Theproduct warranty canbe found at
Thespecific patents that cover Crestronproductsare listed at
Certain Crestronproductscontainopen source software. For specific information, visit
Crestron, theCrestronlogo, CrestronAvia, and CrestronToolboxare either trademarks or registered trademarks of
CrestronElectronics, Inc. in the United States and/orothercountries. Bugzilla is eithera trademark orregistered
trademark of the Mozilla Foundation in the United States and/orothercountries. ShoreTel iseithera trademark or
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l Registrationwithdigestauthentication
l BasiccallswithG711uandG711acodecs
l Dual-ToneMulti-Frequency(DTMF)support
l Earlymediasupport
l Retrievalof aparkedcall
l Transfereein acalltransfer
l Conferenceparticipant
l Memberof hunt group
l DND (Do NotDisturb)
l CallerID presentation
l Callholdandresume
l Callforwardingonthedevice(forwardingcanbeconfiguredonthePrivateBranch
l Callwaiting
l Initiatingconference
l Initiatinganattendedcalltransfer
l Initiatinganearlyattendedcalltransfer
l Initiatingablindcalltransfer
l Sharedline(configurationof sharedlineondevice)
l Initiatingcallpark
l MessageWaitingIndicator(MWI)
Knownissues andlimitations include:
l No supportforcallerIDontheCrestron AviaDSP.(Thisissuewas trackedvia
l TheDSP doesnot support Musicon HoldwhenintegratedwiththeAvayaAuraPBX.
l No supportforMWI onthe Crestron AviaDSP.(thisissuewastrackedviaBugzilla
l TheDSP failsto playa reordertonewhena callfrom theDSP toaPBXextension
l Howtosetup connectionsto theamplifierand speaker
l Howtoaccess theDSPon thenetwork(oncepowered)
l HowtoconfiguretheDSPfor registrationandintegrationwiththeShoreTel
Makethe followingconnections:
l ConnectmicrophonetoDSP MIC/LINE INPUTSport1
l ConnectDSP LINE OUTPUTSport 1 to"AudioIn" onamplifier
l Connect"AudioOut"of amplifiertospeaker
l ConnectLAN portto network
l ConnectVOIPportto network