs" to
Windows® Symbol Guide – DOC. 6120
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